April 28, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E601 of Saint Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital’s senger and light truck tire plant in my home- dent attendance, developing better team play- South Patient Tower. The South Patient Tower town of Wilson, North Carolina. ers, enhancing student creativity, and pro- is an eight-story, contemporary-styled facility I have represented the Wilson plant for ducing a more prepared student for the work- that features 208 private, technologically inte- nearly ten years and am reminded each time place. In Congress, I have always advocated grated and enhanced patient care rooms, I pass it on my way to Washington, DC the for sustained investments in the arts and hu- which provide ample space for the family and impact it has had on the City of Wilson and manities. friends who we know are vital to the healing Wilson and Edgecombe Counties, and indeed Ms. Enloe has been an energetic leader and process. This patient-centered and techno- the state of North Carolina. supporter of many of Dallas’ arts groups logically advanced addition highlights this hos- For 40 years, the Wilson plant has built a throughout the years and deserves to be com- pital’s dedication to administering a high-qual- reputation for producing superior, high quality mended for her contributions to the commu- ity health care experience to members of our products that help protect drivers, passengers, nity. Over the years Ms. Enloe has been the community. and pedestrians in my state of North Carolina, recipient of several prestigious awards in rec- Saint Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital is an across the country, and throughout the world. ognition of her work, including the TACA Silver award-winning facility that has provided expert The Wilson plant produced its first tire on Cup Award in 1993, the TITAS Award for Ex- and compassionate care to the citizens of the March 1, 1974. Since then, Bridgestone Amer- cellence in 2007 and the Dallas Historical So- Pontiac area for more than 85 years. In that icas’ Wilson plant has grown to be Wilson ciety’s Award for Excellence in the Arts in time the hospital has chosen to focus its ef- County’s second largest employer and has 2009. Mr. Speaker, our country is a better one forts on quality, patient safety and cost-effi- provided good paying, stable jobs for thou- because we have a Bess Enloe. ciency. In doing so it has become nationally sands of people that call eastern North Caro- f recognized for the high level of care that it lina home. IN RECOGNITION OF DEBBI provides and as a leader in Cardiology, Crit- Bridgestone Americas’ Wilson facility is O’DONOHUE FOR HER THIRTY ical Care, Women’s Health and Orthopedics. massive, spanning some 500 acres with two YEARS OF SUCCESS AND SERV- The South Patient Tower builds on that tradi- and a half million square feet of workspace. In ICE tion, and illustrates Saint Joseph Mercy Oak- January 2014, the plant received the highly land Hospital’s longstanding commitment to sought and prestigious ‘‘Zero Waste to Land- providing the best care possible to the com- fill’’ certification by Underwriter Laboratories. HON. EMANUEL CLEAVER OF MISSOURI munity. Bridgestone Americas is committed to envi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This South Patient Tower is the culmination ronmental sustainability so much so that the of the Saint Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital’s men and women who work at the Wilson plant Monday, April 28, 2014 ongoing commitment to medical excellence. A developed the land surrounding the facility into Mr. CLEAVER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to major feature of the tower is the deployment the Freedom Wildlife Habitat and Refuge. The pay tribute to an outstanding small business of the most advanced integrated medical tech- area was certified as a ‘‘Corporate Lands for headquartered in the Fifth Congressional Dis- nology, which will transform the future of Learning and Wildlife at Work’’ site by the U.S. trict of Missouri, which I have the honor and health care. The Intelligent Care System tech- Wildlife Habitat Council. I am particularly privilege of serving. Awards & T–Shirts Spe- nology that this facility will employ creates the proud of the Wilson employees who contrib- cialists, Inc. is celebrating thirty years of suc- most technologically advanced health environ- uted their time and resources to make our re- cessful business. Their founder and owner, ment in the country. In doing so, hospital staff gion a better place to live and work. Debbi O’Donohue, is the driving force behind will be empowered to bring a new level of re- Without question, Bridgestone Americas and this nationally recognized company. sponsive, proactive, collaborative and innova- their facility in Wilson, North Carolina have As elected leaders, it is important for us to tive care to the patients that they serve. contributed greatly to our state and national salute successful businesses such as Awards Additionally, Saint Joseph Mercy Oakland economies. The Wilson plant is an integral & T–Shirts Specialists, Inc. The entrepre- Hospital has chosen to invest in efforts to en- part of our community and a great corporate neurial spirit of Debbi and her company is truly hance every aspect of a patient’s health care partner for our region. what makes our country great. experience through their Healing Arts pro- I am so pleased to recognize Bridgestone Their founder and owner, Debbi O’Donohue, gram. By recognizing that the physical envi- Americas’ 40th year of manufacturing pas- started Awards & T–Shirts on March 3, 1984 ronment is an integral part of the hospital ex- senger and light truck tires in their Wilson fa- as a trophy business in her parents’ base- perience, Saint Joseph Mercy Oakland Hos- cility and look forward to sharing in many ment. It rapidly expanded three months later pital has taken efforts to create a calming at- more of their achievements. to offer screen-printed apparel and custom- mosphere and restorative environment for pa- f made awards. Today, this company is the pre- tients through the integration of intentional art, mier provider of American-made and union- architecture and esthetic. HONORING BESS ENLOE decorated promotional products in the United Mr. Speaker, I am truly proud to celebrate States, having customers in all fifty states and and recognize the opening of Saint Joseph HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON Canada. Mercy Oakland Hospital’s South Patient OF TEXAS Debbi was a trailblazer in 1986 when Tower. This institution is dedicated to putting IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Awards & T–Shirts Specialists signed their first union contract. She became the first female patient care at the forefront of its mission and Monday, April 28, 2014 efforts, and by choosing to invest in the future owned and operated contractor in the Greater of health care Saint Joseph Mercy Oakland Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. Kansas City Building and Construction Trades Hospital continues its commitment to being an Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Bess Enloe Council. Specializing in serving the unions’ exceptional place to come for healing of body, who was honored last night at the 2014 niche and related companies and organiza- mind and spirit. Southern Methodist University Meadows tions, Awards & T–Shirts has continued to ex- School of the Art’s benefit gala located at the f pand and enhance its high- quality American Meyerson Symphony Center. A graduate of and union made products, outstanding service, RECOGNIZING BRIDGESTONE Southern Methodist University, Ms. Enloe cur- and creative image designs over the past thir- AMERICAS WILSON, NORTH rently chairs the Executive Board of the SMU ty years. CAROLINA FACILITY ON THE OC- Meadows School for the Arts and is a Life Awards & T–Shirts’ impressive record of de- CASION OF ITS 40TH ANNIVER- Trustee of the Dallas Theater Center. She is livering proven results has elevated their com- SARY currently the Vice Chair of the Board of Direc- pany to become a national leader in the pro- tors of the AT&T Performing Arts Center, motional marketing industry that is highly HON. G.K. BUTTERFIELD where she co-chairs the Development Com- sought after for conferences, special events, OF NORTH CAROLINA mittee. Previously, she chaired the Facilities golf tournaments, and workforce motivational IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Committee for the Dee and Charles Wyly The- programs. atre. The amazing thirty years of success of Monday, April 28, 2014 Ms. Enloe’s contributions have enriched the Awards & T–Shirts Specialists can be directly Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise Dallas-area’s culture. The fine arts is a key attributed to Debbi and her boundless energy today to recognize Bridgestone Americas, one component in improving learning throughout and captivating personality. She leads by ex- of our nation’s leading tire manufacturers, as all academic areas. Evidence of its effective- ample, inspiring dedication and determination it celebrates the 40th anniversary of its pas- ness in reducing student dropout, raising stu- in her staff. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:08 Apr 29, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28AP8.049 E28APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E602 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 28, 2014 It is one thing for a business to be success- know that our community is filled with out- in 21,000 hours serving the residents of the ful; it is another milestone to achieve thirty standing artists at every grade level. The 2014 village of Gales Ferry and the town of years of success. Probably the greatest good Round Lake Area Schools Fine Arts Extrava- Ledyard, Connecticut. Ted has responded to is demonstrated by what a person gives back ganza offers another exciting opportunity to over 1,700 emergencies, including fires, motor to the community.
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