May 2/10 2010 Mountain nyala in Ethiopia’s Bale Mountains. | © Martha Fischer WAZA news 2/10 Gerald Dick Contents Editorial WAZA’s New Office .................. 2 Dear WAZA Members! Training Strategy for Kabul Zoo ...........................4 After a successful start of the UN Update: Year of Biodiversity WAZA is offer- International Studbooks ...........6 ing numerous products for use to its Vienna Zoo: Action against members: An educational manual, an Animal Smuggling ................... 7 artwork promotional poster, the first 4th Rigi Symposium: Zoos WAZA book highlighting biodiversity and Biodiversity Conservation ...8 projects of our community and a bio- © WAZA The Year of the Kakapo .............9 diversity exhibition in three languages Gerald Dick and lowland tapir at Zoo Schwerin. kindly provided by UNESCO. Please Book Reviews .........................11 make use of these offers and help con- When you are reading this edition of Announcements .....................13 veying the conservation message of WAZA News, the WAZA executive our community of zoos and aquariums office is already located at the IUCN Year of Biodiversity ................ 15 and support WAZA at the same time! World Headquarters in Gland, Swit- zerland. Please do change the address IUCN Red List Design Use ........17 In addition, UNEP invited WAZA to in your files as provided on page 24! actively use the World Environment I wish to thank WAZA Council and WAZA Projects Day on 5th June to address biodiver- my staff in the office for support and Foundation Iquitos – sity conservation and to take part in patience during the hectic times of the Amazon Rescue Centre ...........19 activities on that day. Being aware that move and establishment in Gland. Bukit Tigapuluh Wildlife this invitation is coming quite late in & Ecosystem Protection ......... 20 the year, possibly some activities might Finally, I wish to offer all members to Mountain Nyala fit to what is planned already anyway get actively involved in the WAZA News Conservation in the Bale by WAZA members and therefore the by contributing news articles, an- Mountains, Ethiopia................21 offers described in this issue of WAZA nouncements about important meet- Wild Carnivores: Advances News might provide an additional value. ings or other articles of international in Knowledge and Conservation importance. Please, also do not forget Strategies in Argentina ...........22 The biodiversity theme, being such an to mention WAZA in your personal con- Recent Updates ..................... 24 overarching one, should in my opinion tacts to potential new WAZA members. Membership Applications ....... 25 not fade away from the WAZA radar The new WAZA flyer about the WAZA after this especially dedicated year strategy and other promotional mate- Obituary of 2010. Therefore, the material that rial might be useful for this purpose! Reinhard Frese .......................32 was produced for this year can be Jim Jackson ............................32 used in the following years as well – Also, if you have any particular com- possibly with different institutional ments or proposals to further improve and regional focus. According to the the membership service, so please members´ survey of 2008, the activi- do not hesitate to contact me directly. ties on 5th June might become a joint marketing and communication focus in Gerald Dick the years ahead. WAZA Executive Director Imprint Edition: 600 copies © WAZA 2010 Editor: Gerald Dick, WAZA Executive Office IUCN Conservation Centre This edition of WAZA News Rue Mauverney 28 is also available on CH-1196 Gland www.waza.org (members’ area). Switzerland phone: +41 22 999 07 90 fax: +41 22 999 07 91 WAZA is a registered interest repre- sentative with the European Commis- Layout and typesetting: [email protected] sion, ID number 30556573017-18. Print: Agentura NP, Staré Město, Czech Republic Printed on FSC paper. ISSN: 1662-7733 WAZA news 2/10 1 Mark Penning The President’s Page » The new ISIS Web site has launched at www.isis.org and serves as the first visible use of the ZIMS applica- tion. Congratulations and thanks go to Roger Stonecipher, Nate Flesness and the ISIS team for their herculean efforts in getting us to this point, and a sincere thank you is due to the institutions around the globe, which have steadfastly supported this proc- ess. Our community can feel proud of what is an enormous achievement. Building a Future for Wildlife I believe that hearty congratulations must go to Gerald Dick and Markus Gusset for their efforts in produc- © WAZA ing the first WAZA book, “Building Mark Penning and Sri Lankan python. a Future for Wildlife”. As a community, we find ourselves playing an increas- Mid-Year Meeting of Council ingly active and important role in conserving species in their natural The WAZA Council mid-year meeting team, and other opportunities were habitat. This wonderfully illustrated has just taken place, and I write this discussed at length. The plans for book provides an overview of some message to you from Colombo in Sri a new safari park and zoo were also major conservation success stories Lanka. It is the Council’s policy to visit carefully considered, and sound very from around the globe, using a bright, different regions each year in order exciting indeed. All in all, it was a very exciting and modern style that comes to increase WAZA’s international productive visit, and thoroughly en- across as thoroughly professional. profile, and to help Council members joyed by the touring party. On behalf I am sure it will prove to be a tremen- gain a better understanding of the of the Council, I would like to extend dous marketing tool portraying the status, the strengths and the needs my sincere gratitude to the staff of many ways in which zoos and aquari- of colleagues and institutions around the zoo and to the representatives ums are committed to biodiversity the world. This year we were hosted of the Ministry who made so much conservation. by the Sri Lankan Ministry of Sport time available to see us. It is greatly and Recreation and the staff of the appreciated! National Zoo in Colombo. Our hosts Turning the Tide were most gracious, and certainly made every effort to ensure that The Launch of ZIMS Efforts to translate “Turning the Tide” our stay was comfortable. A com- continue, and a Spanish version is prehensive tour of the zoo revealed It has been a long time coming, but now available, thanks to our col- a calm and relaxing oasis in what the time is now upon us – ISIS has leagues at ALPZA. We have a com- is otherwise a frenetic city, with officially released the first version of mitment from Hong Kong Ocean Park a beautiful ambience and surprisingly the ZIMS application! It has taken 10 to translate the document into both rich collection of animals. Several years to develop this extraordinar- traditional and simple Chinese, to- species of endangered endemic fish ily ambitious software programme, gether with Japanese, and a proposal had the aquatically-inclined among which promises to revolutionize the for a French version has also been us very excited, while the sight of management of animal data. The tabled. It is most heartening to see Sri Lankan cobras, flying snakes and ZIMS early adopter institutions will that elements of this document have other specials of the region kept all begin actively integrating the ZIMS been incorporated into Portuguese enthused. Ideas for modernization model across their institutions, and legislation. and the improvement of certain areas providing feedback to ISIS for con- were presented by the management tinual development of the software. 2 WAZA news 2/10 Gerald Dick – WAZA Executive Office » WAZA’s New Office Marketing of WAZA WAZA’s New Office in the IUCN Conservation The marketing activities of WAZA are Centre – Europe’s Greenest Office Building largely directed at informing gov- ernments, international NGO’s and other stakeholders outside the zoo As of 1st May 2010 the WAZA Execu- amount of gas emissions: up to 40% industry of the already considerable, tive Office will be situated right in of global emissions according to and steadily increasing, contribu- the heart of the world’s conserva- a recent study. Over the next 25 years, tion made by the members of the tion centre: in the IUCN’s newly emissions from buildings are expect- WAZA network towards biodiversity built conservation centre in Gland, ed to increase faster than in any other conservation. Furthermore, WAZA Switzerland. IUCN’s perception sector. Faced with a growing constit- aims to increase awareness within of the new building reads as fol- uency, expanding staff and central- the zoo community of environmental lows: “The Conservation Centre will ized service requirements, coupled issues and to encourage the WAZA serve not only as a place of work with the desire to cultivate stronger constituency to become actively for the Union’s global Secretariat program partnerships, IUCN decided involved in tackling them. A third team, but will also serve as a hub to transform its headquarters into dimension will now be added to the for global collaboration with the a Global Conservation Centre. In re- marketing strategy in the develop- aim of conserving nature. The new sponding to these needs through the ment of promotional material for Conservation Centre will enhance construction of a new headquarters distribution to both prospective and the Union’s leadership role as an extension, IUCN has made the com- existing members, clearly spelling out international forum to cultivate alli- mitment to both “walk the talk” in the benefits of WAZA membership ances and partnerships for stronger implementing the highest standards and the enormous value to the zoo collective action among the con- for its new building and to raise the and aquarium community of having servation community, government bar for others in terms of sustainable as many members as possible.
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