THE HETRICI( FAMILY 1651-1955 Historical and Biographical Sketch of the Hcdderich, Heddrich, Hedrick, Hcidenrich, Heidrich, Hctrich, Hetrick Family Compiled by :\IARTHA LOUISE HETRICK Copvright l 95~ M. LOUISE HETRICK Composition by SCOTT SECRET ARIAL SERVICE Lemoyne, Pennsylvania THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO OUR ANCESTORS WHO BRAVED THE WILDERNESS TO SETTLE IN THIS COUNTRY AND LEA VE TO US SUCH A RICH HERITAGE V ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank the many people who have so kindly given of their time and help in the research needed to com­ plete our history. To those people who so graciously fur­ nished the pictures we are indebted. Miss Sally Weikel and Mrs. Ethel Davenport of the State Library at Harrisburg, Pa. whose untiring efforts unearthed-many old documents and books from which we were able to obtain information which otherwise would have been unknown to us, Mr. William Meikle of the faculty of William Fenn High School Harrisburg, Pa. for the translation of the Coat of Arms, and all materials from Germany, Mr. William Rohrbeck of Camp Hill, Pa. for the interpretation of the Coat of Arms and painting of saw.e. Dr. Bernard Hetrick of Butler, Pa, for his untiring efforts in working out John Wilhelms' fam­ ily and weaving it together in our history, and for his many interesting stories of the Hetrick descendents of his family. To Mr. Floyd Hoenstine of Hollidaysburg, Pa. for finding the deed to the Nicholas Hetrick farrr, in Clover Creek. Rev. Hugo Piesch of Langenselbold, Germany for church records. Dr. Fritz Braun Kaiserslautern, Germany for early family records. We beg forgiveness for any mistakes made, as they are unintentional, we copied the material just as it was given to us, and, after such a long period of time elapsing, since our first ancestor arrived in this country, there are sure to be sow.e slight errors. We humbly submit to you the first book to be written of the Hedderich family who were one of the first settlers in this country. M. Louise Hetrick . , .. Historian Mrs. Emrna Moyer. Ass't. Historian Dorothy L. Hetrick . Typist vii HISTORIAI\S Reverc.11d Darnel G. H<etrick was born at Beavertown, Pennsylvania April 14, 18tol, and died December 13, 1927. He was the son of Michael A. and Catherine Greaser Hetrick, and a great-,;randson of Nicholas and Christina 'Hetrick. He was graduated from Franklin and Marshall College, and the Reformed Theological Seminary in Lan­ caster, Pennsylvania, He was ordained to the mrnistrv of the Reformed Church at Schellsburg, Pennsylvania April 14, 1892. He served -twenty-five years in active ser­ vice at two pastorates, Schellsburg and Clearville. He was married to Olive Eberly and they were the parents of five children, three daughters and two sons. Francis Marion Hetrick was born on his father's farm at Clover Creek, Pennsylvania January 9, 1867, and died in Altoona, Penn­ sylvania May 2., 1936. He was the son of Sarnuel F. and Maria Biddle Hetrick, and· the great-grandson of l\icholas and Christina Hetrick. He rece:ved his elementary educa­ tion in Clover Creek, and High School at Williamsburg, Pennsylvania, He then took advanced work at Lock Haven State Teachers' College and prepared for teaching. He taught school at Frankstown and East Holli­ daysbLrg, Pennsylvania, He later served on the Pennsylvania Railroad police force until he was appointed Lieutenant of the Altoona police force. In 190Q he was made Circula- tion Manager of the Altoona Mirror Printing Company which posit10n he held until his death. He was a great worker in the Junior Mechanic Lodge, being a Past State Councilor. Mr. Hetrick was of the Lutheran faith. He and Reve rand Darnel Hetrick started this history in 19 24. ~1. Louise Hetrick, daughter of Francis Marion and great-great-granddaughter of :\"icholas and Christina Hetrick, was born in Altoona, Pennsylvania May 11, 1907. She was educated in the Altoona Schools, gradu­ ating from the Altoona H:gh School. Her college traininr; was at Temple University, Philadelphia; Penn State, State College; and Mansfield State Teachers' College, Mans­ field, Pennsylvania, receiving a Rcichelor of Science Degree in Public School Music and Social Studies. She furthered her education in New York and specialized in vocal work. She has studied with some of the n1ost noted voice teachers in the country, and has done concert work, church choir work, and has directed any number uf choirs. At present Miss Hetrick is voc:ai supervisor at Edison Junior High School, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. She has done all of the research work and most of the compiling of this book. She is of the Lutheran faith. Dorothy L. Hetrick daughter of Francis Marion and great-great-granddaughter of Nicholas and Christina Hetrick, was born in Altoona. Pennsylvania November 5, 1909. She received her education in the Altoona Schools, graduating from the Altoona High School. She 1s also a graduate of the Altoona School of Commerce and worked for the Bell Telephone Company in Altoona for three years before going to Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia wher_e she graduated as a nurse. She did both hospital and private nursing in Philadelphia then came to Harris­ burg, Pennsylvania and worked in doctors' offices. At present she is errployed by the Medical Service Association of Pennsylvama in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Dorothy was typist for this history. She is of the Lutheran faith. Emma Moyer born March 10, 1904, a daughter of J. Luther and Mary Srr:ith Hetrick and was educated in the Youngstown, Ohio Schools. She married B. Frank Moyer of Pottstown, Pennsylvania and Jives in New Berlinville, Pennsylvania. Emma is a great-great-granddaughter of Nicholas and Christina Hetrick. They are the parents of five children, three daughters and two sons. They are members of the Reformed Church. Mrs. Moyer helped in compiling this history. Dr. Bernard D. Hetrick born May 16, 1892- -married Ruth Irene Baer, and they are the parents of three children. Dr. Hetrick graduated in 1915 from the School of Dentistry at Temple Um­ versity. He has written for dental magazines as well as outdoor publications. He is Clinician and Lecturer on Dental Subjects having appeared in U.S. and Canada. Speaker on Conservation before Sportsmen's Clubs. He has a long career in Scouting and was the recipient of the Award of Merit, Silver Beaver Award, and rrember in the Vigil Honor, in The Order of the Arrow in Scout- ing. Member of the Executive Board of Pioneer Trails Council and Council Chair- man of Camping for ten years. He also served as Committeeman, Scout Master and Chairman of Merit Badge Board of Review. Dr. Hetrick is descended from the Gore family on his mother's side and lists in his X lineage Samuel Gore, a member of The Boston Tea Party; Obediah Gore, one of the first Justices of the Peace in Pennsylvania and the first man in the world to burn anthracite coal as fuel. The first Gores came to America in 1635. Three of Obediah's sons and two son-in­ laws were slain in the Wyoming Massacre. Another son was at the time on the eastern front in the Revolutionary War and another son, Daniel, lost his left arm in the Massacre. Daniel is the fifth great­ grandfather of Dr.· Hetrick. Dr. Hetrick supplied many facts and stories on Wilhelm's history as well as some of the illustrations. He has been an ardent amateur photographer for many years. Dr. Hetrick is of the Methodist faith. Dr. Fritz Braun of Kaiserslautern, Germany, did the German research on the Heddrich history. xi DESC"ZIPTIO:-,- OF THE SYMBOLS .-'.:\"D COLORIT-,;GS OF THE COA~- OF ARMS ARMORIAL COAT Hedder:ch or Hetre1ch. - - Field sable and gu;es, a fesse argent chc~rged w:tl: t:--:ree roses gu:es. FIELD The surface of the shield upon which the charges or bearin,:;s are ::ilazoned. , (back~ round). Sable, or blac~. denotes constanc~-. Gules, or red, denotes military fort1tude and n-:_a.~nan1n-::t:, It is also the colors of the ffart\·rs. Fesse, Cne of the nine honorable ord1nar1~s. a str1µ or band ::,laced horizontalh- ;:,cross the shield and occupying one-third of the Leid. Ordinarv, A charge or bearing of s1ncple form. Argent, \Vhite or silver, s1gn~fies peace and s1ncer!ty. Charge, A charge placed upon a field. Arms, "Tierce tn fess of sat>le, of s:lver and gules, the silver decorated with three of gules, arranged in fess. Crest, Bectrded n-:an stand in~ c ro,~vned v.,ith rose vines au natural, covered w:th gules, his forearnos bare, holding in his right band a bare fish. xii CONTENTS Acknowledgements vii Historians ix Coat of Arms xiii THE HEDDERICH FAMILY IN GERMANY Origin of Family Name From Where Did the Heddrich1 s Come to America The Heddrich, Hedderich, Hadderich, Hadrich, Family in Langenselbold 4 The Family Ermold, Ermoldt, Ermolt 6 Church Records of Hedderich Family 6 lMMlGRA TION TO AMERICA 9 Variations in the Spelling of the Name, and the History of the Palatine Immigrants 9 The Story of The Ship's Voyage To America 12 Where Did Carl Heddrich Hetrick Family Settle in the U. S. A.? 13 THE DESCENDANTS OF JOHN WILHELM HEDDERICH - HETRICK 15 Adam - First Son 15 Peter - Second Son 16 Michael - Third Son 17 Francis - Fourth Son 17 George - Fifth Son 17 The Heterick $70, 000, 000, No Myth 17 Thomas - Sixth Son 17 Nicholas - Seventh Son 17 William - Eighth Son 18 Jacob - Ninth Son 18 John - Tenth Son 27 Henry - Eleventh Son 27 Lucy - First Daughter 27 Name Unknown - Second Daughter 27 Family History of Elias and Mary Updegraff 27 ANECDOTES 39 Pioneer Courage 39 Recollections of J.
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