Republic of the Philippines DepatmentofEducation Region VH, Central Visayas DIVISION 0F CEBU PROVINCH Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City April 30, 2018 D[VISION MEMORANDURA No.a s. 2018 SANAY6URO: THE NATIONAL TEACHERS TRAINING PROGRAM ON ARTS AND CULTURE FOR THE SPECIAL PFtoGRAM IN THE ARTS To: Assistant superintendents Chiefs, CID and SGOD District S u perv isors/OI Cs Secondary School Heads 1. Attached is Regional Memorandum No. 0296, s. 2018, entitled, "SanayGuro.' The National Teachers Training Program on Arts and Culture for the Special Program in the Arts," to be conducted on May 7-11, 2018 at Sta, Fe Resort, Bacolod City. 2. Please refer to the said Regional Memorandum for the list of participants. 3. The aforementioned event is free of charge but board and lodging, travel and other incidental expenses incurrecl by the participants are chargeable against local school MODE/PTA/SEE or other available sources, subject to availability and the usual accounting and auditing I.ules and regulations. 4. This Memorandum serves as Authority to Travel. 5. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. ANGTUD, Ed.D., CESO Vl ivision Superintendent TelephoneNunbe[s; Wetisite : www.depedcebuprovincc.com SchodsDivisionSuporintendent: (032) 255i5405 E-mail Add : depedoebuprovince©rahoo.com Asst. Schods Division Superintendent: (032) 414-7457 Accounting Section: (032) 254-2632 msbusing Section: (032) 2554401 AdrrinA.egal: (032) 253-7847 .zf RErmso.F# 1`:.... I FLEEUB"coF"E p)iELmmiEs KAGAifyARAZ\T NG EDUKASYON DEEARTMEr`IT oF EDucATzoN REEHYON VII, GITi`-ANG VISAYAS REGI0NVTI,CENTRALVISAYAS Sudlon, hahug, Cebu City REGIol\IAL MEMORAN DUIVI No fl?qf3 ,s.2018 sANAVGURo: THE NATionIAL TEACHERs TRAINING PROGRAM oni ARTs AND curruRE FOR THE spEciAL PROGRAM IN THE ARTs To: Schools Di`iision superimendeuts 1. The National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) and the Departmem Of Education (DepEd), in cooperation with Philippine Studies Association (PSA) will conduct the Sanayguro:TheNationalTeachersTrainingProgramonArtsandCulturefortheSpecialProgram in the Arts on May 7-11, 2018 at Sta. Fe Resort, Bacolod City. 2. This program aii'ns to provicle the teacheri]articipants in the public schools with comprehensive training on the technilques related to their field Of arts specialization. The participan.i:s to this training program are those SPA Teachers, Division, Regional Supervisors/Coordinators who meet the qualifications set by the organizing committee. 3. The aforementioned e\/eut is free Of charge but board and lodging, travel and other incidental expenses incurred by the participants are chargeable against school MO0E/division/regional/locav PTCA/School Board funds subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 4. For cletails, refertothe attached enclosures. £. Immecliate dissem-mate of.and compliance with this Memorandum is directed. -----.---:::-:.----:,:---::i-i "isT)lTanlpe clMD'18 OmceortheDimur(Ormir},Tel.Nos.;{o32)231-1433;231`13og;4}47399;414.7325;"iceoftheAssintDrfeonr`TelNo.:co32}2554542 rmdTefhliica]Assistan.eZrmsfon(Fliay).TELNos=`032}414-7324aTrimlilamLca77ingMngementDivts-con(CLMD).fitlNor.:{032)414-7323 QimBtyA"faticeJm-ozi{QAD)Tel.Nos={Oa2)231-1O7[HnmziBesouTceDndop©D:whinDamDP).nth.No.:(032}255-523g EdqcanonSupporlScTvtcogDlvtstoD(ESSD).TdNo.:(032)254_7062r[anning.rortyand±Tchnfuisi.o]](PJ>RD}TH.Nos.:(032)233i)030; 414-706£ Admjoislmtive "vigion. TeJ. Nos.: t032) 414-7326; 414`4367; 414-7366; 414-7322; 4144367 FjpeueeDivnun.rfeLNos,:(03Z)2S6-2375;252i]06];4]4-732] "€StL2Ou5=flarapatarLr.a,£a&at,9?two.xpFutanngfchch'' REGioN vii pARTicipANTs ro THE sANAyGURO: THE NATioNAL TEAciiERs i-RAINING PROGRAM 0N ARTS AND fllLTURE FOR THE SPECIAL PROGRAM IN THE ARTS GRADES 7-10 I Namf of Dr, J uvelyn P . Otero Regtonal office Vll I ( Creative Writing Keith Florence A. Joso[ NHS, Bchol Melanie Siquijor City iiigh School, ±magueteul ia Helen a. Chavez i Dr. Cecilio pu{ong NHS.Tagbilaran city daiie City School for the Arts, Tviandaue City •Eg¥ I co,awn Nr!S,. CBb\j Province CebLl I,liy .._ | Don_Yi_cepl€ iri=-.. Juvilyn M. DcuBlas I Don Vlcente Rdma I.viemQrial NHS, Cebu Cilt7 i Crisanto M. r]udia .icangav/aNIS,Bchol Flo/deliza A. O[ic[ Dr. Cecilio Putong Nlls, Naneth s` Amparado Or, Cecilio Purong Nlls. Tdgbilaran Nmo G. Matill{`no Mai]clauc Ci[y Division '.[JFiT3-a . Flores Cebu Province a Norrieto Apoito] i+:ia,:inR"#Badian NHS, I:eb`i Pro¥`mce R!za Sumdgaysa\J C3ngawa l"S, BohoJ _'i£P£P.i5LELDL±ari [)r. Cc!_r`iliti Putong N HS, Tagbilaran City DumagiietecityHjE!LsjELIJul"Sllf`_tt._€jt¥._. Rogeno Q` ValerizueJa G`y O.f 8080.5eeET`d Afis Acadtimy, Bof;O tit.y+ Kalrina S. P,idma lvlz!].dd\ip C.`ily ScliQol for the Ar ls, Mend,lug C|y... := .¢ripryll ri orac Ba'Is {:iTy NHS, Bats City Chc`ryvc.rAriuTa Ntl5, Bohol TeresitaR.Piqu_eq2 t'utong N LIS, Tagbllaran.EL ` . `` . i Dr- `ie¥ r}r` (:ccilio Putong NHS, Ta8bilaran City Co]8v/in Nlis , Cebu Prov'ince `[N;a;::r;!::jjli¥:= I `v.''_I-:.I.I ` I _ ''` '..=1 ~ `` I ' y . " ' -- _CjtyofBog_osci®ncea.nd_^ilf_Ai_dtler[iy.Ilo_gocji±/~. Dori Vlcenle Rami3 M€moria! NHS, Ceb[i CITY uon Vicenle R,1mil MeJrorial NHsr Cebu Ct{y i Jchn PaulTinampB¥ pE[u, wa NHS, Bohol mc`,ilc`r/Drcima L±sml" |"n ±a[u;aogN:i;j¥n:.:'andEd`emy,B±-rfuiv-! rjRaacnk;;fn°EL,:un:I:rndbewon Pri[illa rarTati N_ An{1viso iEL€:::,Pot::`tg:Hi£T,5,c::g:a:ac:1u¥etec-,i-y--` • Darvllp Davide Colawin NHS. Cebu Provmcp Jonatha n T, Jimenez -+';°anfl:i!u=,L;as:,:o¥,erg,=i;:tgfLt':rri±C::teY Rus5il S. Tariman Carmelita I. Dumagan _ i DrLCL±Si!iaputqllg±!!±ELTagbJlaraL£±i!y Pa[ilritte E';osido D_lLmLqu?te[ity±ighscltoo| DumaguetF Clly A(.isr.Io G` Bautis{8 NHS, Boho` REPUBLIKA NG Plup}NAS REPUBLIC OF THE PHlupp[NES RCA8AurARAm "G EE}uBffis¥®RE DEPARTsulENIT OF EDucATIoas D8aED CQmplex, frleralco A`7e , Pas=g Clty T.inEg.]p`qi] ng r.in:a la`tang t{alihim Of f Ice rlf illi' u nu€r§ccr(trir): Lc.i:'sl,iii\tc^fi-airslT`arlr``rship`.ir)d F \{cmal L ink`io`es`Qch`iol SpoT|s REMORABrDURI Ou-I,.\!'SS No_ __. s, 2018 TO =8:3E# 8¥¥TC£Rfu ARTs ccoroINATORS REeloNAL gpEcmL glROG-RARiB [re THE ARTs supER-ensoEis/coQREENATORs sCHo®Is DrvlslQN supEEEENTBNDaNTs puBLlc A@m pRnrATE ELERENTARv AIND sacor¢DAH¥ sanooL HEADs ALL OTRERS CONCERItBD j#®~neNICS ,i_ U!`{.lprs;car.tar/ sANAyer!Ro: THE NATIONAT„ TEACHBR§ TRAENI!aG PROGR/L±nff O}i ARTs [anD ctrLTUFLE FOR Tzm spEcmL PROGRAM IN THE ARTS 27 bi{f`rch 3018 This h.is rel`'rcince io lhc `ipcoTI..ir`g S<+,\'A I.t?i,'J?O: Th: ir`T3.jona{ l`e`3chi`rs Ti.airi.; ig PIcy7`r.tit] on /\rls anrl Culttlfc for the Spcflal I+.)grzrm in ihf f\rls ( `H i`rli`s 7`to |Tr.1mor's Trrurlm!z| `..it:a sL` (list?.ptlii.s fif €hl: a/is .)r3anizcc.; b.`` {r:.. I.-.`i{}r)!i.2J |`om[iii:,sioli l`or Cl`lturc` e`ntl ih`^ .i\rts I,`C`C.`| lid the Dc'p``ar{mcnt a( Eat.Ir,1::.|n (ncpr.:cH in coopr`r.iijori ``Iith Pl.dippu`c. Studic:` .\.3s.)t.!€ition (PS.A) The piogram is a N-:lil()iial Tr€uncrs. Tr,iinmg Prfigrc`m I..lii{`h .`ims lo pro`iiic iht- [t`ach€r|);Ir cip.ants in inc ptib!it` ``rho..Is `vi!ri i`omprc.)]<`nsj.` L. ir,'iinin=q f,n i`hc' {|`i`hiuquc`s rclci.ed to lhcir f!eld of Lirts sp.cl=`[`?at]on [iat`b Lirt dt``c.plmt` a`rr.i t.1 rti`]ip ,'b(` tfjaL`hcrLpou.ucipan.`s the c..`pabiht`, to pToduL`e .:re~`ti` r /_}u[iiuls` mo.``Int pcrformanccq r]nd c.Ir{``c .\xl`Ib`ts. it`cl`ir!mg ``a.`3 of pr.``.I(lil`L= art{`t:i` f``li`l<|nle lo\+'ITds the ?`¥T)ccl(.d oul[)utB of [hc..I studci}ls The schedule of thg activities are as roi\o`t.s: . 9-13April Luzon and ?lcR . 7-|lMay visa.yes a |4-18.fty]ay ivfindenao April 9, May 7 April 10, May April ll, ; Aprill2,in:2._I_? I I-i_P¥3 lo3, hsay 11 & 1S dr 14 (NIonday) a 3} 15 Mag 9 dr i!di:==_ J--ill Q8..00 AM : - Parallel Paral'€[ Round-tab!c I 12:00 Pl\{ Worl`TshoFs- Workshops- W'orks}iops- i a;scussjoJ]s .`rri`-al and Creali\:c Cr€a±vc CTeativewr7tEng I Pleilary P.¢gls`ralior. Writing WTitir,g Dmce C!asing DaJ,ce Dance Drama Drama Drama Mcid]a .1rls NeElia Arts MedraArl`q i Parauel Parallgl Pa=ai\£J tvif.orkshcips- 05;00 PM Worlc8frops- Workshops ~ Opening Crcativ€ Crefa[i'.'e Crcativc= \iv.riti]g Plc`nan.if V,,riting lArriting I.iscussina DafreL+ Dance DraJnEI Drama Dr<una Medif\ <q.rfs Mectia Arts Medi£`Ar?a Musie Music Visual Arts v-isualATts ThEi afor€mcnt}onL]d event is frciq or Char.gc` ar;_a opeit lct teaclic`rs froFT, both public and prt.Jace secondaLri/ schQDls, seitictr hip,{` §ch clots:, schools offfrr,g Speaa[ Program in the Ar:s (SPA), Indip,€tioi.is Pcopic`s Educa[fon ({P¢`df, A!terHa.:i`'c' i.earr}ing +5.vS[£+in (+.\ij5S] I and schools of li`iing tradit`Ior}s` ln aadidori, rJepF.cl ric!d J+m¢:`cT.Is, pariim lar|`r t``e regiorial,,Jdivisioi`/S[3A coorc[inatsT§ .ure strQz`g`i}' advised and eT}c:ouTagec:: =o attend i he afti',ity. For more infomaLio.1, yoii ma}' €on{itcE rhe following.
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