APRIL FC26/2/029:10AMPage1 April 2002 Vol. 55 No. 4 Official Journal of the AUSTRALIAN CLAYTARGET ASSOCIATION INC. Print Post Approved PP349181/00364 NATIONAL EXECUTIVE Designed and Typeset by Midland Typesetters 30 Hubble Steet, Maryborough, Vic 3465 Patron Printed by Newsprinters Pty Ltd, The Right Honourable Malcolm Fraser, A.C., C.H. Melbourne Road, South Shepparton, Vic 3630 President Mr John H. Byrnes, No responsibility is accepted by the publisher for Chairman, Management Committee, Wagga the accuracy of information contained in the text, Complex illustrations or advertisements. The opinions PO Box 395, Waikerie SA 5330 expressed in this magazine do not necessarily Volume No. 55 Ph: (08) 8541 3209 represent those of the publisher. Issue No. 4 April 2002 Management Mr Bill Jones (Vice-President), Chairman, Finance ISSN: 1321-3903 Committee, Official Journal Of the 25 Links Cres, Port Macquarie, NSW 2444 Australian Clay Target Ph: (02) 6582 5662 Front Cover: Association Incorporated Mr Mark Bulluss, Chairman, Promotions & The Mole: Michael Diamond with his training Development Committee squad. 16 Exmouth Court, Leanyer, NT 0812 Annual Subscription Rate: $33 Ph: (08) 8947 4448 BH May issue closes March 20 Mr Allan Kenny June issue closes April 20 5/213 Tolosa St Glenorchy, Tas 7010 Ph: 03 6272 4714 Mrs Elaine Forward PO Box 68, Tambellup, WA 6320 Ph: (08) 9825 1137 Mr Robert Nugent PO Box 231, Roma, Qld 4455 Ph: (07) 4622 2507 Mr Ron Traill Chairman National Championships Committee PO Box 77, Rochester, Vic 3561 Ph: (03) 5484 1356 CONTENTS Mr Graham Michell Chairman, Shooting Committee, Presidents Report for 2001 ...............2 12 Illman Ave, Murray Bridge, SA 5253 Ph: (08) 8531 139 ACTA Financial Reports ....................3 National Office Committee 2002 SA State DTL Carnival .............5 Andrew Sanders Mr Bronte Evans Sporting Clays Past Winners ............9 Executive Officer PO Box 8645, Alice Springs, email: [email protected] NT 0871 Taipan Shield.....................................9 Ph: (08) 8952 1933 2002 Olympic Discipline Nationals..10 Tina Hoban Mr Rick Kennedy 2001 Postal Team Results ..............12 Accounts PO Box 101, Tambo, Qld 4478 email: [email protected] Ph: (07) 4654 6276 World Cup Final, Doha, Qatar.........13 Mr Glenn O’Brien Foster Gun Club..............................17 5 Buchanan Pl, Geraldton, WA 6530 Victorian ISSF Grand Prix ...............17 Rebecca Blair Ph: (08) 9964 5131 Mob: 0418 910 226 Cuzzo’s Ramblings..........................18 Membership Mrs Nannette McCallum CTSN 1876 Lyell Highway MS Awareness Shoot......................19 email: [email protected] Lawitta, Tas 7140 Your Say..........................................19 Ph: (03) 6261 3852 Vale..................................................20 Mr Mark McInnes, Chairman, Mandy Mangelsdorf Rules/Safety/Referees Committee Break Badges..................................20 General Enquiries “Weeabunna” Round 1 Victorian SEZ Teams........21 CTSN Narrabri, NSW 2390 Trap Catches “The Mole” in Qld......22 Ph: (02) 6792 2956 email: [email protected] Tambo Valley CTC...........................23 Mr John Holder 59 Glendale Ave, Flagstaff Hill, SA 5159 Coffs Harbour CTC..........................24 David Jocelyn Ph: (08) 8270 1310 2002 QCTA Central Zone Ground Curator Mr Len Cook Trap Carnival...................................25 31 Grandview Grove Glenn Innes 2 Day Re-open Shoot .26 Contact: Wendouree Vic 3350 Classies...........................................27 Australian Clay Target Ph: (03) 5339 5865 Association Inc. 2001 Red Gum Tri Club Shoot........28 Honorary Life Registrations PO Box 466, Wagga Wagga L. G. Connors (P.P.) G. H. Hall (P.P.) N. Hardy Shoot Calendar ...............................31 NSW 2650 E. F. Hawkins (P.P.) R. M. Holtfreter (P.P.) Shoot Results ..................................32 Phone: (02) 6931 0122 L. J. Martin (P.P.) R. Mules A. N. Rowe J. K. Fax: (02) 6931 0125 Scott (P.P.) J. M. Tyquin (P.P.) R.F. Buchan J. Club News .......................................56 Website: www.claytarget.com.au Murphy G.G. Woodhatch (P.P.) R. Silvester April 2002 Australian Clay Target Shooting News Page 1 Australian Clay Target Association Inc. then redrafted the document and it has again been issued to Exec- utive and State associations for consideration. After fine-tuning it should be available to all clubs in the 2 or 3 months for considera- tion. The advice was for us not to try and rush the process but PRESIDENT’S allow everyone time for consultation prior to its adoption at an AGM. It has been a long and tedious process but hopefully it will ANNUAL be a document that will address our needs in the long term. Insurance is an area of concern; the spiraling cost associated with REPORT maintaining an appropriate insurance cover for clubs and our shooters is a high priority. The Executive and Finance group will 2001 continue to seek every alternative to maintain this cover. We are well aware that individual clubs would be left in an untenable position if we let it lapse, however the increased costs will need to be accounted for by the association. Another disappointing area is the number of legal challenges that It is with pleasure that I present the 2001 Annual Report for the seem to be arising. Actions over noise and lead pollution by clubs Australian Clay Target Association. When analysing the positive is a worrying trend that seems to be developing. All clubs probably aspects of the year we must start with the continuing success of should be proactive by developing a lead management plan to our members on the International scene. In the ISSF we have seen cover their grounds. This coupled with individuals who seen to Michael Diamond, Angelique Psarakis and Susan Trindall win want to call in the lawyers everytime a decision does not go their world championships along with several World Cup events also way is also disappointing. Several incidents have taken up a huge won by other Australian shooters. component of executive time that would have been better directed Our DTL and skeet shooters have also maintained a high standard towards other administration issues. winning the Glen Cup and performing well at the Oceanic Cham- In the course of a year are many people who should be thanked for pionships in New Zealand. The Ladies and Junior teams won the their input into the Association. To Andy Sanders and all the staff Macintosh International teams match and our open team finished at the office I pass on a big thank you for your efforts. The diver- second. sity of the tasks you undertake is not appreciated by many. Since The DTL Nationals held at Wagga in 2001 was reported by many the association has taken on the running of all National Champi- to have been one of the best carnivals for many years. The stan- onships the workload had certainly increased. dard of scores with 15 possibles in both the single barrel and point To all executive members we also thank you for your work on the score events and 135 possibles in the double barrel indicates how various sub committees. The chairpersons need to be congratu- well competitors performed. We certainly hope that we can main- lated for their work; some of you have put in countless hours in tain these standards for the upcoming National events. The intro- managing your area of responsibility. Often the only feedback you duction of major presentations on the one evening accompanied by get is when something goes wrong, with no comments about suc- a BBQ also appeared to be a very positive move. The sponsors cessful initiatives and improvements. I would certainly encourage appreciated the opportunity to make their presentations in front you to continue with your efforts, time and commitments, the asso- of a larger audience and successful competitors received more ciation needs it. recognition for their efforts. Lets aim to build on this and improve the concept even more in the future. I welcome Mr Len Cook who has been elected by the Victorian Clay Target Association as one of their 2 delegates to the associa- The change of moving the ISSF carnival from a September / tion. Thanks to Mr Gary Cassells for his work while on the associ- October timeslot to a January event also appears to have been suc- ation, in particular for his efforts in chairing the coaching sub cessful. This did mean that we actually conducted 2 carnivals in committee and his work as a delegate to the Australian Shooters the space of 4 months to enable the change to be implemented. The Association. change to January saw a near record attendance, the best for many years and also an excellent representation by lady and To Vice President Bill Jones I thank you for your efforts and finan- junior competitors. cial leadership. The skills in handling the association’s finances are as essential today as it ever has been in the past. I would also Progress has continued with the National Shooting Ground as we like to take the opportunity to thank the officials of all registered develop the facility. I have heard some criticism that this is not clubs around Australia. The strength of our sport is generated by happening quickly enough. Our policy is to develop the facility pro- the work done in each and every club. gressively as finances allow. I have also received submissions about the development of a hall of fame for the association. One of Sadly each year a number of our members pass on. I am sure all these submissions has been very detailed and well thought out clubs and shooters affectionately remember each of these and I will table this for discussion at the next full executive members and their involvement in our sport. meeting. Mr Laurie Connors a past President of the Australian Clay Target Funding from the Commonwealth Government has continued to Association was amongst these members. His contribution was be invaluable in supporting our ISSF competitors.
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