May 5, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E751 ON THE INTRODUCTION OF THE beg to see their abducted children and have bring enhanced security and law enforcement RESOLUTION CALLING ON THE no legal recourse if the taking parent denies experience that will better ensure that pro- GOVERNMENT OF JAPAN TO IM- them access. spective foreign students are not security MEDIATELY ADDRESS THE Consequently, American parents are calling risks. GROWING PROBLEM OF ABDUC- on the U.S. Government to urgently intervene This bill also will require that foreign stu- TION TO AND RETENTION OF and quickly find a diplomatic solution. dents are active participants in the programs UNITED STATES CITIZEN MINOR I ask for my colleague’s support on a bipar- in which they are enrolled and are observed at CHILDREN IN JAPAN, TO WORK tisan resolution supported by Rep. CHRIS- least once every 30 days during an academic CLOSELY WITH THE GOVERN- TOPHER SMITH, Rep. MAURICE HINCHEY, Rep. term or every 60 days outside an academic MENT OF THE UNITED STATES GARY MILLER, and Rep. MARSHA BLACKBURN, term. In addition, the bill requires that changes TO RETURN THESE CHILDREN TO calling on the Japanese government to ad- impacting a student’s nonimmigrant status, THEIR CUSTODIAL PARENT OR dress the growing problem of abduction and such as switching to a more sensitive aca- TO THE ORIGINAL JURISDICTION retention of American children in Japan. The demic major or transferring to another institu- FOR A CUSTODY DETERMINA- resolution calls for Japanese officials to work tion, will be reported to the Department of TION IN THE UNITED STATES, closely with the United States to return these Homeland Security in a more timely manner. TO PROVIDE LEFT-BEHIND PAR- children to their custodial parent or to the These improvements will reduce the oppor- ENTS IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO original jurisdiction for a custody determination tunity for potential terrorists to use student THEIR CHILDREN, AND TO in the United States, and to provide left-behind visas as a back door into the country for the ADOPT WITHOUT DELAY THE 1980 parents immediate access to their children. Fi- purpose of carrying out terrorist attacks, as HAGUE CONVENTION ON THE nally, the resolution calls for Japan to adopt happened on 9/11. CIVIL ASPECTS OF INTER- without delay the 1980 Hague Convention on Madam Speaker, I greatly value the con- NATIONAL CHILD ABDUCTION the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduc- tributions that foreign students and exchange tion. The well-being of these children should visitors make to our nation and its cultural di- HON. JAMES P. MORAN be an issue where agreement can be reached versity. I believe that these bright young peo- OF VIRGINIA and distraught parents are reunited with their ple are critically-important public diplomacy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES children. I call on the Government of Japan to tools for our country. But we must ensure they are coming here for the right reasons. The Wednesday, May 5, 2010 work closely with the U.S. Government to re- solve current cases and establish an efficient Student Visa Security Improvement Act will Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Madam Speaker, mechanism to resolve future potential cases of enhance homeland security and ensure the in- the United States and Japan have a strong abduction. tegrity of the Student and Exchange Visitor and critical alliance that is vitally important to Cosponsors of this legislation introduced by Program. I urge our colleagues to support it. both of our countries, to the Asia-Pacific re- the Rep. JAMES P. MORAN: f gion, and to the world. It is based on shared The Honorable CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH. RECOGNIZING MOUNT CARMEL interests and values and our common support The Honorable MAURICE D. HINCHEY. for political and economic freedoms, human The Honorable GARY G. MILLER. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS rights, and international law. Japan now par- The Honorable MARSHA BLACKBURN. ticipates in our Pacific Partnership Initiative f HON. GREGORIO KILILI CAMACHO bringing humanitarian civic assistance to coun- SABLAN tries in Southeast Asia. Japan is second to INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDENT OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS none in supporting President Barack Obama’s VISA SECURITY IMPROVEMENT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vision of a ‘‘world without nuclear weapons’’ ACT and advocating for nuclear disarmament and Wednesday, May 5, 2010 non-proliferation. Japan also supports our mis- HON. GUS M. BILIRAKIS Mr. SABLAN. Madam Speaker, the National sion in Afghanistan and has recently doubled OF FLORIDA High School Mock Trial Competition is the pre- its civilian aid to the country providing much IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mier national law related academic tournament needed funds for job training, agriculture sup- for high school students. Mock trial programs Wednesday, May 5, 2010 port, infrastructure and security training. are designed to give students an inside per- But as a friend of Japan and the Japanese Mr. BILIRAKIS. Madam Speaker, I rise spective on the legal system, providing them people, I am compelled to bring to their atten- today to introduce the Student Visa Security with an understanding of the mechanism tion by resolution a concern involving 269 Improvement Act, legislation that will strength- through which society chooses to resolve American children who have been abducted to en the screening of those seeking student many of its disputes. and/or wrongfully retained in Japan since visas and enhance the monitoring of foreign Participation in a performance-based, 1994. These American children are in Japan students in the United States. hands-on program of this nature provides stu- as a result of kidnapping by a parent with Jap- I fully support allowing foreign students and dents with a practical knowledge about how anese citizenship following the dissolution of exchange visitors to enter our country for le- our legal system operates and who the major their relationship to the American citizen par- gitimate academic and cultural purposes. players are in that system. Mock trial pro- ent. Research shows that abducted children However, recent media reports have disclosed grams help develop young citizens who can are at risk of serious emotional and psycho- schools that have helped individuals fraudu- sustain and build our nation by making a rea- logical problems and have been found to ex- lently obtain student visas or failed to report soned and informed commitment to democ- perience anxiety, eating problems, nightmares, students that did not attend class. Several 9/ racy. mood swings, sleep disturbances, aggressive 11 terrorists overstayed their student visas Students of Mount Carmel High School behavior, resentment, guilt and fearfulness, and details are emerging that the suspected have earned the right to represent the North- and as adults may struggle with identity Times Square bomber, Faisal Shahzad, first ern Mariana Islands in this year’s national issues, their own personal relationships and entered the United States on a student visa. competition in Philadelphia. They will compete parenting. I am concerned that there are insufficient with teams from around the country. Despite a shared concern within the inter- controls to ensure that those receiving student Mount Carmel students have a tradition of national community, the Japanese government and exchange visas are properly vetted before excellence in oratory. The school represented has yet to accede to the 1980 Hague Conven- being granted admission to the United States. the Northern Mariana Islands in the National tion on the Civil Aspects of International Child Once they are here, we must ensure they are We the People program two years in a row. Abduction or create any other mechanism to appropriately monitored. That is why I have in- Mr. Ryan Ortizo, one of the members of this resolve international child abductions. Japan’s troduced the Student Visa Security Improve- year’s competition in Philadelphia just won first existing family law system neither recognizes ment Act. place in the CNMI Attorney General’s Cup joint custody nor actively enforces parental ac- This bill will require Immigration and Cus- competition. cess agreements for either its own citizens or toms Enforcement (ICE) personnel stationed One has to admire and be proud of the foreigners. Most troubling, the existing legal at high-risk visa issuing posts overseas to re- dedication of the students and the commit- system relies exclusively on the voluntary co- view student and exchange visa applications ment of the teaching staff at Mount Carmel operation of the parent or guardian who has and conduct interviews with applicants before School for instilling the passion for debate and abducted the child. American parents must they are granted a visa. These ICE agents public speaking year after year. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:43 May 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05MY8.010 E05MYPT1 pwalker on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with REMARKS E752 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 5, 2010 Proudly representing the Northern Mariana of Colombia for their tremendous dedication to 16 years, and a true American maverick who Islands in this year’s National Mock Trial Com- fighting the drug cartels and working with the has been guided by a shining moral compass petitions, are: Geza Baka III, Maria Balajadia, people of the United States. After observing throughout his life. Former Congressman Kevin Bautista, Hazel Doctor, Ryan Ortizo, the distinguished leadership of Gen. Patin˜o McCloskey pursues the truth no matter where Keno San Pablo, Janela Revilla, Anastasia and his officers, I am more confident than ever it leads him. Schweiger, and the team’s advisor Lourdes T. that this is a war we can win together. In his over eight decades, Pete has accom- Mendiola, their attorney coaches Edward f plished more than will fit on this page.
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