5 t b e v ut U am pslfirp V O L. 32. Issue 3 Z413 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, SEPTEMBER 30, 1941. PRICE: THREE CENTS Student Cops Aid Enrollment Drops Juniors Junior pictures are to be taken Nell Giles, Speaker at Chief Bourgoin in Only Two Per Cent in Room 16, New Hampshire Maintaining Order 1903 Undergraduates as Hall, beginning tomorrow, Oc­ tober 1. Please cooperate with Women’s Convocation Compared to 1942 in ’40 the staff by being prompt and Seven Seniors Deputized; having the required sitting fee. Novel Idea Introduced Though a decided drop was expected Noted Author of “Smooth in this year’s enrollment of men, fig­ Roger Marshall, Campus Dance Susan” Column Featured By President at Convo ures jjust released by Registrar Ev­ Editor, 1943 Granite. erett B. Sackett reveal that there are At First Meeting A novel idea to this campus was in­ Band Reorganized only 97 fewr mn here this yar than troduced at Convo last week by Presi­ Nell Giles, noted writer and radio there wer last. dent Engelhardt. For the first time First Appearance Will speaker, will lecture at the next wo­ there will appear on this campus a stu­ The grand total of students in the Council Sponsors Be Given Friday Night men’s convocation to be held Thurs­ dent police force which, at the present three colleges and the graduate school day, October 2, at Murkland Auditori­ Among the numerous organizations time is made up of seven seniors. These of the university is 1903 for the year Special Train um. Miss Giles is the author of the of ’41 as compared to 1942 for the past on the campus that are getting into full “Smooth Susan” series on which col­ seniors will have actual police power, Confirmation of the report that the academic year—a drop of less than two swing is the ever-popular college dance umn she based her book, “Susan Be for they have been deputized by Police Student Council will sponsor a special per cent. band, composed entirely of students. Smooth,” one of the best selling wo­ Chief Louis Bourgoin. train to Portland this Saturday for the Totals for individual colleges are as The four members lost last year have men’s books in recent years. This is a part of a new experiment in football game with Bates was made been replaced and the whole unit has follows: Agriculture, 153; Liberal During the summer months, her vocational training, designed to give this morning by President Ray Doyle. been re-organizd. This new band, to Arts, 1256; Technology, 417. The “Smooth Susan” column appeared in experience and instruction to those in­ According to plans made public today be known as Jack M itchell’s, is being greatest drop in these three divisions the “Boston Globe” under the title of terested in police work. They will be the train will leave the Durham rail­ built around the drummer, Sam Ac- is that of Tech, with a decline of 72 “Susan at College.” This series of instructed by leaders in the field of po­ road station about 12.30 P.M., and will kenazy; pianist, Gordon Barnett; and students. thirty articles was written for girls who lice work, including members of the return from the Portland station some] sax player, Bernie Ekmen. The other Co-eds will be interested in discov­ had thoughts of entering college in the New Hampshire State Police and Mo­ time around six o’clock in the evening, members constituting the band £re: ering that this year there are 1201 un­ fall. At the present time she is writ­ tor Vehicle Department. The first depending on track clearance on track Dave Ritchie and Paul Cattabrigga, dergraduate men on campus as com­ ing a new series which is entitled, “Su­ meeting was held last week under State clearance by Boston and Maine au- trumpet; Bob Knight, trombone; pared to last year’s 1298 and the men san at Work,” a column which should Police Lieutenant John Lockwood. At thoritis. Charlie Moller, George Brown, and the successful completion of this course will be even more interested to find be of interest to those women interest­ Tickts are on sale in the College BoBb Dudley, saxaphone; Roger the members will be given a recommen­ that there are 58 more women gracing ed in careers. Shop and the Wildcat, downtown Chamard, bass. dation by the University. This would U.N.H. than there were last year. This convocation on Thursday is stores where game tickets have al­ The style is a little different from help them if they tried to get into Two classes show increases. The compulsory for both freshman and ready been placed on sale. The rail­ last year but the band still has that police work in the future. freshman class, with the largest num­ sophomore women; those wishing to road fare will be $1.50 and admission certain “dance appeal” for which it Seniors Deputized ber of students in the history of the be excused from attending should con­ to the game $.83. The student Coun­ is famous. It can play smooth and university, has jumped from 527 to 590, tact Barbara Burns, head of Woman’s At present there are seven seniors cil will also sell tickets under T hall slow music but it can also with while the junior clas shas increasped Student Government. However as the who have been deputized and later sev arch all day Thursday. the best of them. The c£$s of this from 411 to 417. program is of major importance to all eral juniors will be taken into the corps band depends entirely'j^&n the sup­ Unless 200 tickets, have been sold by women at college, all are invited to for training so that they will be ex­ port of the studen^ and any oppor­ 5:00 P.M. on Thursday afternon the attend. perienced men for the following year. tunity to play for a-.’student funcjipn train will be cancelled. Therefore Those deputized are: Robert Anderson, Annual HorseShow will- be y ^ J ^ P u r n - Doyle emphasized the necessity of stu­ Roland Kimball, Ralph Parker, Edwin ished the music for th^Win£€r Carni­ Former Congreve North dents making plans and purchasing Richardson, Arthur Riel, Harrison Chairmen Named val and several sorority and fraternity tickets immediately. Girls Hold Reunion Smith, and Robert Wood. Preparations are now being made dances. Anyone wishing to engage the for the ninth annual Horse Show spon­ The Congreve North Girls of the The new force made its first ap The train is returning early to make band for future dates can do so by con­ sored by the Outing Club and the Ani class of 1944 held an informal reunion pearance at Saturday’s game where it it possible for students to attend the tacting Bernie Ekmen. mal Husbandry Department which will in the large living room of their for­ successfully directed traffic and took dance in New Hampshire hall Satur­ The band wil make its initial appear­ take place Monday, October 13, in the mer living quarters Sunday afternoon care of the parking problems. day evening which will be sponsored ance of the year at the football rally permanent ring that was erected two at four o’clock. Fifty of the former by the Yacht club. on Friday evening, so everybody come years ago by the State Racing Com­ 81 girls were there to exchange mem­ and “lend an ear.” Regular “Rec” Parties mission. ories and experiences, and to enjoy Begin Thursday Night Carolyn Napier, this year’s director Monroe Evans New the cokes and cookies. Miss Phipps re­ of the show, has recently announced Mask and Dagger ported that the ten dollars which the Regular “Rec,” sponsored by W . A. the following committee chairmen: Outing Club Prexy girls donated to the dorm last year A. and in charge of Flora Kimball will Trophies Chairman, Virginia Hill; was to be used to buy a painting for At an election held last night at Blue Tryouts Tomorrow start Thursday and will be held reg Patrons, Claire Richards; Programs, the wall of the living room and a flower ularly on Monday and Thursday there­ Circle meeting, Monroe Evans was Tryouts for the Fall Production, Bob Stewart and Dorothy Jasper; bowl. One Sunday Afternoon,” will be held after from 7:00 to 7:50 P.M. in New Publicity* Phyllis Deveneau; Entries, named president of the Outing Club in New Hampshire Hall on the fol­ Most Girls Back Hampshire Hall. Anne Stevens; Field, Carlton Preble; for the forthcoming year. He is to take the place of ex-president Bob Aus­ lowing evenings at 7:00 P.M.; sopho­ All but ten of last year’s girls are Rec provides vie dancing to the lat Tickets, Ted Stebbins and Judy Aus­ mores, tomorrow; juniors, Thursday; back on campus. It was reported that est tunes by popular dance bands. tin; Concessions, Kenneth Millar and tin, who was drafted this summer. A and seniors on Friday. Members of three of the girls have gone in train­ Facilities for ping pong, shuffleboard, Marcia Robinson; and Broadcasting, member of the class of ’43 and Lambda Mask and Dagger may try out any ing. Eleanor Dearborn at the Chil­ and bridge are available. Badminton David Sleeper. Chi, Evans will hold office until late next spring when the annual elections one of the three evenings. dren’s Hospital in Boston; Margaret courts may be used by those who bring Mr. and Mrs. J.
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