Th e New Y o rk Tercentenary ' ’ ’ 1472 Exfi z ézt z on of ’ Tfi e Hist oty ofNew Net/zer /a na I 5 2 4 6 74 ARRANGED AND DESCRI BED BY V I CTO R HUG O PA LTSITS Chief of the American History Division and Keeper of Manuscripts NEW Y O R K THE NEW YO R K P U B L I C L IB RA RY M CM ' ' V I R E P R I NT E D DE CE MB E R 19 2 6 FR OM THE B ULLETIN O F THE NEW Y O R K P UB LIC Ll B R ARY O F S E PT E MB E R A ND OCT OB E R | 9 2 6 P R INTE D AT THE NEW Y O R K P UB LIC LI B R A R Y fo rm p 2 19 [ xii - 2 0 - 2 6 3 cl T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S PA GE BI B LIOGRA P HY R ECOR D GU I DES DOCUM ENTARY COLLECTIONS L R S . TOPOGRAP HY AND IGHTS TREETS, ETC THE INDIANS OF MAN HATTAN ISLAND AND ELSEWH ERE NEW NETH ERLAND G ENERAL WORKS NEW AMSTERDAM — GENERAL WORKS REGIONAL NEW AMSTERDAM AND NEW HARLEM — REGIONAL TH E BRON ' REGIONAL HUDSON RIVER LOCALITI ES AND R E NSS ELA E R SW Y C K REGIONAL D ELAWARE NEW JE RSEY LONG ISLAND STATEN ISLAND NATIONAL A ND RACIAL EL E IW E NTS LAW AND RELIGION ECONOM ICS AND GOVERNM ENT SOCIAL HISTORY EDUCATION V G V 152 4 OYAGE OF IOVANNI DA ERRAZZANO , V G o M Ez 152 5 OYAGE OF ESTEVAM , V 16 0 9 OYAGE OF HENRY HUDSON , N ETHER LA ND C C 16 14 U ITED NEW N OM PANY, HARTERED IN , AND D C A C 1 1 UTCH WEST INDIA OM P NY, HARTERED IN 6 2 NEW NETHERLAND F IRST ADM INISTRATION : CORNELIS JACO B 16 2 4 S V R SEN MAY, , ECOND ADM INISTRATION : WI LLEM E 16 2 5 HULST, : P T NEW NETH ERLAND TH IRD ADM INISTRATION ETER M INUI , — 16 2 6 3 2 ; PU RCHASE OF MAN HATTAN ISLAND AND FOUND ING OF NEW AMSTERDAM NEW NETHERLAND FOURTH ADM INISTRATION : B A STI A EN A N Z K 1 2 — F : VV S . 6 3 3 3 O UTE J ROL, ; I FTH ADM INISTRATION R 16 3 3— 3 8 VAN TWI LLER, S ' : K NEW NETH ERLAND I TH ADM INISTRATION WI LLEM IEFT, 16 3 8— 4 7 NEW N ETH ERLAND SEVENTH ADM INISTRATION : PETER S TUY ESA NT 16 4 7— 6 4 V , TH E ENGLISH I NTERREGNUM ADM INISTRATIONS O F RICHARD 16 64— 6 8 F L 16 6 8— 73 NICOLLS, , AND RANCIS OVELACE , — NEW NETH ERLAND LAST D UTCH ADM INISTRATION : ANTONY CO L V E 16 73— 74 , NEW YORK CE L E B R A TI O s 19 14 19 15 192 4 THE NEW Y O R K TER CENTENA R Y AN E' HIBITI ON O F THE HI STORY OF N EW NETHERLAND ARRANGED AND D ESCRI BED B Y V I C T O R H U G O PA LTS I T S Chief of the American History Division and Keeper of M anuscripts N 16 2 4 the first Settlement within the confines of the present Empire State of New York was made by the Dutch West I ndia Company at 1 Fort Orange (now Albany ) . In 6 2 6 other colonists arrived at Manhattan l an efi ected I s d with Peter Minuit , and in that year there had been its settle ment, the purchase of the island from the Indians, and consolidation of all n families i New Netherland at the southern end , which was called Fort Amsterdam . This settlement was never wholly disintegrated . It was never n aba doned . In these beginnings are rooted the origin of the City of New York . 192 6 n For several years prior to the year , there was great expecta cy n z among numerous orga i ations of men and women , historically minded, that the year 192 6 would produce a climax of celebrations in the city and under offi cial auspices worthy of the leading city of the western hemisphere . Work ing drawings for exhibitions and pageantry had been completed for use on fl n several oors of the Gra d Central Palace , where for a month or more it was designed to corral thousands of Visitors and focus attention upon the great - C . n birthday of the ity Not only did this feature of a celebratio die still born , but no other signifi cant observance of the city’s attainment in the historical fi rmamen t was carried out . The exhibition in the Main Exhibition Room of the Library was prepared o Or in in c d atio n with the expected celebrations . It turned out to be an event n by itself, as well as the only one from which the public could derive a understanding of the foundations of New York history . It was arranged in - five fl at forty showcases and on Sixteen sides of upright standards . The ex hibitio n z — was organi ed systematically . The arrangement of one half was h c Th . e primarily bibliograp i al , regional , and topical other half was par ticul arl n fi y chro ological , from the rst recorded discovery of New York z z 152 4 s n n 16 74 Harbor by Verra ano in to the end of the Dutch j uri dictio i , 2 THE NEW YORK PU BLI C LI BRARY or a period of one hundred and fi fty years . The material s out o fwhich the historian must reconstru ct thi s past were displayed in a remarkably complete ‘ n n series , which included original Dutch records and other ma uscripts, co V temporary maps and iews, rare early publications and numerous modern books and pamphlets . It would be unfi tting to close this note without an expression of thanks to L the American Numismatic Society, the Pierpont Morgan ibrary, and Bron so n W E . inthrop , sq , for the items lent by them and described in detail in the list below . The list preserves the record of the display cards and titles of the items that were shown . n n 2 2 d c The exhibition bega o March , and ontinued through September L h . 6 t ( abor Day) , registering a total of visitors CO NS PECTUS O F THE E' HI B ITI O N BIBLIOGRAPHY F R V O UD HE DE N MULLER, REDERIK , Amsterdam IJ KSM USEUM AN , Catalogue of books relating to Leiden A c c s . E meri a, in luding a large number of The Pilgrim father xhibition 170 0 rare works printed before , of documents from public and private amongst which a nearly complete co l collections at Leiden relating to the c lection of the Dutch publi ations on c —A Dut h settlements in North merica . - 16 12 New Netherland , from to A 1 L 8 8 8 . ugust, [ eiden , 18 2 0 . Prepared on the occasion of the visit of H nd S New A G members of the olla ociety of SH ER , EORG M ICHAEL d 1 York to Hollan in 8 8 8 . A bibliographi cal and histori cal es — A A i 19 2 8 . list of Dutch mer cana fills p . sa o n c am h y the Dut h books and p p This catalogue is also inserted in the Year - lets relating to New Netherland and 50 0 15 of the Holland Society of New York — — d 1 18 8 8 8 9 . 8 0 an 8 . to the Dutch West India Company . for , between p — s 18 54 6 7 . Am terdam , Still an indispensable guide to every stu F C A L L CO TT LAGG, HARLES , and dent o f the history of New York under the JUDSON T . JENNINGS Dutch . Bibliography of New York colon P TI ELE , IETER ANTON A 1 0 1. s . 9 ial hi tory lbany, Nederl andsch e bibliographie van A useful and practical reference gui de to n V o lkenku nde . land e Amsterdam , the printed materials relating to the Dutch and 17 76 18 84 . English periods to , though not par ticul arl . The titles relating to New Netherlan d add y accurate in spots Librar nothing new to the earlier B iélio gmp/z iw / Published by the New York State V B B o 2 4 . army by Asher . as ulletin ibli graphy THE NEW YORK TERCENTENARY iblio ra h co ntin ued L B g p y , ANDREWS, WI LLIAM ORING O THE NEw YORK PU B LIC LI BRARY New Amsterdam , New range , 18 9 7 . Check list of works relating to the New York . New York, The first iconographic guide prepared for history (general , political , etc . ) of collectors of prints of New York City . the City of New York in The New Copperplates by E . D . French . L . York Public ibrary Edition limited to 3 0 copies on Imperial 7 - . 9 B ll etin . 5 d 1 A d In : u , v p Japan paper an 70 on merican han made . 12 7 .
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