WINEGRAPE UTILISATION AND PRICING SURVEY 2005 63 Fleurieu zone (other) 64 FLEURIEU ZONE (OTHER) VINTAGE OVERVIEW The long dry and mild finish to the ripening season created an ideal environment for the development of intense colour and flavours. The Fleurieu zone (other) includes the GI regions Southern Fleurieu, Currency Creek and Harvest began two weeks earlier than 2004 with crops being slightly above average across Kangaroo Island, as well as any other plantings in the zone that are outside the major regions all white varieties. Continued favourable ripening conditions through February and March of McLaren Vale and Langhorne Creek. Because of the small size of the GI regions, they meant that there was no rest between whites and reds, with all red varieties ripening two to are not reported separately. However, tonnage and forecast data are available for these three weeks earlier than the previous vintage. Crop yields in Cabernet Sauvignon were the regions on request from the Board. most affected by a less than average set while Merlot was slightly above average in yield. All other red varieties produced average yields. Vintage report - Currency Creek Early indications are that 2005 has the hallmarks of a great vintage. Intense flavour and It was a near perfect growing season in Currency Creek. There were soaking spring rains colour in the reds and an abundance of fruit balanced with natural acidity in the whites. though October to November and soil moisture levels were adequate right up until the David Watkins beginning of December. Fruit set in the red varieties was affected by the cooler conditions. Currency Creek Wine Region Association From December through to February mild conditions were experienced, with none of the heat spikes of the previous season. There was little disease pressure throughout the season except for one small rain event in February, which did not cause concern. Overview of vintage statistics The Fleurieu zone (other) produced 9,980 tonnes in 2005 – compared with 10,426 in Glenelg 2004. 81% of the crush was in red varieties – compared with 61% statewide. The average purchase value for Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon dropped by more than $200 per tonne, with Chardonnay down by nearly $400 per tonne. This, combined with the 5% drop in production, resulted in total income to growers being reduced by 30%, while the total value of grapes to the region decreased from $12 million in 2004 to $9.5 million. The forecast is for intake to remain at around 11,000 tonnes over the next five years, with the wineries’ preferred intake being less than the estimated intake in each year. Chardonnay intake is expected to increase from around 1,500 tonnes in 2006 to over GULF ST. VINCENT Strathalbyn Willunga 2,000 tonnes in 2010 – an increase of around 33% in the five year forecast period. The other major varieties, Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon, are both expected to decline over the same timeframe. There has been a significant amount of new planting in this area in 2004,with both Currency Creek and the areas east of Southern Fleurieu and Currency Creek Carrickalinga (surrounding Langhorne Creek – see map on page 64) showing the most growth. There was a 10% rate of new plantings in Currency Creek – mainly in Cabernet Sauvignon. This is against the trend for most of South Australia in 2004, which was only around CURRENCY CREEK 2% new plantings. Goolwa SOUTHERN FLEURIEU Rapid Bay Based on the current vineyard area in the Fleurieu zone (other), and using estimated Victor Harbour 0 5 10 15 20 Kilometres yield figures of 9 t/ha for reds and 10t/ha for whites, the estimated production in 2008 is around 13,500 tonnes. This is around 4,000 tonnes (31%) higher than the Registered Vineyard Cape Jervis GI Region preferred intake for that year. Most of the surplus is in Cabernet Sauvignon (1500t) Fluerieu Zone (excluding KI) and Chardonnay (900t), while Shiraz is expected to be in balance. FLEURIEU ZONE (OTHER) CURRENT PLANTINGS BY VARIETY AND YEAR PLANTED Table 8.1 Current area in hectares by year planted % planted Variety Pre-2000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total area in 2004 CURRENCY CREEK CABERNET SAUVIGNON 126 93 35 2 0 0 257 0% CHARDONNAY 4 0 9 11 20 61 105 58% GRENACHE 11 0 0 0 0 0 11 0% MERLOT 19 13 24 0 0 0 56 0% PINOT GRIS 0 0 0 0 0 11 11 100% RIESLING 5 0 0 6 0 0 10 0% SAUVIGNON BLANC 19 1 1 3 5 5 35 14% SHIRAZ 148 25 24 20 0 0 217 0% OTHER VARIETIES (<10ha each) 15 6 7 3 1 0 33 0% TOTAL ALL VARIETIES 348 137 101 45 26 77 734 10% SOUTHERN FLEURIEU CABERNET SAUVIGNON 77 1 1 0 0 0 79 0% CHARDONNAY 32 2 11 10 2 3 60 5% MERLOT 24 5 5 0 1 0 33 1% PINOT NOIR 19 5 2 0 0 0 26 0% SAUVIGNON BLANC 20 0 9 3 6 0 37 0% SEMILLON 17 4 0 0 0 0 20 0% SHIRAZ 77 2 0 0 1 0 81 0% OTHER VARIETIES (<10ha each) 13 9 3 0 3 2 30 7% TOTAL ALL VARIETIES 278 28 29 14 13 6 368 2% KANGAROO ISLAND CABERNET SAUVIGNON 24 9 10 2 0 0 45 0% SHIRAZ 25 4 3 2 2 0 36 1% OTHER VARIETIES (<10ha each) 5 2 13 0 1 1 23 5% CHARDONNAY 8 0 0 0 3 0 11 0% TOTAL ALL VARIETIES 62 15 25 4 6 2 114 1% FLEURIEU ZONE - OTHER CABERNET SAUVIGNON 36 0 0 0 5 0 41 0% CHARDONNAY 4 0 0 27 4 26 61 42% SHIRAZ 69 0 0 0 4 32 105 30% OTHER VARIETIES (<10ha each) 15 0 0 1 4 8 29 29% TOTAL ALL VARIETIES 124 0 0 28 17 66 236 28% WINEGRAPE UTILISATION AND PRICING SURVEY 2005 65 66 FLEURIEU ZONE (OTHER) TONNES CRUSHED BY VARIETY - VINTAGE 2005 Table 8.2 Tonnes from % of demand Total winery grown Total other growers Total crushed Total preferred Number of wineries reporting tonnages (>0) for other growers supplied Variety % of total Own Other Preferred RED Cabernet Sauvignon 1,480 1,384 2,864 2,183 48% 131% 9 16 20 Grenache 19 96 115 109 84% 105% 2 2 4 Malbec 13 0 13 10 0% 130% 1 0 1 Merlot 471 432 903 831 48% 109% 5 10 11 Petit Verdot 66 0 66 55 0% 119% 2 0 2 Pinot Noir 37 100 137 78 73% 177% 3 4 5 Sangiovese 6 50 56 30 89% 187% 1 2 2 Shiraz 1,187 2,775 3,962 3,388 70% 117% 10 18 21 Tempranillo 0 12 12 12 100% 98% 0 1 1 Total RED 3,278 4,850 8,128 6,696 60% 121% % of grand total 81% 81% WHITE Chardonnay 229 541 770 479 70% 161% 5 7 10 Chenin Blanc 0 34 34 35 100% 98% 0 1 1 Pinot Gris 0 25 25 30 100% 83% 0 2 2 Riesling 98 103 201 190 51% 106% 5 4 8 Sauvignon Blanc 257 300 557 637 54% 87% 7 8 14 Semillon 71 120 190 136 63% 140% 2 4 4 Traminer 0 36 36 36 100% 100% 0 1 1 Verdelho 4 18 22 4 84% 614% 1 1 1 Viognier 10 7 17 22 40% 79% 1 1 2 Total WHITE 668 1,184 1,852 1,570 64% 118% % of grand total 19% 19% Grand Total 3,946 6,034 9,980 8,266 60% 121% FLEURIEU ZONE (OTHER) CROP VALUE DATA - VINTAGE 2005 Table 8.3 Calc average Grower Total Estimated total value Estimated total value Lowest Highest Variety purchase value qualifier2 grown (t) crushed (t) purchased grapes total grapes price1 price per tonne RED Cabernet Sauvignon 1,384 2,864 $1,129,273 $2,336,368 $250 $1,587 $816 100% Grenache 96 115 $75,575 $90,263 $785 100% Malbec 0 13 $0 $12,471 $0 Merlot 432 903 $381,448 $797,690 $250 $1,471 $884 100% Petit Verdot 0 66 $0 $63,025 $0 Pinot Noir 100 137 $97,589 $133,689 $750 $1,078 $973 100% Sangiovese 50 56 $67,056 $75,071 $1,336 100% Shiraz 2,775 3,962 $2,882,521 $4,115,133 $250 $1,923 $1,039 100% Tempranillo 12 12 $16,520 $16,520 $1,400 100% Total RED 4,850 8,128 $4,649,982 $7,640,229 WHITE Chardonnay 541 770 $532,835 $757,795 $250 $1,600 $985 100% Chenin Blanc 34 34 $34,280 $34,280 $999 100% Pinot Gris 25 25 $48,085 $48,085 $1,923 100% Riesling 103 201 $78,869 $154,001 $550 $1,200 $766 100% Sauvignon Blanc 300 557 $362,090 $672,302 $900 $1,600 $1,207 100% Semillon 120 190 $117,310 $186,581 $650 $1,200 $981 100% Traminer 36 36 $39,655 $39,655 $1,100 100% Verdelho 18 22 $15,470 $18,478 $859 100% Viognier 7 17 $8,996 $22,386 $1,300 100% Total WHITE 1,184 1,852 $1,237,591 $1,933,563 Total all varieties 6,034 9,980 $5,887,573 $9,573,792 1 The absence of lowest and highest prices means that fewer than three wineries supplied pricing data for each variety. 2 This indicates the percentage of purchased fruit for which pricing information was supplied. WINEGRAPE UTILISATION AND PRICING SURVEY 2005 67 68 FLEURIEU ZONE (OTHER) ESTIMATED AND PREFERRED FUTURE INTAKE OF GRAPES 2006 TO 2010 Table 8.4 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Variety estimated preferred qualifier1 estimated preferred qualifier estimated preferred qualifier estimated preferred qualifier estimated preferred qualifier RED Cabernet Sauvignon 3,226 2,736 98% 3,005 2,789 98% 2,494 2,291 79% 2,450 2,371 75% 2,570 2,491 75% Grenache 126 126 88% 126 126 88% 16 16 16% 16 16 16% 17 17 16% Malbec 13 13 100% 13 13 100% 13 13 100% 13 13 100% 13 13 100% Merlot 938 654 87% 795 761 93% 936 902 93% 1,055 1,041 91% 1,087 1,073 91% Petit Verdot 60 60 100% 65 70 100% 65 70 100% 70 70 100% 70 70 100% Pinot Noir 86 86 58% 86 86 58% 62 62 44% 102 102 44% 142 142 44% Sangiovese 48 26 100% 48 26 100% 48 26 100% 48 26 100% 48 26 100% Shiraz 4,695 3,485 97% 4,316 3,966 97% 3,736 3,591 81% 3,740 3,750 77% 3,745 3,755 77% Tempranillo 30 12 100% 30 12 100% 30 12 100% 30 12 100% 30 12 100% Total RED 9,222 7,198 8,484 7,849 7,400 6,983 7,524 7,401 7,722 7,599 WHITE Chardonnay 1,503 1,165 98% 1,677 1,340 98% 1,751 1,429 88% 1,961 1,634 85% 2,042 1,757 85% Chenin Blanc 35 35 100% 35 35 100% 35 35 100% 35 35 100% 35 35 100% Pinot Gris 10 10 20% 10 10 20% 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 0% Riesling 198 196 95% 215 213 95% 205 203 95% 205 203 95% 205 188 95% Sauvignon Blanc 520 582 100% 562 574 100% 571 583 98% 547 559 79% 547 559 79% Semillon 169 114 100% 169 119 100% 86 66 61% 66 66 50% 66 66 50% Traminer 84 84 100% 84 84 100% 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 0% Verdelho 10 10 16% 10 10 16% 10 10 16% 10 10 16% 10 10 16% Viognier 52 52 100% 52 52 100% 38 38 100% 38 38 100% 38 38 100% Total WHITE 2,581 2,248 2,814 2,437 2,696 2,364 2,862 2,545 2,943 2,653 Total all varieties 11,803 9,446 11,298 10,285 10,096 9,347 10,387 9,947 10,665 10,251 1 This indicates the percentage of crushed fruit in the current vintage for which forecast intake data was supplied.
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