
AUSTRALIANPLANTS VOLUMENo. 19 Volume 19 comprises lssues Nos. 149-156of Australian Plants Published by the Society For Growing Australian Plants. INDEXTO VOLUME 19 It is not possibleto providean indexof commonnames as the Australianflora is so vast,many are knownby a differentcommon name in differentareas. Index A is a referenceto articlesof specialinterest and, with IndexB and C provides a meansby whichthose without botanical knowledge may use the book. IndexB - Plantsfor a particularapplication IndexC - Plantsfor specificareas of Australia IndexD - Creatingand Maintainingthe wildflowergarden. IndexE - The propagationof plants lndexF - lndexto thousandsof plantsbased upon the botanicalname. The letterD followingthe page numberindicates that this reference relatesto a descriptionof the plantor its naturaloccurrence. " " C refersto cultivationdetails. " " P indicatesa colourphotograph. " " L indicatesa linedrawing. ' D X givespropagation advice,. The Best ReferencesAre In Bold Type Articles of General Interest or on Groups of Plants. Index A Acacia- from seed 19:37,218 ArVCraft- Dyes19:3 (sculpture).40,41,45 (bonsai) Bees,birds, butterflies 19:1 69,176,177,178,1 88 Bottlebrush- Indexedunder Callistemon 19:210C Melaleuca 19:214CDP ChristmasBush - 19:160-170 ChristmasBells - 19:130 Conifers- 19:345 ContainerPlants - see underplants for specialpurposes below. Conservation/Research19:30-35,87,88,1 02,135-9(die-back),174,17S(seed) 228 CreatingA NativeGarden (see also landscaping) Cultivars,new plants - 19:79,201 Cut Flowers-1 9:36,38,39,4}(Stenanthemum),57 (Boron ia), 99, 1 02, 130 and 160(C hristmas B ush),203,226,250(dry area),262(Stu rts pea), 271 (E re m oph iI a),27 3(emu appl e), 27 6, 277,295,304(r icef Iower), 309, 3 1 4 Daisies(Australian) - 19:129,256,259,297,314,31 5 Dry AreaPlants and Planting- See Gardeningin HoVDryAreas EdiblePlants - 19: 1 03, 1 05, 1 31 -1 34,1 81 -1 83,205-207,249,276,282, 331(beware) Eremophila,The EmuBush 19:271,274 Eucalyptus- 19:1 35,238 Everlastings- Helichrysumetc. see alsoDaisies - 19:300,302,304 Ferns- 19:339 Floweringfactors - 19:51,1 19 Articfes of generalinterest or on groups of plants - continued Florafarrangement, see alsocut flowers19:41,97,130,'163(vase lite),226,288 Dryingand colouring - 19:42 Frosttolerance - 19:40.57 Grasslandplants - 19:376 Grasstrees - 19:107 Grevillea(see also index E) - 19:157-159 GroundCovers - See PlantsFor ParticularApplications _- GroundCovers HangingBaskets - A novelway to growwildflowers, see underContainer Plants. HerbaceousPerennials - See RockeryPlants Hop bushes,Dodonaea, 19:256,359 IndoorPlants - See also"Container Plants" Index B below KangarooPaw, Anigozanthos - 19:274 Mistletoe- 19:177 PestControl - See MaintainingThe Garden Pines- 19:345 Ponds,a waterfeature - See alsoPlants for WetSituations - 19:359 Pottedflowering plants - 19:280,286,315,321 RainforestGardens - Theircreation and planting- 19:203,205 RainforestPlants - 19: 1 84,205,234,327,328,330 RockGardens - Theirconstruction and planting,see "Rockeries"Index B below Roots,tubers, corms, bulbs - 19:60,(rootclusters)222(competition),231,326 SalineConditions - 19:88,102 Shade,Gardens In Shade- See"Shady Situations and ShadeTrees" below StreetTree Planting - See PlantsFor ParticularApplications below Sturt'sDesert Pea - Cult.and Prop.- 19:208,261 Usesof plants(see also Edible Plants) - 19:103,105,109,119,131,324,325 WaterGardens and plants - 19:141-185,359 WeVDampSituations - PlantsFor ParticularApplications - Wet/Damp.19:359 WindbreaUBoundary- See PlantsFor Particular Situations - Windbreak Plants for Particular Applications Index B Alpineand cold climates,Garden in Tasmania19:355,358,366; Alpine flora and plants19:232; Shrubs and trees for Tasmanian gardens 19:342,343, 374,375 Eucalyptus19:370; Grasslands 19:376; Rhamnaceae 19:366; Conifers 19:345 't9:378; Orites Ferns19:339; Plants in coldclimates, Britain 19:262 Birds.Bees and WildlifePlants - see birds/wildlife,Index A Borderplants - see alsoContainer and Rockeryplants 19:315,321 BushTucker/Useful Plants - see Edibleplants and Usesof plantsabove Container Plants- 19:37(a cacia),294,31 5(daisies),32 1(bedding plants) ContainerPotting Mixes - 19:171,294 Dry areagardening - Aridzone garden 19:243 Commercial 19:250,276 HousePlants - Seecontainer plants - 13:64 Rainlorestand tropicalareas, see above Rockeries- 19:123-7,Plants for rockeries- 19:37,112,171,218,280,294,315 Feature Gardens Described Index C 25.The Gane Garden 19:274 NSW 26.The Mills No. 2 Gdn.19:147 Vic. 27.TheDalby Garden 19:179 SA 28.The Bailey Garden 19:230 Vic. 29.The PowellGarden 19:247 SA 30.The SymmonsGarden 19:355 Tas. 31. The ClossGarden 19:359 Tas 31. The BurnsGarden 19:388 Tas. l Creating and Maintainingthe Garden Index D Creatinga wildflowergarden - 19:108(localplants),1O9(bush garden) 111(organicgardening),147,160,203,205(plantation)230,243,249(outback)291 Landscapingwith native plants - See also IndexC, FeatureGardens for reportson successfulgardens. 19:108.292,359. Soil preparation- 19:291,Soil profile 19:60,87, Clay/Heavy Soil 19:291 Dry soilsand situations,19:243,247, Alkaline Areas, 19:243,263,295,307 Cultivationof soils- 19:203, 266,291, Planting 19:42,58,160, 162,291 Watering/lrrigation- 19: 1 1 1,243(artesian),291,307 Drip systems - 19:246 Mulching19:110,246 Pruning 1 9:43,1 10 Weedcontrol - 19:294 FertifizerlGrowth Control - 19:43,58,61,11 1 ,157,162,203,291 Pestsand Control- aboveground 19:44,111, below, phytophthora 19:326 PropagationBy Seed Cuttings Grafting Index E Articleson propagationtechniques found successful by experiencedpropagators. Many of the referencesare just a brief mentionto a particularspecies but the hintsgiven may provide a guideto procedures Plantsfrom seed- 19:115,195,208,359The care of seedlings19:160 Plantsfrom cuttings- 19:59,114,215,284,359Hormone powders - 19:115 Grafting- 19:284 Micro-propagation,tissue culture - 19:112,115,124P Index to Plants using Botanical Name Index F As thereare manythousands of spectacularplants in the Australianflora (many withthe samecommon name) the use of commonnames is not practical.The commonnames of manyare givenin the relevantarticles. For peoplewithout a clueto the botanicalname of a plant,we suggestthat you referto the general articlesindexed above for the areaor applicationof your interest. The indexto plantsgives references page number followed by the letters: D - the plantis described,the bestreference being in boldtype C - cultivationnotes on thisplant, the bestreference in bold. L - a linedrawing is providedto illustratebotanical details. P - a colourphotograph for youto seewhat the plantlooks like. X - propagationdetails specifically for thisplant. Acacla Mimosaceae Acacia semilunata 19:356CP Actlnolus Apiaceae a commercial crop 19:8'l,91 spectabilis 19:37C leucocephalus 19:321CD seed as a food 19:91 tetragonophylla 19:355D Agonls Myrtaceae thompsonii, tumida acinacea 19:244CB356CP 19:81D flexuosa, juniperina, victoriae 19:91CD,278C aphylla,axillaris 19:355D Iinearifo lia, parvicaps williamsonii 19:355D amblygona 19:37C 19:253CD,357CP barattensis,beckleri 355D Acmena Myrtaceae Alyogyne Malvaceae concurrens, conferta 37C smilhrT'Minipilly' 19:207D huegelii 19:1488150C Acomls Asterac€ae fimbriata 19:37C.150G Amyema Loranlhaceae acoma, bella, kakadu, flabellifolia 19:355D cambagei, miquelii, lasiocarpa 19:355D macra 19:323CDL quandang,pendula'19:178D Acradenla Rutaceae macradenta 19:37C Anellema Commelinaceae frankliniae 19:363C pataczekii 19:335D acuminatum 19:171CD phasmoides 19:335D Acrotrlche Epacridaceae Anlgozanthos Haemodor. podalyriitolia '| 9:37C aggregata, depressa, flavidus'Flash Point' l9:282CD,359C quinetii 19:2178218CD serrulata 19:79D,267D retinodes 19:91CD Actlnodlum Myrlaceae 'Harlequin' 19:267D,268P 'l riceana 9:3550 cunninghamii 317P,322CD manglasii 19:270CD iii Anlgozanthos - continued Beaufortla Myrtaceae Callistemon Myrtaceae rufus 19:270C decussata 19:213P,254CD citrinus 19:211D 'Kings 'Great Park Federation sparsa 19:254CD Balls ot Fire' 19:202D '19:270CD 'Olive Flame' Green' 19:2O2D Bedlordla Asteraceae viridiflorus 19:363C Anopterus Grossulariaceae salicina 19:363C glandulosa 19:343D,359C Bellendena Proteaceae Gallltris Cuoressaceae Anthocercls Solanaceae rhomboidea montana 19:1 00P oblonga, anisantha, genistoides, 19:3448350CD,355D sylvicola 19:81D Blllardlera Piltosporaceae Calocephalus Asteraceae Aotus Fabaceae cymosa 19:132CD lacteus 19:376D lanigera 19:172CDP longiflora 19:282CD,359C scandens 19:282CD.359G Aristotelia Eleocaroaceae Calochlaena Dicksoniaceae Deduncularis Blandlordla Liliaceae dubia 19:399C 19:362CD,363C,364P grandiflora 19:130C Calytrlx Myrtaceae Arthropodlum Liliaceae Blechnum Blechnaceae tetragona 19:356CP strictum 19:376D nudum 19:339CD,340P Asplenlum Aspleniaceae penna-marina, wattsii Capparls Capparidaceae obtusatum 19:339C 19:339CD,340P,359CK lasiantha, m itch el Ii i, umbonata, velutina, Astartea Myrtaceae Boronla Rulaceae 'Winter 19:133CD,278CD Pink' 19:253CD citriodora 19:362CD,365P fascicularis 19:253CD heterophylla 56857C,59X Carex Cyperaceae Asterolasla Rutaceae megastigma 19:57C,150C tasmanica 19:376D trymalioides 19:232CDP muelleri 19:58GD pinnata 19:58CD,359C Carlssa Apocynaceae Atherosperma Monimiaceae purdieana 19:56P,57C lanceolata 19:279CD moschatum 19:363D,374CD 'l serrulata 9:38C,58CD Carpobrotus Aizonaceae Athertonla Proleaceae glaucesens, virscens 283CD di v e r s i fo I i a1 9 :99D,1 06 D, 1 80C Brachychlton Sterculiaceae australis 19:278C Cassinia Asteraceae Athrotaxls Taxodiaceae populneus 19:133CD,278C cupressoides,
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