Stalin did not fall PDF edition Feb 2001 from the moon! http://surf.to/anarchism Articles from Workers Solidarity The importance of Originally given as talk to WSM public meeting (1991) larly in Kronstadt. They were however such thing. Russia much fewer in number than the Bolshe- vik party which came to claim the revolu- The revolution was made by no single The Russian revolution of 1917 has been a tion as its legacy alone. During the 1905 organisation, but rather was the work of subject of key importance to anarchists revolution the anarchists had raised the the working class of Russia. During the for 70 years now, for two reasons. The October revolution 4 anarchists were first reason is that for the first time in members of the Revolutionary military history a working class revolution suc- committee that co-ordinated the military ceeded in ousting the old ruling classes. side of the revolution.. An Anarchist sailor The second reason is that after the old from Kronstadt led the delegation which ruling class was ousted a new class came dissolved the constituent assembly. to power. Those of us who want to make a revolution to-day must understand where the successes and failures of the Explaining failure past came from. After October the working class of the The Russian revolution demonstrated that Russia set about the process of building it was possible for the working class to the new society on the ruins of the old. take over the running of the economy and Within a few short years however the to bring down their old rulers, not once revolution had collapsed. The old bosses but twice in a single year. After the Febru- never came back as a class although many ary revolution of 1917 the workers en- individuals returned. Instead a new class tered into a period of almost constant of rulers arose, one which successfully struggle with the state and the bosses. At incorporated many of the revolutionaries the start of this period many workers of 1917. Too socialists to-day there is no supported the Kerensky government. more pressing task than understanding This struggle changed their attitudes on a not only why the revolution failed but mass basis and gave them the confidence also why it failed in such a manner. The to try to overturn all the old order and fact the patient died is now obvious, the privilege. Committees sprung up in the question is what it died of. factories and the armed forces. In the run up to October the workers had already Many Socialists have tried to explain this taken control of the factories, for the most degeneration of the revolution as a prod- slogan “All power to the soviets”, at the part. The purpose of the October revolu- uct of a unique set of circumstances, com- time this was opposed by what became tion was to smash the state, destroying prising the backwards state of the USSR the Bolshevik party but in 1917 they used the power of the bosses to use armed force and the heavy toll inflicted by three years this slogan to gain mass support. Other to recover their property. of civil war and western intervention. Marxists at the time were, incorrectly to According to this theory the Bolsheviks accuse the Bolsheviks as having aban- There were several organisations arguing were forced to take dictatorial measures doned Marxism for Anarchism but as for a workers revolution in this period. in order to preserve the revolution. These events were to show they had done no This included many anarchists particu- were intended as emergency measures A Workers Solidarity Movement Page 1 only and would have been repealed later time when the workers had showed them- sion of workers control but as we have if not for Stalin’s rise to power in the 20’s. selves capable of making a revolution but seen this was a process that was already This interpretation of history presents the according to the Bolsheviks incapable of under way. It did however mean that Bolsheviks as helpless victims of circum- running the economy. The basis of the most of the non-Bolshevik revolutionar- stances. Bolshevik attack on the factory commit- ies temporarily sunk their differences with tees was simple, the Bolsheviks wanted the Bolsheviks in order to defeat the This is not a view we would accept as the factories to be owned and managed whites. most of you are no doubt aware. It is a by the state, the factory committees view that falls beneath even a casual look wanted the factories to be owned and The Civil War at what occurred in the USSR between managed by the workers. One Bolshevik 1917 and 1921. It also collapses when you described the factory committees attitude The civil war greatly weakened the abil- look at what Leninist ideology had stood as “ We found a process which recalled ity of the working class to resist the fur- for before and after the revolution. We the anarchist dreams of autonomous pro- ther undermining of the gains they had instead lay the blame at the feet of Lenin ductive communes”. made in 1917. During the civil war em- and the Bolshevik party. The degenera- phasis was placed on the need for unity to tion was part and parcel of the policies of There were many anarchists involved in defeat the whites. After the civil war a the Bolsheviks. the factory committee movement at the much weakened working class found it- time, mainly through the K.A.S., the Con- self faced with a complete state structure Workers Control: More than a federation of Anarcho-Syndicalists. In armed with all the repression apparatus slogan? some areas they were the dominant influ- of the modern state. Many of the activists ence in the factories. From this stage on had been jailed or executed by the Bolshe- What actually happened in this period the influence of the KAS was to grow viks. In 1921 at the end of the civil war was the replacement of all the organs of rapidly in the Unions to the point where only a fresh revolution could have set the workers democracy and self-management the Bolsheviks started to physically sup- USSR back on the path towards socialism. with Bolshevik imposed state rule. One press its activists in 1918. At the first all example of many is given by the factory Russian council of trade unions the The repression of workers democracy by committees. These were groups of work- anarcho-syndicalists had delegates rep- the Bolsheviks was as a result of Bolshe- ers elected at most factories before, dur- resenting 75, 000 workers. Their resolu- vik ideology rather then due to character ing and after the October revolution. The tion calling for real workers control and flaws in the Bolshevik leadership. Lenin delegates to these committees were mandatable and recallable. They were elected initially in order to prevent the individual bosses from sabotaging equip- Trotsky even more than ment. They quickly attempted to ex- panded their scope to cover the complete administration of the workplace and dis- Stalin or Lenin was the placed the individual managers. As each workplace relied on many others to sup- ply raw materials, power and to take their most prominent supporter products on to the next stage of produc- tion the Factory Committees tried to fed- of what was called the erate in November 1917. They were prevented from doing so by parties historical the Bolsheviks through the trade union bureaucracy. The planned "All Russian Congress of Factory Committees" never birthright. took place. Instead the Bolshevik party decided to set up the “All Russian council of workers control” only 25% of the del- egates coming from the factory commit- not state workers control was defeated by had a very limited view of what socialism tees. In this way the creative energy of an alliance of the Bolshevik, Menshevik was, seeing it as little more then an exten- Russian workers which would have re- and Social-Revolutionary delegates. By sion of state capitalism. sulted in a co-ordinating centre not under the end of 1918 Workers Control was “State capitalism is a complete material Bolshevik control was blocked in favour replaced with individual management of of an organisation the party could con- the factories (by Bolshevik decree) and preparation for socialism, the threshold of trol. This body was in itself still born, it the KAS had been weakened by armed socialism, a rung on the ladder of history only met once. In any case it was soon Cheka raids and the closing down of its between which and the rung called socialism absorbed by the Supreme Economic Coun- national publication in April and May there are no gaps”. cil set up in November 1917 which was 1918. attached to the Council of Peoples Com- The introduction of Taylorism and one missars, itself entirely made up of Bolshe- All this occurred before the civil war and man management in the factories in 1918 vik party members. the allied intervention attempted to smash and 1919 displays a similar fixation with the revolution. The civil war was to reap efficiency and productivity. So within a few short months of October an enormous harvest on the Soviet union the Bolsheviks had taken control of the as the combined forces of White generals Lenin also believed that ordinary work- economy out of the hands of the Working and 17 foreign armies captured up to 60% ers could not run society. A party of intel- class and into the hands of the Bolshevik of the land area and threatened to capture lectuals was necessary to do this.
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