Northumberland Local Development Plan Core Strategy Preferred Options Consultation Document: February 2013 Contents Foreword iii 1 Introduction 1 2 A spatial portrait of Northumberland 5 3 Spatial vision and objectives - delivering sustainable development 7 4 Delivering the vision - the spatial strategy for Northumberland 11 5 Housing 27 6 Economy 42 7 Town centres and retailing 57 8 Green Belt 69 9 Minerals 73 10 Waste 93 11 Renewable and low carbon energy 100 12 Sustainable construction and small-scale renewable energy 106 13 Transportation 113 14 Information and communication technologies 123 15 Community facilities 126 16 Natural and historic environment 129 17 Water environment 149 18 Making it happen 157 Glossary 159 Appendices A Town and district centre boundaries 170 B Car parking standards 182 C Audit of services and facilities survey data 188 Northumberland Core Strategy Preferred Options Consultation Document - February 2013 Foreword Foreword In summer 2012 the Council undertook extensive engagement on the Core Strategy Issues and Options document, which was the first stage of preparing the new set of planning policies for Northumberland. There was a significant public response to the consultation which illustrates that communities across Northumberland want to be engaged in shaping the future of Northumberland. This is the second stage in producing the planning policies for Northumberland. This Preferred Options document has been informed by local opinions, together with further work. The document identifies preferred policy options for most topic areas. However, feedback from the Issues and Options consultation has highlighted that there is still further work to do in particular around housing numbers. Therefore, there will be further engagement on the results of this work in the summer. We want to know your views on whether the draft policies or preferred policy approaches are appropriate for meeting future development needs, which fully take into account Northumberland's special culture and environment, now and in the future. Thank you for taking the time to read the document and I look forward to receiving your comments. Councillor Tom Brechany Executive Member for Planning, Housing and Regeneration Northumberland Core Strategy Preferred Options Consultation Document - February 2013 iii Foreword iv Northumberland Core Strategy Preferred Options Consultation Document - February 2013 1. Introduction 1. Introduction What is the Core Strategy? 1.1 Once adopted, the Northumberland Core Strategy will: Be the overarching spatial plan for the County, excluding the Northumberland National Park, guiding future development and land use planning decisions to 2030; Be the spatial interpretation of the Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) for Northumberland (2011)(1) which aims to ‘make Northumberland a place that is resilient for the future’; Aim to maximise benefit for the community, the environment and the local economy through sustainable development; Establish the general scale and distribution of development and the Council’s approach to the key planning issues facing Northumberland; 1.2 The statutory development plan for Northumberland currently comprises the North East of England Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) together with the adopted Core Strategies and saved policies of the Local Plans of the former local planning authorities that made up Northumberland prior to Local Government Review (2009). The Government has announced its intention to abolish regional spatial strategies, but until this happens the RSS remains part of the development plan. 1.3 When adopted, the Core Strategy will provide the strategic policies of the Local Plan, which together with adopted Neighbourhood Plans will be used to determine planning applications. The Core Strategy will supersede: All policies in the Core Strategies adopted in 2007 for the former Alnwick, Blyth Valley and Tynedale Districts, and some policies in the former Blyth Valley Development Control DPD (2007); Some saved policies from the Local Plans of former planning authorities; and Policy S5 of the Northumberland County and National Park Joint Structure Plan (2005). 1.4 Further detailed policies and allocations of land for certain uses will be included within a Delivery Development Plan Document. 1.5 The Core Strategy and its policies must be in conformity with national planning policy principles as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), and reflect the needs and priorities of Northumberland’s communities. The Council will continue to support Neighbourhood Plans to shape and direct sustainable development in local areas. Neighbourhood Plans will need to be in general conformity with, and support the strategic policies of the Core Strategy, and the NPPF. 1.6 The Core Strategy must be deliverable. A key element of the evidence base for the plan is an Infrastructure Delivery Plan. This will establish key infrastructure requirements across the county, such as transport, utilities, and community facilities. A baseline infrastructure needs assessment has informed this Preferred Options document, and a draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan will be consulted on alongside the full draft Core Strategy. 1 The Sustainable Community Strategy, developed by the Northumberland Strategic Partnership (NSP) sets out the County’s long term vision, considering the needs and aspirations of communities, to improve their quality of life. Northumberland Core Strategy Preferred Options Consultation Document - February 2013 1 1. Introduction 1.7 Recognising that the Core Strategy has a long timescale it is important that sufficient flexibility is incorporated. Therefore, the plan will be kept up to date through annual monitoring and as necessary review. How has this Preferred Options document been prepared? 1.8 The Preferred Options document is the second stage of preparing the Core Strategy. The first stage, the Issues and Options document, was subject to extensive and wide ranging community engagement for 12 weeks from 23 May 2012 to 15 August 2012. During the engagement period, 33 public drop-in events were held across the county, together with a number of stakeholder and community workshops. In addition, the Council has continued to engage with a wide variety of stakeholders, in particular Town and Parish Councils after the end of the 12 week period. 1.9 Representations submitted to the Council, together with comments received during drop in events, workshops, as well as on-going engagement, have been considered and have helped inform this Preferred Options document. Issues and Options Consultation responses, and notes from the workshops can be viewed at www.northumberland.gov.uk/CoreStrategy. 1.10 Evidence used to inform the Issues and Options has in some cases been updated and some further work is being undertaken which will inform the next stage of the plan's development. Throughout the document, key evidence documents are indicated in footnotes and hyperlinks. 1.11 The Preferred Options document has been informed by a Sustainability Appraisal which is compliant with Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive, a Habitats Regulations Assessment and an Equalities Impact Assessment. These documents are also available to comment on during the consultation period. 1.12 In addition, the Council is required to work with neighbouring local planning authorities and stakeholders when preparing Local Plans - the 'Duty to Co-operate'. The Council is therefore having discussions with adjoining authorities and stakeholders regarding strategic issues which may have significant cross boundary impacts. A Memorandum of Understanding has been developed with the five Tyne and Wear authorities and Durham County Council regarding approaches to key issues such as population and housing, economic development, transport and infrastructure. What is the purpose and scope of the Preferred Options document? 1.13 The purpose of the document is to seek feedback on updated policy approaches, as well as draft policies. However, for some areas the Council is not in a position to identify draft policies for consultation at this stage. As a result of the level of interest in the Core Strategy it was considered important to undertake further consultation on the emerging policies in advance of the Local Government Elections in May 2013, with additional opportunities for engagement after this. 1.14 Feedback on the Issues and Options document highlighted that the Council needed to undertake further work in some areas. An area where the Council considered a substantial amount of further work was needed was around housing. As a result, the 2 Northumberland Core Strategy Preferred Options Consultation Document - February 2013 1. Introduction Council has commissioned population and household modelling work together with an update to its long term employment forecasts. These will test a series of different growth based scenarios. The Council is also undertaking the following work: Further analysis of the housing needs survey to identify the types and levels of affordable housing required at lower levels; A review of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment will also be undertaken during 2013; and An update to the Strategic Housing Market Assessment. 1.15 The findings of these evidence base studies will inform the scale and distribution of housing required and will inform the need for any reviews to the existing Green Belt. Further engagement on the results of this work will take place in summer 2013.
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