Rev. Bio!. Trop., 35(2): 233-239, 1987. Hidrological and population studies on Artemia fra nciscana in Yavaros, Sonora, México A. A. Ortega-Salas and A. Martínez G. Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, UNAM, Ap. Post. 70-305. México 04510, D. F. (Received September 23, 1986) Abstract: The climate in the Yavaros area is very suitable fo r the evaporation of sea water. It is desertic and the dríest season is the spring. The annual ranges are: air temperature 1 5-30uC, rainfall 300-400 mm and evaporation 1,500-2,000 mm. Each year, from June to January, the Yavaros salinas form a natural breeding habitat fo r Artemia. Daytime samples taken in September, January and April showed the fo llowing ranges: dissolved oxvgen 0 3 6 0.1 to 4.0 mL/L, temperature 22 to 42 C. salinity 66 to 355% , phyjtoplankton 15 10 to 56 10 c/L 3 x X and zooplankton 10.'. to 6.8 X 10 organisms/50L L. Dunaliella, Nitzchia and Oscilatoria were the most abundant in the phytoplankto. Artemia occurred in aH of the 15 salinas in January and in most of them in September and Apri!. Copepods were common in sorne samples. The commercíal harvesting of Artemia cysts in the Yavaros salinas is suggested. The genus Artemia is particularly important people in Mexico City own small sea water in aquaculture as food for fish and crustacean reservoirs built to grow Artemia for selling in larvae. Early in the century, Seale (1933) and aquarium shops. Rollefsen (1939) had a very significant progress Even though there are natural Artemia in hatchery aquaculture using 0.4 mm nauplli populations in Mexico, there have been few larvae of Artemia, which is an excellent food studies of their habitats. source for newborn fishlarvae. Artemia has also The airns of the present'workare to evaluate been found to be a suitable food for the most the following pararnetres: oxygen, temperature, diversified groups of aquatic organisms. Kinne salinity, and the densities of Artemia and (1977) mentioned that more than 85% of the associated plankton. A preliminary assesment marine animals cultivated thus far have been of the importance of the area as a potential offered Artem ia salina as food. Gabaudan et al. source of Artemia cysts is also included. (1980) also demostrated that dried brine shrimp has been used succesfully as a protein STUDY AREA source. The world distribution of species of Artemia The Yavaros Lagoon is situated in the Gulf is discussed by Persoone & Sorgeloos (1980). of California, on the coast of Sonora State, Me­ Artemia is found in America from Canada to xico, 26 40' N, 109 35' W. The salinas are at Peru and Argentina. In Mexico it is found in 14 the south end of the Laggon (Fig. 1). places, mainly on the Pacific coast (Castro et al, The clirnate in this area is desertic and the 1985a). The strain from Yavaros was determi­ driest season is in spring, designated "BW", ned as Artemia franciscana (Kellog) (Martínez according to the Koppen system The highest 1970). mean air temperature is 300C in July and Few Mexican populations of Artemia have August (summer), and the lowest is 150C in been exploited. Castro et al. (1985b) fo r exarn­ December-February (winter). pIe, report an experimentalArtemia production The predominat winds come from the project near Mexico City. AIso, sorne local southeast in summer, the rest of the year 233 234 REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL " " '- 15 CONCENTRAT ION LAGOON APPROX 250m I I Figure 1. Area of study in Yavaros Lagoon. come from the northwest. There are infrequent Personal observations showed that once a storms of gale force . year in June, in order to exploit salt, the The rainfall occurs mainly in July-Septem­ Yavaros salinas are connected to the Yavaros ber, and for the rest of the year there is prac­ Lagoon by a sluice-gate mechanism which tically no rain in the littoral zone. The annual permits the sea water to flow through a channel rainfall is 300.400 mm and the annual evap­ into the concentration lagoon and to the salinas oration is 1,500.2,000 mm (Mexican meteo­ where the water evaporates. The Yavaros salinas rological system). Thus, conditions are ex­ measure about 7 ha and have a depth of 40 cm tremely suitable for the production of salt by the (rough1y 28,000 m3). When the saIterns are evaporation of sea water. filled with sea water, the Artemia cysts left in OR TE GA & MA RTINEZ: Studieson Artemiafr anciscana in Sonora, Mexico 235 TABLE 1 Parameters of plankton and hydrology fr om September (1969) samples. Abbreviations fo r stages ofArtemia: a = adults and juveniles, c = cysts, mn = metanauplii, n = nauplii Phytoplankton Zooplankton Saltem Time Cels/L Composition Density Salinity Temp. nos Composition % ° 50 % hrs. Be 0/00 Oc L 1200 700.000 100 20 217 38.0 201 52 Oscilatoria Artemia n 1215 400,000 73 20 223 38.0 105 DUllalie/la Copepods 45 27 36 Oscilatoria Artemia n Artemia a 10 1220 900,000 63 20 220 38.0 77 50 Oscilatoria Copepods 37 37 Dunaliella Anemia n Artemia a 10 4 1230 655,000 52 21 253 38.5 10 100 Oscilatoria copepods cysts 21 1240 93 21 258 38.0 29 100 22,385,000 DUllaliella copepods 6 Oscilatoria cysts 1 6 1300 91 21 262 38.5 10 100 2,470,000 Dunalie/la a 9 Artemia Oscilatoria 1310 90 23 258 39.0 O 10,160,000 Dunalie/la 5 Oscilatoria cysts 5 1317 195,000 cysts 64 19 209 39.0 29 copepods 65 36 34 Oscilatoria Artemia 9 1327 100 16 173 37.2 77 57 125.000 Dunalie/la copepods 43 Artemia a 10 1337 1,760,000 100 21 249 39.0 Dunaliella O 11 1400 62 25 356 42.0 58 100 6,060,000 Dunalie/la copepods 33 Oscilatoria cysts 4 Nitzchia 1 12 1410 500,000 76 16 175 37.5 10 100 Oscilatoria Anemia n cysts 18 14 Dunalie/la 13 1415 2,370,000 50 17 188 39.0 10 100 Oscilatoria a 47 Artemia DUllalie/la cysts 2 Nitzchia 1 14 1425 11,440,000 96 19 203 39.0 19 50 DUllalie/la copepods 4 50 cysts Artemia n 15 1350 56,860,000 91 66 39.0 2.329 Nitzchia the area the previous year absorb water. Then The temperature was me asured with a -2 to they begin their development, and after one or 510C thermometer; the salinity with a O to two days they hatch. In about three weeks they 2200/00 Golbert refractometer (water diluted complete their biological cycle with egg pro­ when necessary); the density was measured duction. Thus, many generations of Artemia with a O to 310 Be densimeter. In most places appear each year from June to January while where the marine salt is exploited a densimeter the processing of salt occurs. is used instead of a salinometer. Both were used in the present work, and the results show that MATERIAL AND METHODS density and sality are related by the following ° fu nctional regression equation : Be = 1.3479 + Visits to the Yavaros salinas were made in 0.07945 eS 0/00), r = 0.938, n = 43 . where September 1969 , January, April 1970, and May °Be: Baume degrees; SO/oo: salinity 1982. During the fr rst. three visits 15 salinas o xy gen was processed by the Winkler were sampled between 10:00 and 15:00hrs. 77 method (Carpenter 1965). Surface samples of samples were taken for oxygen and salinity, and phytoplankton using 30 ce bottles were fixed 88 for phytoplankton and zooplankton ana­ with potassium iodide and sodium acetate . Af­ lysis. During the fourth visit in May 1982 dry ter 24 hrs. in a 10 cc sedimentation chamber cysts were collected by 4 persons on the round the phytoplankton samples were identified and edges of the salinas, where the sea water had counted under an Utermól microscope. The evaporated. Roughly estimating in less than two numbers were ca1culated in cells per litre (c/L). hrs, after cleaning there were about 5 L in 100 The zooplankton samples were filtered from 2 m • a 50 L bucket of water taken from each saltern 236 REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL TABLE 2 Parameters of plankton and hydrology fromJanuary (1970) samples. Abbreviations fo r stages of Artemia: a =adu lts and juveniles, e =cysts, mn = metanauplii, n = nauplii Phytoplankton Zooplankton Saltern Time Cells/L Composition % Density SaJinity Oxigen Temp. nos Composition % 0 0 Be /00 ml/L Oc 50/L 1245 170,000 DUllaliella 47 13 139 3,17 25.8 6.881 Artemia a 54 Ampliara 23 Anem ia mn 33 Spin¡lina Artemia e 13 subsalsa J 2 NitzchirJ 12 cysts 6 1300 15,000 DUllaliella 100 15 167 2.01 24.2 0.447 Artemia a 70 Artemia n 15 Artemia mn 9 Artemia e 6 1335 2,270,000 DUllaliella 45 22 253 1.72 24.9 0.396 Artemia mn 93 Anabaenopsis 44 Artemia e 7 Oscilatoria 11 4 1340 6,360,000 DUllaliella 90 23 258 1.51 26.2 0.128 Anemia mn 80 Oscilatoria 7 Anemia e 20 cysts 3 5 y 6 1400 175,000 DUl1aliela 37 14 161 1.15 24.0 0.374 Anemia a 69 NilZchia 20 Anemia mn 20 Ampilora JI Artemia e 11 NO l'icula 9 Schroederia setigera 3 cysts 20 1410 2,190,000 Oscilatoria 70 10 111 3.74 23.6 0.473 Anemia a 75 Nitzchia 17 Artemia mn 16 Ampliara 4 Anemia e 9 Schroederia Fabrea salina setigeria 4 cysts 3 1418 650,000 DUllaliella 89 15 167 1.44 24.1 0.767 Artemia a 43 Nitzchia 4 Anemia n 35 S.
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