Embry-Riddle Fly Paper Newspapers 3-24-1944 Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1944-03-24 Embry-Riddle School of Aviation Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.erau.edu/fly-paper Scholarly Commons Citation Embry-Riddle School of Aviation, "Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1944-03-24" (1944). Embry-Riddle Fly Paper. 140. https://commons.erau.edu/fly-paper/140 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Embry-Riddle Fly Paper by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CARLSTROM FIELD ANNIVERSARY EMBRY- RIDDLE . -- - =..;..:::::o~---=-===------============--===-=-==== VOL. VII :\TARCH 24, H1.t4 NO. 23 EMBRY-RIDDLE FLY PAPER "Stick To It" Page~ NEW PAYMASTER Letters to the Editor Albert Tilton baa been appoimed Paymaster for the Embry-Riddle may cuss you but if they stick with )OU Company and affiliated organisatiolll. AAFBFS they u:ill learn ! Bainbridge, Georgia )Ir. Tilton replaces Ray Lipe, wlio We had our troubles hut as long as I has resigned. March 6, 1944 ever fly you will he riding with me. That's all for now. Thanks again, Phil. Dear Phil: I remain respectfully yours, Riddle Field Suppose you have been wondering why Clewiston, Florida I haven't writtrn. Well, I didn·t want to Jim Maher February 9, 19" write till I had imloed; I did today at five hours. The 1cu,,.u11 for not having more EdiJor's Note: The abot•e. triliutr to his l)p11r Editor: time than that is the weather. I don't think primary instructor was rrritten to Philip I wonder if it is poSBible to have the Burhite or Hotard have soloed as yet; they DiTillio of Oorr Field by fames II. Maher Fly Paper sent to England each week. I most likely will tomorrow or the next day. of Class 44-F. We hope that every cadet am enclosing a coupon with the neceuary Salo is in a different squadron so I don't will read it aml realize that in winning address on iL know about him. those wings it".~ the /01wda1io11 that counts. Knowing what a wonderful job the And primary training constitutes that Embry-Riddle organization is doing, I'm The elimination rate is going to be /ou11datio11. sure that my people will find it Vflrf m· darned high hy the looks of things. We teresting to read such a maguine u the have lost three of our boys and none of --·-- Fly Paper. them had o\'er six hours. Hoping for a favorable reply, I am They put one fellow up for elimination 4 (WA) Force Ambulance Yoon faithfully, today because he landed too far up on W.A. Force Mansel Chappel the runwa\' after they had told him to land February 15, 1944 R.A.F. Cadet on the lo":er half beCause of the AT-lOs. Dear Editor: Editor's Nole: ,,.e "4w com~ .,,;M yow I'm certainly ~lad I had you for an request, M..-1, and IN Aopc M "8 Fly instructor. Phil. The procedures you gave No doubt you will be wondering upon Paper will t)w 'fOUT peoJ* O,.,.,.. of us on spin recovery and stalls is very seeing the address at the top of this sheet your life di o Cadet 11Jlaile iA llW CtlUldrf· exacting. Lots of the fellows are having who on earth is writing to you from Should otMr member• o/ yOUT COfJl'ae IOil1 trouble with their stalls and spins but I've West Africa. But I felt that I must write it sent to lheir hornn iA England, teU ,,.._ talked to Hotard and Burhite and they both and thank you for so kindly sending the to fill out tire coupon ond 1end ii lo llN agree that you know what you are teaching. Fly Paper to my parents, S/ Ldr. and Fly Paper office. They are very liberal with their pink Mrs. B. J. King of Thornton Heath, Surrey, !'lips- especially if your air speed gets too England. 19th Sqd., A. T. C.. low- they just won't stand for it, that's all. You see, I have just received the first ---- It seems as though we never get to take­ R.A.A.t. copies of the Fly Paper dated October 15· Romulus, Mich. off or land into the wind. There is always 29, 194·3, which have been passed on to me March 8, 1944. a <·ross wind. llemcrnhrr the session we had by my parents. not long before I left? \Veil, I do thank heaven for it. My brother, who was a member of Course 9 at Clewiston and who unfortu· When I used to read the letters some of nately was killed out there in December, the boys wrote you and they said they 1942, wrote to me frequently and was full could hear you, I used to think it was kind of praise for all the staff at Riddle Field of silly. Well, it isn't! I'll swear today on and now that I have seen your paper I feel my approach leg you hollered at me to that now at last I really do know something get a wing down into that wind. It was about the place and the people. mv first time around alone and I'm not I had left England some time before kidding, I said "Thanks, Phil." Just one other thinit, Phil. Remember my trim tab Geoffrey joined the RAF so you will be trouble? Well, as you know, we practically able to understand how much I do appre· <:iate your kindness in forwarding the jour­ fly these planes with them. nal. If you could find a spare copy now Tell those fellows with you now they and again, I would be more than pleased lo 1eceive it at the above address. I wish your paper the success it so .. richly deserves. Yours sincerely, Ernest B. Riley • Sergeant Editor's Note: Your parents need 11ot for- u·ard the Fly Paper to you any longer, Ernest. We have placed your name on our mailing list and you will receive copies regularly. We remember your brother, Geoffrey King, well, and it was a very sad day for us when we were told of hi-3 death on December 3, 1942. Thank you so much for your wry niee kUer. We'll be happy to hear from you any tilM. March 24, 1944 EMBRY-RIDDLE FLY PAPER "Stick To It" Pace a RED CROSS WAR FUND Letters from Eng land DRIVE 22 Knowles A\'enue ward..; the end of 1913 when the King .Xorman H. Da\· i~, Chairman of Rh\l. Flinb. awarded him the Dh.tingui:-hed FI) ing the American Red Cross, tells us that Great Britain Cro,..:,. I know all hi:- friend~ in Arcadia our .. Red Cross i" faithf~lly fulfilling January 23. 19-U "ill join u~ o\'er here in hoping that more it::, obligations at home and abroad." Dear :\ale and Gerry: ne1' ~ will he forthcoming of thi,.. wr~ Al home, worried American fam­ gallant oliirer before long. It s1·1•m,.. aJi,,olulc ages since I lru:;l heard ilies are r~ceiving comforting mcs­ from you two. although copies of the I had an intcre~ting mct•ling '' ith a :-age,, from enemy occupied lands Arcadian and Fly Paprr ronlinue to arrive native of Florida thm.! days ago. when it through Red Cros:> channels, Abroad was announced that Lieutenant Colonel in spil!-<lllo<li<' hatches. weary fighterc; arc receiving relief Woods. of the United Stales ,\rmy. would from the rigors of military life in You 'II he: intcr<'!'llNI to hear that I have speak Lo u:, on "A111.do-American H~la­ homelike Red Cro;;s dubs. had a slight chunge of occupation. After tions.'' I was delighted lo hC'ar the genuine fifteen monthg as a beam instructor I am The acti\'ities of the American Hed Florida accent and in conversation with Cross are legion, and Lo carry on they now l'mployed once more as a common or the Colonel afterward~ I was even more garden nring instructor, which is quite a must ha\'e )OUr help. Gi\'e just one }w plea;;ed to hear that cume from Tampa. da~ ·:. pay- today. <>hang<' ufll'r the specialized flying in which of w hic:h city. of cour,.c. I have very pleas­ I have }wl'n indulging since the end of ant memories. 1912. about all mv new-. for llOW. so I'll That"~ sa1,· Tumms within the past few days. He I cxpt•ct to have another change to an­ :-a\' cheerio· and dor~'t forget to write soon. nounce hcfore long as I shall he due from wa.., on hi:. way overseas where I'm hoping the wn· he.-.l for the J'ictorr rear. relea"c to oprrational flying within the •..\11 . to go. course of a month or so. \Vith the altera­ Arthur Prandle r,·e been wandering up and down the lene:th and breadth of England "ith Fighter tion in mv work I have abo had a mo\'e Editor's Note: Thanks to Gern• and Nate Co;nmand, hut beyond that I can't i;ay of locatio~, although I am still in the South Reece for the rery timely ietter from of England and not \'Cry far from my last more. F/ 0 Prandle, 11110 1rns 011e of our fint Plea,,e remember me once more to my station.
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