UNIVERSITY Of tlf\WAII LIBRARY arianas %riety;;~ Micronesia s Leading Newspaper Since 1972 b&) ews AG goes er ex-0 chief By Ferdie de la Torre contract, under which the former Variety News Staff Management and Budget special THE ATTORNEY General's assistant was to receive $60,000 Office has asked the Superior for his services. Court to enforce the latter's de­ The government paid Sablan fault judgment ordering former an initial payment of $30,000 to Management and Budget Spe­ perform the said professional ser­ cial Assistant Gregorio C. Sablan vices. Sablan reportedly failed to to pay restitution in connection come up with the deliverables with his failure to perform con­ expected of him under the con­ sulting services the government tract. already paid h_im for. The AGO said the secretary of Assistant Attorney General D. Finance sent a formal notice to Douglas Cotton, in a motion he Sablan on Jan. 29, 1996 request­ filed Wednesday requested the ing the latter to perform on the Gregorio C. Sablan court to issue an·order "in aid of contract or be declared in default judgment" against Sablan after last year for violating the terms of as of Feb. 7, 1996. the latter had failed to satisfy the a contract he had with the Admin­ The defendant, however, did default ruling. istration and the Commonwealth not respond to the secretary's re­ The trial court ordered Sablan Procurement Regulations. quest forpe_rformance, courtdocu­ last month to pay $30,000 in On June 26, 1995, the Attorney Continued on page 40 restitution plus interest of$3, 192 General's Office said in the com­ and attorney fees of $ I ,500 for plaint, the defendant, doing busi­ failing to answer the complaint. ness as Creative Networking Con­ The government sued Sablan sultants, signed a seven-month Bangladeshi gets 41 mos. 1 for defrauding jobseekers By Mar-Vic C. Munar Variety News Staff A BANGLADESHI national who was found guilty of defrauding I 6 job seekers was sentenced by the federal court yesterday to spend 41 months in prison. U.S. District Court-designated Judge Marty W.K. Taylor also ordered Alamgir Kasem to pay his victims $72,900 in restitution. Shortly after reading the sentence, Taylor berated Kasem for bringing "shame"·to the Commonwealth. "The people of the United States have to suffer because of what you did," Taylor told Kasem. Kasem 's conviction was the first since the burden of labor problems involving Bangladeshi workers fell on the Common­ wealth. Several Bangladesh nationals gypped by the recruitment scam are now stranded and jobless on Saipan. A 12-manjury on April 2 pronounced Kasem guilty of mail fraud Members of the 1997 Hopwood Junior High Graduating Class applaud one of the guest speakers during Contfnuedon page 4-0 " yesterday's Commencement Exercises at the San Antonio campus. Photo by Laila Younis .. Lujan raps $30,000 monthly pay for executor's rep. Weather. By Ferdie de la Torre "This is a salary of $1,000 per salary and other compensation Variety News Staff day, inclusive of Saturday and related to his expenses for staff A PERSONAL representative of Sunday, at the rate of $125 per support. ·.. ,Outi00k Larry Hillblom's estate executor hour for an eight hour day. This The executor said the experi­ Bank of Saipan is receiving a sal­ amounts to $360,000 per annum ence during its prior tenure dem­ ary more than the president of the and is exclusive of expenses and onstrated that the $59,500 per US or the governor of the CNMI, vacation or leave," said Lujan in monthly amount--even without according to lawyer David J. response to the executor's peti­ the added responsibility for su­ Lujan. tion for activity report. pervising litigation over the heir Lujan on behalf of petitioner The BOS in its report submit­ claims, the DHLC and OHL! Kaelani Kinney said BOS Trust ted to the Superior Court has re­ matters, and numerous other Officer Russel I K. Snow's quested for an increased claims-would not adequately monthly compensation of$30,0(X) exGcutor's fee of at least $100,000 compensate BOS for its work. is even equal to the combined per month from $59,500 month Iy. In Kinney's response, Lujan salaries of three full-ti me justices BOS said it will now incur the said the BOS' "foolish pay" of of the CNMI Supreme Court. cost of Snow's $30,000 monthly David J. Lujan Continued on page 40 .PP,<~. i'-iL°~l/~J~!f,f~t.;;-~ S1r/1.c·;<S FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1997 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 ~-_t\_1.\Rl!:'\N:\~ VARIETY NEWS AND YIEWS-FRIDA Y- JUNE 27. 1997 ;1 I Vote on Bird Island today j i Collision cripples Mir By Zaldy Dandan lol, will be made available soon. Joint legislative session decides on hotel pro;ect's fate t I .· Variety News Staff Still. Camacho said. 'There 1, wrn-I the Bird Island land Jea-;e enough l,u1d on Saipan for the home­ By MARCIA DUNN on board. but they were said proposal set to "expire" on Sunday, stead program as long ,L, there :u-c CAPE CANAVERAL, to be in no immediate danger. the Senate :md House of Representa­ revenues coming into pay forthc rnst Florida (AP) - Desper.Ile to Mir has an attached Soyuz tives will uy to hold a joint session of clc,u·ing the sites mid providing conserve power. the three men capsule that can bring the crew today for the controversial golf reso1t bw;ic infmsliucture." on Ru~sia 's crippl<!d space sta­ home in an emergency. project. Gov. rroilw1 C. Tenorio h:t, said tion Mir dimmed the Ii gilts and The men were forced to work HouscSpeakerDiego T. Benavente that it is from the 1,md Jc,tsc agree­ shut down all non-c~sential in darkness with much of their (R-Saiprn1), in a Jetter Wednesday to · ments tiiat the government gets rev­ equipment after the worst or­ equipment turned off to save Senate P1esidentJesus R. Sablan (R­ enues ror homesteads. bital collision ever. energy. Unless more power is Saipm1), said the Bird Island lea-;e forntccn lc~islators have si~nc:d a An unstaffed cargo ship restored soon - how soon, must be approved by Sunday, June petition agai,;st the S 150 ,;ill ion crashed into Mir on Wednes­ NASA couldn't say-they may 29, or the agreement becomes null projcct,saying tk1t the: public lw1d for day. leaving a gash about the not be able to operate their and void an{all advance payments to the proposed hotel-golf rcsrn1 should size of a postage stamp in the life-support systems, includ­ the government must be 1efunded to lx: resc1v..:d for homt:stcaJ applic;u1b. pressurized vessel. knockinn ing the primary oxygen gen­ Birdlslm1dDevelopment;Inc.(BIDI). But accorJing to the governor. out half the power and raisin~ Manuel A. Tenorio Bertha A. Camacho Manuel S. Villagomez erators and the carbon dioxide Benavente, in ,ITT inte1view yester­ the Hot<.!! Association ol'thc Non h­ more questions about ho; removal system. They also '~ day.said tl1e House is all set to vote on Resources Committee, Rep. Manuel project," Tenrnio said. ture to reject the project ,Ls his 1,mcl em M:wianas. and the over 3()(1 long the decrc:pit spacecraft were urged to move slowly to . ' ! the 135-hectme hmd Je,L~e proposal, A. Tenorio(R-Saipmi),yesterdaysaid Me,mwhile, Division of Public w:Ls included in BID!\ lc:Lse pro­ private citizens who h:1w si~ncd can function bcfore someone conserve oxygen. but added that he's not sure whether BID! could come up with anew land umds Director Bertha /\ .. Can1acho posal. letters of support. the prnject,11 ill gets killed. The accident knocked the it will get the required 21 votes of the Je,L,e proposal in case the Legislature confiimed that businessmmi Mrn1ucl In a letter yesterday to Teno1io. further promote: C;\J!\ll tourism "It's a serious situation," station away from the ideal 27 1ep1esentatives ,md senators. fails to pass tlie original proposal, but S. Villagomez, who has 54-hect,m:s Cmiacho. at the same time, said then: aside from creating nc11· jobs :mJ said astronaut Jerry Linenger Astronaut Jerry Line_nger, right, points to a model of the Russian Space Station as Frank Culbertson, Mir angle for the remaining solar If the. land le,L'iC proposal is not it will have to go tlirough the Board of intheMa1pihmdB1DI wanl,tolca~. :u-c cwrcntly :l,287 homestead appli­ bringing in :,ddition:tl re1c11ues to Program Manager, Its/ens m ~ news conference Wednesday. A cargo ship crashed into the space station who returned from Mir in Ma; panels to soak up energy from p,L~sed, BIDicouldstill submit anew Public Lands, which is yet to be agreed to make way for the Bi1-J cants, while only i ,524 ho111c:stead the government. Wednesday, leakmg oxygen mto space and crippling the station's power supply. AP afta battling a blaze and other the sun, said Frank Culbertson, proposal, Benavente said. fo1med. Island project. life-threatening problems director of NASA's shuttle­ The chair of the House Natuml ·'l11at'll mean fwtherdelay forthe Villagomez is urging the Legisla- aboard the aging outpost. ··Fire Mir program. aboard a spacecraft and de­ The crew later readjusted the Federal jury indicts compression are the two most space station so it can receive dangerous things that can hap­ maximum energy from the sun \! pen on an orbiting vehicle." to boost its power supply, three 'ice' suspects It was unknown how much Russia's IT/\R-Tass news By Mar-Vic C.
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