.COMICS sports MOVIES COUNTY CORKESPOJSDENCE : CLASSIFIED. MARKETS nn PAGES TEN PAGES " SECTION TWO SECTION. TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 PAGES 7 T0 10 , DAILY EAST OREGONlAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 6, 1920 DOUGHERTY IS NAMED Phones, 'GMTc Use the Phonea Use the Grocery 526 . Grocery 526 THIRD MAN IN SQUARE S Dept's 78 Other Pept'n 78 Chicago, Other ?VZ Wednesday, MEN'S STORE FOR BIG BATTLE TODAY OLD PAL PETE: Champion Dempsey and Chal-longe- r This is a P. S. to the letter I wrote you on the ' Miske to Step Into buzzing Limited. Kid, for a fact, I'm hitting 13 Ring This Afternoon at Ben- on making up Camel advertisements. And I'll eay it right here t Porter, give us the lights t WEARPLEDGE ton Harbor for Title Bout. Just skimmed another swell Camel fact I Stop . BENTOM HARUOa, Mich., Sept. 6. it'' this : Guess I've smoked a million Camels t Pete, . over After an wrangle !!!! Boys they never my yet And, old socks, Hun-tla- y tired taste Clothes for referee, caln settled Sturdy choice of a over the training campa of Juck put Camels to the test! Then you'll wise up UempHoy and Billy Miske, who meet that Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty after- here tliia afternoon In a aohedulod taste nor unpleasant cigaretty champlonBhlp content. odorl James Dougherty of Philadelphia, That's some smoke news, I'll say, when you ' fur whom Dcmpsey's manuer, Juck Koarns. had founcht for for diiyn, fl been trying to fuss the "straight" brands! And, nally was agreed upon as tho third old shoe, you ought to know, they gave you a man in the .ring. But this was only lacing! after Koarns had issued an ultimatum that ho would call off the mutch If What makes a denf on my disposition-i- s that Douehurty was not selected. Thomas Camels are the I lilKBer, chairman of the Michigan while mildest cigarette and the state boxing commission, consented to mellowest cigarette any man can buy they've give. Dougherty a referee's license O got all the "body" you ever heard tell ofI Although Dompsey was an over- whelming; favorite In the betting. Why Pete, I got as many new selling ideas Miske had hundreds of admirers will- Camels as there are hairs on a purr-kitty- 's ing to wager that he would bo on his about feet at the end of the tenth round. tail I Tho challenger will go Into tho ring weighing about li0 pounds fifteen Drop your old lamps down here, how's that pounds heavier than when ho fought for blazing the joy Camels pass out I Deinpsey in two previous engagements, in which Dempsey failed to upset him. Me for more of 'em Dcmpsey's most formidable assets are his punching powers and speed. Mis- ke is aggressive but has been rated as of the plodding rather than the light footed type of ring general and his punching powers have not gained the ' fame of a championship wallop. "The Camel Kid" The match will be Dempsey's first since he conquered Jess Wlllard at YOUR ROMPING, ROLLICKING BOY NEEDS A WEAR PLEDGE SUIT Toledo fourteen months ago. It will be Miske's second contest within the same period, as he did not box for a New, just in, boys straight knee pants suits, in a wide range of patterns and col- year because of an ailment to his spine, ors. It's certain that the' confident philosopher who bravely claims that "all things lie returned to the ring last June, active boy from climbing trees or mvesti-sratin-g knocking out Jack Moran of Kt, Uniln are possible" never tried to keep a healthy, In two rounds. everything else he should not. It cannot be done! The only practical alterna- Manager Jack Keurns announced tive is to have him wear our WEAR PLEDGE SUITS. They're made to go every that Dempsey would enter the ring boy goes and come back whole. weighing about 189 pounds two where the pounds above the figure at which he fought Wlllard. i The first preliminary Is called for 2 o'clock, central standard time, when and will ba rcfereed by Emerson W. The odds were 3 tol on Dempsey to Hurry Creb meets Chuck Wiggins In of 5rand llaplds. Mich. win, 1 to 6 that Miske wins, and even $16.50 to $20.00 the class . Dempsey were not ex- money Miske will not be knocked and Miske that - ' The semi-fin- is between Bill Tate, pected to enter the ring tjefore 8:30 out. the giant negro, who. was Dempsey's centra standard time..- - There was. Ut- sparring partner here, and 8um lang-for- ile betting today. There has been TIED IN TODAY'S MEET, the Boston negro heavyweight. much talk of commissions running In- Both preliminaries are for six rounds to the thousands, but very few wagers. DOUBLE BILL IS SPLIT LOXDOX, Sept. t. (TV P.) Great Pritain and America touay tougnt to, BY BEAVERS AND SEALS a tie in the'r final dual athletic meet Quality . Service Sanitation at Queens Club with five victories, DOWNEY'S MARKET each. England captured the W. R. "Jinks" Taylor the half mile relay, the two: SAN FP.AN'CISCO, Sept. 6. (A. P.) mile relay, the high Jump and the one-'- ; furtland and i?tin Francisco com- mile relay. The Americans took the Democratic Candidate promised on a double-heade- r, the two mile team race, the broad Jump,! game 1 0, Btals taking tho moraine to aha four-mil-e relay and the Hi yard You to 1. and the Beavers the afternoon, 2 ' relav. ' : ' Tho morning game was a pitching for duel between Lewis and Brooks. San getting the best the market affords, and at the Francisco won in the ninth when Con- least market price? nolly went homo from second on King- - HEAL SUISEASES don's overthrow to first In fielding SHERIFF Meat as you like it--at Hasbrook's grounder. Apply Zemo, Clean, Penetrat- prices you like. If not you are losing money. We have every A fast doublo play ly Portland in the third inning with tho, bags full ing, Antiseptic Liquid thing in Groceries and Meats to offer you, mod- squelched tho Seals the ono time they Subject to the decision looked dangerous in the second game. It is unnecessary for you to suffer erately priced. ringworm, OakW Win at Stwkton .with eczema, blotches, rashes of the voters of Umatil- STOCKTON, Calif., Sent. 6. Oak- and similar skin troubles. Zemo. we ab- game and tho scries obtained at any drug store for 35c, or Each month give you one day's sales land took tho for extra large bottle, and prompt- la Co., November 2, with a 2 to 1 score $1.00 solutely free. from Sacramento ly applied will usually give instant relief it Uik I'ark Sunday morning- Guisto's by CSinirlardi from itching torture. It cleanses and 1920. and triples soothes the skin and heals quickly and You and Uruhakor In the fourth frame effectively most skin diseases. had better investigate this market this across. drove the tallies The Senators Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, month. , vtAias.il & scored their run on errors in the disappearing liquid and is soothing to (I'aid Adv.) opening inning. the most delicate skin. It is not greasy, Onks After Lunch is easily applied and costs little. Get KACRAMKNTO, Sept. fc. Oakland it today and save all further distress. took the second game of the double The E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland. O a Pendleton Trading Co. header from Sacramento Sunday aft- r. ernoon, .1 to 2. Ityan, Senator PHONE 600 Phone 455 knocked the ball over the Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslce DR. C. II. DAY right field fence. "If It's On the Market We Have It." 17 liming ;nmo Is Seattle's' Chronic and Nervous Disease and l'lijslcian and Suritrcoll LOS ANGIvl.KS, Sept. 6. Seattle Diseases of Women. Electro Osteopath won g:imo from Vernon Therapeutics, Rooms 2S and 25 Smith-Crawfor- d a ' 2 to 1. Kldred scored the winning run rem pis Bldg. Room 12 Building. when Smith fumbled the' ball in an Phone 411 Telephone 704 Ties. 749-- lt Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices-E- ast saocaoc . attempt to catch tho visitors' contcr-flelde- r iou jstonoi ioooi ioac was In good s off third. Blebnld Oregonian form, allowing the Tigers only six Printing Department. scattered hits. Tho visitors hit Dell Canning Fruits hard. The second game was called of I p because of tho length of the first. Round-U- Free r." I To The TABLE SUPPLY is looking after your AiwFm Split with Itch o IjAKU Sept. 6. Lof D when comes to canning fruit. We SALT CITY. WORLD'S SEPTEMBER interest it Angeles and Salt. divided a dou- 23, 25 Substantial o taking the first CHAMPIONSHIP ' 24. have blo header, the Hees BUCKING, 1920 5 same, 8 to 3, tho Angels the second iid tiring won both. Bartlett Pears at, per box $4.50 10 to 5. Heavy hitting be made from a partly decayedToothtooth, which haa a Bound can often BULLDOGGING PENDLETON vexa- box $2.75 " root, ly placing a crown over it. This operation doesn't cause Jane Buttes Pears at, per T ROUND-U- P $3.50 RACING . tion or striuus annoyance to place such a crown, after whirh the tooth Flemish Beauty Pears at, per box. .... .. ceases to be exposed, hence it is difficult for decay to reach it.
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