Tommy bok om Louis Armstrong Återkomst till NY 1929 Luis Russell [R7095‐13] Luis Russell And His Burning Eight: Louis Metcalf (tp) J.C. Higginbotham (tb) Charlie Holmes (cl,as) Teddy Hill (ts) Luis Russell (p,dir) Will Johnson (bj,g) Bass Moore (tu) Paul Barbarin (d) Walter "Fats" Pichon (vcl) New York, January 15, 1929 401532‐A Savoy shout Okeh 8760, Phil 436004, VJM (E)VLP54 401533‐A,B The call of the freaks 8656, ‐ ‐ 401534‐A It's tight like that (wfp vcl) ‐ , Od XOC145, VJM (E)VLP54, CBS 63721 Note: All above titles also on JSP (E)308 [CD] titled "Luis Russell, 1929‐1930"; see flwg sessions to September 5, 1930 for more titles; rest of CD by Jungle Town Stompers, J.C. Higginbotham, Louis Armstrong. All above titles also on Village (G)VILCD018‐2 [CD] titled "Luis Russell and his Orchestra 1927‐29"; rest of CD by King Oliver, Louis Armstrong, Jungle Town Stompers. All above titles also on Columbia KG32338, CBS (F)S88039, Parlophone (E)PMC7025, Swaggie (Aus)828, Classics (F)588 [CD]. Carroll Dickerson [D3851‐13] Carroll Dickerson's Savoy Orchestra: Willie Hightower, Homer Hobson (tp) Fred Robinson (tb) Jimmy Strong (cl,ts) Bert Curry, Crawford Wethington (as) Carroll Dickerson (vln,ldr) Gene Anderson (p) Mancy Cara (bj) Pete Briggs (tu) Zutty Singleton (d) Chicago, May 25, 1928 C‐1976 Missouri squabble Br 3990, 3853, A7837, A81258, Arcadia LP2011 C‐1977 Black Maria ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Note: Both above titles also on Frog (E)DGF28 [CD] titled "Hot Stuff". Carroll Dickerson [D3852‐13] Carroll Dickerson's Savoyagers: Louis Armstrong (tp) Earl Hines (p) replace Willie Hightower, Gene Anderson Chicago, July 5, 1928 400992‐B Symphonic raps Od (Arg)193329, Arcadia LP2011, CBS 65251, Par (E)PMC7074, Franklin Mint GJR001, BBC (E)BBCCD597 [CD] 400993‐B Savoyager's stomp Od (Arg)193329, Arcadia LP2011, Par (E)PMC7074, Od (F)XOC173, BBC (E)REB589, Columbia G30416, ABC (Aus)836181‐2 [CD], BBC (E)BBCCD589 [CD] Note: ABC (Aus)836181‐2 [CD] titled "Jazz Classics in Digital Stereo, Vol. 2, Chicago"; rest of CD by others. Both above titles also on CBS 466308‐10 [CD] titled "Louis Armstrong, The Hot Fives, Volume IV"; see Louis Armstrong for the rest of this CD. Both above titles also on World Records SH407 titled "The Louis Armstrong Legend 1928‐1929"; see Louis Armstrong for the rest of this LP. Both above titles also on Classics (F)570 [CD] titled "Louis Armstrong, 1928‐29". Both above titles also on Columbia CK45142 [CD], Fremeaux & Associes (F)FA1354 [CD], JSP (E)314 [CD], Essential Jazz Classics (Sp)EJC55563 [CD]. Louis Armstrong [A5631‐13] Louis Armstrong And His Savoy Ballroom Five: Louis Armstrong (tp,vcl) J.C. Higginbotham (tb) Albert Nicholas, Charlie Holmes (cl,as) Teddy Hill (ts) Luis Russell (p) Eddie Condon (bj) Lonnie Johnson (g) George "Pops" Foster (b) Paul Barbarin (d) New York, March 5, 1929 401690(alt) I can't give you anything but love (la vcl,*) Jazum 8, CBS (F)65251, JSP (E)315 [CD], King Jazz (It)KJ151FS [CD], Columbia Legacy C4K63527 [CD], Neatwork (Au)RP2020 [CD] 401690‐C I can't give you anything but love (la vcl) Ok 8669, 41204, UHCA36, Col 38052, 38221, ML4386, (E)33S1069, Parl (E)R753, PMC7045, CBS (Eu)RM52027, 66247, Od (F)165683, 7MOE2011, OS1080, OSX143, (G)284474, A286021, Phil (Eu)429098BE, 429218BE, Swaggie (Aus)S1267, Disques Swing SW8451, Musica Jazz (It)2MJP1056, Classics (F)570 [CD], Disques Swing CDXP8450 [CD], JSP (E)315 [CD], Columbia CK46148 [CD], C4K57176 [CD], Columbia Legacy C4K63527 [CD], Saville (E)198 [CD], Radio France (F)211752 [CD], Music Club (E)50134 [CD], Black & Blue (F)59.226‐2 [CD] 401691‐B Mahogany Hall stomp Ok 8680, Voc 3055, Jolly Roger J7001, Col 35879, C3L‐30, Parl (E)R571, PMC7019, PMC7098, Font (Eu)TFE17073, 467063, 662024TR, Od (F)7MOE2011, OS1080, (F)OSX143, (G)A286008, 041049, Swaggie (Aus)1229,, CBS (Eu)BPG62232, RM52377, Amiga (G)850070, (G)850070, Time‐Life STL‐J01, Columbia G30416, CK46148 [CD], Columbia Legacy C4K63527 [CD], ProArte CDD439 [CD], JSP(E)315 [CD], Indigo 2035 [CD], Jazz Archives(F)158132 [CD], (F)158722 [CD], Classics (F)557 [CD], Living Era (E)CDAJA5094 [CD] Tring (Eu)VAR042 [CD], HRM 6002 [CD], Black & Blue (F)59.226‐2 [CD] Note: Classics (F)557 [CD] titled "Louis Armstrong and his Orchestra 1929‐1930"; see following sessions to May 4, 1930 for rest of CD. Disques Swing SW8451 titled "Satchmo Style"; see flwg sessions to February 1, 1930 and Jack Purvis for rest of LP. Disques Swing CDXP8450 [CD] titled "Louis and the Big Bands 1928‐1930"; see flwg sessions to May 4, 1930 and Carroll Dickerson for rest of CD. Saville (E)198 [CD] titled "Mahogany Hall Stomp"; see flwg sessions to January 25, 1932 for rest of CD. Living Era (E)CDAJA5094 [CD] titled "Louis Armstrong and Luis Russell 1929‐1940"; see flwg sessions to November 16, 1941 for rest of CD. JSP (E)315 [CD] titled "Louis Armstrong ‐ volume 4"; see flwg sessions to April 5, 1930 for rest of CD. Tring (Eu)VAR042 [CD] titled "The Louis Armstrong Collection 2"; see flwg sessions to July 27, 1967 for rest of CD. Neatwork (Au)RP2020 [CD] titled "Louis Armstrong ‐ Volume 1, 1926‐1935, The Alternative Takes"; see various flwg sessions to December 19, 1935 for more titles; rest of CD by Erskine Tate, Lil's Hot Shots, Seger Ellis, Jimmie Rodgers. All titles, except (*), also on Fremeaux & Associes (F)FA1355 [CD]. All above titles also on Essential Jazz Classics (Sp)EJC55563 [CD]. Louis Armstrong [A5630‐13] Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra: Louis Armstrong (tp) Jack Teagarden (tb) Happy Caldwell (ts) Joe Sullivan (p) Eddie Lang (g) Kaiser Marshall (d) New York, March 5, 1929 401688‐B I'm gonna stomp Mr. Henry Lee (unissued) 401689‐B Knockin' a jug (*) Ok 8703, UHCA36, Col 35663, ML4386, Parl (E)R1064, PMC7019, Folkw FP67, FJ2807, Col (Jap)M199, Odeon (F)165913, OS1115, XOC174, (G)A286050, Swaggie (Aug)S1229, Time‐Life STL‐J01, World Records (E)SM424, SH407, CBS 65251, Bandstand 7127, BBC Records (E)REB597, Classics (F)570 [CD], Phontastic (Swd)PHON9308 [CD], Col C4K57176 [CD], Columbia Legacy C4K63527 [CD], ProArte CDD439 [CD], Naxos Jazz (Eu)8.120541, CDS (Eu)618 [CD], ABS (Aus)36184 [CD], Mosaic MD8‐213 [CD], Fremeaux & Associes (F)FA1355 [CD], JSP (E)314 [CD], Essential Jazz Classics (Sp)EJC55563 [CD] Note: "Knockin' a jug" on Od (F)XOC174 (= CBS (F)62474) includes only the last half of the record (trumpet part). "Knockin' a jug" on CBS (F)65251 ("Louis Armstrong Special") is complete, as are other issues. (*) This title also on Columbia CK 46148 [CD] (= CBS (Eu)466965 2 [CD]) titled "Louis Armstrong, volume 5 ‐ Louis In New York"; see flwg sessions to November 26, 1929 and Segar Ellis, Victoria Spivey for rest of CD. Columbia ML4386 (= Col CL854) titled "The Louis Armstrong story, volume 4"; see following sessions to July 21, 1930 for rest of LP. Charles Mingus [M8361‐13] Live In Oslo 1964: Johnny Coles (tp) Eric Dolphy (as,b‐cl,fl) Clifford Jordan (ts) Jaki Byard (p) Charles Mingus (b,vcl) Dannie Richmond (d,vcl) Concert, University Aula, Oslo, Norway, April 12, 1964 Meditations Landscape LS2‐919 [CD], Parkeriana [Ow !] Jazz Up (It)JU307 [CD], Landscape LS2‐919 [CD], Moon (It)MCD078‐2 [CD] Fables of Faubus (cm,dr vcl) Moon (It)MCD078‐2 [CD], Landscape LS2‐913 [CD] Orange was the color of her dress Jazz Up (It)JU307 [CD], Moon (It)MCD078‐2 [CD], Landscape LS2‐913 [CD] So long Eric Jazz Up (It)JU307 [CD] Take the "A" train ‐ , Moon (It)MCD078‐2 [CD] Note: The above from a private recording. Landscape LS2‐913 [CD] titled "Live in Oslo 1964, Vol. I". Landscape LS2‐919 [CD] titled "Live in Oslo 1964, Vol. II". All titles from Moon (It)MCD078‐2 [CD] titled "Orange", also on Polydor (Jap)POCJ‐1875 [CD]. Charles Mingus [M8362‐13] Live In Stockholm 1964: same pers. Koncerthuset, Stockholm, Sweden, April 13, 1964 (Rehearsal) So long Eric (take 1) Royal Jazz (Dan)RJD518 [CD] Meditations (false start) ‐ Meditations ‐ So long Eric (take 2) ‐ (Concert) Peggy's blue skylight (*) ‐ When Irish eyes are smiling ‐ Fables of Faubus (cm,dr vcl) (*) ‐ Orange was the color of her dress (*) ‐ Note: (*) These three titles also on Bandstand (It)BDCD1524 [CD], (Jap)TKCB‐30524 [CD], both titled "Meditations on integration"; see April 14, 1964 for one more title. Ward Pinkett 1928 med chic webb djungle mama The Jungle Band [J6011‐13] Ward Pinkett (tp,vcl) Edwin Swayzee (tp) Bob Horton (tb) Hilton Jefferson, Louis Jordan (cl,as) Elmer "Skippy" Williams (cl,ts) Don Kirkpatrick (p) John Trueheart (bj,g) Elmer James (tu) Chick Webb (d) New York, June 14, 1929 E‐30039‐A Dog bottom (wp vcl) Br 4450, De DL79222, Jazum 12, MCA 1303, (F)510.014, ABC (Aus)836182‐2 [CD], Classics 502 [CD], Masters of Jazz (F)MJCD801 [CD] Note: ABC (Aus)836182‐2 [CD] titled "Jazz classics in digital stereo Vol.3, New York"; rest of this CD by others. Classics 502 [CD] titled "Chick Webb and his Orchestra 1929‐1934"; see June 27, 1929 for one more title; rest of this CD by Chick Webb and others. The Jungle Band [J6012‐13] Chick Webb out, rest same New York, June 27, 1929 E‐30091‐A Jungle mama [Jungle blues] Br 4450, De DL79222, Jazum 12, Br (G)87533, MCA 1303, (F)510.014, Classics 502 [CD] Chick Webb [W2628‐13] Chick Webb And His Orchestra: Ward Pinkett, Edwin Swayzee (tp) Benny Morton (tb) Elmer "Skippy" Williams (ts) Bobby Holmes (as,cl) Don Kirkpatrick (p) John Trueheart (g) Elmer James (tu) Chick Webb (d) Film soundtrack "After Seben", c.
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