METALEPTEAMETALEPTEA THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ORTHOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY President’s Message [1] PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE By MICHAEL SAMWAYS President he 11th Congress of bership and [2] INTRODUCING OUR NEW Orthopterology in Kun- Occasional EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ming, China and orga- Publications. nized by Professor Long He also start- [3] SOCIETY NEWS Zhang, was the largest ed to move TT yet, and immensely the Society [3] The Theodore J. Cohn Research successful. There were many stimu- into a truly Fund: A call for applications lating sessions and a great exchange international [4] Symposium Report by MATAN of ideas. Already, this has led to some organization, SHELOMI fruitful new liaisons among several of especially the delegates. The outcomes of some through the [5] OS GRANT REPORTS of these new interactions we will no activity of the Regional Representa- doubt see unfold at our next Congress tives. Of course, Chuck is still an [5] Searching for a hope: An expedi- in Brazil in 2016. active member of the Society and tion in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest continues to give advice on matters by JULIANA CHAMORRO-RENGIFO The Ted Cohn Research Fund of organization. We wish Chuck all The late Ted Cohn was not only a the best in devoting his time to seeing [6] Microbial community structure dedicated Orthopterist, but also an his university Faculty on its way as reflects population genetic struc- extraordinarily dedicated member of its Dean. Thanks, Chuck, for all you ture in an ecologically divergent grasshopper by TYLER JAY RASZICK our Society. As well as being a Past have done for the Society! President twice, he personally saw [7] CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES that many young researchers were Welcome to our new Executive endowed with funds to undertake Director [7] Scattered Recollections: The exciting new research projects. With Our incoming Executive Director as Sequel by STAN GANGWERE his sad passing, Ted was extremely of January 2014 is David Hunter. Da- generous in leaving a bequest to the vid is well-known for his long stand- [15] In Memoriam: Theodore J. Society that has enabled this fund to ing commitment to understanding Cohn (1930 - 2012) by STAN continue in a vigorous way, and to and controlling the Australian plague GANGWERE support young researchers launching locust. He has had a long association their careers with novel research proj- with the Society, among others, as [17] TREASURER’S REPORT ects. This fund is being chaired by Regional Representative for Austral- Michel Lecoq to whom all enquiries asia and the South Pacific. David’s [18] EDITORIAL should be directed. immense experience and enthusiasm stands him in good stead for crafting * This Table of Content is now clickable, which will take you to a desired page. Farewell to, and best wishes for, our new directions for the Society, espe- former Executive Director cially involving new technologies and At the end of 2013, Chuck Bomar approaches. Please see David’s mes- retired as Executive Director of our sage in this same issue of Metaleptea. Society from a double term of eight Welcome, David! years. Chuck did much for the So- ciety, particularly overseeing mem- Volume 34 (1) / January 2014 1 METALEPTEA Regional Representatives South-East Asia and, finally, we • Australiasia, including Pacific: Our Society has an interesting struc- also welcome 3) Claudia Hemp as David Hunter ture in its outreach across the globe Regional Representative for East Af- and has officially appointed Regional rica. Claudia is a long-term supporter For all members, the Regional Representatives around the world. of the Society and an enthusiastic Representatives are our ambassadors This wonderful model is also flexible Orthopterist, who for many years, has for your own geographical region of in that although there are regions that worked in Tanzania. expertise, which may not necessarily are represented, it does not exclude The other Regional Representatives be where you reside, but maybe where the possibility of including new parts are: you do most orthopterology. of regions or even nested regions, • North America: Dan Johnson Please always feel free to contact where special regional expertise exists • South and Central America: your local representative, and do pass and there is great willingness to put Marcos Lhano on any interesting orthopterological a region on the map in terms of its • Western Europe: Fernando Mon- news of whatever nature – on spe- Orthoptera and Orthopterists. tealegre cies, field trips, new behaviours, new We welcome three new Regional • Eastern Europe, North and Cen- ecologies, new conservation proce- Representatives: 1) Rohini Balakrish- tral Asia: Michael Sergeev dures, new methods of control, among nan, who, in Kunming, gave us great • Middle East, Caucasus: Battal many others. Also, if you have any insight into the partitioning of song Çiplak queries with regards to membership among orthopteran species in the • China, Koreas: Zhang Long or functioning of the Society, your tropical forest canopy, comes to us as • Japan: Haruki Tatsuta Regional Representative is your first a Regional Representative for South • North and Sahelian Africa: Mo- line of communication. Asia (principally the Indian sub-con- hammed Abdallahi Ould Babah tinent). From a neighbouring area, we • Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding Wishing all Orthopterists across the welcome 2) Ming Kai, who represents East Africa): Corey Bazelet world a wonderful 2014! Introducing our new Executive Director: David Hunter By DAVID HUNTER Executive Director s the new Executive ter leaving the APLC about 10 years for membership dues in a month or Director, I plan to ago, I have worked as a consultant in so, but in the meantime I encourage continue the great work IPM, a major part of which has been everyone to use the resources of the conducted for the past 8 the testing and promotion of biologi- society to their maximum benefit. years by my predeces- cal products against acridids and other AA sor, Chuck Bomar. First, pests. David Hunter though, a bit of background as to what I am looking forward to working Locust and Grasshopper Control, I have been doing as an Orthopterist with other members of the Board to 125 William Webb Drive for the past 30 years. After B.Sc. and ensure the continuing progress of the McKellar ACT 2617 Australia M.Sc. studies at Simon Fraser Univer- Orthopterists’ Society. We need to Phone: +61400360200 sity in British Columbia, I completed encourage those with any interest in Email: [email protected] my Ph. D. (on biting flies, not Orthop- Orthoptera to join our society by dem- tera!) at the University of Queensland. onstrating its value as a way of ex- I then worked as Entomologist for the changing information and connecting Australian Plague Locust Commission people to one another. The webpage on aspects of the biology of locusts has a lot of information and is a useful that aid their control. During the late way of making and maintaining con- 1990’s, I was part of the team that tacts, but Facebook is becoming in- developed a biological control agent creasingly important, especially if you for the control of locusts and helped find an unusual grasshopper that you implement its use as part of the APLC want identified! You will all no doubt preventive locust control program. Af- hear from me when I send reminders Volume 34 (1) / January 2014 2 METALEPTEA The Theodore J. Cohn Research Fund: A call for applications for 2014 (Deadline: March 31st, 2014) By MICHEL LECOQ Chair, Theodore J. Cohn Research Fund Committee ellow Orthopterists, etc. (applicants should emphasize lems, even though the actual research the nature and significance of their may be narrower in scope. Proposals It was decided during proposal to provide the judges also should include clearly stated hy- the last Orthopterists’ with the basis for weighing differ- potheses and aims, and the nature of Society Board meeting in ent projects, especially in fields the evidence to be gathered to test the FF Kunming that the formal outside their expertise), hypothesis(es) and possible outcomes. name of the research fund of our Soci- 3. RESEARCH PLAN, including Projects which merely involve “find- ety is now “The Ted Cohn Research the particular orthopterans to be ing out what is there” (important as Fund” in honour of the memory of studied, methods, logistics, etc. that may be) will not be funded. Professor Theodore J. Cohn, founding 4. TIMETABLE, even if approxi- Proposals from graduate students member, past president for two terms, mate, to give the judges some idea must include a simple recommenda- treasurer for many years, and a very of feasibility. tion from their major professor or active supporter of research undertak- CURRICULUM VITAE (half page) advisor. Those not affiliated with an en under the auspices of the Society. including name, full address, pres- educational or research institution We hope that the spirit and vision of ent position or years in graduate should indicate where the work is to Ted will continue to inspire young school, education, number of papers be done. Orthopterists to undertake new excit- published or completed, citation of Important!: A short report will be re- ing research projects. Over the years, selected publications pertinent to the quired from the successful applicants: successful grants covered a wide proposal to aid the judges. it shall be written for our newsletter, range of topics emanating from many BUDGET (half page) including justi- Metaleptea, and be suitable for both countries. During the past 4 years for fication of items where appropriate (i. orthopterist and non-specialist read- example, 25 young scientists from e. why special equipment is necessary ers. Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, unless clearly obvious), other funding Please send your application to Germany, New Zealand, UK and USA for the project, etc.
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