THE INDEPENDENT TO UNCOVER NEWSPAPER SERVING THE TRUTH NOTRE DAME AND AND REPORT SAINT Mary’s IT ACCURATELY VOLUME 46, ISSUE 62 | THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2012 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Golden memories Class of 1989 recall College alumna last national recounts road trip championship to 1988 Fiesta Bowl By KRISTEN DURBIN By JILLIAN BARWICK News Editor St. Mary’s Editor It’s been 24 years since the Irish For Julie Wagner Feasel, a 1989 last won a national championship graduate of Saint Mary’s, the simi- in football, but 1989 Notre Dame larities between the 1988 national alumni who were seniors during champions and this year’s Irish are that undefeated 1988 season feel un- uncanny. matched excitement once again as the “The media didn’t have high ex- University’s current unbeaten squad pectations for our quarterback, Tony prepares for the Jan. 7 BCS National Rice. However, just like Tony showed Championship Game in Miami. everyone that he could lead the team, From the common “third-year so has Everett Golson,” Feasel said. charm” of 1988 coach Lou Holtz and “Lou Holtz was in his third year of current coach Brian Kelly to the simi- coaching at Notre Dame, just like lar progressions from mediocrity to [Irish] coach Brian Kelly is now.” excellence, this 2012 squad evokes The media also honed in on a memories of the most recent glory similar tragic story among the play- days of Notre Dame football. ers, much like they have with Manti “To go from not playing in a bowl Te’o since his grandmother and girl- game to having solid bowl efforts and friend passed away within a day of to see momentum building and cul- each other before the Michigan State minating in an undefeated season is game. pretty neat for seniors in particular,” “[Nose guard Chris Zorich] was 1989 alumnus Pat Cooke said. “[It’s raised by a single mom in a rough amazing] to see that development and BRANDON KEELEAN | The Observer Chicago neighborhood and he Notre Dame students’ enthusiasm for football hasn’t changed since 1988. An undefeated season, a coach’s see FOOTBALL PAGE 4 third year and a shot at the national championship are other similarities between the two historic teams. see FIESTA PAGE 5 Alumni urge University to Graduate leads in condemn Ugandan bill outer space By MEL FLANAGAN By ALLAN JOSEPH floor is and where the walls are and News Writer Editor-in-Chief where the ceiling is, and you can just operate in any kind of orientation A group of Notre Dame gradu- Commander Kevin Ford, who and be happy there. So it kind of sur- ates are promoting a petition recently took command of the prised me how your mind adapts to encouraging the University to of- International Space Station (ISS), that,” he said. “The other thing that ficially condemn a proposed anti- chose one simple phrase for his surprises you is just how bright blue homosexuality bill in Uganda. sound check Tuesday morning: The proposed law, commonly “Play Like A Champion Today.” known as the “Kill the Gays” bill, Ford, a 1982 alumnus of the would increase penalties against University, spoke with The Observer LGBT individuals in the country, as from the orbiting space station ommander C well as against others who attempt Tuesday during his five-month-long ISS to hide or protect these individuals. mission to the ISS. The 52-year- Ford Kevin As a matter of University policy, old Indiana native launched from Notre Dame usually does not make Kazakhstan in late October and public statements about social is- took command of the station when the beautiful Earth is out there. Every sues such as this one. Expedition 34 began Nov. 18. Though time you see it, it just glows just like it’s Katie Dunn, class of 2009 and a Ford has been to space previously on neon. It’s a surprising view with your Uganda study abroad participant, a two-week space shuttle mission, he own eyes.” began circulating the petition af- said there were still some surprises in Ford graduated from Notre Dame ter the Uganda CSO Coalition for the zero-gravity environment. with a degree in aerospace engineer- Human Rights and Constitutional “Things float away from you very ing and has taken his love for the Law, and Frank Mugisha, leader of quietly. You learn as you get here, af- University to the ISS. ter you’ve been here for a few weeks, see PETITION PAGE 5 you kind of forget about where the see ASTRONAUT PAGE 4 BRANDON KEELEAN | The Observer For ND Haters STUDENT SENATE PAGE 3 VIEWPOINT PAGE 6 DANCE PERFORMANCE PAGE 8 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL PAGE 16 MEN’S BASKETBALL PAGE 16 2 THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2012 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM TODAY Have a question you want answered? QUESTION OF THE DAY: Email [email protected] ndsmcobserver.com What is your favorite Christmas carol? P.O. Box 779, Notre Dame, IN 46556 024 South Dining Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Editor-in-Chief Claire Wiley Allan Joseph Managing Editor Business Manager freshman Megan Doyle Jeff Liptak Pasquerilla East Hall Asst. Managing Editor: Andrew Owens Asst. Managing Editor: Sam Stryker “Christmas Lights by Coldplay.” Janice Chung News Editor: John Cameron News Editor: Kristen Durbin freshman Viewpoint Editor: Meghan Thomassen Sports Editor: Chris Allen Breen-Phillips Hall Scene Editor: Kevin Noonan Saint Mary’s Editor: Jillian Barwick “God Bless Yee Merry Photo Editor: Suzanna Pratt Gentlemen.” Graphics Editor: Brandon Keelean Alissa Bahr Multimedia Editor: Sarah O’Connor Advertising Manager: Monica McCormack freshman Ad Design Manager: Sara Hilstrom Controller: Peter Woo Breen-Phillips Hall Systems Administrator: William Heineman “All I Want For Christmas Is You Office Manager & General Info by Michael Buble.” Colton Williamson Ph: (574) 631-7471 Fax: (574) 631-6927 freshman Advertising Fisher Hall (574) 631-6900 [email protected] “Christmas Time Is Here.” Editor-in-Chief (574) 631-4542 [email protected] KayKay Essien Managing Editor freshman (574) 631-4542 [email protected] Keenan Hall Assistant Managing Editors (574) 631-4541 [email protected] “White Christmas.” [email protected] Business Office (574) 631-5313 News Desk (574) 631-5323 [email protected] Viewpoint Desk (574) 631-5303 [email protected] Sports Desk (574) 631-4543 [email protected] Scene Desk (574) 631-4540 [email protected] Saint Mary’s Desk [email protected] Photo Desk (574) 631-8767 [email protected] Systems & Web Administrators (574) 631-8839 Policies The Observer is the independent, daily newspaper published in print and online by the students of the University of Notre Dame du Lac and Saint Mary’s College. 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A subscription to The Observer is $130 for one academic year; $75 for one semester. The Observer is published at: 024 South Dining Hall Notre Dame, IN 46556-0779 Periodical postage paid at Notre Dame and additional mailing offices POSTMASTER Send address corrections to: KARLA MORENO | The Observer The Observer P.O. Box 779 024 South Dining hall Sophomore Ana Martin del Campo works on her marketing project, Tailgamers, a professional tailgating service, in Le Mans Hall. Notre Dame, IN 46556-077 Martin del Campo’s group designed a convenient service for Irish fans to have their tailgate tailored professionally and hassle free. The Observer is a member of the Associated Press. All reproduction rights are reserved. Today’s Staff Want your event included here? News Sports Tori Roeck Sam Gans Email [email protected] Nicole Michels Mike Monaco THE NEXT FIVE DAYS: Rebecca O’Neil Vicky Jacobsen Graphics Scene Brandon Keelean Kevin Noonan Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Photo Viewpoint Mackenzie Sain Caroline Schurz New Faces Art Show “The Death of Aiden Project Film: “Meet John Advent Bible Study O’Shaughnessy Hall Socrates” South Dining Hall Doe” by Frank Capra 320 Geddes Hall 5:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. Eck Visitors Center 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. DeBartolo Performing ICL Library Corrections Features pieces by 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Make fleece blankets Arts Center 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. first year graduate Lecture from Kathrin for patients fighting 3 p.m. - 5:05 p.m. Open to all preparing The Observer regards itself as students. Koslicki. cancer. Released in 1941. for the birth of Christ a professional publication and strives for the highest standards Film: “50/50” Riley Family Dinner Film: “Sleepwalk with “Raising Voices for “Building Traditional of journalism at all times. We do, DeBartolo Performing Noble Family Dining Me” Urban Poverty” in the 21st Century” however, recognize that we will make Arts Center Hall DeBartolo Performing 101 DeBartolo Hall 104 Bond Hall mistakes. If we have made a mistake, please contact us at (574) 631-4541 so 6:30 p.m. - 8:10 p.m. 5 p.m.
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