VOLUME XXXI “AU The County News F«r Everybody” MOCKSVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1948 “AH The County News Per Everybody” No. 30 Davie Electric Funeral Rites Sunday LOCAL NATIONAL GUARD UNIT Membership Corporation For Pvt. Frank Myers ROTARY DISTRICT GOVERNOR LAUDS OBSERVES FIRST ANNIVERSARY To Hold Meeting Oct. 2 PROGRESS OF MOCKSVILLE CLUB The Medical Detachment of the Members of the Davie Electric UAMES REVIVAL Harold Makepeace, of Sanford, 120th infantry, National Guard, Military Rites Held Membership Corp. will hold their A revival meeting will begin at REVIVAL SPEAKER district governor of the 191st Ro­ Major William M. Long, com­ 10th annual meeting on October Ijames Cross Roads Baptist tary district presided at the week, manding, celebrated the first an- For William Champ 2, at 2 p.m. at the Mocksville Ma­ church Sunday night, October 3, ly meeting of the Rotary club . inevrsary of its organization at a sonic picnic grounds. There will at 7 o’clock. The pastor. Rev. W. Tuesday and praised the club'for dinner-dance at the Rotary hut be many features of interest to C. Barkley, will be asissted in the progrera it was making in last Monday night. Contributing all members and general public these services by Rev. Lail, of both the Rotary field and com­ members of the National Guard alike, such as a large electrical Taylorsville. The public is in­ munity. Mr. Makepeace pointed observed the celebration as hon­ display in the high school gym­ vited to attend. out that the Mocksville club was ored guests. nasium (this being displayed by the only club in the 19lst district < The local unit ot the National local business men), $1,200 prizes REPVaUCAN SPEAKER that owned id own building, and Ghard was one year old on Sep­ to be given to the members of the this district includes such cities as John A. Wilkinson, Republican tember 20. Around 120 members, corporation, and a rousing speech, Winston-Salem, Salisbury, High can^date for the United States wives, friends and honored guesta by Gwynn Price, head of the Ru­ Point etc. He was in great praise Senate, will address the voters of enjoyed the buffet dinner of fried ral Electrification Authority of of the successful projects being DVivie and adjoining counties at chicken, ham, biscuits, potato aal- North Carolina. conducted by the club, among the courthouse.in Mocksville on ad, deviled eggs, sandwiches, cel- This meeting will be climaxing Reinterment services with full which he mentioned the local Boy Saturday, October 2, at 2:30 p.m. eryrcaff ut», pie, etc., followed ty the ninth anniversary of energi­ military honon conducted by the Scout troops. Boys’ State annual Thomas Ray Davia Post 4024, Vet­ both round and square dancing. zation ot the co-ops’ lines which representative, establithment of erans of Foreign Wars, Mocka­ FABMINOTON MASONS Mra. Letter P. Martin, local means that for the past nine years National Guard, chewing gum ville, will be held et Hb«vllle Guard mother, waa given the more and more rural peopleVho There will be • «ec io l com- REV. J. C. R. HENDON machines placed throughout town, Methodist church, on Stmday af­ honor ot cutting the beautiful are living in Davie and adjoining mtmicatioa ot the Masons at The annual revival meeting the proceeds from which go to Reinterment servicca with full ternoon, October 3, at 3 p.m. tor the bUnd, and numeroua other three-tiercd anniversary cake, ot counUes have been able to ac­ Farmington lodge oa Saturday WiU begin at the MocksviUe Bap­ military honon by the Thomaa the late Pvt. Frank Myers, who projecta that are of aid to cfta- which ■ slice waa aerved to all quire the conveniencea ot their evening; October S, at 7:30. There tist church next Sunday evening Rejr Davis Post 40M, Veterans of was killed in Italy on January 7, mimity growth. preaant town and village neighbors will be work in the second de­ at 7:30. Rev. J. C. R. Hendon, Foreign Wara, MocksviUe, were 1944. V Mr. Makepeace presented the Out-ot-town gueata for the oe- through the use ot electricity. Yes, gree, and all are Urged by O. A. pastor of Southtide Baptiat church held at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Pvt. Myera ia survived by hia hwal club president J- H. Thcnp. cailoa were M.-Sgt. W. E. Mc- back before the war Davie coun­ Hartman, WJi., to attend. of MooresvUle, will preach. church, on Stutday afternoon, parents, O. C. Myera and Flormee son, with a Rotary wheel miatie Maaten and M^or John Carrier ty was only about 19 per cent Prayer, teaching and conference September 2«, for Pvt. William Boger Myers, tiye brothers, Wal­ the cogs. A cog is to be addad to ot Salisbury. electrified, but at the present time groups will be held each eve­ McKinley Champ, who waa killed the wheel for each successful proj­ approximately 80 per cent ot all ter, RaymomC Travis, Billy and ning during the week at 6:49. The in the invasion of Italy on No­ Sgt John Gordon Ammons, ect completed during the Rotary homes are now receiving electric Alvin, one sister, Mrs. Roy Phelps. Juniora will be led by Miss Louise vember 5, IM3. Pvt. Champ waa USMC, son of Mrs. Cleo A. Clem­ year 1048-194». These wheela power. Religioiu services will be con­ Stroud; intermediatea by Mrs. STATESUPERVISOR the son of Mrs. Lillie Champ ot ducted by Chaplain I t M. Hardee, ent of Avon street Mocksvllle, is with their cogs are to be dia* What docs this mean to Davie Harold Shanks; young people and Route 4, Mocksville. Rev. Howard Jordan and Rev. serving with the First Marine di- played comparatively at the an­ county as a whole? Electricity adults by Miss Willa Marks. The Membera of the Veterans of Alex Dody. visioa, whidi is participating in nual conference next spring. VISITS SCHOOLS is now considered one of the fore­ public is invited to attend. , The achoola of Davie county Foreign Wars taking part in the the amphibious training exercitet most, important factors of living F. R. Leagans will serve as com­ were happy to have Misa Julia military funeral were: F. R. Lea­ in Southern California under the MocksvUle Bay Scouta' insomuch that it takes the toil and mander of the miliUry funeraL . Weatherington, elementary super­ gans, commander; James B. command ot Rear Admiral B. J. Methodists To Have drudgery out of numerous tasks Finance Campaign visor ot the sUte'deparUnent of Swicegood, efUcer ot the day; Rodgers; USN, conunsnder, am' about the home, farm and factory. Minion Study Clan public instrucUon, as a visitor last chaplain, Robert M. Hardee; bu­ 4-H Pullet Sale phibioua force. Pacific fleet. Will Begin B fend^ The housewife now has more The Methodist Mission Study week. Miss Weatherington visit­ gler, Jimmy Campbell: military To Be October 7 J. H. Thompson wiU serve aa escort, M-Sgt. Owen B. Baker, time to mq^e a better home, the class, composed of members of ed each teacher in the William R. If you are not assured of finance campaign chairman tor Charlotte; commander of firing children are not so overburdened the W.S.C.S. from Advance, Coo­ Davie school and in the Shady good supply of fresh eggs this BUS DRIVERS the Boy Scout drive from October squad, Alvis King; members of that their acquirement of knowl­ leemee, Farmington, Mocksville Grove school. She was particular­ fall and winter, you will have an 4 through October 8 , Scout Exec­ firing squad, Ben Ellis, Joe King, edge is hampered,' and all men­ and Smith Grove, will be held in ly interested in helping the teach­ excellent opportunity to fullfill utive Bunn Hackney stated today. John H. White, E. L. Morris, Wil­ folk are greatly improving the SEEPiaURE Cooleemee at the eMthodist ers with their iiutruction of pu­ this need next Thur^ay, October Fifty bus drivers and substi­ MocksvUle has two Scout liam L. Carter, Hubert H. Hayes, state of the nation simply because church, Monday, October 4. Mrs. pils. 7, at 2 p.m., at the Masonic pic­ tutes met in Mocksville Friday, troops, one white and one colored, Frank Koontz, James C. Comer; they have found a sharp tool to Jessie Ames from Tryan, a con Wednesday aften^oon at 2:30 nic ground, according to J. P. September 24, to view two safe sponsored by the Rotary club, and colorbearers, J. C. Jones and W. use to a great advantage and this ference secretary of Christian so- Miss Weatherington met with all Bowles, assistant county agent At one cub pack sponsored by the C. Turrentine; color guards, Ben tool in turn has been made avail­ driving pictures presented by the cial relations, will review the the principals in the superintend­ this time one hundred and twenty North Carolina Safety division. Mocksvillc Methodist church. Bowles and Worth Hendricks; ac­ able to 80 per cent of the people book, “We the Peoples of the ent’s office and- discussed state choice New Hampshire pullets, D. J. Hatcher ot M t Airy, safety Scouting is available, to every boy tive pallbearers, C. F. Meroney, of- Davie county throu^. the ef­ United Nations.” and local projects with them. Her grown by 4-H club boys and girls, supervisor for this district, was in in MocksvUle through the units Jr., Duke Tutterow, Richard Bee- forts of the Rural Electrification The first session will be from wide experience in the schools of will be sold at auction in lota of charge fd the meteing.
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