September 7, 1984 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 24581 SENATE-Friday, September 7, 1984 <Legislative day of Wednesday, September 5, 1984) The Senate met at 10 a.m., on the SENATE SCHEDULE with the minority leader and trying in expiration of the recess, and was Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, after advance to get a unanimous-consent called to order by the Honorable SLADE the two leaders are recognized and the agreement to set the time if possible. GORTON, a Senator from the State of special order is executed, there will be Mr. President, the situation today Washington. a period for the transaction of routine then is this. As far as the leadership morning business until 11 a.m. At 11 on this side can ascertain, we will not PRAYER a.m. the Senate will resume consider­ be able to do anything except routine The Chaplain, the Reverend Rich­ ation of the Baker motion to proceed matters and continue the debate on ard C. Halverson, D.D., offered the fol­ to the consideration of S. 2851, which the motion to proceed. lowing prayer: is the banking bill. I, therefore, would not expect the Let us pray. A cloture motion was filed on yester­ day to be a late day. It may be that Almighty God, strong men and day, which will require a vote under the Senate can stand in either recess women, qualified to bear heavy re­ the provisions of rule XXII on or adjournment at a fairly early hour sponsibility for national affairs, in Monday next 1 hour after the Senate this afternoon. their preoccupation with their work convenes. It is also anticipated that a further are inclined to carry the burden alone. Mr. President, may I inquire of the time for the transaction of routine They believe in You but think of reli­ minority leader if he would favor a morning business may be provided time certain to vote on cloture other later in the day. gion as impracticable and God as irrel­ than at the expiration of the 1 hour evant to the business at hand. God of Mr. President, on Monday, as I have all power and all wisdom, help Your after the Senate convenes. May I say already indicated, the vote on cloture that given the uncertainties of airline will occur. There may be other mat­ servants to comprehend that you are travel these days the later the better, imminent, immediately available, and ters that can be taken up by unani­ and the hour I had in mind was 6 p.m. mous consent. willing to provide superhuman re­ on Monday next. sources which will make possible the As and when we are able to reach Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, the dis­ the banking bill, it would be the inten­ impossible. In tense times and stress­ tinguished majority leader makes an ful hours, fill hearts with love and in­ tion of the leadership on this side to excellent point, especially with refer­ proceed with the debate on that meas­ sight and peace. Demonstrate the ence to airline travel. power of Your presence and the per­ ure and conclude the Senate's delib­ We on our side will explore the eration on that bill. fection of Your guidance-dissolve matter and come back to the distin­ deadlock and frustration. Relieve up­ Behind that, however, are a great guished majority leader with our sug­ number of measures that require our tightness and grant warm hearts, cool gestions. heads, and unity in diversity. In the attention. First among them, of Mr. BAKER. I thank the minority course, is the series of appropriation name of Him who is incarnate love. leader. Amen. bills that are here and available. Senators who may be listening in Mr. President, I have received word their offices may take note of the fact that the House of Representatives APPOINTMENT OF ACTING that it is the intention of the leader­ may send us their version of the con­ PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE ship on this side to negotiate with the minority leader on a time certain to tinuing resolution sometime next The PRESIDING OFFICER. The vote on Monday on the cloture week. clerk will please read a communication motion, and I have suggested 6 p.m. First of all, I am grateful that the to the Senate from the President pro If Members on this side have other House of Representatives will act on a tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. ideas or conflicting arrangements, I CR apparently early. The bill clerk read the following hope they might contact our cloak­ Second, I think, in view of that, it letter: rooms and let us know that. behooves us to move the appropriation U.S. SENATE, Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, will the bills on this side as fast as possible so PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, distinguished majority leader yield? there are as few appropriation bills in Washington, DC, September 7, 1984. Mr. BAKER. I yield. the CR as we can arrange. To the Senate: Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, Senators But, unlikely as it seems, Mr. Presi­ Under the provisions of rule I, section 3, dent, here on the 7th day of Septem­ of the Standing R'..lles of the Senate, I on both sides should recall that the hereby appoint the Honorable SLADE distinguished majority leader has the ber we are already beginning to ar­ GORTON, a Senator from the State of Wash­ power and the votes to set this vote at range, schedule, and provide for the ington, to perform the duties of the Chair. any time he wants by virtue of his final acts of this session of Congress. I STROM THURMOND, power to adjourn the Senate or recess anticipate we will also have a debt President pro tempore. it over to whatever hour he deems best limit sometime pretty soon. It need Mr. GORTON thereupon assumed in creating the time for the vote on not be pointed out to Senators, I am the chair as Acting President pro tem­ cloture under rule XXII. sure, that the two things we absolute­ pore. Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, I thank ly must do are completion of the ap­ the minority leader for his observa­ propriations process through accom­ tion. modation of the appropriation bills RECOGNITION OF THE He knows and I wish other Members and a continuing resolution and the MAJORITY LEADER to know that, notwithstanding that debt limit. Those two things will take The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ that is perhaps an inherent option of priority in the matter of scheduling pore. Under the previous order, the the majority leadership, the leader­ for the 3 weeks that are remaining. majority leader is recognized. ship on this side would not undertake Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, will Mr. BAKER. I thank the Chair. that without fully consulting first the majority leader yield briefly? e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 24582 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE September 7, 1984 Mr. BAKER. I yield. Unless authorized by the Senate <or by a Seventh-Day Baptist college in Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, I the President of the United States after an Salem, WV. am not asking the majority leader to adjournment sine die) no funds from the Moreover, during his cumulative 40 U.S. Government • • •shall be received for make any commitment or give any the purpose of travel outside the United years on Capitol Hill, Senator RAN­ answer at the present time, but I hope States by any Member of the Senate whose DOLPH has always sought out and won he will give very serious consideration term will expire at the end of a Congress membership on those House and to the possibility of taking up the after the date of the general election in Senate committees with jurisdiction Genocide Convention. I realize that he which his successor is elected or in the case over educational legislation. In those wants to be careful about that kind of of a Member who is not a candidate, the capacities, he has authored, sponsored, thing, but I think it has the momen­ earlier of the date of the general election or or cosponsored a significant number of tum now and it is a golden opportuni­ the adjournment sine die of the second reg­ education-related bills. Among those ty. ular session of that Congress. successful educational acts and pro­ As I said yesterday, I have talked to The joint leadership is in complete grams with which Senator RANDOLPH'S many Members who oppose it. I doubt support of rule 39 and believes that it name is well-linked are: the Higher very much there will be any serious should be enforced. However, the joint Education Act of 1965 and the Ele­ opposition in the Chamber. There leadership interprets the rule to pro­ mentary and Secondary Education Act might be. vide: of 1965; various bills benefitting land­ But I think this would be an excel­ That if a Member who is precluded from grant colleges, vocational educational, lent opportunity to pass it in view of foreign travel by the provisions of Rule 39 is and education for the handicapped; the fact that the Reagan administra­ appointed as a delegate to an official confer­ the Adult Education Act; and the tion now supports the convention. ence to be attended by Members of the Senate, then the appointment of that indi­ Career Incentive Education Act of Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, I thank vidual shall constitute an authorization by 1978. As if that list of educational con­ the Senator. the Senate and the individual will not be tributions were not enough, since 1958 Once again, I stand in awe of his deemed in violation of Rule 39.
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