Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-5-1939 Bee Gee News April 5, 1939 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News April 5, 1939" (1939). BG News (Student Newspaper). 507. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/507 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. WELCOME TODAY PRESIDENT FRANK J. PROUT! Bee Gee News I.NTRA-SQUAD GRID GAME VOL. XXIII. BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY, APRIL 5, 1939 No. 26 ~ B. G. Orators Enter Pi Kappa Delta Swing-On The YM-YW TO CONDUCT Pitt U. Players Will Present Installment Plan EASTER SERVICE AT Speech Tourney At Kent State 7 A.M. THURSDAY 'Brother Rat' Here April 18th WILL COMPETE WITH Committees Start Student Ministers Moore HILARIOUS DRAMA And Long Will Have What Is A Hat, STUDENTS FROM SIX Making Plans For Charge Of Program And Why? SHOWS LIFE AMONG A colorful and inspiring Batter EASTERN STATES Sr. Week Program sunrise service has been planned by Tho dictionary defines a hal CADETS AT V. M. I. tho YM and YWCA for Thursday Seven Local Speakers as "a covering for the head," Play Will Be Spontored Long And Moore Head morning. April fl, from 7 to 7:4B in but this is inadequate and Inaeu- Leave Friday With Profs. the auditorium of the Administration rate. A hat may be exotic, en- By Masque And Mantle, Program, Gown Group building. Mr. Carl Koch and Miss ticing, demure, pert, or any of a New Dramatics Club Carmichael And Palmer Committees are being appointed Evelyn Simmons, representatives of thousand and one other adjectives, YM anil YW, have complete charge and plans are being made for the but merely a head-covering? Never! "Brother Itat," the play written Public speakers of Bowling Green of the service. It will be open to (he Ask any man to describe a hat, and anual senior-week program accord- by John Monks. Jr. and Prod K. Kin- will enter the Province of the Lakes public as well as to college students. you will soon see that the dictionary ing to a statement from Kerniit klehonV, will be presented by the Pitt tournament of Pi Kappa Delta, na- Tho continuous program will I definition was written by one of that Long, president of the senior class. Players on April IS, Professor Up- tional speech fraternity, at Kent gin with Miss Myrtle Jensen playing unsympathetic species. Commencement exercises will be ton Palmar said Lite yesterday. Mas- University. Friday and Saturday. the organ featuring Faster hymns. There are only two classes of people held in the University auditorium Mr. Paul Moore will lead dcvolions que and Mantle is sponsoring the This province tournament will in- where u hat is concerned; the ones play at Bowling Green. clude representatives of colleges in Monday morning, June 6, with bac- and prayer. Mr. Moon-, a University who appreciate it, ami the ones who This play is well known through- Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Vir- calaureate services the day proceed- FLETCHER HENDERSON student, is a student minister at do not. Into the first class full the out the country and WJVS produced in ginia. Connecticut. Maine and Ohio. ing. llradner, (>. wearer ami one or two friends initi- the movies several months ago. The Prof. J, W. Carmichael, head of A cap and gown committee which Mr. Kermit Long, senior anil stu- ated into the Art of Understanding plot takes place at Virginia Military the University speech department, is will begin working soon, consists of Inter-Frat Council dent minister at Whitehouse, will Hals; into the second class comes the Institute and portrays the cadet life governor of the Province of the Rerun! Long, chairman; Jane Kuhn, deliver the sermon, "He Is Arisen". scornful observer. in that institution. Lakes and will have general charge D. Ned Heminger, Graiia Grant, Offers Installment The service will conclude with more and Jim Huntington. The commence- organ music by Miss Jensen, Hat Has Perionality The playwrights graduated from of the annual tournament V.M.I, in the class of ".\2. It Wftl There will be seven rounds of de- ment week program committee COB- For those who desire to oat break Unresponsive*observers of bats are Plan For Henderson during their life at the academy that bate, for both men and women, and sists of Paul Moore, chairmun, Jane fasl on (lie campus before the ser usually classed in one of several these young men became interested contest! in extemporaneous speaking Hobart, Mary Alice Hnwley. Steve Invites Guests From vice, the YM and YW will serve hot types: A - The Genial, to whom it is in play writing. This particular play and oratory. Gold, silver, and bronie Penton, and Margaret Zaugg. chocolate and rolls at tin* small a joke; II - The Grouchy, to whom it Neighboring Colleges was written and rewritten around 80 medals will be awarded to winners The week immediately before com- charge of five cents. is a nuisance; C - Tin- Thinker, who times and was not considered sale- of first, second and third places in mencement will be observed as senior To insure ability to pay for Hie filially dismisses it as a pathetic dem- able until the two young authors each contest. week by all seniors. President Long Fletcher Henderson Dance on April onstration of the inferiority of the again met in 1035. To Ent.r E.t.mp Contest says that . "it will be as fine a com- 28, the Inter-Prat Council will ac- Plan Gala Program female brain. To responsive observ- Other names were given to the For the first time in recent years, mencement week and commencement cept payment in installments. Soon ers, a hat has personality. It shows play during its revision. It was first Bowling Green will enter speakers in program as we have had at Bowling after Easter vacation they will place not what the owner is, but what she For Scholarship called "When The Roll Is Called," the extemporaneous speaking con- Green." envelopes and a locked box in the wishes to be. then was changed to "Stand at Ease." test. Howard Shine, junior, and Invitations and program book* Ad Building for those wishing to It may be so large that people in- Exam Contestants Before the play was first produced, Ruth Meek, freshman, will enter this are being purchased through Klever's make payment as they have the span- stinctively dodge when it comes down the present name was adopted. division of the tournament. The from the Balfour Company at At- change. There will be blanks on the A program similar to that given the street, or so small that a magnify- 'Brother Rat" is a very popular general subject to be discussed ia on tleboro, Mass, The program books, envelopes for the name, amount and last year will he presented on May (i ing glass must he used to see it; but play, one reason probably being due the political and sociological factors which bear the college seal, will date. This box will be emptied daily ill conjunction with the District-State (Continued on page 2, col. 5) to the color always present in plays operating within Europe. contain the names of all the gradu- and when the individual install- Scholarship Test for the contestants with uniforms and the romance gen- In thia type of speaking each con- ments total $2 the seals will be broken and their friends. ates, all committees, and the com- erally connected with military school*. testant is given a definite subject on plete commencement week program. and the ticket delivered. In this way, There will be a short program of which to speak one hour before the President Long expects to call a the Council hopes to prevent em- organ music and greetings will be Juniors Buy Lights contest begins. During this hour he meeting of the entire senior class barrassment when the time for pur- extended by the University before must prepare an eight minute speech. soon. chase of the tickets comes around. the tests are given. Later there will With Dance Profit 250 Ohio Students, Expfrienctd Debatrrt to Comprtr-bf For the first time in the history be a track meet, one-act plays, a Six Bowling Green representatives of the school, neighboring colleges band concert, ami a recreation hour Finding that there WIIH unpmxi- Instructors Attend will enter the debate section of the will be given opportunity to semi re in the reception hall ami gymnasium. nuitily $70 profit on the junior- 1 Ith U a Lithper? presentative fraternity men to a There may also be musical numbers wnioi* cluncr, ilu junior class is pur- Speech Festival (Continued on page 2, col. 4) Bowling Green University social such as those given by the /Ice luo cSn-inp a j»ort«blc floodlight lyttMBi according to a titiitement from Ar Here's a Cure event. Through the inter-fruternity in the various buildings last year. Two hundred and fifty Instructors; councils of Ihcse schools, the local Committee members in charge of Ihur Shanly, president. and students of speeeh in Northwest- Council To Seek Flu victims aren't the only kind of Council will lender invitations of get the entertainment are: Dean W. C.
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