NOTICE OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Wednesday, September 2, 2020 Notice is hereby given of the Regular Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission beginning at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 2, 2020, at Argyle Town Hall, located at 308 Denton Street, Argyle, Texas. The Items listed below are placed on the agenda for discussion and/or action. The Planning and Zoning Commission will participate in this meeting remotely in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act or under the provisions provided by the Governor of Texas in conjunction with the Declaration of Disaster enacted March 13, 2020 and as amended on March 24, 2020. In an effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by avoiding meetings that bring people into a group setting and in accordance with Section 418.016 of the Texas Government Code, telephonic capabilities will be utilized. Members of the public are entitled to participate remotely via Toll- Fee Dial-In Number: 1-888-475-4499; Meeting ID: 890 9408 2542 or through Zoom meeting link at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89094082542. For more detailed instructions on how to participate in this meeting, visit our Agenda Page. The meeting will also be live-streamed on Argyle’s website at: http://argyletx.com. REGULAR MEETING AGENDA 6:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER – Chairman B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – American Flag C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Texas Flag - “Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee Texas, one state, under God, one and indivisible”. D. OPEN FORUM: This is an opportunity for the public to address the Planning and Zoning Commission on any matter, except public hearings that are included on the agenda. Comments related to public hearings will be heard when the specific hearing begins. Each speaker is limited to five (5) minutes, unless the speaker requires the assistance of a translator, in which case the speaker is limited to ten (10) minutes, in accordance with applicable law. Each speaker Agenda of the September 2, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 1 of 3 shall approach the podium and state his/her name and address before speaking. Speakers shall address the governing body with civility that is conducive to appropriate public discussion. Speakers can address only the governing body as a whole and not individual city officials or employees. The public cannot speak from the gallery but only from the podium. Per the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Planning and Zoning Commission is prohibited from deliberating or taking action on any matter not listed on the agenda. The Commission may only: (1) make a statement of fact regarding the item; (2) make a recitation of existing policy regarding the item; or (3) propose the item be placed on a future agenda, in accordance with Council adopted procedures. E. MINUTES 1. Consider approval of the minutes of the Regular Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of August 5, 2020. F. OLD BUSINESS 1. None G. NEW BUSINESS 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider and make a recommendation regarding an ordinance amendment (TDS-20-001) to consider amendments to Article I, General, Part 3 Definitions and Article III, Zoning of the Town of Argyle Town Development Standards regarding various amendments to zoning districts, land use charts, definitions and other land use related provisions in the Town Development Standards. H. FUTURE AGENDA AND ITEMS OF INTEREST 1. Briefing on recent Town Council action on Community Development agenda items. - Tree Ordinance Amendments: Approved by Town Council 8.17.2020 2. Project updates. - DRC Projects List - 2020 Argyle Strategic Plan: Adopted by Town Council 8.17.2020 Agenda of the September 2, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 of 3 I. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Argyle Town Hall, 308 Denton Street, Argyle, Texas, at 5:00 p.m. on the 28th day of August, 2020. _____________________________________ David Hawkins, AICP Director of Community Development As authorized by Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code (Consultation with Town Attorney), this meeting may be convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the Town Attorney on any agenda item herein. A quorum of the members of the Argyle Town Council may be in attendance at this meeting. The Town Council will take no action at this time. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this public meeting and who may need auxiliary aid or services are requested to contact the Argyle Town Hall 48 hours in advance, at 940-460-7273, and reasonable accommodations will be made for assistance. Agenda of the September 2, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 of 3 MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF ARGYLE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY AUGUST 5, 2020 A regular meeting of the Argyle Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Wednesday, August 5, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. at Argyle Town Hall, located at 308 Denton Street, Argyle, Texas. This was an OPEN MEETING, open to the public, subject to the open meeting laws of the State of Texas and, as required by law, was hereby posted on July 31, 2020 at 5:00 PM, at Argyle Town Hall, giving notice of time, date, place, and agenda thereof. The Planning and Zoning Commission participated in this meeting remotely in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act or under the provisions provided by the Governor of Texas in conjunction with the Declaration of Disaster enacted March 13, 2020 and as amended on March 24, 2020. In an effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by avoiding meetings that bring people into a group setting and in accordance with Section 418.016 of the Texas Government Code, telephonic capabilities were utilized. Members of the public are entitled to participate remotely via Toll-Fee Dial-In Number: 1-888-475- 4499; Meeting ID: 890 9408 2542 or through Zoom meeting link at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89094082542. The meeting was also live-streamed on Argyle’s website at: http://argyletx.com. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Rick Bradford, Chairman Paul Kula, Vice-Chairman Gordon Baethge Richard Spies Casey Stewart Leona McDade PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeff Castellanos STAFF PRESENT: Erika McComis, Interim Town Administrator Patricia Adams, Town Attorney David Hawkins, Director of Community Development Harrison Wicks, Development Coordinator REGULAR MEETING AGENDA A. CALL TO ORDER – Chairman The regular meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by Chairman Rick Bradford noting a quorum was present. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – American Flag C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Texas Flag - “Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee Texas, one state, under God, one and indivisible”. D. OPEN FORUM: Pursuant to Section 551.007 of the Texas Government Code, any member of the public has the opportunity to address the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning any matter of public business or any posted agenda item; however, the Act prohibits the Planning and Zoning Minutes of the August 5, 2020 Argyle Planning & Zoning Commission Page 2 of 4 Commission from deliberating any issues not on the public agenda and such non-agenda issues may be referred to Town staff for research and any future action; all persons addressing are limited to five (5) minutes and subject to council adopted rules and limitations permitted by law. Chairman Bradford opened the meeting to public comment. No public input was received. E. MINUTES 1. Consider approval of the minutes of the Regular Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of June 3, 2020. Discussion was held and Mr. Kula stated that a correction was needed to page 4, paragraph 2 to correct the spelling of ‘Plat’ to ‘Plant’ for the ‘Approved Plant List.’ Mrs. McDade motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of June 3, 2020 as presented. Mr. Spies recommended an amendment to the motion to correct the wording to ‘Plat’ for the revision of ‘Plat’ to ‘Plant’. Mr. Kula seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by a vote of six (6) in favor to none (0) opposed. Commissioner Castellanos was absent. F. OLD BUSINESS 1. None. G. NEW BUSINESS 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider and make a recommendation regarding an ordinance amendment (TDS-20-002) to consider amendments to Article V, Tree Preservation, of the Town of Argyle Town Development Standards regarding various amendments to the tree preservation requirements and other related tree ordinance provisions in the Town Development Standards. Mr. Hawkins presented the staff report and gave an overview of the project and proposed list of amendments (7 total). Mr. Hawkins explained the ordinance amendments were based on recommendations provided by Town Council during their meeting on June 15, 2020 and sent back to the Planning & Zoning Commission for re-consideration. Discussion was held amongst the Commissioners regarding the ordinance amendments including the Reforestation Fund, authority of the Tree Board and Town Council for tree removal, code enforcement for hazardous trees, protective fencing, and the definition of the Critical Root Zone. Chairman Bradford opened the public hearing at 6:23 p.m. No input was received from the public. Chairman Bradford closed the public hearing at 6:24 p.m. Discussion continued amongst the Commissioners regarding developer obligations for maintenance of trees and tree mitigation requirements to alter tree replacement ratios to reflect stronger protections. Mr. Spies motioned to recommend approval to ordinance amendment (TDS-20-002) for amendment items No. 2, 3, 4, and 6 as presented. Mrs. McDade seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by a vote of six (6) in favor to none (0) opposed.
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