St. John's, Thunder Bay "A Travelling Dinner" "algoma creates Inany friendships St. John's in Thunder Eve r yon e (hosts, hos­ Bay held a "Travelling Din­ tesses, and ~11 of the travel­ ner", on Friday evening, ling guests) ended the even­ November 12, from 6: 20 to ing at the parish hall for 10 :30 p.m. The purpose of coffee and mints. the dinner was to enable the As indicated by the Rev. anglican parishioners to get to know H. Morrow, Rector of St. one another. John's, the main purpose of th~ dinner was "to help all of OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE DIOCESE OF ALGOMA A number of parishioners were asked to serve a four us to get to know one anoth­ Vol. 21 January, 1977 course dinner on that even­ er better". A by-product of ing. What was different the evening was that it from the usual dinner was brought in a significant sum that the host and hostess of money as a contribution had a different set of guests to St. John's, since the hos­ Bishophurst~ Sault Ste. Marie for each course so that they tess and host from each entertained as many as 32 home provided the meal as different members of St. their contribution, and tra­ Mrs. Nock reports first year's events John's in their home on that velling guests paid $5 each one evening. for their dinners. Each guest went to four Participants were provid­ of Algoma's HERITAGE CENTRE' different homes during the ed in advance with a sched­ evening, one for each course. ule, so that they were in­ A t each home, the guests formed where they should go by Mrs. Beth Nock to see a display of HSynod's everyone who has sent in dined with a different group for the first course. At that (Chairman, Hel'itage Past". In July, a special dis­ historic material and pic­ of other guests than at the home, they received sched­ Centre) play was set up to honour tures. All these are being previous home. Each guest ules for the remaining three It hardly seems possible Father R. F. Palmer's car­ filed in separate files under met as many as 32 different courses, with maps supplied that a year has passed since eer, as he was celebrating the titles - "Deaneries", fellow parishioners during to show them how to get to I wrote my first report of the 60th anniversary of his "Bishops", "W.A.-ACW", the evening. each! the HERITAGE CENTRE. Last ordination. .. and "Bishophurst". December, the old Synod In October, when the Li­ Our financing is all by Office in Bishophurst was brary Board of Sault Ste. voluntary contributions and St. Thomas~ ,. Bracebridge in the process · of being Marie presented the Centre we are' most grateful to the transformed into a Centre with the 1878 and 1880 Diocese for their yearly for the use of the Diocese diaries of Bishop Fauquier, grant of $100, and to the Parish conducts its fifth to preserve and display our a display of the Fauquier ACW for their grant in 1975 heritage of the past. At years was set up, of $100, through the Bish­ annual Advent Carol· Service that time, a small but active The ACW Algoma Dean­ op's Appeals. To the contri­ On Sunday, December 5, ". Canon Mitchell, in com­ group of volunteers made. ery has met twice, and the butors throughout the Dio­ in the afternoon, the parish menting about the day, re­ the transformation a real­ Juniors of Algoma once. cese, . and to others outside of St. Thomas' in Brace­ marked that the day was ity. Three individual ACW of the Diocese, we appreci­ bridge offered its fifth an­ also the 80th anniversary of With $100 from the Dio­ groups have met in the ate your generous response. nual Advent Carol Service. St. Thomas', and also the cese, a lot of determination Centre. The Heritage Cen­ Gifts received in December Ministers fro m several date on which he himself be­ and work the idea became tre Committee has held four were from Mrs. Ed Bell, Wil­ churches assisted in the gan his ministry in -Brace­ a "fait accompli". So, on meetings. The Diocesan Ex­ lowdale, Ontario, and Mr. readings, and a congrega­ bridge on a snowy day in January 1, 1976, Heritage ecutive of the ACW met in John Wright, Sault Ste. tion represented several de­ 1958. Centre was officiaily opened the Sault in September, and Mane. nominations. to the public, when Bishop- . held their first meeting at We thank you- one and hurst, celebrating its 100th the Centre. Various com­ all-for your interest, help uChrist, the fVorld's True anniversary, had its custom­ mittees of the Synod and and contributions through­ Light" "was the theme of the ary New Year's Reception. Diocesan office have used out this past year to assist service, emphasizing that INSIDE Since that time the Centre the Centre. Four · research the Heritage Centre Com­ aspect of Advent that not has had much use. In May, ers have used our material mittee preserve the past for only leads to the celebration This ' month begins the members of the Synod for their work. us in our generation and for of Christmas, but proclaims the 21st year of publi­ were invited to the Centre We would like to thank future generations. the hope of the coming king­ cation for the ALGOMA dom. ANGLICAN, It certainly - looks like a busy year Musical selections comple­ for the Diocese and its mented this development, official publication. including congregational hymns and choir selections. Inside the ALGOMA There were some traditional ANGLICAN, as is true carols and some modern every month, you will ones, - notably uM a ry's find the National Child" by Geoffrey Ainger. Newspaper of the Ang­ lican Church of Can­ Mr. Robert Boyer, organ­ ada, the CANADIAN ist and choir director, initi­ CHURCHMAN. ·T his ated this practice of an Ad­ month, the CHURCH­ vent Carol Service five years MAN reports the four ago, and this has become a " ordinations on Novem­ cherished tradition among ber 30 in Niagara, many in the community who Huron, New Westmin­ find in this quiet time of ster, and Cariboo dio­ music and meditation on a ceses. Please read late afternoon in December, these reports as they a true preparation for the involve a momentous Christmas season. moment for the Angli­ can Church of Canada . It has also become a hap­ -the ordination of wo­ py tradition at St. Thomas' men to the priesthood. for other ministers to join In that connection, the Canon 'Mitchell in the les­ ALGOMA ANGLICAN in­ sons. Taking part on De­ cludes a special feature cember 5 were the foil ow­ on the "Ordination of ing: tlre Rev. William Gra­ Women to the Priest­ ham (St. Mark's, Milfor4 hood" . PleaSe turn to Bay); the Rev. James A. page 4A, to see where Thomson (Knox Presbyter­ Bishop N ock and the ian) ; the Rev. J"ohn McTav­ Diocese of Algoma ish (Bracebridge United); stand on this issue. Graham Barnes (First Bap­ Duri~g annual episcopal visit Bishop Nock tist) ; Marion Traviss (Free This issue. of the AL­ • • Methodist) ; and Captain GOMA ANGLICAN also S pea k man (Salvation includes the already partICIpates in parish's many activities Army). popular "M 0 n day Morning" col u m n, Quite recently, in his episcopal visit to St. Stephen's ill Thunder Bay, the Rt. Rev. Captain Speakman, in ad­ which deals this month Frank F. Noek, Bishop of Algoma, dedicated a beautiful stained glass window, de­ dition to reading, brought with the Cursillo Pro­ picting Our Lord as the Good Shepherd, to the glory of God and in memory of Al­ the Salvation Army Band, gramme for Anglicans, bert and Ethel Somerton, who were pioneer members of St. Stephen's. Standing on the which joined with the organ which has been begun left, are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Somerton, Jr., and Mrs. Lauri Heritage, and on the right in the accompaniment to in the Sault Ste. Marie are Bishop Nock, Fr. Jerry-Cooper (Bishop's Chaplain), and the Rev. Canon Frank some of the hymns, and also area. Please turn to Moore (Rector of St. Stephen's). For more information and additional pictures about played a selection, "Hold the page 3A. this episcopal visit, please turn to· page 5A of the ALGOMA ANGLICAN. Fort, for I am Coming". 2A / OJ ANUARY / ALGOMA ANGLICAN algoma anglican The bishop's letter The Rt. Rev. Frank F. Nock, Bishop The Rev. R. W. McCombe, Editor Mr. D. Oosterbaan, Treasurer PRELUDE TO SYNOD 1977 Mrs. L. Dew, Circulation Manager My dear fellow Anglicans: appears that 'there will be cussion and prayer. As Subscriptions, $2.50 per annum Our Synod of last May group discussions on a few much advance material as Second class mail, Reg. No. 1423 was essentially a "house­ major subjects with plenary possible will be sent in good Printed monthly by Charters Publishing Co. Ltd. keeping Synod" with little sessions to debate any action time to help in the back­ Brampton, Ontario. L6V 2L3 time for us to consider im­ arising from the discussions. ground of the discussions. Send change-of-address forms and/or payrilents portant theological, moral While the agenda has not Such preparation is essential to Box 1168, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. P6A 5N7 and social issues beyond the been formally set there have if the Synod is not to be a Ordination of Women. One been numerous suggestions clergy-dominated Synod! I All correspondence should be directed to decision, therefore, was to offered by ttthink-tanks" can think of no better use of 6 Glenwood Road, Ingersoll, Ontario.
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