University of Connecticut OpenCommons@UConn Daily Campus Archives Student Publications 2-2-1923 Connecticut Campus, Volume 9, Number 16, February 2, 1923 Byrd E. Standish Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Standish, Byrd E., "Connecticut Campus, Volume 9, Number 16, February 2, 1923" (1923). Daily Campus Archives. 329. THE CONNECTICUT C.AMPUS AS CAPT. LORD SAID "WITH YOUR HELP-" VOL. IX STORRS CONNECTICUT, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1923 NO. 16 DRAMATIC CLUB CHOOSES NEW ENGLAND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETIC COLLEGE EXHIBIT IS DRAMA FOR MID-YEAR CONFERENCE BECOMES REALITY ATTRACTION OF FAIR "WITHIN THE LAW" TO BE MANY PEOPLE INTERESTED PRESENTED FEBRUARY 17 CODE FOR FIVE STATE COLLEGES IS ADOPTED AT IN WORK AT C. A. C. ALL DAY SESSION IN BOSTON RECENTLY Model Farm Exhibited by Teachers of Play to be Directed by Michael Farrel. Dr. R. D. Hetzel of New Hampshire is President.-Fre hman and Transfer State, Many of Whom Were Aggie -Leading Role Taken by Miss Measures Will be Controlled.-Many Important Topics Now Cle·ared Graduates.- Fore try Department Phyllis Smith, with Harold Steck as Up.-Colleges Will Work on Similar Basis.- Other Institution May Has Novel Display that Creates In­ Leading Man. Enter Conference. terest. The Dramatic ClUJb has selected for W,iJth Connootiowt among 1ts fiv e athJetJic more or les·s on an honor The V'O ational EdiU aJtio.n exlh'ibit 1 its mid-year p1ay Bayard Venier's chlanter mem:bens, t he 1 ng~w.aibe d ~ ystem basis," declared one m mber. put on at th Mid-W-in;t r Expo iltiJOn New Engtand Ooruf,erence on ln.terool- ''If our opponent says a player is eHg­ m el:odvruma "Wi,th~n ·bhe Law". 'I'h'is in Hartford by the ten telae'h rs, five pLay ·is r.a~ther a oodioal departure legtilalte .AJtMeJtics became a reali!ty at ible, tha1t will be g.ood enough for us." .of whom are C. A. C. gl'la.duwtes, i'l1 fvom any<bhiing tha1t 1the dlu.b has aJt­ an aJll -1dJa.y meeti111g in Boston recently. '.Dhe New En:g'liand Oollege Oonf·er­ Agricultural High Sclhoo11s of tbis Jtempted •be:tiore, and is the firiS't dra­ In a.ddlilbilon to OonnecltooUit, .the o:bh'Ell· ence on IrutereoUeglialte A·thletics rtalk·es State, proved successful. The eX'hibit mra.Jtic play chosen since "Ol,iver Twist" membeiis of the oonlference are New mtad<1ed steps in sl8veral directions. was under th Sba.te Bolard of Educa­ "W\a·s pliayed ·three yeail'1S a~o, under the HampsMt'e State, Massachusetts Ag- EspeeiaJU y in leg~il , aJtlilon against tlhc tion, and direc·bly in C'htange of M·r. C. diiredt~on of M~rs. A. G. S'k!inner. ricul 1 tul~al, Rh10de Ls~tand St.ate, and the "ttransier pmb1em," tJh'e fivst concerted G. Gentry, State Supervisor. The Vo­ In the leading nole of Mla.vy TU!rneT, Universi,ty of Maline. The delfin!j,te, aation by a group of New Engiland oalti'onail WJork colliSists of tnainting Wlhicth was o:nig,inlalllty pl'ayed by J.ane perrn-a:nooit orglaruiz.rutix:>n dll'.awn up oomeges on this phas·e of spor.t, has teaohe11s at the Colaege b6 giive ilU!Itru.c­ Oowl in New York, Miss Phyllis Sm\i.lth by the p11esiden.ts of ,the fiv·e nJamed the orgmniz:aJtion made an advance tion in Unit courses to boY'S 14--.20 has been caiSt. 'Dhe lE:md is a veey un­ institutions from teJlJtaltiv·e pls.rus out- WlhiiJCh WJHl do aWiay with the problem. yea.ns of age who aTe unaib:le to asbtend usu811 one, for the entire pl.ay reVQ/l!Ves lined at a p;revlious meetinlg held in Ru!le Tlwo of the oode adopted sitates move than Hig~h School. Bosrton 1asJt November. The officers of tihait "No man who hla:s obtained a vtar­ around ·the acting of Ma11y. Playing The Exhibit consis:ted of a model the organiZ'altion are President R. D. sity letteT in aoother iJl!Siti!Wtion shall opposilte iher, in 1tllre leadiing ma•le role, of the F:all'm of 205 acres lo­ 1 Hetzel of New HampiSihire State Col- be peron:iltlted to pa:rticipwte in inter­•ld Steck has the pant of Richiard oa ted s·outh of Middlerown. The minta­ lege, president, and Professor E. T. oo1le~ia·te a1bhlelbics." Gilder, son of Edwa-rd.GUder, the old tuTe incLuded alboruJt twenty buildings, Hudd•leston, New Hampshire State, For transfer studenJts who have not proprietor of "The"-,the made to sc.a,le. The topogmphy, buMd­ s·ecretary. R. J. Guy& of Oonnootrout prev.iouslly been VlaJMity le1Jter-winners, mlan w:ho wr0111ged Mary. ".Dhis plart irugs, fields and fences were so rool1is­ S'taJte is a m·ern.ber of the eligilbiHJty the 11ule requires one year of residence tis caNied by George HiJ.l.dring. tioalily reproduced that locJa~ people cioonmilttee. before el''HJty. The fre5hman rule The remainder of itJhe cast is SIS easily recognized the place. The plan '1\he org1anization, it is made clear, aliso will be erufurced. Those meas!Ures IDliltows: of the exhibit was to show how Farm W.ill be llll()re a gentlemen'·s .agreement" are mpet easily quoted in bhe form of (In order of theh· appearance) Marvag-ement is taughlt in the Hi1gh than a upolllice org'anization." No at- ·the ruiles in which they are embod'i.ed: Siadh, Edward OWer's private secre- Schools. A lis't of 500 queeltibns per­ .temprt; wi:ll be miade by memJbers to Ru:Le 1. Bona Fide Students-No tary .............................. M!arjorie HtDlls taining to the farm was distributed view w~th sU&picion 0/ther members. one slhali partieipat.e in any interc.o1- Smi'tlhlson, ~er art; "The Em- to the people. Aithletes declared etlrl.g~iWe by one ool- legiaJte athletic oontest un~ess he is a porium ...................... Dol118.1d Lawson The Exhibit was headed: Rli{!lbard Gilder, EdW18rd GihieT's slon, 1ege will be acoopted by Oippon'e'l'llts. bona fide J:tWJtric·Uilated stwlerut regu- "The institutions wU.U oonduCJt tlheir (Cont. on page 4 oo.I. 3) "Thi·s iiS an actual Connecticut H81rold Steck!m. If thils were your farm. what Edward Gi'lder, proprietor of "The woUild you do wi,tJh iJt; where would you Emporium" ............ Georg·e Hi11dring do i't; when would you do it; and why George Demarest, EdlWiarld GiJder's INFORMAL RECEPTION POULTRY JUDGING M>'ulrl you do it ? " LawyeT . ...... ....... ....... .. ... Milllton Moore The CoUege exhibit proved most in­ H elen Mom~ is, a salesgtir;l in "The Em- IN ARMORY SUNDAY TEAM IS SECOND teresting to two groups of poople. po ium .. .................. Ann Flannagan FACULTY AND STUDENTS PENN YL VANIA CAPTURES Fimt there was the o'ld Grad. who re­ Sergeant Cass·idy, of the New Yol·k cognized the Malin BuBding and Whit­ po1ice .. ... ....................... George Wells MEET IN ANNUAL AFFAIR FIR T AT NEW YORK ney HaU but had to be told of newer Mary Turner, a saleswomtan in "The points on the campus. The second Emporium" ................ Phi)Pilis Smith At-Home from Three to Five to Cre­ Carl Dos in, '23, is High Man of Util­ group was oompo ed of those who had Agnes Lynch, a ~oonfu:len ce woman ate Closer Relationship Between ity ontest.-L. H. Bemont, '23, and Students and Faculty .-College Or­ J. Snow, '26S, were Other Mem­ no id a of the ollege c·ampUJS. 'A M'arie Bronson great d al of time and interest was J,oe Garson, a forger .... Geo. Sneidman che tra to Furni h Music. of Team Representing Connect· spent in noting the kinds of thingfl. F\annie, ~a maid ...... .. ........ Mary Staples icut. Con.nootic·ut's third annual Faeultty- ta~ught here. W'i'l'lliam trw:in, a laiWyer Student .AJt-Home W1ill be held in L&'st week the POUJlt ry Judging Terun A portion of the forestry exhibit by­ Lawrence ~al'ker Hawlley Armory Sunday afternoon, rep•re nt ing C. A. C. took second Professor A. Moss Showed a wlhite· Eddie Grti~g. , a crook known as "Eng- E. Februal'Y 4, f"Vom thl'ee to five p.m. pLace in judging at the Nation·all Poul­ ,tish Eddie" ...................... Paul Steere oak that started grOIW'tJh in 1829, but '.Dhe College Orohets•tna wiH fUll'Tlish try Show, held in the Madison SquaTe ~oHce Ins.pootJor Bul'ke, oif the New which had put on one-third of iJts total music, also a mixed musical prognam Garden, New Y.ork. The teiam, in York Police ............. ... Mariin O'Neil gi'OWlth since the plot in which i:s grew wlill be provlided. Tea and refll'esh­ CJharge of Pvof. D. Warner, con­ was thinned in 1916, an object 'llhom~on , a deteotJive of the po~Nce :E:. ment:Ls w,iLl be s·erved by the faouJity 1 ih eadquanters .. ...... Bnadf'011d Ricketts sisted of C. 0. Dossi'n, L. H. Bemont lesson to man.y. The Col leg.e ex.hihi­ iLadies and senior girlls. Sbuiderubs and and J. C. Snow. 'l1he cltassoes judged '11om Dacey, a crook. ....... J.olhn Good'l'ich tion was pr.acJtically the only one that members of the facuilty wil~ be in the were in two g11o~s: fitst, the Utility people stopped to study f01r any lengtth receiiving line.
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