THS ADS BEFORE YOU THE STORK-YOU'LL WM«t Cittulattd feptr D IT SAVES MONEY. ing CarHrtr Compitttly; ttod Miyir'i "Skb A Sportt." XIV.—No. 49. CARTERET PRESS CARTjERET, N. J,,,FRIDAY, September 16,1938 PRICE THREE CENTS. he Week Now In Race U. S. Metals Orgnniittion Candidate it Review Independents Inter-Party 2 School Building Projects :; \: (,OI;.S OFF TO Also Will Hold • .,, ,v n| [Vnh ArnVioy, File For Race GOP Contest Passed on 2nd Referendum Inr-rrl « Hun on i.o speeding through Election Soon 504 Majority Piled Up fere • i, iinrns clamped down, Up Tuesday , their occupants hep- Next Month G.O. P. PICNIC HAS For Washington School; memhers of a wedding Annual Volf for Represen- High School 163 M.inhT (,li<» raves we had Makwinaki, FitiGerald and Mayor, Organisation Back- . , .n. inst. Summer when tatives to Employee*' LARGE ATTENDANCE |( ed, Opposed By Lubern, 30 VOTES THROWN OUT ,,i m he n wedrtlng-a- Awn Sept. 26, 27 Gregor S«t to Run for Office Young Attorney Many Cwdidtte. Printed |ToUl of A* 5th vMer* have thr rare PERRY TO SUPERVISE ffo r TalkTlk i to ThronTh g in | |,,!rll' SYNOWIECKI IN RACE tn<j 7^ ihl« year o( electing NOW 3 PARTY FIGHT , iff, who Is certain to Child Submits Liat Showing Terebetsky vs. Bracher Is an hanest-to-gftodne« Matlaga On Ticket for Jut- CARTEftET—Some 3,000 people 21 Nomineei Running CARTERET — By a voU of 10M Inn. William C Wilson Other Fight to Be Set- were present at various times dur- tice of Peace; Have for and 840 acalnst mtdenU Of toe ., ,,,.„ candidate either p»ftj for Placet ing the day Bunlay at the family tied By Vote community approved the referendum minted for the office In the C. D. 0. Backing plcrdo held by the Carteret Re- to replace Washington school with ,rrltr ,nd h« should be r- publican Clubs at MarkwaltV CARTERET -The annual election CARTFRKT Polls will be open a tmailer more modern and flit" h, everyone Interested In CARTERET — The three-corner- drove ln East Rahway. Ideal of representative* to the V, R. M here next Tuesday from ft A M. proof building, which was sub- ,,ivfrnment. One of the Adam Makwintki ed race denied Carteret In the pri- weather favored the large attend- R. Employees Association will h* Joe«ph Srnowiecki tn ft P. M. Daylight Saving Time. mitted at a special electton Tuta- t, impnrlunt office* In the held on aeotember 26 nnd 27 The maries next Tuesday through the for the primary election to name ance and the presence of candi- failure of the Carteret, Democratic day. At the same time they sig- |hf shrievalty deienrea i election will he under the super- candidates to sUnd for office at dates for state, county and local Organisation to enter candldAo, nified their support for UM pro- Wilson's character and vision of August ,i. Perry, clerk of the general election In November. offices also attracted many will be supplied In the General posal to build an addition to th* you will make no mlt- Democrats Gather W. Warren Barbout, candidate for the Borough r>t Cartpret. Booths Only In the Republican ranks Is high school, althoufh the majority ,„ , lc for him. PORT READING MAN Election In November. While the n will be located at the four ens there an Inter-pnrty contest. Mayor United States Senator, spoke brief- candidates backed by the organi- here was smaller, SS3 favoring UK • * * Joseph W Mltturh. Incumbent, Is ly, as did Mrs. Thera Holtwarth, trances to the plant Main Gate, sation and Its women's xfnup will proposal, 750 opposing It. The Scrap Plant, t^nri p]«nt, nnd Co- In Markwalt Grove opposed by a young attorney, state commltteewomen; Mrs. W. „„ HI.AR: THAT MARY not be listed as such, they are Washington school majority w*s 104 WEDS MISS GREGOR Harry Luhetn, of Salem Avenue, Reginald Isele, president of the ,jnrP, ,nd Gay Sohayda have pax nnd the polh will be open known nevertheless to be sponsored votes, that for the high school 163 and the organization rnndldntr for ilt»d Wnmen't R*puhltran Chthi from heaven (this from (I A M. to fl P. M nn hoth by the organization. On the bal- Synowiecki Head* Commit- Of the 1.711 votes cast, an un- days The reprenentatlves are Justice of the Peare, John Tere- of Middlesex County; Joseph 8*a- wr rlidn't predict — but Ceremony in St. Joseph's It lot they will be designated an In- usually large number w«rt reject- betsky, Is opposed by George Brarh- msn. borovigh auditor. Mayor Jo- here been curiosity as to elected lor > period or one year. dependents. tee Presenting Speakers, ed, thirty being disqualified. Molt er. The other two O, O. P. can- seph W. Mlttuch. Robert R. couples we meant last The complete list of nominations Performed Here On of these were thrown out for betng Entered in the race through petl- Games and Music didates are the Incumbents on the Brown, president, of the club, was mat the legend that Doc- submitted hy Joseph L. Child, sec- Saturday marked Improperly. It was stated tions filed Wednesday afternoon at Borough Council. Clifford Cutter master of ceremonies, and Michael retary of the Employees Awocla- Sreond Try only wTite Latin and that the office of the County Clerk, the CARTERFT With Joseph Ryno- Yarfheski. rhalrman of arrange- tton. tn us follows: and Joseph Oalvanek. This referendum wa» the second isn't true, Doc Strand CARTERET—St. Joseph's Churrh Independent candidates are as fol- wlecki, local man who is a candidate ment*. Ward No, 1 Mechanical Mayor Mlltiirh Is druggist. try of the Board of Education » bib! having written ojut In long here was the scene Saturday morn- lows: For Mayor, Adam Makwlnskl; for nomination to a county office operating two stores here, one In Other* Th»r« gain approval for their plans W rhot statement we printed Carmen ,1, Covlno Ing of the marriage ceremony at for members of the Borough Coun- as chairman, final preparations have the Chrome section, the other on Other candidate* present Includ- construct a smaller grammar school »-Pfk and we could read every I. R rariss whleh Miss Mary Oregor. of Rosellp, cil. Joseph P. PHzGeralri and Step- been made for the picnic which the Washington Avenue. He has been ed Fred C Bkrockl, candidate for and Increase the rapacity of the but one, maybe the medicos John D Robinson daughter of the late Mr. ant! Mrs. hen Gregor; for Justice of the General Democratic Organisation Mayor slnre 193S and was form- coroner; Clarence R Davis of high school building while a 45 per ,nie like hen scratches when Ward No. 2-SmelUr Prank Qregor of Carteret, became pence, Stephen MatlaRd. will hold Sunday at Markw&R's erly A member of the Board of Edu- Woodbrtdge, endidte for freehold- cent grant, could be obtained from James P Donovan the bride of John Clifford Ahlerlng Grove. Mr. Synowiecki seeks nomi- rP concocting some nasty tast cation. He Is a World War vet- er; George Kantra and John Oavin, the. Public Works Administration ucs for Nick Dmytrlw to Ward No. 3~-Tank HOUM of Pert Reading. The ceremony was Who Th»T Are nation to run for coroner. eran and makes his home on lower performed at a nuptial mass by the candidates for the Assembly. A toward the cost The borough's mi tor benighted and wheesy .John M Pfelffer A program of athletic events has Roosevelt Avenue. number of Democratic leaders pastor. Rev. Joseph A. Mulligan, atiri Mr Makwlnskl whose home is on share will be obtained through likr- vours truly (much better John Andriclk been arranged, and speakers are ex- Mr, Lubern has been active tn were also present. Including Coun- bonds maturing over a thirty year Vincent and Daniel McDonnell sang Christopher Street, is employed at minks; i that Babe If back Ward No t Casting Building pected to Include Democratic leaders thf! party for some years and ran cilman James Yukach, candidate period The plan of the board far "Ave Marie" during the ceremony. one of the local plants. He has ni: well, and some people are William Varja and candidate* from all over the for the Assembly on the county for Mayor, School Commissioner financing and constructing the two Afterward there was a reception and bwin active In politics for some i,,ippy: that Tom O. Kenyon Ward No 5 Silver Refinery county. Music for dancing will be by ticket last year but was defeated Ambrose Mudrak, Councllmen Bei- projects Is Identical to that for tne wedding breakfast for seventy-five time. Mr. FltzOefald has been ha r a chance to show how Joseph Handor leader of the Carteret Democratic Joseph Pollock and his Hawaiian Cutter Athlete gert and Scally, and Postmaster referendum rejected several weeks guests at Unwood Inn. Linden. Orchestra. The organisation's can- r,;i swing em off and Into the Chris Rasmussen Organization ever since Its organiza- Mr. Cutter, who lives at 80 Low- William J. Lawler. ago. except that at that time the didates for office, James J. Lukach, m at Arcola Country Club in Ward No « Yard The bride walked with her broth- tion over four years ago and has ell Street, has been a well-known A program of games was carried two proposals were blanketed In a n county next week when he Joseph Halasz er, Stephen Gregor, by whom the waged a vigorous fight throughout Frank Oodleiky, Charle* A.
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