/ & ‘ / LUT r.Uc ir Coated r ^ , Tbe b0st ’ \ w ÒVflji i'1 ^ HORACE C. LITTLE, TER'-IS OF SUBSCRIPTION’ PUBLISHER ANIi PROPRIETOR. 3, Cocal anò ïnstructwc íamiln îîcuîspapet. Strutto li attrai in politica. g l,00 PER YEAR, IN’ ADVANCE. P«rson8an“si 5 2 a l w a y s ^ \ H taiu or* :iDc* \ O L IV ", N O . 41. BRIDG TON, AIE., FR ID A Y, _A_TTGTJST 15, 18G2. WHOLE NO. 197. m -/ f J D n o u y a l z ed b y , T* WW > fcl '"ifi I ' Z. c >pal 1 L, vr J-C xc One day as I was sauntering down one ed to me that the lady had been waitin'.; ‘ SOYVÍNG w i l d o a t s . aii nii d* I os . G * *-iCl| iHiaccUanciUtô. coated withrgeo S3.«*«**#*??i*it of o«r principal thoroughfares, I had oc­ ; for my appearance for sane time. 3. gri í u i turai D cp ar imeni snta>: fdogïim ftÉ jw im Tlie following remarks we c u t fro m ____________________________________________ casion to cress the street. As usual, it hy, my denr fellow, can’ t you get TIIi; bo N’APRTES and TEE CROWN SAA“each box ***'!\y" U0!ito H 1 I D A Y B Y ‘Tom B r o w n at Oxford,’ and we heartily t u r n i p s T H E last c:ia\’C2. was alive with fast drivers and fast hor­ , on your boots? he said, with a provok-, of ?ie .yico, 3foie the pablic^" |5ISSCED■ M EY > TW commend them to the attention o f every --------- ^-ÍP ^’CE HORACE C. LITTLE ses. I was compelled to execute a quick ing air of mock pitv. I ■ l- v ‘ is , X young man and young woman in this city. ^1 ‘s onc tbe ®xcellc3cies 0: »he tur- > " ‘ s j i\ ov. 2 is» movement to accomplish my purpose.— ‘ ‘No, [ cannot,’ I replied angrily;! On the death ol Joseph Napoleon Bon- >anv, N . yV T’UC} S o generally are people disposed to c o n - n'P| t l ‘lt jt *s a;V,:iys in order, iro m Muy i inforn,in’~'I)e*t|o r n iir Little did I «»n k of the adventure that and he commenced laughing immediately. *"artC’ eldfr br°‘ h*r of the ^ ; sole themselves with thenotion that about tu otpuinja. .. j have Bowed turnip3 h* nie'^*■P 'r \v iH°Cn»t.iJBSi..i.«ni.i a lt Ü' should beu accompanied by the brief passage woulda involve: ------ i — me in. | ‘ ‘Keep cool, my fine fellow, and don’t l008» a notice of Ins life,^entitled “ Quel- of the 1 so much recklessness and dissipation is “s bue Ub t,)e ° f t:-° fitter month, w---- o o dV . ''bile haiijj^t author. I T;_____ __ __ , ,• • Pe fe]] I wae partly ncrusâ ami directly in . 1,0 ] g e t in t e „ i Z | » « 0 ^ , 0 «he proper de,.lop,lent and ^ ,h. lab»,. Any i.*¡) i,’" ' 7 *Persons required to publish notices | •icd•’«a himi.--- toule tli «Dd]n "fjer of the Probate Court may select the rear of an omnibus from which a young laughing, for, ’pon honor, the affair is ™ ^ ^ m T te fo u n d T n ‘Vol T ! discipline of one’s character thkt these ob- 8P «e patch of ground, where other crops w h o b l e d h im andho ¡.sir in which such notice may be published. lady was making her exit, when the hor­ so excessively ludicrous that T shall burstP ’™0 ’ ' uch may be found m v il. II _____ ________ pyr I r ................., per_ have failed, or have been removed, may H« rcn,,;ni„ ] 8ervatiops of Mr. liewes, which are r ses started aDd she was thrown directly in spite of myself, 1 know I shall.’ ! of llis works’ The followinS extract ac* ine noctor - ™ *Jung. ONR DOLLAR A YEAR IN AD- fectly sensible and very well put, are ful- bo tnri,cd t0 K°od account by sowing tur- 2 5 v * ? , » iVCG;one d o lla r t ifty -c e n t s a t th e e n d o f “ I want you to understand, sir. thit d^res especial interest from the peculiar into my arms. Other vehicles were close ly no permanent here as in England. Too niP s,-‘‘d. Turnips come ia as a substi- 0 of your ping \L ..rear I allow no one to indulge in mirth at ^ : a“ itude which France occupies just now ■¡&ms of A d v e u t is in g . One square 16 at hand— there was no time to be lost— e hours, and short* often indeed in our own midst have burn- tut0’ b'r many ot‘)er crops, and a smart g h im with hit"i“; ' h 01ie insertion 75 cents, 3 insertions e x p e n s e .’ in relation to the United States and Mex- t and notwithstanding my surprise and the ing shame and deep sorrow, that follows! farmermay even now make up a deti- 11s operatedr a te d „ „ L , • v»;3 nuutths $2:00 • G m o n th s $ 3 :5 0 ; on e V HflfcOfl; 1-4 cclnmn $1S:00 ; 1-2 column confusion of the fair one, I had presence ‘ ‘Beg pardon, ’pon my word; but c alte moon>°on hebe ' cbmcpi! ‘Joseph saw his brother for the last to the grave, been tho harvest gathered j c'“nc? *n bay or grain, by the am of »ur- ommenced genii' ¡M OO: one colnir. n §50:00 of mind enough to bear her safely to the what a monstrous foot you do possess !’ JOB PRINTING executed with neatness, time at Rochfort ; he proposd to deliver from ‘wild oats’ early sown. Having! J^nd ^ worthy of r.oUce, teat 8 »ent to work ii, s id e w a lk . ‘ It was fortunate for him that he dodg­ z e n s s a w th e bov J apneas, anil despatch . himself, in his stead, to the English, struck the maxim we have partially quot- idr? e,JIUtuers’ which pinch those crops, have said. Yen1« ‘ A most delicate rose-tint had impress­ ed at that moment, for the boot flew with­ S. M PF.TTENGILT. & CO.. who. deceived by the resemblance, would ed above, Mr. Hewes goes onto gay we usually followed by «ct Autumns, t h o u g h t I w o u ld S ed her features, and with toe sweetest in an inch of his head, and shattered a So. 37 Park Row , N ew Y o r k . & 0 S tate suppose they were conducting the Empe­ that :— " which are very favorable to turnips.— .X A N D E R Al Olì Toy large mirror which hung upon the wall. ;; Boston, are our Agents for the Bridg- lips imaginable, she thanked me for tny ‘In all the wide range of accepted Brit- There is a special reason for making the îengthkmkq pUsJ •ii Reporter, in.those cities and are author ror to England, whilst he might pass el to take A dvertisem ents an d S u b se n p politeness. I was addlepated enough in He attempted to dart from the room, but rams and weakness- ^ quietly to the United States. Napoleon iish n,axiras there none- take !t f»r all most of this crop the present season, b a c k ■u¡'or us at oar Lowest Rates. f had him by the color in a moment, and Dd Rbeojj, those days to think that a lisp and minc­ refused, and the two brothers hade each in all, more thoroughly abominable than The demand for grain and breadstuffs y s h o r t p e r io d of tí shook him till his teeth chattered. lie white lamb skin.a V’ The foUowinr persons are authorized ing air were really attractive. Bah ! other an eternal adieu , one departed for tbIs one as t0 the sowi"S of wild oats— is lik0l.v to be usually large. Not to ireoeive names and subscription money, was terribly frightened, and did not make ;®J„t°_no inconvenite my folly makes me sick at the mere reci­ Look at it on what side you will, and I j speak of the foreign market, there will e p o r t e r St. Helena, and the other for the United e a r fr o m ¡>advertising for the R , and re- the sligh test resistance. o n e week t a l .’ will defy you to make anything but a j he a great demand at home. The opera- 18 3-4 cents. ¡pt for the same. States of America. Here commences for P ortland. ‘Love sick,’ interposed his sister with ‘ ‘Now, Sir Popinjay,’ T exclaimed, CRA’S J. L IT T L E , devil’s maxim of it. What man— be i tions of the war must have deminished Joseph a new life, which will be various­ nolia Catarrh GEO M. ItO A K , A u b u r n . a m irthful smile.. ‘oblige me by conducting the lady home he young or old, or middle aged— sows , the products of grains somewhat in the l a b l e l e p n t a tio n m ly estimated, since it cannot entirely es­ ‘Zounds, Mary, do 1 look like one ot in my carriage, and never presume to ad- 3ofV oice;Deafncs8 cape tire political feeling by which France that, and nothing else shall he reap ?— | North and still more in the South.
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