522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. ·JANU.AnY 9, 1\Ir. WRIGHT. If I can get the attention of the Senate I want to pursuit of deserters; which was read a first and second time, referred make a proposition. ["Too late."] to the Committ-ee on War Claims, and ordered to bo printecl. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. NAVAL E~T~1E~TS 1 EXPENDITURES, ETC. A.message from the House of Representatives, b-y: 1\Ir. McPHERSO~, 1\Ir. BECK, by unanimous consent, submitted the following resolu­ its Clerk announced that t he House had passed a bill (H. R. No.1039) tion ; which was read, considered, and agreed to : for the r~lief of John B. Weber, late colonel of the Eighteenth Regi­ Resolved, Tha.t the Secretary of the Navy be directed to inform the House how ment Corps d'Afrique, in which it requested the concurrence of the many, if any, of the :fifteen. hundred men sought to be added temporarily to the Senate. Navy by_the bill now pending in the Senat-e of the United States, which passetl the House of R epresentatives D ecember 9, 1873~ have been enlisted, giving the date of HOUSE BILLS REFERRED. said enlistments, and the amount expendea in consequence thereof; and th..'tt be The bill (H. R. No.253) for the relief of Thomas Hillhouse, assistant further infm= the House how much of the appropriation made for the fiscal year treasurer of the United States in New York City, was read twice by its ending June 30, 1874, was expeutl ed prior to January 1, 1874; and that he further inform t.he House hnw much of the ~,000,000 appropriated by the present Congress title, and referred to the Committee on Finance. has been expended, and for what purposes. The bill (H. R. No. 215) to exempt George M. R1chard, of P1ttston, in the State of Pennsylvania, from the payment of $881.29 for post­ UNITED STATES MILITARY PRISON. age-stamps stolen from his office while postmaster, was read twice by 1\Ir. COBB, of Kansas, by unaninious consent, introduced a bill (H. its title, and referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post­ R. No. 1035) amendatory of an act entitled "An act providing for the Roads. establishment of a military prison, ancHor its government, approved The bill (H. R. No.1039) for the relief of John B. Weber, late colo­ March 3, 1873 ;"which was read a first and second time, referred to nel of the Eighteenth Regiment C?rps d'Afr~<Jue, was.r_ead twice by the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed.. its title, and referred to the CoiDIIDttee on 1\lilitary .A.:flarrs. FORTIFICATIO~ APPROPRIATION BILL. EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mr. STARKWEATHER, from the Committee on Appropriations, The Senate proceeded to the consideration of executive business. reported a bill (H. R. No. ·1037) making appropriations for the con­ After fifty-five minutes spent in executive session the doors were struction, preservation, and repair of certain fortifications and other reopened, and (at five o'clock and thirty-seven minutes p. m.) the works of defense; which was read a first and second time, referred to Senate adjourned. the Committee of the Whole on the st::tte of the Union, ordered to be printed, and made the special or<ler for Wednesday next aft-er the morning hour, and from day to day until disposed of. 1\Ir. BECK. I reserve the right to make points of order on this bill. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. WIDOW OF NATILU\'IEL ALBERTSON. FRIDAY, January 9, 1874. 1\Ir. CRITTENDEN, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill (H. R. No. 1037) to authorize the Treasurer of the United States to pay to the The House met at twolve o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. widow of Nathaniel Albertson the sum of $160; which was read a first J. G. BUTLER, D. D. and second time, referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. to be printed. ORDER OF BUSDffiSS. WOMAN SUFFRAGE IN UTAH.• 1\Ir. GARFIELD. I call for the regula,r order. Mr. MELLISH, by unanimous consent, presented the following The SPEAKER. The regular order being called for, the morning memorial; which was read, referred to the Committee on the Judi­ hour now begins at thirteen minutes past twelve o'clock; and this ciary, and ordered to be printed: being Friday, the committees will be called for reports of a private At a meeting of the New York Woman Suffrage Society, held at Plimpton Hall, nature. · New York City, November 25, 1873, the following resolution was unanimously THOMAS IDLLHOUSE. adopted: "Whereas the elective franchise has become vested in the women of Ut.ah by law, Mr. E. H. ROBERTS, from the Committ~e on Ways and Means, and established by usage; and wher~ the continued exercise of this ri~ht by those r eported back, with a recommen<lation that it pass, the bill (H. R. women a.ftords the surest guarantee of the ultimate peaceful and thorougn extinction of polygamy: Therefore, No. 253) for the relief of Thomas Hillhouse, assistant treasurer of the Resotved, That we demand of Congress that no l~oisla.tion be enacted which will United States in New York City. have the effect to debar the women inhabitants of utah from the exercise of their The bill was read. It authorizes and directs the proper accountin~ right of suffrage. officers to allow Thoma-s Hillhouse, assistant treasurer of the Uniteu CLEMENCE S. LOZIER, M. D., President. States at New York City, in the settlement of his internal-revenue­ HANNAH MeL. SHEPARD, stamp account, a credit for the sum of $185,000, being the proceeds of Vice-Pt·esi&nt. sale of internal-revenue stamps embezzled by James I. Johnson, a LILLIE DEVEREUX BLAKE, clerk in his office, ·without the default• or negligence of the assistant HERMAN H. SHOOK, Secretaries. treasurer. JEANIE MAcADAM, :Mr. HOLMAN. From what committee does this bill come' TreasuTer. The SPEAKER. It is reported from the Committee on Ways and FRANCES V. HALLOCK, Means by the gentleman from New York, [Mr. E. H. ROBERTS.] OhaiTman Executive Committee. Mr. HOLMAN. I believe it is not subject to any point of order now. CASES BEFORE COURT OF CLAIMS. The reason why I should desire to make such a point is that I do not Mr. DUELL, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill (H. R. No. think the bill ought to have gone to that committee. The Committee 1032) to restore certain cases to the records of the Court of Claims; on Ways and Means are constituted for the consideration of more im­ which W/18 read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on portant questions of a general nature, and so long as they are charged Revision of the Laws of the United States, and ordered to be printed. with the examination of these little claims so long will there be a lack of correctness and uniformity in the adjustment of claims. ORDER OF BUSL~ESS FOR TO-MORROW. The old practice which so long prevailed is the only safe one, and Mr. RANDALL. I ask that to-morrow be assigned for debate only that is to refer all of t hese claims to the committee especially charged as in Committee of the Whole, no other business to be transacted. with their consideration, so that some uniform rule may be adopted. 1\Ir. SPEER. I observe that the chairman of the Committee on They should all go to the committee responsible for that particular Elections [Mr. Sl\IITH, of New York] is now absent; and I ask that branch of the legislative business of the country. Then there woul<l i;f the order suggested by my colleague [ Ir. RANDALL] be adopted, be some certainty in regard to the action of this House of Represent­ an exception be made so that the Committee on Elections may make atives. But when a committee like the Committee on Waysa-n<l Means a. report to-morrow for the purpose of having it printed. report on private claims, which have to do with the great questions of 1\Ir. GARFIELD. I hope that we may meet to-morrow, and go on the country, and by whom, from the very nature of the busine s before with the consideration of the naval appropriation bill. We can prob­ them, questions of this kind cannot and will not receive proper con­ ably finish it to-morrow. sideration, it seems to me that considerations of policy should demand The SPEAKER. The order suggested by the gentleman from Penn­ that report should not have the same confidence, no matter how high sylvania can be ma<le only by unanimous consent; and the Chair the character of the several gentlemen on that committee may be, as understands the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. GARFIELD] as objecting. if tho report came from the committee properly charged with such JURORS IN Ul<.TITED STATES COURTS. duties. It affords me great pleasure to say that there is no committee of the House in whose judgment I have more respect and confidence Mr. RANDALL, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill (H. R. No. than the Committee on W ays and l\1eans, when its action is confined 1033) regulating the drawing and summoning of jurors in the district to matters properly before it for consideration under the rules of tho and circuit courts of t he United States; which was read a first and House.
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