~AL REPORTS OF TilE TOWN OFFICERS, ~ OJ.' THE TOWN OF AMHERST, FOR - THI': YEAR ENDING FEB. 15, 1886. AIIR»RST, lIA.SS. J. E. WILLlAMS, STEAM PRINTER, 1886. , RULES AI\D REGULATIONS --FOR-- Maintaining Order in Town Meeting. 1st. The lUodemtor shall preserve decornm and order; ffi!:t.y speak to points of order in preference to others; and shall decide all ques­ tions of order. 2d. When any voter shall require it question to be determined by yeas and nays, the !\loderator shall take the sense of the meeting in that mal1ner ~ provided one-third of the yoters present are in favor of it. 3d. He shall Dl'opound all questions in the ql'del' in which they are moved, unless the subsequent" motion be previous in its nature j except that1 in naming sums and fixing times, the largest sum and longest time shall be first. 4th. 'Vhen a question is put uuder debate, the Moderator shall receive no qnestion but to adjourn, to lay on the table, for the pre­ violls question, to postpone to an hO\lf certain, to amend 01' postpone indefinitely j Which sE:veral motions shall have precedence in the order in which they stand arranged. , 5th. When two or more happen to rise at once, the Moderator shall name the one who shall speak first. 6th. No voter shall spe~k more than three times on olle question, with0ut first obtaining leave pf the meetjllg j 1101' more than twice until others who have not spoken shall speak I if they desire it. 7th. All Committees shall be appointed and announced by the Moderator, unless otberwise specially directed by tbe meeting. 8th. When any voter shall make a motion, and such motion shall be seconded by another, the same shall be received and considered by the meeting, and not otherwise. 4 9th. When a vote has passed, it shall be in order for anyone of the majority to move for a reconsideration thereof: and when a motion of reconsideration is decided, tbat decision shall not be reconsidered. 10th. No one shall be allowed to stand up to the interruption of another while anyone is speaking, or pass 11lll1ecessarny betw'eeu the Moderator and person speaking. 11th. Every m~tion shall be reduced to writing, if the Moderator desires it. TOWN OFFICERS 'FOR 1885- 12th. Any voter may call for a division of the questioll, when the sense will admit of it. CLERK, .TREASURER AND COLLIWTOR : 13th. No motion 01' propositioll. Qf a st.bject different from that E. D. BANGS. under consideration shall be admitted under color of amendment. 14th. When a vote is doubted, the voters for 01' .against the SELECTMEN A:ND OVERSEERS: question, when calle,d on by the Moderator. shall rise and stand WALTER D. COWJ~S, ullcoyered till t,hey shall be ~ollnted. LEVI STOCKBRIDGE, . FRED L. STONK 15th. , Individuals while speakiljg shall stalld UDcovered, and • address the Moderator. ASSESSORS: 16th. ~o person shall be pennitted to stand on the seats. MEND ALL W. HOWARD, LEVI STOCKBRlDGE, IVAKEFmLD. 17th. A motion to adjourn without date shnl! be debatabl~ j but a SALMON motion to adjonrn to a day certain shall not be debatab1e. 18th: No person suaIl be permitted to smoke in this house. AUDITOR: HEN;RY HOLLAND. SCHOOl.. COMMI'ITEE: HANSON L. RI,ED, EKDEWI;~ NELSON, REV. "CHARLES S. W AL , •. CONSTABLES: W>!, W. SMITH, . ' B. F. KELLOGG, G. B. GALLOND, LORING L. BALL" GEO. H. ROBERTS, D. H, BARtLETT, FRANK L. pmmROY, SYLY ANUS MOODY, S"~ALER OF WEIGHTS AND )IEASURES: JAMES HASTINGS. ~ ELECTOR: , WM. A. DICKINSON. , • 6 FIELD DUlVERS: C. PUFFER, D. S. WARNER, .J . 13. R013ERTS. POUND KEEPER: J. P. GRAY. List of Jurymen for 1886. I"!I;NCE VIEWERS: ALMON E. COWLES, FRED. L. STONE, W. W. SMITH. Jameson, John Ainsworth, Forester P. WEIGHERS OF COAL: Kellogg, Charles H., 1st. AnguS, Nelson THEODORE L. PAIGE, T7 elloO'O', Joseph 1\1. E. B. DICKINSON, Ball. Albert W. D 1:>1:> , GEO. E. THAYER, Kendrick, (}eorge S. CHARLES A. SHAW, Banning. Levi YV. L. N. 130LLES, . King, \Yoodbridge A. GEO. E. COGSWELL, Bemis, Albion F. E. B. LOVETT, Lawton, Robert ALBERT A. THAYER. Bishop, Henry Liocoln. Rufus S . Biake, Joseph MEASuRERS Long, \Vim ~\m H. OFLUMBEl~: Boice, Sauford Lovell. John L. DWIGHT GRAVES, WALTER D. COWLS, Bolles. Lemuel M. GILES G. PRATT, Marsh, \"illiam 1. CHARLES A. SHAW. Canovan, Thomas Munson, Parnell Chamberlain, George i\1 . Nims, Charles L. MEASURERS OF WOOD: Cbapin, Lemuel H.. Osgood., Charles M. O. D. HUNT, Cowles, A. F. G. E. COGSWELL. Paige. Theodore L. C. A. SHAW, Cowles, Albert R. GEORGE E. THAYER, Palmer, Dwight \V. F. P. AINSWORTH, E. F. KELLOGG, . Cowles, Herbert T. Perkins, Josiah F. H . C. PIPER. - Curtis, Frank O. Pomeroy, Harlan L. ean Everett L . - D , , Puffer, Charles A. SEXTONS: Deuel, Fred. C. Puffer, Reuben G. ASA ADAMS, Dickinson, Noah CHARLES A. HEALD, Puffer, Stephen P. HARVEY WHITE, Eastman, Jbades' A. E. D. MARSH, Roberts, \Villlam L. C. W. Fearing, Henry D. DANA. ~abin, Ephraim Y . Harrington, Frank W. Smith, Charles S. Haskins, J ames ~I. Smith, James P . Hawley, Stetson ~tetson, John H. Howard. l\lendall 'V. Taylor, 'Benjamin U . Hunt, Oliver D. Tillson, David H. Hutchins, John E. Towne, \Villis G. Hyde, Charles A. Wakefield, Salmon • 9 , road at South Amherst and the Pelham hill road. The town bridges h~\Ye remained in good repair requiring no' expense but that of replac­ ing worn planks and the painting of those constructed of tL'Oo. pow~rfut rains during the year, combin€'d with increased crown of the roads which throws the water into the gutters and streams quickly, developed the fact tha.t a large proportion of the croSS culverts. and those uuder private driveways, were too small to carry the water and pre\'ent damage by overflow. Therefore IDilDy of those which were SELECTMEN'S REPORT. tile have been replaced with stone, and many thl:\t were stone have , been taken up and built larger. This work has consumed much of our highway money in consequence of the cost of ston'e, especially those required for covering. This work is' by no means co.mpleted, and though costly ::ohould be continned, as in the end it will save the road beds from being washed away, In great rains, the ways across To 'l'B 1<; CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF A MBERST:- the center common at their sharpest gl'ade, had been so frequently The Selectmen for the current year herewith sllbm't 'th . damaged, it was decided to be expedient to concrete their side gut­ 1'epol.t '0 I ell' anllu.1 l' r your consideration. ters. The work was done, and resulted in their perfect protection. There are. many similar plates within the limits of the center district, HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES. where it would be economy to perform like work and we wonld recom- . mend that it be done, even if a. portion of the annual appropriatiO!l for SIdewalkS be taken for that purpose. The result of several years use -At the last annual town meetiu th' . of highways and placed ~ ou'" hi!' e ~O" II el~c~~d a Superllltendent of the large road machine was to satisfy the Selectmen that it was an in repair, but as he ret':u'sePd t the lespollSlblhty of.keeping them economical road maker, 'ill fact, that the town could not afford to re­ " 0 accept the po 'f meetiug the town placed the . tl 51 lOll, at a subsequent pair it.s ways by any other metuod where the machine could be ~m ­ . m 10 Ie care of the Sel t " ; actIOn on the part of the t' ec men. J IllS ployed. But the necessity of quick aud carly repairs in , the spring, ~ own was IDterl)l'eted . d' dissatisCaction with the method which had as ~n III Ication of made it impossible to work all the town ways with one rnachine j We and therefore the Sele ..... tmelj t . '. h< been pt'CVlOllsly pursued, therefore procured a new and improved one, taking money from the '" OIllCleaset creslo 'bT of the persons appointed to tak h ) DSI 1 Ity and efficiency highway appropriation for that pUl'pose. This served to materially c selected instead of thirteen a~ hed barge of the wOl'k, but four were increase our highway expenses·for the present year, but we are con­ . ' ~ a een the custom T I fident that it will lessen them in the future. IIldlvldufl.ls the care of all th e h'19 h'wa} s , and bl'ldo-es" was- 0com t lese ' four ~nd the result has apparently justified the wisd < mItted, The result of the discussion which followed th om of th~ cilaoge. WHITING STREET FUND. Selectmen's special rep~rt relatioo- to tI1e . ,e presentatIOn of tl:e thQ hill near the saw-mill-of Le .0D' k. ImplOVernCl1t of the grade of VI IC lOson at North" I ' cated a public opinion favorable to tI. arnlel'st, IUdi­ The unexpended balance of the income of the fund 1I1arch 1st. 1885 expense should be paid from th ~el plOposed, w.ork, but that the was $,(09.85, Income the present year bas heen $360. making a fund '~o comply with this expressed es::~::nta~il~~~l'1atIO:- ~"'·)highways. available for distribution of $769 .85. 01 tbis sum $250 has been ex­ ttnlle the undel'-I)aving of M . ,s deCided not to COIl - pende,d leaving on hafld at the ~t time $519.85.
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