helm: 13.000; attorney. H B Aarhoff, 44 Wal1 rt. 8TH AVK, 2917. 74 11 ft n of 154th at. :7*»ice; II-rman Fra-.-h Sahlne. Aufl I. Aprll 18, 1913. Oeorn-r J Butt»<*hardt to William » Helaa; 13,000; attorney, E Flxman. 65 Llb- W.I'NK.-I'W. KVOVWt erty at. 7TH 45 Kaat. 25x93 4: Nov 11. 1911: ,r,,K l ST, Pophla L to Abraham L BTATE 11,000; ratrtfl Patraa lo>l »..:. Margulla Kaia, attorney, A -fl . ¦. & ** Other Ur -., lilan .Mam he*t.-r. _OB I.erner. 230 Uran.l at. Sports . U*wpe-A The Bronx. Racing .< . Swimming >ul> Ton^and.Fr.inrla.-o.Hull. JjU J»;;;.%2 Maiacai .Trlnldad. Aug »...... ST ANN'R AVE. a e cor l«1-rt at, runa e H..r:.a'!- -iMgJJ 244 lx a 3V>x w lOOx a M) to n s 159th at x w Tltlan ... i-i r,alvr*ton *.¦».;.Auk '.¦....SalS 125 1 to n e ror St Ann'a ave x n 400 <! to be- i,i. 10.. clyde.,'*c *a>f=B£*2fciI Best Horse M.,MU :: Jr.v.nM.le. Atlg glnnlnK. also elght r.ther pareels In Se.-tloni I, "Tracery ls 10 and 12. Aprll 12. 1888; A.b'ph Q Hupf-I .<* E Statra rn. Nevurk, N '(trlnfla mail. t'nltrd Hrrwlng- J; UA- 000. attorneya, Whlte & Caae, 14 Wall it. STEAMERS. ¦ ** tenmt" Belmont OUTGOING B8taea.2xT4.iix4e.ie; u p«.J ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE3. mta I Ever Owned" To-UAV' an.l amrea. prior M*.OUO. R,aPn Va-.M ror of B'*«*n aall VIKI'K ST. Ti and 24. a fl and Vit'ST 0 Veaael. For. Une. at MltOA.Ta !ri-e.. leaaehold 4 aty tenmt is ready to ..«***<* «*»»¦.2,.- '"<*. ...¦.¦""¦ Morrla Park Extatcs to Columhla-Knlclcar. at ar-.y apeed rer*ulred and Bantu. Monte-rldeo, No-tea.W.80"- OFFERINGS ii tv tenmt ami atoree; prtor I'epper- THE Weal Bhore, horkrr Tnjar i'o. $10<>. AUCTION on hold his llontaemt Havar.a, M'jn MXTEEN LOTS Believes Him ToBe Better than gn on a llttle faster. lle ran ia Bellenie, Ruaaell and Creee roada. at Tlunlcrrh Trunt ro and ano to t'nltrd and go on TuaaoAT, acourr Mge. County. N T. prior Statra Hrrwlna; II. .44n with tho baal sprlnters Ha ¦ :t" « ¦ Oakdale. lalip, Beffolfe Co; k tv flee Ur, m araaaa, N £*?."" Truat.ea. Kxr-cutora and S»eurltlea Torpn, Metropolitan stoutest stayers. TracaO aT*8*ll m -¦ WinsQuarter-Mile Rock Sand, His Sire. with the ,: n nla Olbraltar. funarl B:80a Shore r-i O.,,,,,!, I.td, and ano, to l.'nltrd Statra Brrwln* at mlk "Kx'lXnrg on B*4*4 sweeper ii tarlee last year one Parcels to Go Under the Ham¬ I. t. Lewta a»r Aaaella PWW .'o: 11. Title a Ten-Yard * PH1I*»»- MBJpin BngUadar I. 3 Marx. rof. Aator Truat Co to Tourtlandt P by Would you tako Maa\8ei fr.r Tra.-ery"" r&S CrSJobalTNT ".»''' et al F I» W Soarlnrr. atty; Hull, Jr; luiPr, Bl.""¦ '**°m ,, Into his ln* . ln mer Week. due. 81.20810, 18.n.i.i. one reporter asked, dlving Roiterdam, Kotter. Hol-Am .','.- This ON FR1DAT. Hnrry Wn!f> to Wiillam Relaa; 11. Margin. PRINCE PALATINE'S MASTER 88 tbOllgh for a Pumpasla. Nantea. Itailaa.. :.?,,. Blde waisteoat pOCket Unape, Jack'rllie. Ciyde. IrOOpai The offerings at BUetJoa in tho Vesey AT NO, 14 VESET STKICET. MECHANICS' LIENS. cheek book. 8 KVQVtt II sak-sroom J. ii Mayi ta Hrlnioi.t. BDXS8DAY, Street and The Hronx exehange ny AUOUaTT °. "t'ertalnly." rceponded Mr. U lav-aie, Hmre. preaee TrOOBtB \onoam -..n ave. H.-.7, a ¦, .'.ii ft o of tttjAtA, SPEED Back a better l m .'¦ <"'P m this week follow. and is.as-.ei TITFANV ST. a BJ 688 of IdTth at o-\T-g. SHOWS OLDTIME Great Stallion May Come ..if 4ou abowed where i cooJd get ij. -rpeol. Ctmard, J»p M 4x100. 4 at> tenmt itoreflj r.lff.ird it avaa ara ia, La Ouayra Bed i> I 10a ra u.""'" TO-DAY. ,-,"i .Lv .. Hai Reiaael al: U Fdv.ln M HouKhtallnf- nut Bulldln* to if Re- horse for j:i«U»-v by whlcb token Mct.inan i.l«-a '' B*ruli 0:90 am I2:«>i"i due. felabara.taxea, CO, Inr. 044 ner ,,nrl r»ntrar*lor; 8123 Kentucky Racing l "" STF.F.ET. atty; Mareel Levy. ref. .8.8408*1. Eaat. tnferred that Tra<>ry was nol for eat* Irouuoli H Domlneo. Clyde.ie-OOa m i-'« AT mi. lt VESET *74'i s.r IO a !lri.r n.-a nf I15.0W. I37TH £>T. 878 John l.ueaa rl r**», rn 00 P nr ||l at. rjonnr T, ta:.'- ''¦ ir.. Mi d Hr;./ 1.80 P I i*. * Co «. a. ft n of .«tti ln". ag-f Hrnrnn * DI 044nrra. Pr'lu- Out in turns to Favor. s areer as B BtOCfc hOrM de* By D. Ingrahani JD AVE, 1408, TT.IO "¦i"'" rtO Eeilly Noses Wheatley Traeery Suc.itaa, ll**" . .*¦««¦. 1 ten:nt and "loras i.-ri Hrr.a. ,-ontractore; 1".2 take In '-"" "» .tth gT JM I-'*' n a, BO ft -B.TxtO0 Pt) brk rliie and 21' Hlller penda upon the courae thlnga Protrua, N Orleaiia, ie P« ".mai Biorea. riK' i-ame. actlon 2; aame att) and ref; llOTH ST. ?no Beat; si-^m Battle for Seeond Place a fi'aft of The Trit-une 1 ii :..-'. in. '"' P m ant ara 3O-.10O.10; g-ety an to a f4irf Annle J"han»on, 04vner and [Ftom Correspnndrnt if the Amerlcan people ,,|,,. .,,!,, Mal'y ,¦ Bun Conetn i <¦ at ai, 13.5411 AA; taxea, He, 1740. aub prior C rontractor; 'this country Clrde. loopm l Aii.ie.-.,.. agt re.. a Saratosa Bprlnga, N. v Aug. le.."Be¬ of a BtalHon Haeen. Jackaoorilie. I * A. Bttyfl; Ph.enlx Ingraharn. mtg of 118.000 |2flo. Tide BbOW they are worthy great 'leraon. _ S7TH 44 Wr-at Kr.ink Krrt,*»r .Strong aii doubt the best horae 00; taaaa, H »- iaa aa ST, jnCi yond Tracery la will come back to Kentu.ky to lake due, 121,240 ar* Mary A H»-nahr,44- nnd J.ihr. H Hrnahaw, " he MAILS. LEASES. I ever This what TRANSPACIFIC Bj leaaph P. Daj RECORDED tru.atr-ra nnrl ownera; Auron Harrla, con- Handicap. OWaod Ifl AugUBI Rock Band when io-ra N V. ? lessee.) the place va.-ated by ,,7TH BT, BOa Eaat. n a, 105 ft el ftVlth name and eddrfl. of tmctr.r. fV'.non Belmont said yeeterday to a group of now famoua aetter Iir-Ftlnatinn Bad "teamer t'M P.M. 2f> '.' HOPE 1772: P^.-- the veteraa swimmer Mr. Belmonl soid that 1 At'Ot'OT MOl'NT AVE, AntOflla L B. Qoodarln, rt port,rs who him for newa of Hawall, Japan, Corea Chlna, hinp- im^ATiWAY. ITf" ((.round r*nnr and pa" !!po :.Kt Hrnrmlno IannucrlH. ownrr and eon. Ni-w York AthMii- added a proooed of artnnera to a Byndlcate of French* Baa i-'r.nv laro) Btunye ia«a Co to of the Club, tho bred ninner of tho Bt a pinea (vla A ' IT., ¦",".. &.%*! .iue.%.4,i:u;;.i. baaement); Tlmefl Bquare AutomoMle trarfr-r; 11..-,114. the Kentucky and for aervlca ln Fratu Ua u . '. ts froin I, IBl»; anntm ST Tirm to 31« frurth tltle tO his <-redit in wlnnlng of men Amerlcana «'hin.-. irla etc. 1184* 41. Henrj .vldan; I Hay I1TH Beat; IWmanna, Leger of IMJ and the Bcllpoe Btakeo e of the tlllhei ality IJanan, Corea, Pblltpplnefl TO-MOBROW. ¦o "30 audubon ava Ifadden .*.- 00 .urt nn'ieer* -Flannarnn Brrw. lf there ls a reeuiretu -, ¦' AU»' ¦¦ 14.100; addreaa rnetropolltan champloiudilp al for a ,,,,.., ittli M jj «n.l ITI atora floor); t.rr i.aah Studio.*, laoBBa 140-yard 191", and it was BOtne arltnissinii ra.ms and breedlni <"ook Ifllaadfl, >e*i m. 14 \ ISET BTREET pt'LTON BT, ITI (perl Ir.jr fo. 04vnr-r; and the Jatnai.-a Bay of opinion towanl Tahtti. Marqueaaa, \ \ i if n 4^2 28. the water camtval of man who had owned 1'air nnd n (trta aaa rran- \i, l.lm-oln traetor |2 a Play the hletory of the Bmland. auatralla AU"' '' ri-. gemael Ooldatlcker. from i. UU; 10.000; ad ire-.-,. 14 Heek- HINT'S I'OINT ROaP "** and *.-,*.; Ya.ht ;it BUthm, Roce> arhlch marked polltlcal Tnt.ltl ._ '. yra Bept Club Holland Navari.- nnd a daroi " . -" ii "f «t. and R""1n* ''o Prtacllllan, a Henry of century Tracery wlll, l-lan-l* New Bea*, BTH t\VE "HO IJlBl rr.ui ll . Btandard D.imp Prooflnn i»t stenla> last decade of the Hawall, Saiii'-an * "r 47,h ".' ",t'*re ',rv* F away Beach, yi Beldann- to make. he (vla s«n rraaclecoj 241UOO. B-itj taau .nd Btorea; ITH AVE I*T, ¦ I'at- r,tnrg<! r, r',r.-iha~i. ownrr; W/Tlltafla Ma- an.l one- after hr- aeta throush arlth ractna, land. Auatralla a .-ti Oaorae laetour et *<»«?al. baaement) Benlamln c Knuikner et al to rhr'.4a. rontractor: 1170. The holder .-f the 188-yard "that Wntura . ,,' Burka al ael r«f. .>."» '.m 'I belleve," said Mr Helmont, ln Kngland or Kranoe. .uatxallfl 8 M. atiya; Abraham Benedle*« rii k Hallej ai ano I | ra «n I fUMK PROPERTT; aam» art r.tntgt O mile national outdi 01 titles and the flve- domldled Hawall, PIJI.
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