§ 316.11 9 CFR Ch. III (1–1–12 Edition) capacity of 5 kilograms (11.025 lbs.) or products: And provided further, That less and containing a single kind of imitation sausage packed in properly product: Provided, That such products labeled containers having a capacity of in properly labeled closed containers 3 pounds or less and of a kind usually exceeding 5 kilograms (11.025 lbs.) ca- sold at retail intact, need not bear the pacity, when shipped to another offi- word ‘‘imitation’’ on each link or piece cial establishment for further proc- if no other marking or labeling is ap- essing or to a governmental agency, plied directly to the product. need only have the official inspection (b) When cereal, vegetable starch, legend and list of ingredients shown starchy vegetable flour, soy flour, soy twice throughout the contents of the protein concentrate, isolated soy pro- container. When such products are tein, dried milk, nonfat dry milk, or shipped to another official establish- calcium reduced dried skim milk is ment for further processing, the inspec- added to sausage in casing or in link tor in charge at the point of origin form within the limits prescribed in shall identify the shipment to the in- part 319 of this subchapter, the prod- spector in charge at destination by ucts shall be marked with the name of means of Form MP 408–1. each added ingredient, as for example (c) The list of ingredients may be ap- ‘‘cereal added,’’ ‘‘potato flour added,’’ plied by stamping, printing, using ‘‘cereal and potato flour added,’’ ‘‘soy paper bands, tags, or tissue strips, or flour added,’’ ‘‘isolated soy protein other means approved by the Adminis- added,’’ ‘‘nonfat dry milk added,’’ trator in specific cases. ‘‘calcium reduced dried skim milk (d) All cured products shall be added,’’ or ‘‘cereal and nonfat dry milk marked with the list of ingredients in added,’’ as the case may be. accordance with part 317 of this sub- (c)(1) When product is placed in a cas- chapter. ing to which artificial coloring is [35 FR 15577, Oct. 3, 1970, as amended at 37 FR thereafter applied, as permitted in part 16863, Aug. 22, 1972; 38 FR 4385, Feb. 14, 1973; 318 of this subchapter, the product 39 FR 36000, Oct. 7, 1974; 44 FR 67088, Nov. 23, shall be legibly and conspicuously 1979] marked by stamping or printing on the § 316.11 Special markings for certain casing the words ‘‘artificially colored.’’ meat food products. (2) If a casing is removed from prod- (a) Meat food products prepared in uct at an official establishment and casing or link form (whether or not there is evidence of artificial coloring thereafter subdivided), other than sau- on the surface of the product, the prod- sage, which possess the characteristics uct from which the casing has been re- of or resemble sausage, shall bear on moved shall be marked by stamping di- each link or piece the word ‘‘imita- rectly thereon the words ‘‘artificially tion’’ prominently displayed: Provided, colored.’’ That the following need not be so (3) The casing containing product marked if they bear on each link or need not be marked to show that it is piece the name of the product in ac- colored if it is colored prior to its use cordance with § 317.2 of this subchapter: as a covering for the product, and the Such products as coppa, capocollo, coloring is of a kind and so applied as lachschinken, bacon, pork loins, pork not to be transferable to the product shoulder butts, and similar cuts of and not to be misleading or deceptive meat which are prepared without added in any respect. substance other than curing materials (d) When an approved artificial or condiments; meat rolls, bockwurst, smoke flavoring or an approved smoke and similar products which do not con- flavoring is added to the formula of tain cereal or vegetables; headcheese, any meat food product as permitted in souse, sulze, scrapple, blood pudding, part 318 of this subchapter, the product and liver pudding; and other products shall be legibly and conspicuously such as loaves, chili con carne, and marked with the words ‘‘Artificial meat and cheese products when pre- Smoke Flavoring Added’’ or ‘‘Smoke pared with sufficient cheese to give Flavoring Added,’’ whichever may be definite characteristics to the finished applicable. 164 VerDate Mar<15>2010 13:50 Feb 01, 2012 Jkt 226029 PO 00000 Frm 00174 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\09\9V2.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA § 316.13 (e) Subject to the provisions in para- § 316.13 Marking of outside containers. graph (a) of this section, in the case of (a) Except as otherwise provided in sausage of the smaller varieties, the part 325 of this subchapter, when any markings prescribed in this section inspected and passed product for do- may be limited to links bearing the of- mestic commerce is moved from an of- ficial inspection legend, and such ficial establishment, the outside con- markings shall not be required if the tainer shall bear an official inspection sausages are packed in properly labeled legend as prescribed in part 312 of this containers having a capacity of 3 subchapter. pounds or less and of a kind usually (b) When any product prepared in an sold at retail intact. Further, all mark- official establishment for domestic ings otherwise required by this section commerce has been inspected and (except those required by paragraph (a) passed and is enclosed in a cloth or of this section) may be omitted from other wrapping, such wrapping shall the casings of sausage and other meat bear the official inspection legend and food products when these products are official establishment number applied by the approved 21⁄2-inch rubber brand to be processed in sealed metal con- in the form prescribed in part 312 of tainers properly labeled in accordance this subchapter: Provided, That the with the requirements in part 317 of rubber brand may be omitted if the of- this subchapter. ficial inspection legend and official es- (f) When an approved antioxidant is tablishment number on the product added to any meat food product as per- itself are clearly legible through the mitted in parts 318 and 319 of this sub- wrapping or the wrapping is labeled in chapter, the products shall be legibly accordance with part 317 of this sub- and conspicuously marked in an ap- chapter: Provided further, That plain proved manner identifying the specific unprinted wrappings, such as antioxidant used by its common name stockinettes, cheesecloth, paper, and or approved abbreviation and the pur- crinkled paper bags, for properly pose for which it is added, such as, marked products, which are used solely ‘‘BHA, BHT, and Propylgallate added to protect the product against soiling to help protect flavor.’’ or excessive drying during transpor- (g) Sausage of the dry varieties treat- tation or storage, need not bear the of- ed with potassium sorbate or ficial inspection legend. (c) The outside containers of prod- propylparaben (propyl p-hydroxy- ucts for export shall be marked in com- benzoate) as permitted by part 318 of pliance with part 322 of this subchapter this subchapter shall be marked as pre- as well as this part. scribed in § 317.8(b)(28) of this sub- (d) Slack barrels used as outside con- chapter). tainers of products shall have a cloth or paper top covering bearing the offi- § 316.12 Marking of equine carcasses cial inspection legend containing the and parts thereof. official establishment number. At the (a) All inspected and passed equine time of removal of the covering, the of- carcasses and parts thereof prepared at ficial inspection legend shall be de- any establishment shall be conspicu- stroyed. ously marked at the time of inspection (e) The outside containers of any with the official inspection legend as product which has been inspected and prescribed in § 312.3 of this subchapter passed for cooking, pork which has and with other information prescribed been refrigerated as provided in for marking products in this part. § 318.10(c) of this subchapter, and beef (b) All equine carcasses and meat and which has been inspected and passed other parts thereof shall be marked to for refrigeration shall bear the mark- show the kinds of animals from which ings and tag prescribed in § 325.7(b) of this subchapter. they were derived, before the products (f) The outside containers of glands are sold, transported, offered for sale or and organs which are not used for transportation, or received for trans- human food purposes, such as those de- portation in commerce. scribed in § 325.19 of this subchapter, 165 VerDate Mar<15>2010 13:50 Feb 01, 2012 Jkt 226029 PO 00000 Frm 00175 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\09\9V2.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150.
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