University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1976 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 4-15-1976 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 079, No 132, 4/ 15/1976 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1976 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 079, No 132, 4/15/1976." 79, 132 (1976). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1976/60 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1976 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - --------- --· ·~ Friday is the last day to • drop a course and receive a 'W.' ,After Friday 'W's are by petition only. I l i .. ~ lt • Provides Long-Lasting Immunity ANAHEIM, Ca.~An effective malaria parasites can be effective The UNM research team, vaccine against malaria·. may be in pr.otecting rodent and primate sponsored by the Agency for In­ within medicine's near future, ac­ hosts against malaria. · ternational Development (AID), I • cording to· a research' report One "'f the problems in has shown the vaccine can be presented today at the 60th An~ · developing an effective vaccine is freeze-dried without losjng its _ nual Meeting of the Federation of the different strains of protective qualities. American Societies for Ex~ Plaasmodium which cause perimental Biology in Anaheim. malaria, An efficient vaccine, Dr. Edelberto J. Cabrera, part that wold be effective against a There are many problems to be of a scientific group, headed by number of these different solved before a safe and effective Dr. Paul H. Silverman at the strains, would be valuable in malaria vaccine is ready for University' of New Mexic~, solving WQrld... malaria. human use, Dr. Cabrere said. Albuquerque, reported that the vaccine developed by this group provides long~lastlng immunity from malaria to Rhesus monkeys. Business Fraternity This vaccine can be freeze-dried for ·easy storage and tran· sportation without losing any of Back at University its effectiveness, he reported. Lobophoto• Authorities said malaria has Law Dean Fred. Hart been afflict.ing humanity for thousands of years. It bas in- And Taking Women fluenced mankind more than any By Ellen Robin&On Th'e proposal outlined the other disease in the history of the Sigma Delta Pi (SDP), an in- problem on a national level. In • Dean of. Law SChool world. Many scholars attribute ternational business fraternity, essence. it stated that the mem­ the fall of the Roman Empire, at has changed a long-lived policy bers 'could not train for the least in part, to. the spread o.f the and now accepts wo.men into the· business world and exclude disease on the Italian peninsula. society. women. Withdraws Resignation Several bf the" battles along the In 1975 the· society severed SDP's board of directors was Medeterranean during World relations with the University of pressured to make a decision im­ UNM President William Davis announced that Frederick M. Hart Wat\ II counted more victims to New Mexico through Harold mediately. After a .lengthy has.withdrawn .his resignation as de~n of the UNM School of Law. malaria than to enemy guns. · La vender, vice president of debate, at a r,aucus on the last The World Health student and campus affairs. 'day of the convention an unof­ About a week ago Hart announced that he planned to resign at the - Organization (WHO) launched a Sigma Delta Pi decided in 1975 ficial vote was taken. end of June. to return to the Jaw school's teaching faculty. massive attack against malaria in that they could not accomodate Sixty-five per cent of the '1955. women because of the natiqnal delegates voted to take positive .. "I am delighted that Dean Kart has reconsidered his decision," More than 500 million people SDP fraternity's regulations. action, to accept women, to make Davis said ...The law school is in an important developmental stage live in malarious are~s where The UNM Chapter fought for the appropriate changes and to get and the continuity orleadership that Dean Hart can provide will be eradication programs are at a entrance of women during the going in the right direction. A 75 very beneficial." minimum or are non-existing, biennial fraternity c.onvention in per cent vote was needed to After Hart's resignation was announced law students and fac~lty WHO officials said. August 19.75. amend the by~laws. urged him to reconsider his position. Recent investigations by the Sigma Delta Pi then developed "We mailed ballots out to chap­ New Mexico group an~ oth~rs . a proposal wifh sever:'l alter­ ters with a deadline in Sep­ Hart has been dean of the law school since July, 1971. He joined the have shown that active am- natives and presented 1t to the tember when the votes would be UNM faculty in 1966 as a visiting professor on leave from the Boston munization by different forms of other chapters before the con­ · tallied. Because of misattention College Law School, He became a regular member of the faculty with attenuated (weakened) or killed · vention. (Contirtucd on page 21 ~!he rank of professor in 1968. / . Who Would Hurt a Child? .,. By Gary Brown sultation and education work~r toward getting involved." Other· Editor's note: ThiJJ iJJ the first of with the center, explained how reasons she mentioned which a two-part series. Albuquerque's statistics stack up kee·p. cases from the agency are . ... The first thing which greets a against similar sized American people's feelings that they have visitor to Suite E of the Family cities. They are just as high, she no right to interfere-or they Resources· Center (FRC) is a said. ''In fact, a comparison, of simply do not know the .FRC poster . which reads: WHO statistics from March, 1972 to exists. WOULD WANT TO HURT A March 1973 found our percentage Parents of all ages are guilty of CHILD? A search for the answer of' abuse just as high as the per­ child abuse, although Roumpf to that question and why children centage-~in New York City,'' Said said the agency has target are · abused uncovers some Roumpf. groups. "One is the young, un­ enlightening facts •. There wer~ 685 total . child­ married mother. We generally Recent estimates of child abuse cases reported to the cen­ find she has few support systems abuse in the U.S. range from a ter .in 11 ·months of 1975. The or has unrealistic expectations conservative 40,0QO to more than overall average is 70 reports per for the child." 100,000 cases a year. It has been ~month. Most qf the reports, · Tile · agency's workers documented that one or two Ropmpf said, come from other generally find three common children a ·day are killed in the agencies, relatives, • schools ·and things in their investigation of U.S. by their parents. concerned neighbors. abusive parents: . , Albuquerque chifdre.h are suf­ "Probably the most frequent -for some reason they did not fering from this social problem at · type of reported case is neglect .. receive proper preparation for .a proportional rate. Six children Physical abuse constitutes only parenthood; . within the· past two years have about 20 per cent," Roumpf said. -stress is always present, died "here as a direct- ·result of uMost of this physical abuse is by and; parental ·abuse. hands. we get some reports of -retardation, hypertension or The Family Resource Center, children ,being beaten with something of this nature .is the 8016 Zuni SE, is the social agency belts." . reason a particular child is which handles this problem. for No one knows how many .cases singled out for abuse. ' Albuquerque and Bernalillo go unreported. Roumpf said, "We receive very many cases .. 11 .C~unty~ Michel~ Roumpf; a con· There's a general- reluctance !Continued on page 2) ., .., '"d ()"q "'(1> • ~ >.: Book Offers Advice on Buying Calculators z • ....'"' (1> <11 A UNM electrical engineering Hall, Room 210, UNM, the latter producing multiple included and an expected three­ ::;,:, and computer science professor Albuquerque, N.M. 87131. contacts," Colclaser said. to five-year life for the ~ (1> 2 wrote a bookfet warning prospec· In the booklet, Colclaser Most calculators have a light rechargeab'le batteries, may :< j tive calculator buyers to exercise suggests that thf) prospective emitting diode (LED) display, more than make up the dif· ..... b care. buyer should be sure the but some use a green fluorescent ference in battery cost alone, '"'0 ·a CalculatQrs will be required of calculator is mechanically sturdy tube display. Colclaser said 'the Colcla.ser. wrote, ....t::J ~ all students in UNM beginning and has a tactile feedback 'green displays consume less The guide nominates the "'....... o engineering courses next fall. power and are generally larger Hewlett-Packard models as the '< keyboard and readable display, t" .~ Students should have "I also suggest that the than the red LEOs, but not best mechanically contructed 0 0" ~ calculators which can compute prospective buyer discuss his nearly as bright, He said the life calculators. !? ~ logarithms, trigonometric func­ purchase with i>thers who own expectancy for the fluorescent The Texas Instruments DISCOUNT ~ tions of sine, cosine, tangent and the calculator which seems the displays is not known,but LEOs calculators, however, appear to "C> '1 z inverses; addition, subtraction, most likely candidate,'" he said. shoud last at least 50 years. have openings around . the .......... mu]tiplicaticm, . division; square Colclaser emphasized in the Almost all hand-held charger . connection which will ....
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