An interview with THE Marxist editor from Africa Pages 8-10 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE VOL. 52/NO. 50 DECEMBER 23, 1988 $1.00 Gov't wants $45 billion In switch, U.S. gov't to keep nuclear arsenal will talk The trickle of revelations has become a flood. An environmental disaster, perpe­ with PLO trated by the U.S. government, is taking place at nuclear weapons production plants BY HARRY RING Washington's decision to negotiate with across the country. the Palestine Liberation Organization rep­ The 12 plants have poured radioactive resented an abrupt reversal of U.S. policy. and other toxic wastes into the environ- It registers a setback to the Israeli regime and its efforts to smash with an "iron fist" the Palestinian uprising on the West Bank EDITORIAL and in the Gaza Strip. The December 14 announcement by President Ronald Reagan and Secretary of ment. Nuclear accidents, radioactive emis­ State George Shultz came on the heels of a sions, and toxic dumping have been know­ press conference hours earlier by PLO ingly concealed from the public. Chairman Yassir Arafat in which he reiter­ The damage to the health of workers in­ ated earlier declarations recognizing Israel side the weapons plants has yet to be accu­ and reaffirming the PLO's opposition to rately gauged and made public. "Many oc­ terrorism. cupational health professionals say it is im­ Just 24 hours before the U.S. switch, possible to draw any conclusions about the Arafat had made these same points to the health of the nuclear workers," reported the UN General Assembly and Washington December II New York Times, "because had rebuffed him. the Federal Occupational Safety and In an initial response to the Reagan ad­ Health Administration has no power in the Unloading area at Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, where most radioactive ministration's new stand, Israel's U.S. am­ plants, because security rules have limited wastes from weapons industry are stored. Energy Dept. admits these wastes are leak­ bassador expressed "regret" and repeated, the access of union officials and other ing into soil, water. "We don't recognize the PLO as a viable safety inspectors, and because the Energy partner for negotiations." Department will not release for indepen­ deteriorating, and now widely discredited Now the Department of Energy has Washington's decision came only weeks dent review the health records on which come up with its proposed solutions. The plants. As the proposals were being made after it denied Arafat a visa to come to New [its] studies are based." public, the New York Times reported that central objective: to keep the weapons of York to address the UN. the agency has spent more than $5 billion This deadly course was pursued by mass death coming off the production line, Earlier, it had shut down the Palestine since 1970 on nuclear power projects that Washington over decades - regardless of no matter what the cost in human health, Information Office in Washington and had to be abandoned. whether it was a Republican or Democrat environmental destruction, and financial tried unsuccessfully to close the PLO's UN In addition to calling for new plants, the who sat in the White House Oval Office, resources. observer mission. DOE insists that "national security" re­ whether it was Republicans or Democrats The Department of Energy proposes For some two decades, U.S. administra­ quires that one of the reactors shut down who headed congressional "oversight" spending $45 billion to build new nuclear tions - Republican and Democratic alike Continued on Page 14 committees. weapons plants to replace some of the old, -joined hands with the Israeli regime in efforts to isolate and, if possible, destroy the PLO. Washington had come under increasing Agreement signed on Angola, Namibia international pressure to modify its stand toward the PLO. But, Palestinian leaders BY SAM MANUEL dence, which is spelled out in Resolution erated that the schedule of Cuban troop stressed, the decisive factor in Washing­ The governments of Angola, Cuba, 435. Elections to establish a Namibian withdrawal will be negotiated solely be­ ton's retreat was the year-old West Bank South Africa, and the United States have government are to take place on Nov. I , tween Angola and Cuba. and Gaza Palestinian uprising - the in­ signed an agreement that represents a sub­ 1989. The exact schedule for the Cuban with­ tifada. stantial step toward ending the 13-year-old "SW APO is confident that notwithstand­ drawal will be presented at the formal UN "It is the intifada which has changed the U.S- and South African-run war against ing the many obstacles that Pretoria will signing. But the December 14 Washington world," explained PLO spokesperson Ah­ the people of Angola. It also opens the way certainly try to create, the movement will Post reported a summary of the initial med Abdul-Rahman. "Now the world un­ to implementing a United Nations plan for win the Nov. I , 1989, elections and lead proposed schedule. On April I, 1989, derstands there is a Palestinian nation that the independence of Namibia, which has the country to independence," read the Continued on Page 11 Continued on Page 13 been militarily occupied by South Africa statement. since 1915. It also commended Angola and Cuba for The agreement was signed December 13 their "decisive military actions to create in Brazzaville, Congo, and is known as the favorable conditions for the negotiations, Defenders of Mark Curtis Brazzaville Protocol. A formal signing their steadfastness as to principles, and ceremony of the protocol will take place at flexibility regarding tactics throughout the the United Nations on December 22. long, drawn out negotiations." zero in on drive for sponsors "The signing of the agreement inaugu­ Angolan and Cuban troops dealt a deci­ rates a new era of peace in southern Af­ sive military defeat to South African troops BY MARGARET JA YKO ings in the South to discredit the civil rights rica," said Angolan Army Chief of Staff and their Angolan ally, UNITA (the Na­ Anne Braden and Frank Wilkinson - movement, Wilkinson went there and Gen. Antonio dos Santos Franca Ndalu, tional Union for the Total Independence of two longtime fighters for Black rights and worked with Carl Braden to oppose this. according to a December 14 report from Angola), in March of this year at the Ango­ civil liberties - have recently become They were both subpoenaed to appear be­ Brazzaville by the Angolan Press Organi­ lan town of Cuito Cuanavale. The Angolan sponsors of the Mark Curtis Defense Com­ fore HUAC. They refused to answer ques­ zation (ANGOP). and Cuban forces were joined by fighters mittee. Like Curtis, both have been victims tions and were sentenced to a year in "The protocols show that a people deter­ from SWAPO. There is no mention of of government repression for their political prison. mined is able to reach peace," Cuban Dep­ UNIT A in the pact. activities. A recent lawsuit in California produced uty Foreign Minister Ricardo Alarcon was The four points of the protocol also pro­ In 1954 Anne Braden and her husband 132,000 pages of FBI files documenting quoted in the ANGOP dispatch. "The vide that Angola and Cuba will reach an Carl sold their home in an all-white section the government's 20-year campaign to dis­ peace and security of Angola, and the inde­ agreement with the secretary general of the of Louisville, Kentucky, to a Black family. rupt Wilkinson's activities. pendence of Namibia based on UN Resolu­ UN on a procedure for verification of This set off a racist furor, which climaxed tion 435178 constitute the results of these Cuban troop withdrawal from Angola. The with the bombing of the house. "These two endorsements," said Mark protocols." details are to be set by the December 22 The Louisville authorities charged that Curtis Defense Committee coordinator Stu Alarcon added, "Brazzaville will always UN signing. Cuba and Angola have agreed the Bradens had conspired to set the bomb Singer in a telephone interview from the be associated with the common struggle of to the establishment of a UN-sponsored un­ themselves as part of an attempt to over­ defense committee office in Des Moines, the African peoples and Cuba and it is a armed observer force to monitor Cullan throw the state of Kentucky! The Bradens Iowa, "show the potential for involving special honor that the protocols were troop withdrawal. The United States and were again indicted for sedition in 1967 . prominent rights fighters throughout the signed in Brazzaville." South Africa are not participants in this Anne Braden was also a leader of the country- and the world - in the political Ndalu and Alarcon have been leading force. Southern Conference Educational Fund, campaign to free Mark Curtis." figures in the Angolan and Cuban delega­ A previous attempt to sign an agreement which tried to involve Southern whites, Curtis is currently in the state peniten­ tions throughout the negotiations, which in Brazzaville broke down on December 3 alongside Blacks, in the civil rights move­ tiary in Anamosa, Iowa, serving a 25-year began in May. when the South African delegation sud­ ment. She continues her antiracist ac­ sentence on fabricated rape and burglary The UN observer mission of the South denly walked out of the talks. South Afri­ tivities today. charges. He is a longtime union militant, West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) can Foreign Minister Roelof Botha said the Frank Wilkinson is director-emeritus of political activist, and member of the So­ of Namibia released a statement welcom­ document was "not specific" about verifi­ the National Committee Against Repres­ cialist Workers Party .
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