EIR Founder and Contributing Editor: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Editorial Board: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, Antony Papert, Gerald From the Associate Editor Rose, Dennis Small, Edward Spannaus, Nancy Spannaus, Jeffrey Steinberg, William Wertz Associate Editors: Ronald Kokinda, Susan Welsh Managing Editor: John Sigerson ll around the world, people are watching with dismay and fear, as Science Editor: Marjorie Mazel Hecht A Special Projects: Mark Burdman the U.S. Senate cranks up its impeachment trial against the American Book Editor: Katherine Notley President. Whether people like Bill Clinton or not, it is obvious to Advertising Director: Marsha Freeman Circulation Manager: Stanley Ezrol them that they are seeing the disintegration of the republican institu- INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS: tions of the most powerful nation on earth. This, at a time when the Asia and Africa: Linda de Hoyos world financial system is hanging by a thread, and the need for brave Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg, Paul Goldstein and wise Presidential leadership has never been greater. Economics: Marcia Merry Baker, The question people are asking is, “What do we do?” William Engdahl History: Anton Chaitkin The answer is, “Listen to LaRouche.” Ibero-America: Robyn Quijano, Dennis Small Take the example of the inauguration of the new European cur- Law: Edward Spannaus Russia and Eastern Europe: rency, on Jan. 1, 1999. In our issue of Oct. 23, 1998, LaRouche wrote Rachel Douglas, Konstantin George an article titled “Paul Krugman’s Cargo-Cult Economics,” in which United States: Debra Freeman, Suzanne Rose he demolished the fantasies dominating Europe’s economists and INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: Bogota´: Jose´ Restrepo finance ministers. Under present trends, he wrote, the terms of agree- Bonn: George Gregory, Rainer Apel ment to be reached before the end of 1998, can not be met by the Buenos Aires: Gerardo Tera´n Caracas: David Ramonet European Union. “At the point that the Euro means nothing other Copenhagen: Poul Rasmussen than a collapsing German economy’s endless subsidies of a bankrupt Houston: Harley Schlanger Lima: Sara Maduen˜o France, the myth of the Euro will have become painfully obvious, Melbourne: Robert Barwick very painfully obvious, and increasingly so, until the cause of the Mexico City: Hugo Lo´pez Ochoa Milan: Leonardo Servadio pain were removed. Sometime between thirty and sixty days from New Delhi: Susan Maitra now, most people in Europe would be surprised to be reminded that Paris: Christine Bierre Rio de Janeiro: Silvia Palacios they had once believed almost anything they believed today.” Stockholm: Michael Ericson We are now approaching such a point, at which illusions are United Nations, N.Y.C.: Leni Rubinstein Washington, D.C.: William Jones ripped away. Either people will demand the truth, and fight for it, or Wiesbaden: Go¨ran Haglund the collapse of institutions will rapidly lead to a Dark Age. EIR (ISSN 0273-6314) is published weekly (50 issues) In this issue, we feature two exceptionally important articles by except for the second week of July, and the last week of December by EIR News Service Inc., 317 Pennsylvania LaRouche, telling you what you, personally, must do, now. Ave., S.E., 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20003. (202) In the Feature, “To Defeat Impeachment, You Must Defeat the 544-7010. For subscriptions: (703) 777-9451. World Wide Web site: http://www.larouchepub.com New Confederacy,” LaRouche dissects the British-style parliamen- e-mail: [email protected] European Headquarters: Executive Intelligence Review tary coup that is out to make the poisonous Al Gore President, just as Nachrichtenagentur GmbH, Postfach 2308, D-65013 Wiesbaden, Otto von Guericke Ring 3, D-65205 London bankers installed Adolf Hitler as German Chancellor in 1933. Wiesbaden, Federal Republic of Germany Tel: (6122) 9160. Homepage: http://www.eirna.com And, in “Why General Shelton Must Retire Now,” LaRouche E-mail: [email protected] Executive Directors: Anno Hellenbroich, Michael Liebig warns of the threat of a new war against Iraq, a war which, under In Denmark: EIR, Post Box 2613, 2100 Copenhagen ØE, current strategic circumstances, would have much more devastating Tel. 35-43 60 40 In Mexico: EIR, R´ıo Tiber No. 87, 5o piso. Colonia consequences than the previous such genocidal assaults. Cuauhte´moc. Me´xico, DF, CP 06500. Tel: 208-3016 y 533- 26-43. Japan subscription sales: O.T.O. Research Corporation, Takeuchi Bldg., 1-34-12 Takatanobaba, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 160. Tel: (03) 3208-7821. Copyright ” 1999 EIR News Service. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. Periodicals postage paid at Washington D.C., and at an additional mailing offices. Domestic subscriptions: 3 months—$125, 6 months—$225, 1 year—$396, Single issue—$10 Postmaster: Send all address changes to EIR, P.O. Box 17390, Washington, D.C. 20041-0390. EIRContents Interviews Strategic Studies Economics 40 Mahdi Ibrahim Mohamed 52 Why General Shelton must 4 Europe launches the euro, Sudan’s Ambassador to retire now as economic crisis deepens Washington affirms that his By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. “The The monetarist preoccupation with government “has gone the extra British and U.S.A. bombing attacks upholding the euro’s already- mile” to end the war in southern of December, have already been a nonexistent “credibility” could end Sudan. potentially irreparable, strategic send the global financial system into catastrophe for the U.S.’s position its overdue disintegration. and influence in the world at large, Departments in addition to being a leading factor 6 LaRouche’s analysis in the crucial weakening of presented in Russia 50 Report from Bonn President Clinton’s ability to fight Rise of Gore is viewed with alarm. off the ongoing, London-directed 7 Al Gore’s New Zealand U.S. parliamentary coup d’e´tat. A new such British and U.S. attack on model: ‘reinventing’ 72 Editorial Iraq . would unleash a chain- corruption, genocide Brazil and the global financial reaction of much worse effects than Gore will lead two Washington crash. the December bombings, not only conferences, one on “reinventing within, but far beyond the Middle government” and the other on East theater. Such a chain-reaction “fighting corruption.” Both will would be an incalculable disaster feature the Mont Pelerin Society for United States, a catastrophe in paradise, New Zealand, which now Photo and graphic credits: Cover, our strategic position in the world, enjoys the highest youth suicide rate Library of Congress Prints and from which it were likely that our in the world, where poverty, once Photographs Division. Pages 6, 33, republic might never recover.” unheard-of, now strikes one in six EIRNS/Christopher Lewis. Pages citizens, and unemployment is now 13, 18 (Gore), 24, 26-27 (Lott, 32%. And, the head of state is Rehnquist, DeLay), 37, EIRNS/ Queen Elizabeth. Stuart Lewis. Page 18 (Baghdad), U.S. Department of Defense. Page 11 Business Briefs 18 (Earth Summit), United Nations photo. Page 18 (maquiladora), EIRNS/Juan Mart´ınez. Pages 18 (Sudanese children), 46-48, EIRNS. Page 53 (Shelton), DOD/Tech Sgt. Lee Roberts, USAF. Page 53, DOD/ Airman Brian C. McLaughlin, U.S. Navy. Volume 26, Number 3, January 15, 1999 Feature International National 30 New war against Iraq 64 Bipartisan lynch mob would be a strategic preparing Senate ‘trial’ disaster The only option the President has, is The next attack could include a to go for a full trial, in which the coordinated ground offensive, treasonous actions of the entire “Get aimed at setting up a puppet Clinton” cabal are subjected to government in Iraq. public scrutiny. 32 Who’s behind the war 68 LaRouche movement drive? mobilizes to ‘Stop the A Ku Klux Klan rally during the 1920s. Confederate Coup’ 33 Blair’s woes could spell 12 To defeat impeachment you trouble for Gore 71 National News must defeat the new The infighting in the British Confederacy government has attained such a By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. “The level of brutality, that columnists first, and the most plain fact you are comparing it to the 15th-century must understand clearly, and not War of the Roses. block out, is that there is a British- style parliamentary coup d’e´tat now 34 ‘Bra Queen’ supports the being attempted in the U.S. Senate.” Third Way boobs 24 Why the British killed 35 Women’s commission calls Abraham Lincoln for New Silk Road 26 Confederates behind the 37 A difficult road ahead for impeachment coup Nigeria Profiles in treason: Trent Lott, Tom DeLay, William Rehnquist, David 38 With nearly 2 million Sentelle, Bob Barr, Asa Hutchinson, deaths, war must end in W. Hickman Ewing, and Bill Southern Sudan McCollum. 28 The Confederate coup 43 Is Peru’s Amazon the next Chiapas? against the Presidency Manuel Hidalgo reports on the A selection of interviews and effort to shatter the region into commentaries from around the mini-states, no more than British- world. run “coca republics” and oil concessions. 51 International Intelligence EIREconomics Europe launches the euro, as economic crisis deepens by William Engdahl On Jan. 4, the most radical monetary scheme since the end be a credible currency accepted by international markets,” of World War II came into force, as limited trading among proclaimed Santer on Jan. 4, echoed by German Chancellor central banks and financial markets began on the new Euro- Gerhard Schro¨der, a former euro critic turned backer, who pean currency, the euro. Far from being the dazzling success added, “It will make Europe move forward.” and zone of stability which European Commission President Jacques Santer and heads of most European Union (EU) What next? governments have proclaimed it, the euro could likely be- The question is, forward to what? According to informed come the factor which tips the present global financial and currency traders, “The rate of the euro right now is being economic crisis into the unprecedented systemic disintegra- artificially manipulated to appear stable.
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