JOSEPH E. SEAGRAM & SONS, INC. supports the AIDS service organizations that provide care and treatment to people with AIDS and supports education and research for the prevention and cure of AIDS. Please join us at AID & COMFORT II September 22, 1990 Berkeley, California Champagne Perrier-Jouet The Monterey Vineyard Chivas Regal Seagra m's VO Crown Royal Seagram's 7 Crown Martell Cognac Sterling Vineyards Mumm Champagne The Glenlivet Scotch Sandeman Ports & Sherries Wyborowa Vodka NEWS 12 ARTS Boston's Marie Film Mo' Better Blues ,55 Acacia, Film Heiner Carow 56 women's discus Music Edwina l£e Tyler 58 winner at Gay GamesIII, p. 20 Books The Body and Its Dangers 62 Photo: Patsy Books A Body to I¥ For 63 Lynch/OutWeek . Books When the Pamt Boy Sing1Ibe Black Marble PooV A~~ 'M Artcetera Film Director Jennie Livingston 65 HEAlTH HEALTII Political Science (Harrington) 40 DEPARTMENTS Outspoken (Editorial) 4 Letters 5 Stonewall Riots (Natalie) 5 Blurt Out 6 Jennifer Camper 8 NO TIME FORMILLER TIME' 42 Sotomayor 10 AI Weisel on Jesse Helms, Miller beer and pre Obituaries 32 fIrst gay and lesbian boycott of the '90s Liberation Logic (fulayan) 34 The Doctor Is Out (Silverstein) 36 Look Out 48 Out of My Hands (BalD 50 Gossip Watch 51 Out on the Town (Tracey and Pammy) 52 Going Out Calendar (X) 70 On the Cover: Illustration by Steven Stines Tuning In (X) 72 Dancing Out (X) 73 Community Directory 74 Bar Guide 76 OutWeek jlSSN 1047-8442) is published weekly (52, issues) manner, either in whole or in part, without written permiuion by OutWeek Publishing Corporation, 159 W. 25th St, New Yorlc, from the publisher. All righw reserved, ClassifIeds 78 I N.Y,. 10001 (212)337·1200. 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OUTSPOKEN Qn Boycotts and'Betrayal , , , he rapidly growing lesbian and gay boy- impose political cohesion on gay organiZations cotts of Marlboro cigarettes and Miller beer that choose not to honor boycotts. ]will once again test whether olir .c~mmu- Pardon us while we puke, Such self-serving nity has the will 'and the cohesiveness to garbage caused Adweek, which monitors these' mount successful consumer actions. matters, to rePort that industry observers "aren't The Dallas Gay Alliance originally called for so sure" that 'the gay community has enough boycotts of Philip Morris' products because that "mettle as a consumer bloc" to effectively boycott corporation is a major contributor to North' Marlboro and Miller. With Miller frantically trying Carolina Sen. Jesse Helms' reelection campaign. to place full-page ads in. gay papers and with The. point was to put corporate America on notice financial greed frequently overwhdining commu- that contributions to Helms can carry a heavY nity self-interest, we're not so sure, either. price. Gay groups narrowed their focus to Indeed, some gay publications which a(e con- Marlboro and Miller because they con:.ectly real- trolled by tavern owners are already sowing confu- ized that earlier attempts at boycotting every sion and discord about the boycott. They piOusly product that Philip Morris manufactures were point out that in some cities Miller has long doomed to failure: The l!verage consumer can't engaged in PR campaigns-the cheapest brand of be expected to boycott dozens of goods. But advertising-by donating money to gay and AIDS Marlboro and Miller are popular and .ubiquitous, causes, and they, thus claim that the beer maker and an effective embargo of those two brands has been unfairly targeted. By such logic, any gay- would be noticed by their corporate parent and led consumer boycott could be "bought off' at any by everyone else who engages in Helms-style time simply by having the offending corporation hate-mongering, i toss a few bucks at gay or AIDS groups. Homophobes are masters of this powerful The right wing has never been so self-defeat- consumer tactic. A recent Varietyarticle estimated ing, It is willing to boycott any company that that 'the ABC-1V network lost a total of $14 mil- offends, even if that company contributes to right- lion in ad revenues last season because of adver- wing causes, Right-wingers know how to make tisers' fears of .right-wing' boycotts, mostly their power as consumers felt in devastatingly stemming ,from a gay bedroom scene on thtr- effective ways, as we lesbians and gays are well tysomethtng and the Rock Hudson T\' bio. The aware: We're frequently their primary targets. ageitcies that polled their llds from such gay-posi- At ,this time of dangerously rising homopho- tive pcograming know well the incredible unity bia, our community lies like a sleeping giant, its and effectiVeness of anti-gay groups that launch enormous consumer potential untapped and boycotts, Such advertiSers, trying to preempt dis- ,unrealized. We have the financial power to shake ' aster,caved into right-wing pressure before boy- the world. All we have to do is use it. If""e allow cotts were even announced. this opportunity to pass, if we begin hairsplitting The lesbian and, gay, community has ~nor- over whether Miller and Marlboro were fairly or mous financial power, and we should have sirili- unfairly targeted" if we are betrayed by a few far· political clout, but we don't-because we have money-hungry gay publishers or grOUPS,only our rio history of consumer cohesiveness. The Coors e~mies will benefit. ' boycott, our most notable attempt at consumer Until Philip Morris announces publicly that it _ action; began to unravel when Coors bought off disavows Helms' homophobia and will cease cynical, ~dy gay publishers with ads, contrib~ting to his venal campaigns, the boycotts tossed m.eager contributions to AIDS groups and of Miller and Marlboro serve all of our interests. sponsored a few gay events .. Suddenly the gay This is our opportunity to show the world that press WaS full of earnest,.,hand-wringing.editorials ' ,we have the "met~e" to mount a successful boy- questioning whether anyone in the community 'cott, and, to make Jesse Helms too hot to handle has the right to launch a boycott I just who is for corporate America. We have the power, Let's empowered to call one off and who presumes to use it.... 4 O~EK August 22. 1990 Medicaid, Medicare, SSIand cant Inroads Into making ACTG Clinical trials, Lesbians that Institution address the are m,ade Invisible In a needs of the AIDScommuni- research agenda which pre- ty more effectively, I think sumes to Investigate hetero- that you were tryfng to con- See What The Boys In The outcome of the newborns In sexual transmissionIn women, vince us that the big boys at Back Room Will Have this trial; there are no plans without even asking women the NIH and NIAID have Mark Harrington's col- to follow the women or even a basic question about their done a big turnaround and umn entitled "Let My PeOple provide them with basic sexual orientation, they are now Interested In In' (no, 58, Aug. 8) left me gynecological care, I'm one of the people the needs of IVDUs, people with a strange sense of con- I observed scientists and who has been "let In: And In of color and women In thIs tusion and a good deal of others present volume$ of the tenth year of the epidem- crisis, Considering all the anger, As a lesbian Involved data on children, 'never Ic, I've been confronted by work that needs to be done, In the AIDS activist move- bothering to mention that Ignorance and sexismby the, I think that's a very danger- ment, how can I be sure that the mothers of these children same researchers who are ous approach within the researchers and politicians go without ·fundamental supposedly dOing their jObs. activist community, at NIAID are on our side and necessities and often die I'm angry because the The article says, "Unlike are Interested In overhauling with ARC diagnoses, not only answer for us, sisters,Is stili on most politicians, bureaucrats an archaic and homopho- because their opportunistic the outside. ACT UPI and Journalists, many scien- bic system of research? How Infections are not being Undo Meredith tists are actually capable of can I be convinced that treated but l'Jacause they ACT UP/DC rational discourse and some- once ac11v1stsareallowed to aren't even IIsfed In the "offi- times even change their attend committee meetings cial definition.' To Mark Harrington: minds,' I recently went to and vote on research policy When I couldn't "ob- Your "Political Science" Washington, D,C., with a and ACTG agenda Items, serve' anymore, I asked Ed piece really pissed me off, I group of lesbian AIDS ~Ife and the lives of Connor (chair of the Pedi- assume that your goal In activists, to discuss women women with AIDS will dra- atric Committee) where the.
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