r -, r -, .. ~r= i =f 0~= f:t... ~ oX -: ! ; :::! " ;x: ~ COMMUNITY RELATIONS PLAN i~~ ;::[ PARKER LANDFILL ":0. LYNDON, VERMONT r; s= COMMUNITY RELATIONS SUPPORT ~e h "' ~ n.-= ~ 0 .," Prepared for: :lilt ~ :a -.....) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency = = ~ Contract No.: 88-W9-0003 Work Assignment No.: C01099 ,_, TES6 1...0 A~nM~! l -...../ r -, r -, ,...... Richard r..ighton Marc h 1 , 1991 Regional Projec t O!t'icer U. S . Environmental Protection Agenc y Waste Hanage11ent Divhion JFK Federal Building , Room 2203 Beeton, Maaaachusette 02203 Reference: Contract No. 68-W9-000J, TES 6 Work Assignment Np . C01099 Parker Landtill, Lyndon, Vermont Community Re lations Support Subject: Deliverable: Community Relations Plan Dear Rick: In accordance with the reporting requirements ot the subject Work Aseign•ent, enclosed is one copy ot the tina! Community Relations Plan (CRP) tor the Parker Landfill site . This submittal uthties the second deliverable requirement tor this Work Assignment. Please note that this tinal CRP incorporates the comme nts received J' !rom EPA (dated February 13, 1991) regarding the draft CRP prepared by Alliance. The WAH reviewed the revised CRP (via FAX) on February 21, 1991. Her final comments have been addressed . At the requeat of the WAH, Sheila Eckman, four bound copies and one unbound copy ot the CRP have been delivered direc tly to her. Questions regarding this submisaion should be directed to the Alliance Project Manager, Naida Gavrelis at (508) 970- 5757 ext 514 5 , or me. Sincerely yours, Peter Spawn Regional Manager PS/km Enclosure Sheila Eckman/ EPA Work Assignme nt Manager Jill £ . Robbinsj TES-6 Contracting Officer (letter only) Jack Lewis, Jr . / Alliance TES - 6 Contracts Manager (letter only) Naida Gavrelisj Alliance Project Manager Boon M1115 Sov!h Fool o1 John S1ree1 lowell Massachusens 01852 (508) 970-5600 r I r I COMMUNITY RELATIONS PLAN PARKER LANDFILl. Srre LYNOON, VERMONT COMMUNITY RELATIONS SUPPORT Prepared for U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Waste Manaacmcnt Division JFK FederaJ BuildinJ Boston, Musachusetu 02203 Work Assignment No.: COI099 EPA Reaion: EPA/Site Facility 1.0 . No.: VTI>981062441 Contnct No.: 68-W9-0003 (TES-6) Alliance Document No.: A91 -049 Alliance Project No.: 1-63S-177·Q.I884.() Alliance Project Manaacr: Naida Gavreli s Telephone No. : (S08) 970-S600 SubcontraCt No.: N/A Subcontractor Project Mana&cr: N/A Telephone No.: N/A EPA Work Assignment Manager: Sheila Eckman EPA Telephone No.: (6 17) S73-S784 Date Prepared: February 27, 1991 ALLIANCE TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION Boou Mills South Foot of John Street lowell, Massachuscll! 018.52 (S08) 97Q.S600 A AlliANCE r -, r -, TABLE OF CONnNTS A. Overview ol Communiry Relations Plan B. Site Backcround 1. Site Description 2. History of Site Investieations C. Community BackJrOUnd 1. Community Profile 2. History of Community Involvement 3. Key Community Concerns D. Development o( the Community Relations ProiJ'&fl'l I2 1, Objectives I2 l . Community Recommendations I4 3. Techniques and Timin& IS References I9 Appendices ' A Offtcials, Key Contacts, and Interested Panics A-I B Jn(oonation Repositories and Suaat:sted Meetinc Locations 8-I C Media Contacts C-I FIGURES Numbtr Pace Lyndon Area Map Site Map ...c: A91.o49.txt AAWANCE r I r I COMMUNITY RELATIONS PLAN PAIUCEit LANDflLL SITE LYNDON, VERMONT A. OVERVIEW OF COMMUNITY RELATIONS PLAN This community relations plan has been developed to identify lnues of community concern rtJudinJ the Parker l..andfillshe (the •li te ~ ) in Lyndon, Vermont, and to present suuested community rtlations activities to be conducted by the U.S. Environment.a1 Protection Acency (EPA) durin& the remedial investi &ation and feasibilhy study {Rl.IFS) activitiea at this she. The community relations proaram outlined in this document is in tended to keep local officials and resldtnu Informed of the investiaations and provide opponunities for involvement in the procen. This community relations plan hu been prepared in order to usist EPA in implemcntina a community relations proJfiJTl that is apccif.Wly tailored to the coacc:rru: and needJ ol the Lyndoa communhy. EPA conducts community relations activities to ensaue that the local public bu input 10 the decisions about Superfund actions and iJ well informed about the JII'OiftU of thole actions. The community relations plan is based on interviews conducted by EPA whh local officials and Lyndon residenu, most of whom live in close proximity of the site, and on information contained in EPA she fa.les . The in·penon in~c:rview s were conducted in Lyndon on December !5 and 6, 1990. Community and she bac: kJfOund information was compiled with the usistance of town officiaJs and throu&h reference to the literature cited at the end of this repon. A moderate amount of community interest in the Parker Land/iU site appears to exist based on the interviews conducted. Residen ts in the immediate area are ctrta.inly concerned about the contaminated residential drinkina water wells in the area and other potential site related contamination. Commu nity members interviewed want to be kept infonned of the findings of the upcoming site investigation . A91-049.tll .8J.. !l!J-IANCE r -, r -, The followina .ections are presented in this Community Relations Plan which describe the she, key community concerns. and sugc.sltd community relations activities: Site llackiPO"nd; Community BockiPO"nd; Development of Community Relations Proaram; Appendix A: List of Officials, Key Contacts, and Interested Parties; Appendix B: Information ~posltories and Suuested Meetina Locations; and Appendix C: Media Conu.cts. B. SITEBACKCROUND I. Sht Doocripllon The Parker Landfill is a 2.5-am IOlid wasce landfill located on a 7!1i-acre parcel of land. The parcel is situaled on the southeastern side of Lily Pond Road in the southeucem portion of the fOW!I of lyndon, Caledonia County, Vermont (Fiaure 1 and EPA, 19901). The landfill is bounded by Lily Pond Road to the west; a trailer park to lhe north; an unnamed stream to the ean; and woodlands 10 1he south {FiJIU,. 2, EPA, 1990b; and EPA, 1989). The terrain in the arta of the landfill is extremely hilly. An unnamed stream runs Ilona the eastern border o( the landfill and drains into the Passumpsic River kss than I mile downstream. Several fums, includin&: dairy farms, are located within I mile of the propeny and alarae trailer park is located along the northern border of the landfill (EPA, 1989). The Village of Lyndonville's municipal well field, which provides drinkin& water for approximately 3.200 people, is located 1.7S miles nonh of the landflJ I. In addition, approximately S24 people draw drinking water from private wells within 3 miles of the site (EPA, 1990b). A9J-049.t•l r I r I - I L [· I r -..J L Parker Llndflll Community Relations Firure 1: A ALUANCE -' Lyndon Artl Mlp m .. --"­ r I r I - • • • Community Relations A ALUANCE Figurt 2: ~--~ SRt Map r I r I T1le lind on which tbe Parker LaadfUl is kaled wu tint used for wute diapolll in the mid­ 19~. laitially, lhe land wu UMd u tiOUite rA JaDd and ,ravel and u a dwnpin& aru for local"oide"" (EPA, 1989). The -was 11m porminod u • diJposll !acUity lind aanilary lladflll by •- lind loc:ll beahh lind enYironmentll •aencies in 1971. Formal llndfillin& opem!OIU be&ID in 1m (EPA, 19901>). The llnd!U1 wu owned by Dean Puker until 1984, when the property wu transftmd to Ray 0 . Parker and Son, Inc. {EPA, 1990b). Accordifta to previous State and Federal inYCstiaatioru, lar&e amounts of liquid indusaial waste and mixed liquid. semi-solid, and solid wute wert; disposed at the landfill between 1972 and 1913 (EPA, 1990b). Indusaial dc:pusinaaolvcnu and flammable materials were amon& the wu&e types known to have been disposed at the site. In 19S4, routine umpli na conducted by the Vcnnont A,ency of Environmental Conservation (VT AEC) c:l four monhorina wells at the Parker Landfill and of an unnamed stream Ilona the pe:rimelt:r of the landfill revealed lhe presence of volltile DrJAnic compounds (VOCs). · VOCs are 1 poup of chemical compounds that are chancteriu.d by their tendency to evapcnte into the air from water and soil. Many VOO are known to be common industrial deJrCUinasolvents. The only potential source of contamination was determined to be the Parker Landfill. Subsequent samplina concluded that the landfill soils, the stream, and five private drink:inJ water wells to the south were also contaminated with VOCs (ESE. 1990). The predominant VOCs dettettd include trichloroethene (TCE), 1,1.1-trichloroethane (TCA), and trans- 1.2-dichloroethene (1,2-DCE). Additional VOCs (methylene chloride, ethyl benzene, toluene, xylenes, and 2-butanone) we~ detected in the landfill soils (EPA, 1990b). Treatment systems have been installed on five contaminated drinking wells in the area. A91{149 .tll A ~ANCE r -, r -, In 1985, the VT AEC compleiCd.a Preliminary Aueument whlch revealed that approximately 1,330,000 pllonl ~liquid inchlsai.a! waste and 688,900 ldloanms ~mixed liquid, semi· IOlid, and IOlid wutes were disposed at the lanMill between 1972 and 1983. Industrial wute known to biYe been diJposed at the she l.oc:hMies TCE, TCA, flammable paint slud&e, waste oil, elecuoplatina slud.JC, and platin& rinte waten (EPA, 1990b). Based on the rtsulu of the Preliminary Assessment and an Unconaolled H.awdous Waste Si!e Evalualioo (olto conducled by the VT AEC), the EPA proposed the Porur Landfill for inclusion on the Narional Priorities LiJt (NPL) on June 21, 1988 (EPA, 1990b). The NPL iJ a lill of the nation'• most contaminated hazardous waste sites. Placement on the NPL prioritiles the she for federal fundina under the EPA 's Superfund propam and makes profenional assistance more tndily available to those responsible for site cleanup.
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