(Hfltmwttnrt Saily Gkimroa Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. LXX, NO. 69 §>tnrrc. (fmmrrlirut THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 196K Greif And Farrell Are Selected USA Candidates For Top ASG Positions BY Sharon Felngold dent body up to now, I feel it were nominated: John Marlnan, can do a lot more." Tau Kappa Epsilon, Kay Mansky, Lee Greif was unanimously Nine Senior Senators were nom- Phi Sigma Sigma, Analea Fields, elected Tuesday night to run on inated for the USA slate. These Alpha Delia Pi, Ann Costyn, Kap- the USA party ticket for Pres- are: Allyson Robey, Kappa Kappa pa Alpha Tneta, Rocky Marciano, ident of the Associated Student Gamma, Debbie Littler, Kappa Lambda Chi Alpha, Al Covielly, Government with Jay Farrell Alpha Theta, Lester Meyer, Al- Phi Sigma Kappa, Scott Cowen, running for Vice President. Dur- pha Zeta Omega, Avis Ashapa, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Tag Gronau, ing a three hour party caucus, Alpha Delta Pi, Leona Curzi, PI Beta Phi, and Scott Fraser, Studen'. Senate nominations were Kappa Alpha Theta, Carol Folb, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. also held. Alpha Epsilon Phi, Al Dambrov, The five Sophomore Senators In an opening speech, President Phi Sigma Delta, Jay Farrell, to run on the USA party slate of the USA party, Bill Byxbee, Sigma Phi Epsilon and Sue No- are Jackie Bear, C.E.C., Sheila said that in the last three years, land, Delta Zeta. DaVino, Crawford D, Bruce the party has "lost everything With lengthy debating on the Brown, Baldwin House, Jeff Katz. which has been related to us. parliamentary procedure, the Hurley Hall, and Elliott Spector, We're here tonight to decide following nine junior Senators New Haven Hall. whether we're going to kill our- selves. Our senators chosen tonight can reblll, reorganize, and recreate the USA party." Byxbee continued, "I've seen the party give the nominations to good looking, fast talking studs. The girls had great qualifica- tions too - 30,22,36. This does not make a good candidate. To- JOHNNY MATHIS, the highlight of UConn's "Tyrolean Holiday," Is night wo have a chance to re- world famous for a style all his own which can be summed up In the organize this whole system." words "Mathls Magic." This "reorganization" began with the unanimous nomination of President of the Junior Class Lee G^eif to the top chair of Johnny Mathis To Appear the ASG. After receiving the nomination, THE TWO CANDIDATES NOMINATED by the USA party for the top Greif said, "When every sen- positions in the Associated Student Government are pictured above At Winter Skol Concert ator is elected, he takes an oath after Tuesday night's convention. Running for ASG President is Lee to raise UConn a little higher. Grei;, a sixth semester student and a brother of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Johnny Mathls, featured per- gold record albums for selling at This is my goal. The Imago To his right is Jay Farrell who was selected to run as USA vice- former for Winter Skol 1966, least a million of each album. of the student since 1920 has presidential candidate. Farrell is a six semester student and a Is scheduled to appear Sunday Some of them include "Johnny's become tarnished. We must brother of Sigma Phi Epsilon. afternoon climaxing UConn's Greatest Hits," "Warm," "Open think of ways to get across pro- Tryolean Holiday. Fire, Two Guitars," and "Swing gressive ideas." Johnny Mai his started out to be Softly." Greif promised to try to begin a physical education teacher and Each of Johnny's 26 record al- academic reforms, improve Skol Royalty Finalists ended up a singer. As a fresh- bums have sold at least half a maintance and the social and man at San Francisco State Col- million copies. At one time, intellectual atmosphere, as well lege, he set a record by clear- he has had four albums listed as the external image of UConn. Voting In Residence Halls ing a 6 foot, 5-1/2 inch high as best sellers. Greif said, speaklngof the Image, jump. It was only by chance For his Mercury album, "The "Tne brunt of this is born by The finalists for the King and John Somerville - Phi Sigma that he attended a jam session Sounds of Christmas,"Johnny did the administration and faculty. Queen of Winter Skol sponsored Kappa. with a friend that was to get all the arranging and adapting of The students could improve the by the Board of Governors have This year, voting for the King him a job with Columbia Records. the songs. He now owns his image through the community and been announced by the royalty and Queen will be done within A talent scout attending the ses- own recording company and takes community activities such as tu- committee. The following are residence halls. House presi- sion heard Mathis singing and an active Interest in all its torials, the International House, the finalists in the Queen's con- dents are requested to tally the liked him so .much that he tele- phases. and Civil Rights. The overiding test: votes and submit them to the graphed his New York office Johnny is still interested in theme must be to improve the Student Union control desk no saying, "Have found phenomenal educating himself. His tastes school." Janice Auwood - Kappa Alpha later than ">:00 Wednesday, Feb. 19 year old boy who coald go in books range from popular fic- Also nominated unanimously to Theta. 16. all the way! Send Blank Con- tion to volumes on science, psy- the position of Vice President of Kathy Lines - McMahon Pictures of the finalists may be tracts." chology and history. the ASG, was junior Senator Jiy Christine Merwin - McMahon seen on display in the Student Johnny signed with Columbia In music his interest varies Farrell. In his acceptance Karen Magulre - South Hall Union Lobby during the next two Records and within the year re- from classical to pop music. Speech, Farrell said, ' 'Tnere is June Smith - French B. weeks. The King and Queen corded his first record, "Won- His favorite performers include a lot of responsibility lying in In the King's competition the and their courts will be official- derful, Wonderful," which be- Lena Home, Nat 'King' Cole and this body right now. A lot of finalists are: ly announced during Intermission came an immediate hit. The Ella Fitzgerald. our problems lie within Undem- Doug Kenney- Phi Sigma Delta at the 'Tyrolean Ball' to be next two records he cut were At this time Johnny is still a ocratic body. I'm hoping we Steve Martinek - Sigma Alpha held on Friday evening, Feb. 18, "It's Not For Me To Say" and bachelor and says he's "having can get a responsible body out Epsilon 1966. "Chances Are." too much fun to settle down with of this party. While the Sen- Tom Penders - Theta XI Photos of King's candidates in Johnny has been awarded twelve one particular girl." ate has done a lot for the stu- Ron Rltter - Chi Phi tomorrow's Issue of the CDC. Janice Auwood Kathy Lines Karen Maguire Christine Merw in June Sm ith Winter Skol's Tyrolean Holiday Queen Candidates (ftonnerttrut Hatlg ffiampufi Serving Storrs Since 1896 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1966 faculty, about 120 voted and of in many cases, was not rigorous that number 90 favored a 000- enough. The trustees of the col- CDC Ad milltary solution in Vietnam. lege want to start a drive to get This certainly does not repre- good, current college books and To the Editor: sent 67 percent of the faculty in textbooks into our library, and 15 Week Semesters? non-support of the government they have designated me lo find Rfc: Citizen's An'.i-Communist but 67 percent of those voting in ways to get these books. Committee of Connecticut adver- disagreement with using force. It occurred to us, during a re- Now that finals are over and a new sem- tisement n the CUC Feb. 9,1966 The referendum shoud have cen'. board meetng, that many of offering to pay "one way expen- read, "do you or do you not sup- the college students use their ester is beginning, we have the time and the ses to North Vietnam or Com- port the government's policy in books and then don't want to keep presence of mind to reflect upon the old. nvjnlst China" for peace demon- Vietnam?" But it didn't and many some of them, but really can't With this reflection, we come to consider the strators, so thav they may "Bet- taxpayers now have a rather dis- get what they're worth In sell- fifteen week semester. ter enjoy typical Red Peace and torted view of faculty opinion. ing them back to the bookstores, Freedom." Meanwhile Campus contributors and that perhaps many of these This year, while most colleges and univer- Please save your money! Being assail Mr. Page for h's "mod- stude.nis would like the idea of sities are changing their curriculums to ad- a male between the ages of 19-26, erate" stand ridiculing him for giving such books to the library here to a fourteen week semester, the Uni- unable to obtain a passport from what they contend is his 'non- at Paul Quinn. Perhaps also, In the American government, I may involvement.' some cases, college bookstores versity of Connecticut has added two weeks enjoy it right here. This Is ridiculous. Because he in your State would find it fea- to the academic year. Bill Cutler takes a "moderate" stand does sible to ship spare quantities of Although the idea may have seemed a good McManon Ha'l not mean he Is not concerned.
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