" y ' v'ji • • t T. '* • • ' 'f ■■ ■>'-"-4r^, 109 Wm « f 0 . t i 5^02 Sj» ■tar 9 i Ita AiBt ^P6r tagrfU r sasLjraf^ (CtaMltad AdrertUleg m VOL. u n . NO. ise. 14.) MANCHESTER, CONN^ SAi L MARCH 10, 19^ (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS NO ADMISSION FRANCE WOULD Army Airmail Flyer, Lost In fittnard, Plongres To His Death In Ohio Cornfield WIDE ICC CONTROL FEE CHARGED MAKE BIG BOND AT B i m O O L ISSIIE^ARMS OR TRANSIT CHAOS, HeraU’s Cookmg Sessions Plans to Raise $197,000,- EASTMAN WARNING 000 for Bigger Air Fleet Free to All Women — CONGRESS BEARS Coordinator Urges Pheag Army, Nary and Coast Opens Tnesday Morning INDIANROMANCE Water and Motor Trans­ Defenses. at 10 in State Theater. RepresentatiTe BhekweD port in Hands of Inter­ Becaum Mrs. Eklna R. Crabtree 1b Paris, March 10.— A bond issue of Surprises CoDeagnes as state Commerce Commis­ a lecturer asd demonstrator of na­ 3,000,000,000 franca ( currently tional reputation, and because the $197,400,000) is sought by the Cooking School activities are taking He Recites AD the Details. sion— Sees Rninoos Con­ on such Important proportions, many French government today to make women of Manchester and vicinity France invincible in the air, on land believe that there is to be a fee for and by sea. Washington, March 10.— (A P)— flict Between Groups and the daQy sessions. There is no Special emphasis is placed on the A Congressional echo of a 150-yeor- charge whatsoever for any of the “necessity” of a strong air fleet in a old romance between a French no­ CooUng School activities. No bill Introduced in Parliament yes­ Within Them — Bitter terday seeking expenditures in addi­ bleman and an Indian girl brought tion to the regular budget. Flepresentative Bakwell, Connecti­ U)8t in a blinding snowstorm, Lieut. Otto Weinecke, Arm y airmail ftyer, crashed to his death in a cornfield near Burton, O., when he attempted Struggle Has FoDowed A flat refusal to disarm “while cut’s former Yale professor Con- to m ^ e an emergency landing, after his gas supply ran low. W reckage of his plane is shown in this striking photo. Weinecke, flying cne Germany is rearming” was contain­ gressmau, to his feet In protest ed in the measure. This declaration mau from Newark to Cleveland, was the third mall aviator to die in Ohio since the Arm y took over the service Ponring of Capital Into was published by the Foreign Office “It appears,” he said, in opening and sent to Geneva, Berlin and Lon­ debate on a bill favorably reported don. by the commltlee on Indian affairs, Transportation Facilities. “An air fleet of the first magni­ “ that some time before the French tude and capable of getting into NOTED JOURNAUST revolution a French count, a roister­ DEMOCRATS SEEK action instantaneously” was called HOUSE COMMITTEE VOTES ing blade, saw a dusky Indian maid­ Washington, March 10.— (A P )— for in the rigid FYench defense pro­ en by the name of ‘Laughing Buf­ Coordinator Joseph B. Eastman to- gram, the cost of which the govern­ DIES IN NEW YORK falo’ on the streets of Paris, became ment proposed be borne by a bond ECONOMY ACCORD forthwith enamored of her, and day'warned Congress of a “toreaten- issue. Authorization was asked by AGAINST FOX’S CLAIMS sought a meeting with the fair Ing chaos” In toe Nation’s transpor­ the government to reorganize the charmer, but without success. She tation system. air force, to strengthen the coastal Prof. Allen Sinclair Will had left for home in the New World Choosing words carefully, he defense and to spend a third of the House Chiefs Call New Can* before he had the opportunity of urged It be averted by placing com­ appropriation asked on the army. Recommends That Rep. Hig­ IRISH FREE STATE making her acquaintance. plete control of water, motor truck Britain Also Rearming “He immediately followed, but, and bus transportation imder toe In­ Passes Away After Brief (In London yesterday the British cus for Monday to Quell unfortunately ‘Laughing Buffalo’ terstate Commerce Commission. Under Secretary for Air, Sir Philip gins, Republican, Be Seat­ had set sail for New Orleans and The resort of toe Federal coor­ Sassoon, told Parliament that Great Illness— W as 65. BUSINESS BEHER the count found himself on a boat dinator of transportation was toe Britain had concluded she must ed— Second District Elec­ Veteran Bloc. bound for Montreal. Nevertheless second in a series he will make to “have parity in the air” ; the Brit­ the ardor of his passion unabated, President Roosevelt and Congress. ish defense forces have asked ap­ In it be answered an emphatic Mr*. Edna B. Crabtree New York, March 10.—(AP) — he still determined to find the maid­ propriations totaling $577,651,880 tion W as Under Dispute. Washington, March 10.—In an en. Now such was the affinity of “yea” to these two questions tickets are required. No admission for next year— about $24,206,2 )0 Prof. Allen Sinclair Will, director of Railways Show Increase in effort to quell the Insurgent group these two souls that the count, set­ “Is there need for Federal legis­ slip of any kind need be presented. more than last year.) the Department of Journalism of ting out from Montreal, and ‘Laugn- lation to regulate other (than r^> A ll that is necessary is to come The bill here said France was which last night over-rode Adminis­ Rutgers University and associate Washington, March 10.— (AP) — Receipts, While Whiskey Ing Buffalo’ from New Orleans, transportation agencies and to pro­ early, find a good seat, and be using 1923 materials which were tration spokesmen during a Demo­ they were drawn together some­ mote proper coordination of all professor of Journalism of the Co­ House ElecUons (Committee No. 3 ready when Mrs. Crabtree walks out “now obsolete.” lumbia University School of Journal­ cratic caucus called to adjust the where on the prairies of Nebraska. means of transport?” into her kitchen and begins her recommended today that the con­ The navy asks 596,000,000 francs ism, died today at Wlckersham hos­ Trade Booms. differences on veterans’ benefits, They were married and in the due “Is there need for amendments to fascinating program. ($39,151 ,(X>0) for various purposes, pital. test brought by William C. Fox, course of time three children result­ the Federal statutes to Improve de­ Fascinating conservative Democrats in the including 80,000,000 francs ($5,264,- Cerebral embolism and pneumonia ed from the union.” tails of toe present system of regu­ And fascinating it will be, accord­ Democratic nominee In the Second House today circulated and ob­ 000) for coast defense and 150,000,- were given as the cause of death. Washington, March 10— Business The bill would register 57 of their lating toe railroads?” ing to the women who have heard Connecticut Congressional district, tained sufficient signatures to call 000 francs ($9,870,000) for hydro­ He was 65 years old. descendants as members of the Eastman’s first report outlined a her talk on other occasions. Mrs. trpnds In the Irish Free State were another caucus next Monday after­ plane bases. Prof, Will collapsed Sunday and be thrown out and that Representa­ Omadia tribe, with the rights to re- tentative plan for government oper’ Crabtree hsis spoken before many reported to be generally favorable noon. Fpr airplanes of “quality instead was taken to the hospltfd. Yesterday tive William L. Higgins, Republic- celve certain payments. It was ation of the ralln^ds and anotoer thousands of women, in all parts of Veteran members like Represent­ of quantity’! the A ir Minister seelts his daughter, Mrs. Harry S. Willis, EUR, be seated. is the Department of Commerce passed over without action. the npunt^. She has an eTrelient" atives McReynolds, Bankhead, Sam for enforced «msolidatlon, but said rjznouiiMd that her fsUier'e -oondf- T h e' pommittee found, the " f f s t .-•ktkly eubvey of foreign trade mada voice csh be heard au over" B. mu, W vren and Rayburn, all of the time was not yet ripe for either* tion was critical and that he was said, th a ttb e contestant had failed the State theater. She Is good to public today. Reports from Japan theip : Administration followers, Representative Go m ’s committee A lf TraiMporlation. not expected to survive the day. 'Ibe to^substahtlate claims that a ma­ and China also showed tome better styBed the petition within a few duties keep him in Washington Reports on air transportation and look at as she goes smoothly and end came at 6:16 a. m. jority of the voters wished to oast quickly about her cooking in the sentiment. Excerpts from the report minutes after adjournment today. late into toe summer, long after toe labor situations are in progress and Born in Antioch, Va., Prof. WDl their ballots for him but were con­ kitchen. She has had a wealth of NEW TAX SOURCES follow: Worried Over Caociis session has adjourned. will be delivered shortly. received his master of Arts degree fused by the presence on the ballot experience in home-making, in spe Brsizil— The sentiment of hope­ Representative Byrns, plainly He 1s a member of two sub-com­ Today he recommended. In addi­ from St. John’s college, Annapolis, cial training for her Cooking School of the “Wet Party” ticket. Fox fulness which has pervaded business mittees of toe military affairs com­ tion to an expanded KDC control: Md.; his degree of Doctor of Litera­ lecturing, in stud}dng foods, cook­ clEdmed the candidacy for Congress in Brazil in the past several months (UoattniMd on Pago Two) mittee investigating activities of toe Minimum as well as maximum IN STATE SOUGHT ture from St.
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