COMMUNITY BOARD NO. 1 435 GRAHAM A VENUE - BROOKLYN, NY 11211 PHONE: (718) 389-0009 FAX: (718) 389-0098 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nyc.gov/ brooklyncbl HON. ERIC I-ADAMS BROOKLYN BOROUGH PRESIDENT greenpOlnt - -w1D IC!'.ll"IU;bUrg SIMONWIIISER. OltALICE FULLER HON. STEPHEN T. LEVIN FlllST VfCS.CK,\lllMAN OiAIRPERSON COUNCILMHMfil!R 33"' CD D!LTl:AGCE GERALD A.. ESPOSITO HON. ANTONIO REYNOSO SECOl\'D VlCB-CHAIIU'l!RN DISTRICT MANAGER COUNCD.MEMBER, 34•- CD STEPHEN J, WElDBUI.G TilDUl VlCE-CHAJllMA."I MARIAVIERA J'IHANCIAL SECRETARY SONIA IGLE81AS RECORDING SE.CRIITAKY PHU.IP A. CAPONECII.O COMBINED PUBLIC HEARING MEMBER-AT-LARGE AND BOARD MEETING 211 AINSLIE STREET MAY 14,2019 Note to all speakers: All those who wish to speak during Public Session must sign and submit their speaker's form at 5:45 PM, no later than 6: 1 S PM. ROLL CALL Chairperson Ms. Dealice Fuller called for the meeting to come to order and requested District Manager Mr. Gerald A. Esposito to call the roll. He infonned the Chairperson that there were 25 members present. A sufficient mnnber to call the public hearing to order. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Chairperson Fuller asked all to review the agenda. She noted that the item #8, from the Red Cross was withdrawn by the agency. ANNOUNCEMENT Nominations for the Executive Committee and the Attendance Committee will take place promptly at8:00 PM. PUBLIC HEARING UNENCLOSED SIDEWALK CAFE: BERNIE'S POINT, 836 LORJMERSTREET. APPLICATION# 2998-2019-ASWC; 8 Tables; 16 Chairs, NEW. (Rep./Michael Kelly) Ms. Ms. Blaire Papagni, from Michael Kelly's office, presented on the application. It was a new application. They had opened in June 2018. They have a liquor licenses. They close at 11 PM. The application is for 8 tables and 16 seats. No questions were raised at this time. The item was referred to the committee. 1 UNENCLOSED SIDEWALK CAFE WINSOME FOODS; LLC, DBA WIN SON, 159 GRAHAM A VENUE {#2019157-DC): 19 Tables; 38 Chairs. RENEWAL (Rep./ Joshua Ku, Managing Member)-A presentation was not made. The item was referred to the committee. UNENCLOSED SIDEWALK CAFE: 451 GRAHAM AVENUE CORP., DBA THE RICHARDSON, 451 GRAHAMAVE:NUE, {#1314137-DCA); 15 Tables. 30 Chairs. RENEWAL. (Rep./Joel Kulp, President) - A presentation was not made. The item was referred to the committee. UNENCLOSED SIDEWALK CAFE: 600 METROPOLITAN CORP., DBA ALLIGATOR LOUNGE, 600 METROPOLITAN AVENUE {#1311871-DCA; 6 Tables, 18 Chairs (Rep./John McGillion, President) - A presentation was not made. The item was referred to the committee. UNENCLOSED SIDEWALK CAFE: D&D CAFE LLC, 128 MESEROLE STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11206-2070, APPLICATION# 454-2019 ASWC; 19 Tables; 38 Chairs, NEW. (Rep./Shlomo Steve Wygoda, SWA Architecture PLLC) - A presentation was not made. The item was referred to the committee. PRESENTATION: DOT'S FINAL PLAN FOR THE GRAND STREET PROTECTED BIKE LANE-DOT will be making the bike lanes along the Grand Street corridor in Brooklyn permanent Between Waterbury Street and Vandervoort Avenue, DOT will modify the protected bike lanes to help accommodate the needs of industrial businesses along this section of the corridor. The project will also include other adjustments made in response to community and business feedback including additional metered parking and new loading zones around the comers from Grand Street - by Brooklyn Borough Commissioner Keith Bray and Ms. Ronda J. Messer, Director, Community Affairs, Brooklyn DOT Office. Mr. Ted Wright, from NYC DOT, presented on the item. A visual presentation was made. Mr. Wright noted that he run the DOT Bike Program. He spoke about the L Train. He noted the connections to the Williamsburg Bridge. He spoke about the fatalities, noting that the for the CB#l district, it has the highest number of fatalities that they have seen in any district in Brooklyn. It was the third highest in the City. He said that it was surprising. The presentation and information will be put on line. He discussed the comdor. He said that various politicians have asked that DOT look at the corridor to see what they could do to provide better protection for the bikes. He reviewed the data and plans. Project Route and Design-the route provides bicycle connection across the Williamsburg Bridge. Analysis-Safety Statistics. Council District 34- Council district with the highest number of fatalities in Brooklyn (3rd highest in NYC). Pedestrians are more than half fatalities in the district. Half of the fatalities occurred overnight. A quarter of the fatalities involved a truck. Motorcyclists accounted for 20% of the fatalities. 15% of the fatalities involved a driver without a valid driver's license. • Borinquen Place/Grand Street between Rodney Street and Metropolitan Avenue is a "Vision Zero" Priority Area with 3 pedestrian fatalities and 1 cyclist fatality between 2012 and 2018. From 1/1/12-3/19/18 there were 4 fatalities. 2 • High Bicycle Ridership - On a typical weekday 1,000+ cyclists use Grand Street. Counts were collected over a 12 hour period in September 2016 and September 2018. Design Justification: Response to request for safety improvements following a number of severe injuries and fatalities. High volume of cyclists with direct access to Williamsburg Bridge and across Newtown Creek. Installation started in October 2018 in preparation for "L" Project, put on hold due to weather. Design Updates- Union to Waterbury: Finish project-installing green pa.int, install delineators where necessary, and add tum treatments. Will not install bus lanes, shuttle stops, and vehicle restriction. Relocating three bus stops back to the before conditions (Catherine Street to OJive Street)(Bushwick Avenue/Graham Avenue: near side to far side, Offset Crossings installed where feasible. Pedestrian island to be installed at Manhattan A venue, Gaining eight (8) additional parking spaces on the north side. Grand Street -Making It Work Curb Management - Wider Buffer - maintains emergency access - Updated parking regulations to accommodate loading activities and provide local customer access. - Increase turnover. Add commercial and metered parking on the side streets to help provide parking supply along corridor. - Increase customer access. Reduce parking time limits from 2 to 1 hour on Grand Street to improve turnover at the curb. - Dedicate commercial space on every block from Union Avenue to Bushwick Avenue that becomes passenger metered parking from 4PM to l OPM Design Updates -Waterbury Street to Morgan Avenue - Improve curb access along the south curb. - Update design to accommodate higher volume of south side loading between Waterbury Street and Morgan Avenue. - Provide flexibility on south side with wider bake lane at 6 feet. - Gain 4 additional parking spots. Grand Street - Remaining work Markings'implementation started in October 2018 and was put on hold December 2018 for the winter due to weather and construction overlap Remaining work to be installed S pring 2019: Green paint and lane lines; Bike symbol markings; Parking regulation & meter updates. Updates based on feedback- examples include: No vehicle restrictions and shuttle bus stops; relocating three bus stops back to the before condition (Catherine Street to Olive Street; Bushwick Avenue/Graham Avenue: near side to far side) Updated tum treatments at Graham Avenue, Manhattan Avenue, and Lorimer Street. Updated design between Waterbury Street and Morgan A venue. Updated parking regulations to accommodate loading and customer access. 3 Council District 34 - Traffic Fatalities - fatality Analysis: Driver behavior - speed was noted in 15% of the fatalities; 20% of the fatalities involved a turning vehicle not yielding to a pedestrian. Location: 63% of the fatalities occurred at a Vision Zero Priority Geographies; 75% of the hike fatalities occurred where there was no bike facility; Broadway, metropolitan Avenue and Grand Street are the mqst dangerous corridors. Time of Day: 3-6 AM is the most dangerous time. Curbside Regulations - Rearranging curbside space for commercial and passenger vehicle. Dedicate commercial space on every block from Bushwick to Union that becomes passenger metered parking from 4PM to 10 PM. Reduce parking time limits from 2 to 1 hour on Grand Street to improve turnover at the curb. Add commercial and metered parking on the side streets to help provide parking supply along the corridor. The presentation also included observations that were made and what was seen. Their data collection showed: Parking Occupancy: Grand Street from Bushwick Avenue to Union Avenue - relatively low occupancies around 50-60% consistent with 2015 and 2018 data. Most vehicles are only parking at 1he curb for 1 hour or less. Trucks (Bushwick Avenue to Union Avenue) -three large supennarkets along the north side of the corridor generate high volwnes of deliveries. Only two locations had dedicated loading zones on street. Most trucks were able to access the curb. Truck activity was higher during the morning and midday period. Set Aside Commercial Space for Deliveries/Dedicated curbside space for Trucks: Extend the two existing loading zones on Grand Street. Add four new loading zones between Humboldt Street and Union Avenue. After 4PM revert new loading zones to passenger metered parking. Add 4-6 new smaller loading zones on side streets between Bushwick Avenue and Union Avenue. Providing Local Customer Access ~ provide motorists and customers alternative parking opportunities: Reduce parking time limits from 2 to 1 hour on Grand Street to improve turnover at the curb. Open spaces on side streets with longer 2 hour time limits for motorists who need access to Grand Street. Only meter adjacent to commercial uses on selected side streets. Expand regulations untill0PM to match demand along Grand Street. Freight Field Observations - Industrial Core of Grand Street {Catherine Street to Morgan Avenue) Double parked trucks are concentrated around mid-block industrial business due to limited curb space and dedication loading zones on the south curb.
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