Journal of IndustriaI Microbiology, 4 (I989) 315-324 Elsevier 315 SIM00189 Sugar utilization by yeast during fermentation Tony D'Amore, Inge Russell and Graham G. Stewart Research Department, Labatt Brewing Company Limited, London, Ontario, Canada Received 8 August 1988 Accepted 16 December 1988 Key words: Sugar uptake; Yeast; Brewer's wort SUMMARY When glucose and fructose are fermented separately, the uptake profiles indicate that both sugars are utilized at similar rates. However, when fermentations are conducted in media containing an equal concentra- tion of glucose and fructose, glucose is utilized at approximately twice the rate of fructose. The preferential uptake of glucose also occurred when sucrose, which was first rapidly hydrolyzed into glucose and fructose by the action of the enzyme invertase, was employed as a substrate. Similar results were observed in the fer- mentation of brewer's wort and wort containing 30% sucrose and 30% glucose as adjuncts. In addition, the high levels of glucose in the wort exerted severe catabolite repression on maltose utilization in the Saccharo~ myces uvarum (carlsbergensis) brewing strain. Kinetic analysis of glucose and fructose uptake in Saccharo- myces cerevisiae revealed a Km of 1.6 mM for glucose and 20 mM for fructose. Thus, the yeast strain has a higher affinity for glucose than fructose. Growth on glucose or fructose had no repressible effect on the uptake of either sugar. In addition, glucose inhibited fructose uptake by 60% and likewise fructose inhibited glucose uptake by 40%. These results indicate that glucose and fructose share the same membrane transport compo- nents. INTRODUCTION transport systems [2,3]. Low affinity transport ap- pears to occur by constitutive facilitated diffusion The glucose and fructose transport system of whereas the high affinity transport system is de- yeast has remained controversial over the last two pendent upon the activity of phosphorylating en- decades [1,7]. Recent studies indicate that the up- zymes. Although extensive studies have not been take of glucose and fructose in Saccharomyces cere- performed, it is generally accepted that glucose and visiae is mediated by both high and low affinity fructose compete for the same membrane carrier [4,7]. Since many commercial substrates (eg., brew- er's wort) contain a mixture of sugars, it is impor- Correspondence: T. D'Amore, Research Department, Labatt Brewing Company Limited, 150 Simcoe Street, London, Onta- tant to examine the role of these sugars on hexose rio, N6A 4M3, Canada. transport and their effect on the uptake of more 0169-4146/89/$03.50 1989 Society for Industrial Microbiology 316 complex sugars such as maltose and maltotriose. charomyces uvarum (carlsbergensis) brewing lager Sucrose is frequently used in many parts of the strain 3021. The yeast cells were subcultured in world as a carbohydrate adjunct by breweries and PYN medium which consisted of: peptone, 3.5 g; other fermentation-based industries employing yeast extract, 3.0 g; KH2PO4, 2.0 g; (NH~)2SO4, 1.0 yeast. It is a disaccharide composed of D-glucose g; MgSO4 7H20, 1.0 g; glucose, 100 g; all dis- and D-fructose linked by an c~-1,4 glycosidic bond. solved in 1 litre of distilled water and adjusted to In the initial stages of fermentation, sucrose is rap- pH 5.6. idly hydrolyzed into glucose and fructose by the ac- tion of the periplasmic enzyme invertase, prior to Fermentation conditions the sugars being transported across the cell mem- Fermentations were conducted in PYN medium brane [4,10]. Glucose was observed in this case to be containing varying concentrations of sugar as de- taken up preferentially over the other hydrolysis scribed in the Results section. Fermentations were product fructose [8.9]. carried out at 30~ in 300 ml Erlenmeyer shake Growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on a medi- flasks containing 100 ml of medium and with con- um consisting of a mixture of glucose and fructose stant agitation of 150 rpm. Fermentations with 16 ~ also results in the preferential uptake of glucose Plato brewer's wort were conducted in 30 1 batches [4,8,9]. However, when glucose and fructose were in stainless steel fermentors without stirring at added separately, the uptake profile for each sugar 15~ The yeast inoculum used in all cases was 3.5 g was very similar [8,9]. On the other hand, other re- wet weight cells/l. ports suggest that even when glucose and fructose are fermented separately, glucose is utilized at a fas- Estimation of sugar uptake during fermentation ter rate than fructose [4]. These differences may be At specified times during fermentation, l0 ml of attributed to the concentration of sugar used in the cell suspension was withdrawn. The samples were medium. centrifuged at 4000 g for 10 rain. The supernatant The present manuscript reports on the sugar up- was subjected to HPLC analysis for determining take profiles in two brewing yeast strains grown on sugar concentrations. A Spectra-Physics model either glucose, fructose or sucrose, on an equimolar SP8100 high performance liquid chromatograph in- mixture of glucose and fructose and on brewer's corporating a Bio-Rad oligosaccharide column wort supplemented with various carbohydrate ad- (Aminex HPX-42A) for glucose, fructose and malt- juncts. In addition, the kinetics of glucose and fruc- ose analysis and an HPX-87P column for sucrose tose uptake were also investigated. analysis was employed. The eluant used was double distilled deionized water and the flow rate was 0.6 ml/min. Both operated in conjunction with a Spec- MATERIALS AND METHODS tra-Physics model SP6040 XR refractive index de- tector and a Spectra-Physics model SP4270 com- Chemicals puting integrator. D-[U-14C]Glucose (270 mCi/mmol) and D- [U-14C]fructose (267 mCi/mmol) were obtained Uptake studies from ICN Biomedicals (Irvine, CA). All other Late-exponential grown yeast cells (16 h) were chemicals were obtained from commercial sources harvested by centrifuging at 4000 z g for 10 rain at and were of the highest available purity. 4~ The cells were washed twice with ice-cold 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer pH 6.6 and sus- Yeast strains and growth medium pended in the same buffer at room temperature to a The yeast strains used in this study were, with cell density of 5 mg dry weight/ml. Uptake studies their Labatt Culture Collection numbers, Saccharo~ were initiated by addition of 1 ml of cell suspension myces cerevisiae brewing ale strain 3001, and Sac~ to 2 ml of radioactive substrate (1.0 #Ci) to the de- 317 sired final concentration and with constant stirring of glucose was observed with each yeast strain (Fig. at 23~ At 15 s intervals, 200 #1 of cell suspension 2). It can be calculated that glucose is taken up at were withdrawn, filtered through 0.45 #m nitrocel- about twice the rate of fructose in both strains, al- lulose filters and washed with 5 ml of ice-cold phos- though strain differences are apparent for the actual phate buffer. The filters were dried, solubilized in rates of glucose and fructose uptake. These experi- liquid scintillation fluid and radioactivity deter- ments were repeated with several non-brewing yeast mined on a liquid scintillation counter. strains and the results were very similar to those above (data not shown). When fermentations were conducted with 20% RESULTS sucrose, the sucrose was first rapidly hydrolyzed in- to glucose and fructose by the action of the enzyme Sugar uptake in synthetic media invertase prior to the uptake of either sugar (Fig. 3). The uptake profiles of glucose and fructose were Again, the results indicate a preferential uptake of studied with two brewing yeast strains [Saccharo- glucose over fructose for both yeast strains when myces cerevisiae 3001 and Saccharomyces uvarum sucrose was employed as a substrate. (carlsbergensis) 3021]. In the first series of experi- ments sugar uptake studies in PYN media contain- Sugar uptake in brewer's wort ing either 20% glucose or 20% fructose as substrate The effect of carbohydrate adjuncts on sugar uti- were carried out in shake flasks at 30~ Fig. 1 il- lization profiles in brewer's wort was examined in a lustrates that the uptake rates of glucose and fruc- Saccharomyces uvarum (carlsbergensis) lager brew- tose with a particular strain were very similar. How- ing strain. Fig. 4 illustrates the effect of employing ever, when fermentations were conducted in media 30% glucose and 30% sucrose as wort adjuncts and containing an equal concentration of glucose and also illustrates the situation with corn adjunct in fructose (10% of each sugar), a preferential uptake wort. In these experiments the initial wort gravity 240 A 2,0] B 200 200 -r 160 ,=.,-r 160 E E .r 120 ~ 120 03 80 " 80 40- 40 0 1'2 2'4 3'6 4'8 6r0 72 8'4 9'6 0 1'2 24 36 4'8 6'0 "I2 84 9'6 Time (hours) Time (hours) Fig. l. Glucose and fructose uptake profiles in brewing yeast strains. Fermentations were conducted in PYN media containing 20% ~lucose (O) or 20% fructose(A) with Saccharomyces cerevisiae 3001 (A) and Saceharomyces uvarum (carlsbergensis) 3021 (B) in 300 ml Erlenmeyer shake flasks at 30~ Inoculum used was 3.5 g wet weight/i. 318 120- A '~~1 B 100~ 1001 80- .~ 80 ,i-, .J D E E I ~ 60 ~ 60 JL~i. O~ if)= 40- g~ 40 20 20 1'2 24 3'6 4'8 60 72 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 Time (hours) Time (hours) Fig. 2. Simultaneous uptake of glucose and fructose in brewing yeast strains. Fermentations were conducted in PYN media containing 10% glucose ( and 10% fructose (A) with Saccharomyces cerevisiae 3001 (A) and Saccharomyces uvarum (carlsbergensis) 3021 (B) in 300 ml Erlenmeyer shake flasks at 30~ Inoculum used was 3.5 g wet weight/1.
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