THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIKCVLATED WEEKLY NEWSFAPEM IN UNION COUNTY ITFTY-THIBD YEAB—-No, 3 WESTFIELD, NEW JgRSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1942 Town wide Scrap Local Troop Will Meeting tt Ann* Milton Barnard Fvtfcr Cit h Cole« Adult School to Drive b Set For Demonstrate Guard Interest m Primaries Ukat« Mrs. Gerald R. Brophy of Shadow- Awarded Army Possibility of coffee rationing ap- Offer War Comes At Meeting With lawn drive will be hostess at a meet- pears closer with the government or- Sunday, Duty Next Week ing next Tuesday, September 6 at 8 Flying Cross dering further restrictions in (icliv- ies to dealers because of the shipping At New Session State Candidates p. m. at which the platforms and shortage between this country and McUl*, RJbbit, TtiUti Wl MmbmOrtoriteSeiGirt qualifications of the candidates for F#mer WestfcUer Wowded Latin America. RegntritiM October |. Ftl ect«JlrDi Hut* F* Tw« Dajr Ttr- the primary election September 15 h Padfc Laried Plane The order, issued last week by the rVilOp««M Hfcb School Opt to At Coacl ftt Practice will be set forth. War Production Board, restricts Non-partisan in scope, the meeting WitkJipwT.il deliveries beginning September 1 to October If hhic 65 per cent of last year's as com- is planned to familiarize voters with yjgitfatii Urgest scrip collection Capt. John Ludlow of Troop B, 2nd Lieutenant Milton C. Barnard was pared with the present monthly quota Announcement of courses for the The League of Women Voters and it get tot Sunday, September 20, be- Squadron, State Guard, has announc- the qualities of the numerous candi- one of four members of the Army Air of 75 per cent. fall term of the Westfield Adult the Independent Club of Wettfield tinninf «* 1 P- »• 8e»M«nt« »« re- ed receipt of orders from Squadron date:. Force who Were decorated Saturday The new quotas on which the board School will be made within the next have, been in touch with all candi- aueated <o contribute every scrap of headquarters at Red Bank authorii- Hi's. A. F. Eichhorn, vice president by General Douglas MacArthur with left the question of equitable distri- several weeks according to members date* competing for nominations ia metel tiey «•" «P«re. An old iron ing a trip to the Sea Girt range on of the Westfield League of Voters the Distinguished Flying Cross for bution to wholesale and retail deal- of the Instruction committee who have the primary election on September IS, iti frame may be made to fly over September 26 and 27. A large group and .Mrs. O. D. Grittin of Wertfield "extraordinary achievements" when in ers, will reduce the per capita cof- listed the opening date for classes as and report a very general approval JJK Englilh channel as part of a from the local troop will make the a candidate for the Republican nomi- action fltar New Guinea. Lieutenant fee consumption from about one and October 19, in the Roosevelt Junior on the part of the candidates them- fcoiiber. Soldiers in the South Sea* trip and it is likely that considerable nation to the State Assembly, will Barnard is the son of Mr. and Mrs. one-eighth pounds a month in normal High School. selves of the proposed meeting of the nay be able to use those extra iMh- firing will be done with the Thomp lead the discussion. Hairey P- Barnard of Buffalo, for- times to less than seven-eighths of a Registration for first term classes two organizations on Thursday, Sep- weighte as part of a machine gun. son Bub-machine guns recently is merly of Westfield. He is a graduate pound. is scheduled for Friday evening, Oc- tember 10 at the Senior High School, How readily may one picture that old sued. of West Point. tober 9 and catalogues describing the The meeting ia being arranged for lawnmower hurtling through the air Thursday, September 10, has been Lieutenant Barnard, pilot of a me- offerings will be distributed through- the purpose of providing the voter* in the form of shrapnel, light into chosen as the date when the projected Red Cross WiD dium bomber, with several shrapnel out the town in September. with an opportunity at a tingle meet- i German machine gun nest. That public demonstration of guard duty wounds in his right arm, made a per- Army Trucks Take In addition to many of the popu- ing to MSt and hear Metsra. Bower, voeless piano can be made to play by the local troop will take place. A fect crash-landing of his plane with lar courses of previous years, the Hawkes and Wilson, candidate* for totally different music if remade into Re-open Sewing guard tent will be set up near the a Japanese Zero on.his tail spraying committee is planning a number of the nomination for United Statw ncendiary bombs, Cast iron frying Camp Furniture Plata and six guard posts establish- explosive bullets at him. The inci- classes in training prospective serv- Senator, together with the contesting fans, Buddie's outgrown go-cart, the ed at the nearby railroad overpass. Work Tuesday dent occurred when the 26-year old ice men and war workers, courses of candidates tor other principal oflm. ivning frame and a thousand other A portion of tonight's drill at the pilot was returning from a bombing special benefit to civil defense work- metal objects that have served so Three Uads Required to A number of the candidates hav* local armory will be devoted to prac- mission to an enemy base. Trouble ers, and morale-building courses for fcithfully but are no longer needed, expreued the hope that questions will tice of this demonstration. New Staf Assistants CMVM started when they were unable to close Mere USO Collectm to the general public. Recommendation My be made to aave many an Amer- be directed to them, seeking to barn Corporal Emmett Sommer, home on the, bomb bay door—meaning that of courses of this type has been made ican soldier's, sailor's," or pilot's life Will Befia wi Kilmer their position in relation to the prob- leave from Ft. Reilly, was the in- more resistance to the air would use to local adult schools by a committee if turned in on September 20 to the lems they will have to deal with if structor at Thursday night's drill in September 22 more gas and slow their speed. of the state Council on Adult Educa- Defense Council's collecting crews. Three Army trucks were required elected,in November, and tie ipon- the handling and dismantling of the "The engineer, the navigator and tion which has been working in con- •on belitve that a program develop, That old ice box, the broken f»» Tommy guns. The sewing department of the Red to carry the furnishings provided by junction with Leonard Dreyfuw, di- I did our damndest to get the doors the Westfield USO committee and tak- ed on the bails of such question* will range, the discarded washing ma- Sergeant Francis Hammann of Cross will reopen September 8, in the shut," Barnard later told a Kew York rector of Civilian Defense. prove of genuine interest. dine; those unsightly back-dated car Plainfield and Sgt. James Eben of Presbyterian parish boose from 10 en to Camp KilmeT Tuesday. This Timet correspondent, in an Aus- committee, headed by MM. W. L.1 Robert L. Poose, chairman of the Provision accordingly will be made license plates, the silly metal image Millburn have rc-etilist«d for another until 4 o'clock, 1500 yards of mate- tralian hospital. "We worked stand- Instruction committee, is vice presi- for such questions to be presented of Venus on the mantel, the cracked one year period. In addition Charles rial has been received and Mrs. Will- Garrison, has been working for weeks ing in the little cat-walk which is six in refurnishing furniture, which hadj dent of the State Council on Adult from the floor at the time of the meet- (rates taken from the furnace when J. Hamburger, also of Millburn, was iam Ransome assisted by her com- inches wide, with nothing between us Education. ing, but the league and the club mean- the change was made to fuel oil— sworn in last week. mittees have been bu»y cutting out been donated by Westfield residents. and the sea 4,000 feet below. And the With Mrs. William Clotworthy han- while are inviting the voters to sub- Uncle Sam wants them, needs them garments in preparation for the open catwalk was slippery from oil." mit in advance questions they would —17,000,000 tons of them—to en- ing day. They hope that a large dling the spray gun, and Mrs. F. N. Dumping everything that was heavy Van Dcventer, Mrs. C. F. Denney, like the candidates to anawer. Such able his uniformed fighters to save number of workers will be on hand into the water to lighten the load, the AFAC Group questions should be addressed in writ- the homes from which the junk- Sewing Kits as there is plenty of sewing, both Mrs. Fred Harrison and Mrs. Will- plane was still unable to keep up iam Baldwin assisting in other ways, ing to Charles A. Pertain, 202 Harri- comes. hand end machine work. Boys shirts, with others in the formation. One son avenue, with an indication as to Trucks and crews able to collect children's rompers and bed jackets the committee finally succeeded in Adds Members For Soldiers engine ran out of gas, and KOS had getting together complete furnishingsi which candidate or candidates the 100 tons of Westfield's reprocessable are to be made as the first part of to be transferred from the auxiliary question is intended for.
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