‘•r, V . .■ * a ' . I ‘ I' ' , ' K ■ : .^ ' : ' - V"., :f ". TVT.DNKSDAY, JULY 20, 19B| Average Oidly Net PreMi Ran 5rWcNTY ^ Par th« W«6k 1B«M V'*'' • ■. ^ •■ ‘ '1 iOanrltPatpr lenfttfng 1$rraUk • X ' :. y Jmix 18, 185$ . sals prditlanct. During ppblic dis­ 1 1 ^ 4 1 ' , rise ami eng Board Gets, Files cussions over the issua, the Rev. DoD Show TMirght r •< Bm ABdlt : i , ‘W.nMBrBUri lAb^irtTdwn Dr. Edgar then said the church •C OnBlattM Sunday Sale Bid groupe .wt^d bring the question of . l-‘ A doll ahow Will be held at having a "dry” town beford the Mioiekester -«A City o f Vittago ChahS^ Mfurtiiiit ~ rr- ” — '— *~~ all 10 playgTouhda thta'evening f iM it n u n t wt»o mr« i««neet«d - a % , i' . voters. Ktth tti* P «i*h fVdUral O om m ltu; at 6:45 p.m. All children In- A petition cslling fo^ sn-. ordi­ The church interests do not ap­ •|| IM I I. r V II' II I)iu ifl|[j i r tereated In entering their dolla HALE’S JULY VOL.LXXIV,NO,J47 hoM • nie«Unr tonicht at • :SQ pear to be pursuing that strate^ (TWENTY PAGB3) should go to the nearest play­ nance which wilt permit the sslCi MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 21,1155 <ClaMUM Aevardiiag oa Pag* 18) PRICE •t tin firehouM at Ui« corner o f' of liquor on Sunday was received now. In any case the town clerk -yrmim and HiUlard 8ta. ground. Awards will be ^ven has said that both quc.xtions can^ to the winners. by the Board of Directors last night and placed on flie' without not be voted upon in the same elec­ . ' Pvt. Joaaph C: Nemcbick, 70 In- comment. tion. dlaa Dr., waa recently graduated If the Board fails to enact the' CAMP EQUIPAAENT t*olice CaH froB the Army'a wh^ed vehicle A son was bom at'Uie Hartford WHITE SALE ordinance within 45 days, the town drtvera couree at Schofield Bar- Hospital on -July 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Barbaro, 83 Doane St. clerk must call a special election racka. HawalL A teletype operator on the law Which would make it Wife Death with the 25th Infantry Dlvielon’e ■ '■ — ■ jf ■ ' possible, for clubs and restaurants Agnal Co., he entered the Army In Manchester Grange will hold a U.S., Soviet to sell liquor from noon to 9 p.m. t ^une 1954, and arrived in Hawaii regular meeting tonight at 8 I J>lat Shsstdi, on Sundays. in April. He attended Nichola Jun­ o'clock in Orange Hall. Talbott Letters Town Clerk Samuel J. Turking- IX K 8 T WATCH ior OaHlege, Dudley, Maaa. ton Jr. • has Certified 317 more names on the petition than the five 90^8 Release Chappell pe^ cen ^ b l the .electorate needed. will glvB v u r switeh • a m i Washington, July 21 (A*)—Chairman McClellan (D-Ark) North Haven, July 21 (/P) The petitioners -^are represented by cIm b bill *f fcf ^ said today letters furnished to his Senate Investigations sub- — The wife of a U8>»den den­ rtHuVE^EMiirii Under ^500 Bond the law Brm of Lrasnei' and Rott- Mmmittee from the files of Secretary of the Air Force Tal­ tist was found..dead early to­ ATLOWPBICES ^ ne/. ■ ' ' bott will figure in a decision whether to investigate Talbott’s day tinder drcumstances de- The chief opposition to Sunday Elmer CSiappell, 31, H artfoj^ DAN RIVER MUSLIN business affairs further. — —- r ~-—r------- ^------ s^il^d^'liolice as “mysteri- sale Is expected to come, as It has McClellan declined, however, to Arthur Drag Stons 1 in the past, from church groups was released under $500 bond y w - diacuaa published reports that the ’ RODRS 8 A Jl. to 11 P3I. J headed by the Rev. Dr. Fred Ed­ REGULAR $2.39— 63x108 ...........................$ 1 .4 9 Depqty coroner Nathan Sachs terday for court appearance Fri­ lettera ahow Talbott aollcited bual- Security. Board ord^^ the body of Mre. John P. gar. minister of South Methodist ^ULAR $2.69^72x108 neaa for hia Ntw York induatrtal day bn charges of resistihi' arrest l^urch. ' ............A . • (TasMly taken to Grace - New Plan Urges and larceny. RE^LAR $2.89-^81x108 $ 1 .9 9 angtnecrtng Arm from hia Penta­ jKavenxOommunity Hoq>ltal for an About a year-agu the Board of gon oOce. Doubts Loyalty Atom He is still wearing g cast on his Directors voted down a Sunday autopsy,. He eald the body bore leg to help bones fractured in his I^GULAR 59e— 42x36 .. ........................... 4 5 e Sen. Jackaon tD-Waahi, a mem­ "superflclal marks.". lower rjght leg heal. They were ber of the inveatigations group, Hamden police were cvimmoned Mutual Ailr also declined to diacloee the con- Of Funds Aide niWOMO'S broken When ^ne was shot here RANGE to the home by acting North June 30 by Patrolman John Cavsg- tenta of the letters but aald he had Haven Medical Examiner Dr., naro. Police shld he tried to evade found nothing in them “ao far" to Washington, July 21 (/Pj Sterling' P. Ti^ylor who had been Keel Placed SM00THiST< quest^ming by the officer about an lUEL OH ^ o w that Talbott did Anything called tq the home shortly before Inspections J>tiisjdL ShstsiA. ^hich Congress should not have Counsel for William Henf ^legeaiy stolen suti cost^ ' 2 a,6i., by a phyMcian friend of the RICHEST GASOUNE known in advance he might do, Taylor said todSy a 'U.S. lity family. \ For Third of View e*s» lenfUe McClellan likewise declined' to curity Board has found “ rea­ Body Ib ^Ctose( By MAX HARRELSON diaciiM reports that tha aubcom- sonable doubt” of the loyalty . Taylor took Hamden patrol- Geneva; July 21 (ff)— ^Pres­ V V ih**^***® Werti"«e"»*‘ *9 S o iiD jn t / o h , J o p L mittee, may call off its Inquiry in­ of Taylor, an American offi­ man\Pred Reynolds to the second, Eight A~Ship$ ident Eisenhower proposed BANTLY OIL V'rempt *•«!«* to Taibott'a continued partner- floor the Cassity home where ship in the Srm o f Paul B. Mulli- cial of the International Mon­ Mrs. Oasaity’s body y/as lying today that Russia and. ;ihe ' , IM By ELIDN C. FAY gan ' Talbott will drop the etary Fund (IMF), fully cl^ed, in a larg^ walk-in United States exchange com­ ' '1 \'N I m i I connectit The lawyer, Byron N. Scott, an closet- \ Groton, July 21 (^TV'-The plete bluejurnti of each DEWEY-RICHMAN D A N R1>4r M U S L IN ReyiioldsQuoted Or. Cassity as TEL Mlfchrll 9 4S95 Coptea ^ Letters PubUaheS jtbu'nced plana for a three-way Navy’s, -second atomic sub­ otheFs military eatabliah- fight—In Congreaa, In court and giving this amount: 767 MAIN ST. The report on the nature of the marine— the long, lean dead­ ments and provide for mutual m RocKvilIr s.?i77 REGULAR $2. TWIN SIZE ... $ 1 .7 9 lettera was publlshad in the New through a demand for rehearing by His wife v^nt upstairs .early York Times, which printed pur­ the security panel. Wednesday nlgh'Kto lie dowm. com­ ly killer named Sea wolf ^— aerial inspMtion' of auch fa­ M/VPEMApUID REGULAR $2. FULL SIZE .... $ 1 .9 9 • X. ported photogi‘aphic cc^ies of Taylor, a naturalized American plaining the did nOt feel well. Cas­ went down the ways to the cilities. ’ Prem New LeNSeS II :te A.M: some of them. of Canadian birth, has been fight­ sity retired at 8:Sff\p.m. at which sea today. Hie American press offiear, Fnm Black lelaaS ........... S:M.P. M. \ ing charges of subversive acUvity time his wife got uo and' went James C. Hagerty, reported that iDasUakt Baelks Tlait) / McCllIellan declined to conSrm Mrs. Sterling Cole, wife o f, a 'pT deny the accuracy of the photo- for years. downstairs. New York congressman, christen­ Soviet delegates listened to the FARES (6ec4 hr day el leue ealy) Scott said.he planned if p<Mible Cassity awakened at 2 a.m. and ed the ship, but m iss^ hitting the •urpriee proposal in atony Mence. Dairy Qu m h No. 1 . Oka War B. T. grai^. He would not go beyond saw his wife was not in bed. Mai. h Wad. laclaalra.. .{?.M S:.ee hia aUtement that Talbott lettera ‘to make a start today by ’taking bow with the traditlcinal botUe o f TWa devetopisKHt ~«ame li~ tB e Owned and Dperated By Noting a light burning in the pig Four cotiference turned to the Allan R. Coe Jr. TSara. A Sat........ .................ti.M K.M of some sort hsd been circulated the matter up with Sen. Johnston champagne. SiiedaM A RaUdajts _____ ^^....gSAe SS.as M HOUSE’S We Hay* (D-SCl. chairman of a Benateaub, closet, Cassity investigated and .issue- o f dlsarmasuant and. poat- ; 688 Kartlortr Road'" — Spacial B. T. Ecaaany rraiaaa tt.ee among aub(x>mm4ttee members and Mrs. Cole turned for an instant that they will figure in the com­ committee which Is studying U.S, found his wife on the floor. to speak to John Jay Hopkins, jwned until tomorrow jxinaidera- Maadaya—Taradayi—Wadaaadaya Jurisdiction in the investigation SlMclal Fridaya team New Laadaa mittee's future acti(in. loyalty and security procedures. president and ..chairman of. Gen­ tion on a foreign ministers* r e p ^ Ssaclal Fram Blork ItlaM Satardaya The finding agfUnst Taylor was was turned over to North Haven on plana for further study o f the - Dairy Quaea No.
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