v • • \ I I Page B-16 CRANFQRD CHRONICLE Thursday, May 24, 1990 SERVING CRANFORDr GARWOOD and KENILWORTH A Forbes Newspaper USPS 136 800 Second Class 50 Cents Vol. 97 No. 22 Published Every Thursday Thursday, May 31,1990 Postage Paid Cranford. N.J. Hartz reveals plans for bank headquarters on Walnut site In brief specified tenant Summit Trust will utilize part of the additional 20 acres in Cranford now owned by General. By Cheryl Moulton existing 350,000-square-foot building for a computer cen- Motors. ".-• Hartz Mountain Industries Friday afternoon announced ter, in addition to the new office building. Hudson Partnership's initial report in January indicated revised plans for the 31-acre former Beecham site on A preliminary draft ordinance to down-zone the South- development of the 31-acre site under existing zoning Library closed Walnut Avenue including building a 75,000-square-foot of- west Gateway area, which includes the Hartz site, was could increase traffic volumes on Walnut Avenue arid. fice building to house the corporate headquarters of Sum- presented to the Township Committee for its review, two Raritan Road, causing a "failure" or "blowout" of the The Cranford Library will mit Trust Co. That development would initially bring 300 weeks ago by the Hudson/Partnership, the planning firm intersection where these roads connect Also indicated close at 5 p,ni tomorrow for employees to the site with a projected growth to 700 over hired by tjhe township, and Harry Pozycld, a land use was "serious adverse impacts" on adjacent residential ar- two weeks to take inventory. the next several years. ; attorney.. The proposed ordinance would change the eas (Sunny Acres) which could result in a "virtual shut- Readers may take books out at Walter Smith, vice president of property development present zoning, ROI-1 (research, office industrial) to ORD- down" of a critical gateway info the township. libraries in Kenilworth, Lin- for Hartz, revealed the plans to the Chronicle, indicating, 1 (office, research, distribution). The governing body sent the preliminary draft ordinance den, Westfield, Springfield the site plan requires no variances, aside from a minor The three-tiered approach incorporates base zoning, al- to the Planning Board for review, but the board will not and Clark, The local library parking exception, and conforms to existing zoning (ROI-1). lowing a maximum of 40,000 square feet to be built in meet again until next week. A development application will reopen June 1& ' Smith said a site plan would be filed with the township addition to the existing building. Under the planned devel- before the Planning Board could take up to 90 days to be within the next week. He also said there were plans to opment option, 200,000 square feet more in development approved or denied. A proposed ordinance could be build an additional building, smaller in size, for an un- would be allowed but Hartz would have to purchase the adopted in 30 days. Blood drive New Forbes A community blood drive will take place Tuesday from 2 'Music Man' inspires CHS students to sing out ^J° to 7:15 p.m.at Cranford United By Cheryl Moulton * O Weekly Methodist Church- It will be At 7 am. the halls of Cranford . > • . •* conducted by New Jersey High School are deserted but soft Blood Services. sounds of music can be heard coming from the choral music for Westfield room where the teacher they call Forbes Newspapers will begin the "Music Man" is practicing publication of its 13th community Jamboree with a student ; • « : weekly* newspaper in Westfield If it seems unusual for a teen- late this summer. Walnut School PTA will host ager to give up sleep in order to The Someryille-based group its annual Jamboree Saturday get up and squeeze in a choral publishes 12 weeklies and two from 10 a.m. to 2 p.nt featur- practice, think again For 127 stu- shoppers serving portions of ing games and. other attrac- dents of Tom Pedas, nothing is Somerset, Middlesex and Union tions. Proceeds will be used to impossible. Just ask Pedas, who counties. purchase seat belts for the took over two years ago as choral "Everyone in our organization is school district's only bus. director and not only increased looking forward to serving West- the choral enrollment from 70 to field with a top-quality hometown 127, but attracted a wide diversity news and advertising publica- Memorial Day of students into the program. "I tion," said Malcolm S. Forbes Jr., love kids," he says, "and if they president and editor-in-chief of Pictures of Monday's record . have football practice or a job af- Forbes Inc. and chairman of For- Memorial Day; observance are : ter school and they really want to bes Newspapers. on Page A-12. ••:!,:.- . be in our,program, I find a time The group's newest weekly, the for them to practice." Pedas ad- Scotch Plains—Fanwood Press mits his job is "around the clock," which began publication last fall, Garwood explaining he is close to all his and the Cranford Chronicle, ac- students, and understands the quired late in 1988, combined, A revised master schedule pressures they are under." with the new Westfield newspa- for Garwbod schools this fall is Included under Pedas' direction per will "vastly strengthen our designed to reduce labeling of are the concert choir, boys' choir, presence in Union County com- youngsters and minimize the girls' choir and the madrigal sing- munities and give readers and ad- problem" with "pull-out" pro-. ers. Thia year Cranford High vertisers a sizable, flexible corps grams...parishioners at the School had the second high* of professionals on which to rely," Churchpf St. Anne will honor £UdMtM13M « Forbes said. an associate pastor'on the, sil- 150 high schools in the entire Stuarf; Awbrey, former editor ver anniversary of his brdina- : ; state chosen for all-state chorus, and co-owner of the award- ti Page,A-8»., C-.:;: A-':'.".', ',. [: The average high school, Pedas winning Cranford Chronicle and said, has two to four students cho- currently regional news editor of sen and 50 had no one selected. Forbes Newspapers, will be edi- Senior prom Last year Pedas served as guest • tor of the new Westfield publica- conductor of the Region II chorus tion, John J. O'Brien, Forbes Last Thursday's CHS prom re- Newspapers president and pub- vives memories of a long ago (Please turn to page A-12) lisher, announced. Awbrey has senior prom. Page A-3. more than 12 years' experience covering Cranford, suburban Primary is Union County and the central Lucinda visits New Jersey region. contested for Further details on the new Lucinda Florio was part of 'MUSIC MAN' Torn Pedas reviews notes for an upcoming concert with junior madrigal singers newspaper will be announced Livingston School's celebrity Vlad Smishkewych and Cindy Burd. within the next several weeks, reading program; She read to Democrats O'Brien said.' pupils last, itfeek and urged By Cheryl Moulton them to reiad whenever they Contested primary races are the could. Page A-14., norm for the Democratic Party T)em6tirais vying for position in 1990 primary this year from the local to the state level, while Republican bal- By Cheryl Moulton Trivelli and Rosko are political ing the development of Cranford Capece has continued to be sur- Town garden lots remain relatively uncon- The political scene has re- novices in Cranford, relatively un- as a key issue, the candidates saw rounded by political innuendo • ' ••''•' * '.. A.' ,. : • , '• • tested. ; mained quiet in recent days as known to longtime Democrats and a need for control before the town since last fall when the Republi- A master gardener is helping Cranford voters of both political Tuesday's primaiy election '90 Republicans. Trivelli's back- becomes "an island of houses sur- can Party used his alleged in- township children groty a com- parties will choose from among a edges closer, bringing to a close ground includes serving as a lob- rounded by malls. The campaign volvement with Hartz Mountain munity gardea Page A-2. variety of township, county arid the hotly contested race within byist in Washington for the AFL- heated up early in May when a Industries, owner of the 30-acre state contenders. Running unop- the Democratic Party. CIO. He also served as counsel for flier, titled the "Greatest Magi- former Beecham site on Walnut posed for ai. six-year term for U.S. For the first time in 11 years the committee on sub-standards cian," lambasted Vollero. on sevr Avenue, as part of the GOP cam- Degree time senator is Republican Christine there will be a contested primary in labor in the U.S. House of Rep- eral issues, which turned out to paign platform. He has publicly Tom Pagoulatos GilHowland Victor Dennis Jim Stivale Todd Whitman. Vying for the in Cranford for the two Township resentatives. Currently he serves be unsubstantiated- When ques- stated his law firm has not and College students from the tri- Democratic nomination are Committee seats being vacated by as legal representative for the tioned, Trivelli and Rosko knew will not represent clients, includ- US Naty World Warn US Anny • Korean War US Navy'World Warn US Army • Vietnam War town area are collecting diplo- Daniel Seyler of the Lasting Democrat incumbent Carolyn Vol- Communication Workers of Ame- little about where the information ing Hartz, in Cranford. The firm, Paige, Paige & Richards G.E- Howland, Inc. Victor Dennis Realtors J. S. Tiffany Realty mas and honors. Page A-14. World Peace and Freedom slate lero and retiring Republican rica(CWAV in the flier had come from.
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