Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC May 1982 Daily Egyptian 1982 5-4-1982 The aiD ly Egyptian, May 04, 1982 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_May1982 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, May 04, 1982." (May 1982). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1982 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in May 1982 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily 'Egyptian l'useday . May ~ . 1982' \"01 67 . ~ o 1 ~ Southern DImas University Shaw explains 'threat" remark to students B" Mike Anthon" Todd Rogers. Undergraduate starr Wri~r - Student Organization president. told Shaw that student govern­ Once a person decides to take ment went through the proper a complaint about Sill to an t:nivt'rsity channels before outside agencv. there is a line Debbie Brown, Graduate crossed and that person could Student Council president, spoke to the Illinois Senate ~tf:?~~ei~~na:e~o~~~n~~~ Appropriations II Committee Sha..... told about 30 students last weelt Mondav An individual must make a at St~tal~~~~~~~e s 'f::~ value judgment about whether wornng with the President's that " personal line" should be Otrice and the Board of crossed. Shaw said. Trustees in presenting " I don 't think it is something I arguments saying that that a 15 Staff Photo by Marl!. Sims should do to teit people when pt'rcent tuition increase . that point has corne," he said. corning at a time when federal t\bout 30 students and faculty memben crowd~ sla~ments he hu made. Shaw is in the right " Anvtime it is done, it runs the aid cutbacks are being inw a.ancellor Kenneth SIIaw 's oCOce Moaday to forelVCMlIId _ threat of weakening the in­ proposed, will limit access to ask him some hard questioa a boat rec:ent stitution's integrity or SIV. Rogers said. "Students authority. " Students were gathered in m~ ~f~ ~a:I~~~o~:~~~ ,=4 oIfice in Colh!r Ha Uto =,~~d ~~ ~tO~~ , ~~ Falklands conflict escalates; ~=y ~~~~, 'rr~: forth u the official policy oC SIU within to institutional - for sru to not ooly .land lor autonomy. act"e8S as it always has - but if Argentine navy crew missing An individual makes a decision whether to c:r..a that ~~;~~~=~~~ "penlOnal line" when all the next year, then Deb would have By n .. "asoclated ~. Genera I Javier Perez de Argentina have not been en­ Cuellar said " he had been In· couraging." available channels for ~er gone to Springfield. discussion in an institution are .. After the Board of Trustees Argentina's ~ond-Ia I'@eSt formed by the Argentine am­ British Foreign Secretary exhausted, and a person or na vy vessel . the cruiser bassador. Eduardo Roea. that Francis Pym wound up a three­ General Belgrano, was tor- the ship had sunk and they day trip to the United States. group feels that the only SH SHAW . Page 11 recourse is to go to an outside presumed approximately 500 where he conferred with Haig agency. such u the Legislature. ~~ ~u~ S:J!~t:~,:~r~! dead." and held talks at the United Shaw said he has . 'no ob­ gus . Argentine Joint Chiefs of Staff Britain, ste~ing up pressure Nations, with no sign of jections" if students voice their said Monday it was presumed on ArgentiJlil In the sovereignty progress toward a diplomatic concerns to the Legislature, but 'Bode sWlk . There was no word on the dis~e 'Over the islands - solution to Ole crisis. "I would feel badly" if they did rate of the 1,000 crewmen. wInch Argentina seized April 2 " Argentina must now make it without considering how Hours after the Sunday night - announced 3,000 troop the fint move." Pym said going outside University attack on the 13.64S-ton cruiser reinforeements were being sent before leaving New York for channels will affect "in­ outside the 200-mile Falkland to the South Atlantic aboard the London. "They started this. stitutional viability." G1I5 sayl aU thOle people Islands war zone, Britain requisitioned luxury liner they invaded the islands." But, he CCJIlCeded, "That's an Crampial arauad arell't .., claimed its belicopten also Queen Elizabeth 2, along with The Argentine Joint Chiefs of individual judgment that I have Ule cbaeeUor'1 lIew carpet allY ... ODe ArgetKine patrol boIIt additional material and cargo Staff nnoonced Monday that the no rigbt to decide." good. ......daml8ed another. • ships. General Belgrano was It abIo wu reported Monday Argentina rejected the latest " pn!IJWIled sunk" by a British at the United Nations that U.S. effort at diplomatic settlement submarine southwest of the Ambuudor Jeane J . Kirk­ - a new peace plan offered by FalklBnds near Isla de los patrick said she had been in­ Peruvian President Fernando Estados at the southern tip of formed that Argentina teAns Belaunde Terry. The governing South America. 1lIere was no some 500 sailon periMed when jWlta in Buenos Aires claims indication whether tbe the cruiser, the General the plan was sugested by estimated 1,000 crewmen were Bel8rano, sank. Secretary 01 Sta Ie Alexander M. able to get off the ship after it Mrs. Kirkpatrick. talking Haig Jr. was hit. with reporters in her oIfice. said In WaShington, State BritiAh pvemment officials that during Seeurity Council Department spokesman Dean said they had no conflnTlatioo consultations. Secretary - Fischer said "statements from the vessel had sunk. Riots in Poland crushed by police WARSAW , Poland (AP) - was also reported near marchen jammed streets in the Hundreds of riot police backed headquarters of the ruling northern port of Gdansk where Communist Party. Solidarity was formed , but ~d ~f:bed::=n:~= It was the worst outhreak of eyewitness accounts were not protesters screaming violence since nine Solidarity immediately available. The "Solidarity' , Solidarity '" miners died in clashes with sources said foreign journalists Monday in the wonst clashes tJooops near the southern city of were banned from abe city. since the early days of martial Katowice, three days after sugestinll there was violence. taw . martial law was decreed Dec. Ambulances careened ll"foUowing 16 months of union At leut 25 ,000 people con-­ through the city taki~ people cballeoges to Communist rule. veJ'led in WIlnI8W 'S historic beaten and bleedIng to "They think that they can still CuUe Square area at 4 p.m . (10 hospitals. City medical officials warm up the political climate in a.m . EDT) in respooIe to reCused to estimate the number Poland as if they had not h.ad protest plana pubUciJed during of injured. eDough, " Warsaw televi.ion Saturday's May Day counter­ Telephone lines were cut in quoted Deputy Premier ~rade organized by un ­ Wily are thf!llf! peoplp Ifmit;ng? maoy areas oC the capital. in­ MJeczyslaw Rakowski as tellini derpound Solidarity leaders. cluding Western news agencies, ParHament while rioting race(! BecaUM lhey were BamN Ill., ud qllfea 01 SIU.{;'I Greek Week, aDd Wanaw television reported ac:na town . "But if they think 1be Communist love~ent dlat" .. h~ . Jim Vuckovkh 01 PIli Silma Kap,. w.. crOWDed ILl.., autboritles threatened to lbey'U aclUeve tbeir aima, ~ warned La Dlltioowide broad­ an41 Laura Hodan. from Sigma Kappa, ~I",," as queen. Coverale reimpose the curfew thIIt wu are makiI1c a tngk: on.tUe. ' cata SuBday ailbt It would DOt fIIlM Week'i eventl! 11011 Pale tll _ lifted a ~y earlier. f'illhting Offldal aoures aIIo ...,rted tolerate IJICIft iJIepJ outbreaks. ,-GJVews GRoundup---. GOP legislators pledge Rp(Lgtlll u'ill mpp( U:;11r Brp:d",Pl' WASHINGTON IAPj .,.. Presidenl Reagan has decided to accept an informal invilation from Soviet President Leonid I. Brezhnev fo r a full-fledged summit meeting this fall , ad· to find budget pact ministration officials said Monday. But the president still hopes he can meet with the ailing WASHINGTON l AP ) countrv deserves better than to reporters foUowing Reagan's Soviet leader at a United Nations conference on disarmament President Reagan's Republican make -this budget a political 50-minute meeting with in New York next month, said While House press secretary allies !'.aid Monday they will try football in 1982." ~:g~~lii~a~e c~:b~~:tS~::~1 Larry Speakes. and no specific preparations are underway at ane.... to forge a bipartisan this timE' for a later summit compromise on the 1983 budget to ~~~!~If:~<!!e , ~}~~~ , !~~~ After that session, the president despilt' the collapse of talks last Administration officials, who said Reagan was willing to possibility that he and I. or our conferred with Republican accept an invitation to a fall summit, reported that Austria week between the chief representatives in the House members of the Senate Budget executive and HOUS(' Speaker had been mentioned as a possible site. The sourees asked not and Senate, can work Committee to plan strategy. to be identified by name. Thomas P . O' Neill. something out." Michel quoted O' Neill as While White House Press Secretary Larry Speakes and After meeting with Reagan in Though it had been widely having offered to meet with the Cabinet Room , both Senate assumed that Reagan would both himself' aad Baker. " He State Department spokesman Dean Fischer took pains to Majolity Leader Howard H. attempt to salvage his 1983 said. Bob, we have to get stress there are no specific plans for an autumn meeting, there Baker and House Minority bud~et by rebuilding the together and I said, 'We're was no flat denial that Reagan had decided to accept a Leader Robert Michel said they coalition of Republicans and certainly amenable to doing Brezhnev invitation to meet in a third country.
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