DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BULLETIN Development Services Kilncraigs Greenside Street Alloa FK10 1EB Tel: 01259 450000 Date: 25.09.20 E-mail: [email protected] Issue No: 1062 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BULLETIN The Development Services Bulletin is issued every week. It contains details and information of issues relating to Development Quality (Control), Structure and Local Planning, Building Standards (Control), Transportation Planning, Roads Maintenance, Public Transport and Traffic Management The Bulletin also contains information on a range of other matters and is divided into sections as set out below. Please note that there may not be any information to report under some sections in some weeks. 1. Development Services : (a) Planning Applications Received (b) Delegated Planning Decisions (c) Committee Planning Decisions (d) Statutory Planning Advertisements (e) Planning Reviews & Appeals (f) Planning Enforcement (g) Building Warrant & Non Statutory Applications Received (h) Building Warrant & Non Statutory Decisions (i) Building Standards Enforcement (j) Other News 2. Sustainability Services (a) Tree Preservation Orders/Forestry/Felling Proposals (b) Other News 3. Roads & Transportation Services (a) Scheduled Roadworks (b) Road Traffic Orders (c) Adopted Roads The Bulletin is sent electronically to all Elected Members of the Council, Community Councils, local groups and organisations, newspapers, statutory consultees etc. It is also available (in electronic format) for inspection at the Council’s Speirs Centre, Alloa as well as in all local libraries and Community Access Points. Members of the public can request to be added to the electronic mailing list at any time. 2 We hope you find this Bulletin useful. We are always keen to improve the information that we provide on all matters. Your comments on the Bulletin and suggestions for how it might be improved are always welcome. Please contact: Development Quality at Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, FK10 1EB or telephone on (01259) 452540 if you have any comments. 3 1. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES The lists of applications received and decisions issued below are offered as an aide only. The public register on our website offers a full range of search facilities, ie by date, weekly/monthly lists, address etc (a) Planning Applications Received Please note that all applications are recorded on our Uniform software system. This section only lists valid applications so you may find that some of the reference numbers appear out of sequence. Any gaps will be as a result of applications deemed invalid on receipt. Within one working day of being registered, all valid applications can be viewed on our website (simply click on the relevant reference number) CASE NO.: 20/00204/FULL DATE REGISTERED: 21.09.2020 WARD: Clackmannanshire North APPLICANT: AGENT: Mr Steven Garry David Stevenson Lower Mill Development AMP Company 0/1 Lawhill House 83D Candleriggs Lawhill Glasgow G1 1LF Land To The East LOCATION: Lower Mill Street Tillicoultry Clackmannanshire MAP CO-ORDS 291389, 696613 DESCRIPTION: Amendment to Planning Permission 19/00179/FULL - Revisions Including Those To 18 No. Plots And Road/Path Layout CASE OFFICER: Grant Baxter Tel: 01259 45 2615 CASE NO.: 20/00205/FULL DATE REGISTERED: 23.09.2020 WARD: Clackmannanshire South APPLICANT: AGENT: Screwfix Direct Limited Claire Day Trade House Hybrid Planning & Development Ltd Mead Avenue The Old Vyner Street Gallery Houndstone Business Park 23 Vyner Street LONDON E2 9DG 4 LIDL Supermarket LOCATION: Candleriggs Alloa Clackmannanshire MAP CO-ORDS 288691, 692709 DESCRIPTION: Partial Change Of Use And Sub-Division Of Shop (Class 1) To Form 1 No. Shop and 1 No. Storage Or Distribution Unit (Class 6) With External Alterations CASE OFFICER: Keith Johnstone Tel: 01259 45 2614 CASE NO.: 20/00207/TREE DATE REGISTERED: 23.09.2020 WARD: Clackmannanshire North APPLICANT: AGENT: Mrs Catherine Fearon The Stables 4 Harviestoun Grove Tillicoultry 4 The Stables LOCATION: Harviestoun Grove Tillicoultry Clackmannanshire FK13 6RZ MAP CO-ORDS 292414, 697562 DESCRIPTION: Tree Surgery Works To 1 No. Beech Tree CASE OFFICER: Mark Stoddart Tel: 01259 45 2626 CASE NO.: 20/00210/TREE DATE REGISTERED: 24.09.2020 WARD: Clackmannanshire South APPLICANT: AGENT: Mr Michael Watson Bedford House 13 Bedford Place Alloa Bedford House LOCATION: 13 Bedford Place Alloa Clackmannanshire FK10 1LW MAP CO-ORDS 288281, 692702 DESCRIPTION: Tree Surgery Works To 1 No. Copper Beech Tree CASE OFFICER: Mark Stoddart Tel: 01259 45 2626 5 (b) Delegated Planning Decisions CASE NO.: 20/00138/FULL DATE REGISTERED: 27.07.2020 WARD: Clackmannanshire South APPLICANT: AGENT: Alloa Investment Property Brian Muir Limited Ryden LLP 2 Mill Road 130 St Vincent Street Alloa Glasgow Scotland G2 5HF The Bed Shed LOCATION: 4 Mill Road Alloa Clackmannanshire FK10 1JY MAP CO-ORDS 288815, 692798 DESCRIPTION: Change of Use Of Shop from Class 1 to Class 3 (Food And Drink) and Installation Of Ventillation Flue To Roof Level Via Adjacent Gable Wall DECISION APPROVED DATED 24.09.2020 Subject to the following conditions: 1. Before any works start on site, a detailed specification for the design, operation and location of the ventilation system for the premises shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. The specification shall be prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced person and shall include the following details: (a) the ventilation and filtration equipment, including details of the dimensions, design and external finish of any equipment and flue to be fitted to the exterior of the building. The design and finishes shall match those on the existing flue on the gable wall as closely as practicably possible. (b) the location of fans, specific mounting points and installation. (c) the height and position of the flue outlet and its termination point in relation to the ridge lines and tops of any upper floor window openings in the adjacent buildings. The design shall accord with the guidance in "Noise from Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Systems", DEFRA, 2005. (d) the acoustic specification of all fixed plant and 6 equipment and details of any proposed measures to mitigate noise and vibration impacts to minimise the risk of nuisance to neighbouring properties. (e) the efflux velocity of the flue. (f) confirmation that no cowl will be fitted to the external flue. Thereafter, the ventilation system shall be installed in accordance with the approved details, before the first use of the site as a restaurant, and maintained to the approved specification thereafter, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the planning authority. 2. Before any works start on site, the following details shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority; (a) the location and specification of any other mechanical plant to be installed, including details of the predicted noise levels and hours of operation. (b) the physical measures to be installed to minimise the risk of noise nuisance to neighbours from the operation of the use within the premises, including consideration of the need for an acoustic ceiling. (c) details of the proposed arrangements to store waste generated by the use hereby approved. Thereafter, the development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed in writing by planning authority. 3. Before any work starts on site, a report prepared by a suitably qualified acoustic consultant shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. The report shall provide details of; (a) the location and acoustic specification of all fixed plant, machinery and equipment, (b) the impact of structure borne vibration, (c) the predicted noise levels associated with any plant or equipment and operation of the premises for Class 3 use at the noise sensitive properties nearest the premises and the external ventilation flue, (d) and include any measures necessary to mitigate the risk of nuisance from noise or vibration and achieve the standard described in Condition 4 below. Once approved, the development shall be 7 implemented and operated thereafter in accordance with the approved details. 4. Noise from any fixed plant, machinery and equipment shall not exceed a noise rating curve NR25 when measured in the habitable rooms of any neighbouring noise sensitive property. 5. No structure borne vibration shall be transmitted to any nearby living apartment as a result of the proposed development. CASE OFFICER: Keith Johnstone Tel: 01259 45 2614 CASE NO.: 20/00140/FULL DATE REGISTERED: 11.08.2020 WARD: Clackmannanshire West APPLICANT: AGENT: Mr John Usher 31 East Mains Menstrie Clackmannanshire 31 East Mains LOCATION: Menstrie Clackmannanshire FK11 7AW MAP CO-ORDS 285151, 696588 DESCRIPTION: Change Of Use Of Open Space To Garden Ground, including Vehicular Access to Front of Property and Erection of Boundary Fencing DECISION APPROVED DATED 22.09.2020 There are no conditions attached to this consent. CASE OFFICER: Mark Stoddart Tel: 01259 45 2626 (c) Committee Planning Decisions The next Planning Committee will be held on 1 October 2020. 8 (d) Statutory Planning Advertisements The following statutory advertisements were placed in the local press (publication date 30 September 2020. The advertisements are repeated here for your information: Development Reason for Advertising Amendment to Planning Permission Neighbour Notification 19/00179/FULL - Revisions Including Those To 18 No. Plots And Road/Path Layout at Land To The East, Lower
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