PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug (PHM)(PHM) Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) Credits: Lance Osborne, Catharine Mannion, Karolynne Griffiths, Paul Hornby, Amy Roda and Dale Meyerdirk PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug ProjectProject Information provided for this presentation has been taken from numerous educational resources which have been primarily produced by the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine. PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug IntroductionIntroduction ν Serious threat to agricultural, ornamental, and horticultural plants in tropical and subtropical areas ν Commonly found in tropical Africa, India, Egypt, northern Australia, and SE Asia where it feeds on more than 300 plant species ν In the 1990’s, it was discovered in the Caribbean and has spread throughout the islands PHMPHM SpreadSpread ν 1912 – Egypt ν 1998 – Montserrat, ν 1984 – Hawaii Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe ν 1994 – Grenada, ν 1999 – Martinique, Belize, Carriacou Mexico, Venezuela, USA- ν 1995 – Trinidad, St. Kitts California and Nevis ν 2000 – Barbados, Bahamas ν 1996 – Tobago, Aruba, St. ν 2001 – Antigua, Dominica, Suriname Maarten, St. Lucia Suriname ν 2002 – Haiti, Dominican ν 1997 – St. Eustatius, Curacao, Anguilla, Republic, USA - Florida Guyana, British Virgin Islands, St. Vincent, St. Croix, St. John, St. Thomas, Grenadines, Cuelbra, Vieques PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug Forms colonies of white cotton-like egg masses on the leaves, terminals, stems, fruits and branches APHISAPHIS PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug Fruits HostHost PlantsPlants ¬ Papaya ¬ Sugar-apple ¬ Golden apple Ornamental Vegetable Pigeon pea ¬ Pigeon pea ¬ Hibiscus ¬Tomato ¬ Carambola ¬ Croton ¬Pumpkin ¬ Soursop Allamanda ¬ Allamanda ¬Okra ¬ Cherry ¬ Anthurium ¬Lettuce ¬ Passion fruit ¬ Heliconia ¬Beans ¬ Avocado ¬ Lantana Cucumber ¬ Mango ¬ Seagrape ¬ ¬ Plum ¬ Bougainvillea ¬Peppers ¬ Grape ¬ Oleander ¬Dasheen ¬ Citrus ¬ Ixora ¬Cabbage ¬ Breadfruit ¬ Ginger lily ¬Squash ¬ Guava ¬ Schefflera ¬ Banana ¬ Ficus U.S.U.S. CropCrop DistributionDistribution MapMap Five agricultural commodity hosts of pink hibiscus mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus, based on county level data from National Agricultural Statistics Service data 2002. Femal PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus e MealybugMealybug All stages are pink to reddish-brown in color, but are covered in white, mealy wax, with the body color showing through PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug When a large mealybug is crushed, they produce a reddish liquid Reddish color liquid droplet PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug AdultAdult FemaleFemale ν Lays eggs within a white cotton-like secretion (ovisac) ν Each female lays from 80 to 600 pink eggs ν Newly hatched crawlers are mobile ν Prefer the apical and tender regions of the host plant, but under field conditions older parts of the plant may harbor large populations PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug AdultAdult FemaleFemale ν Approx. 1/8 inch long, oval shaped, and wingless ν Have two short, inconspicuous wax caudal filaments and no lateral filaments Egg Mass Adults Egg PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug Egg AdultAdult FemaleFemale withwith EggsEggs PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug AdultAdult MaleMale ν Smaller than the female and has reddish-brown coloration ν One pair of wings and two long wax caudal filaments ν Non-functional mouthparts; live for only a few days PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug LifeLife CycleCycle Second Prepupa Instar Third Instar First Instar Pupa Third Fourth Instar Instar Eggs Adult Adult Male Female LifeLife CycleCycle ofof PHMPHM (Mani(Mani 1986)1986) ν Egg = 5.5 days Males Females ν 1st Instar = 6.60 days 6.71 days ν 2nd Instar = 6.51 6.55 ν 3rd Instar = 1.0 7.90 ν 4th Instar = 5.59 ______ Total 24.85 26.31 ν Pre-ovipositon = 4 to 5 days ν Oviposition = 6 to 8 days ν Fecundity = 386 to 540 eggs/female PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug PlantPlant DamageDamage Mealybugs suck plant juices and inject a toxic saliva into the plant causing damage or potential death PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug PHM colonies on hibiscus in the landscape PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug PlantPlant DamageDamage Susceptible hosts can develop malformed leaves PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug PlantPlant DamageDamage Stunted leaves and terminal growth (bunchy top) PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug PlantPlant DamageDamage Deformed flowers ComparisonComparison toto OtherOther MealybugsMealybugs Photo by UF: Osborne Photo by UF: Osborne Photo by UF: Osborne Photo by UF: Osborne Longtailed Madeira Citrus Photo by UP: Osborne Photo by UF: Osborne Photo by UP: Glenn Pineapple Pink hibiscus Solanum ComparisonComparison toto OtherOther MealybugsMealybugs Maconellicoccus hirsutus Hypogeococcus pungens •Pink body, elliptical to oboval •Pink body, round… in shape (not round)… •Portulaca, Acalypha and •Hibiscus and many other hosts Alternanthera •Eggs pink • No eggs observed ComparisonComparison toto OtherOther MealybugsMealybugs PHM Palmicultor Palmicultor spp. spp. FDACS-DPIFDACS-DPI FDACS-DPIFDACS-DPI Red body, lateral filaments Pink body, Bamboo only PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug DifferencesDifferences fromfrom OtherOther TypesTypes ofof MealybugsMealybugs ν Presence of the toxin (i.e. plant damage) ν Pink to reddish-brown color (red colored fluid when crushed) ν No lateral filaments ν Two short caudal filaments ν Loose, cottony ovisac, pink eggs PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug SpreadSpread Mealybugs are spread naturally by wind, birds, ants and other wildlife, or more commonly by people moving infested plant material to noninfested areas DoDo notnot movemove infestedinfested plantsplants withoutwithout properproper instructioninstruction PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug ProblemsProblems inin ManagementManagement ν Wide host range ν Easily spread ν Wax coating, dense colonies and distorted foliage provides some protection from pesticides ν Not only on foliage and fruit of plants, but can also hide in cracks and crevices on the bark ν Can fall or crawl off and lay eggs on non-host plants and inanimate objects (wooden fence, dog house etc.) ν Protected from natural enemies by some ants PHMPHM PotentialPotential DistributionDistribution Potential number of pink hibiscus mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus, generations in U.S. and Mexico, based on the requirement of 300 degree days per generation and a base developmental temperature of 17.5º C. NATURALNATURAL ENEMIESENEMIES RoleRole ofof NaturalNatural EnemiesEnemies ♣ Reduce populations to very low numbers • Plants in natural areas show no apparent damage • Less PHM migrating to nursery stock • Less PHM to control with other management strategies (e.g. pesticides) ExoticExotic ParasitoidsParasitoids IntroducedIntroduced ν Anagyrus kamali • China • Hawaii • Taiwan ν Gyranusoidea indica • Egypt • Australia ν Allotropa mecrida • Egypt • Puerto Rico ExoticExotic ParasitoidsParasitoids IntroducedIntroduced ν Anagyrus kamali • 6 instars • Sex ratio: 1:1 Sex ratio: 1:1 Male • Life cycle: 18 days at 26 ºC Female DevelopmentDevelopment CycleCycle ofof ParasitoidParasitoid ((AnagyrusAnagyrus sppspp..)) Egg Lay Egg in 1st Instar 2nd Instar Mealybug 2nd, 3rd & Adult Female Mealybug 3rd Instar 4th Instar Mealybug Mummy th Adult Female 5 Instar Parasite Pupa th Empty Mummy 6 Instar PHMPHM ParasitoidParasitoid SuccessSuccess TrackTrack RecordRecord ν Caribbean, California and Florida • Consistent >90% reduction in PHM populations • Sustained control (> 4 years where monitored) • Parasitoids persist ν Visual proof – ubiquitous, non-chemically treated hosts (e.g. Florida Trema) without large populations of PHM • Rare to see wild host plants with heavy PHM populations in areas where parasitoids released PHMPHM PopulationsPopulations ReducedReduced byby ParasitoidsParasitoids ν St. Kitts = 91.6 % ν California ν US Virgin Islands Mulberry = 96% St. Thomas = Carob = 93% 91.2% ν Bahamas = 82% (1 year) St. Croix = 97.1% ν Florida = 98.7% ν Puerto Rico = 92% ν Haiti = 97.2% ν Culebra = 96.5% ν Vieques = 97.8% ν Dominican Republic = 96.6% ν Belize = 96.6% PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug PredatorPredator Cryptolaemus montrouzieri (Coccinellidae) - Redheaded Lady Beetle - Adult Larvae Larva Larvae PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug ManagementManagement inin thethe LandscapeLandscape ν DoDo notnot movemove infestedinfested plants!plants! ν DoDo notnot useuse insecticidesinsecticides ν DoDo notnot useuse oils/soapsoils/soaps ν DoDo notnot releaserelease predatorspredators inin conjunctionconjunction withwith parasitesparasites –– consultconsult withwith StateState personnelpersonnel PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug ManagementManagement inin thethe LandscapeLandscape ν If you suspect you have the mealybug, contact your local county agent or a designated resource in your area to discuss options and the availability of natural enemies. ν Anagyrus kamali and Gyranusoidea indica parasitoids are the long term control solution. ν Parasitoids will be released at strategic locations for establishment and dispersal though the cooperative efforts of the USDA, APHIS, PPQ and the Department of Agriculture in your state. PinkPink HibiscusHibiscus MealybugMealybug ManagementManagement inin aa NurseryNursery Scout or monitor for mealybugs ν Check above and below plant parts for presence of the mealybug ν Check surrounding
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