University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1958 The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960 5-1-1958 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 061, No 76, 5/1/1958 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1958 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 061, No 76, 5/1/1958." 61, 76 (1958). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1958/39 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1958 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,.:, ' : I .' . ' vice to election candidates: ' o home arul'get some sleep. The results .' '·, ; ' ' ' - MEXICO. ': ' ' . ' ' .. • ¥ '' ~ NEW LOB ot change," ·. :' . ·' · · ·., · ,-Prot.Jorrin THl!l VOICl!l OF THE UNIVERSIP 01" NEW .SIN<:lE l' ote. ~CO 1~ .''' VoL 61 Thursday, May 1, 1958 1 .....- ... -· ·4.•'' ' • I • • SSOCiate arty ect1on, . ' For Better Government Through Experience, Proven Competence and Initiative Red Nichols Band Court Changes Turner Branch, Vice Pr(lsident Don Fed ric, President The Associated Party pledges: Freshman class pres.; Student Senate; Usual Procedure Fresh man class president; sophomore 1. To assist any campus organ­ Picked for Baile; Chancery club; Athletic Advisory com­ vice president; president, student senate; ization in any plan which will student body vice president; Fiesta co- mittee; Homecoming committee; Fiesta bring additional programs of in­ chm. chairman. terest to university students. Fiesta Slate Sef Of Vote Counting 2. To strive for the inaguration Results of yesterday's student of a student discount service in Red Nichols and his Five Pen­ body election will not be available co-operation with the business nies, a well known jazz band, has until sometime tonight, a student been contracted by the Fiesta com­ coutt spokesman announced yester- firms of Albuquerque. mittee for the Gran Baile which 3. To expand the present ori­ day. · . ' will be held May 17. The spokesman said the court entation program for freshmen Nichols and his group will per­ members, assisted by members of students through the freshman form in Carlisle gym from 9 p.m. the student standards committee, seminar program. to 1 a.m. for the big dance that 4. To formulate a Skyline Con­ will conclude this year's Fiesta. BULLETIN ference sportsmanship committee Fiesta will open May 14 with a in order to further unanimity water show by the Waterlous in 12:15 A.M. the Johnson gym pool. The pro- among the various schools of the Prof. Lincoln LaPaz gram will be )?resented again May Members of the Student Court Skyline Conference. 15. refused late last night to release 5. To work closely with the The actual celebration will any preliminary tallies on yes- New Mexico Union Board in pre­ May 16 at '1 p.m. with the lighting terday's student election. A paring for the complex problems laPaz to Deliver of luminarios and the coronation LOOKING INTENT AND interested three UNM students cast court spokesman said the tallies of the new Student Union build· of el Rey and Ia Reina in Johnson their ballots in yesterday's student election. A total of 1525 bal- would pot be released because gym. The Naval ROTC will pre- lots was cast in the election. Results on the election will not be "they were not indicative of any ing. sent the royalty in an honor guard. available until sometime today, due to a new counting procedure final results." Ann Easley, Council 6. To work for improvement Marcia McElderry, Council Research lecture The candidates for el ·Rey are being used by the Student Court. (Barkoey photo.) The counting will be resumed and expansion of internal func­ Prof. Lincoln LaPaz, director of Manley Allen, Pi Kappa. Alph~; ___:::. ___.:. _________: _ _.:..:.-7'_:...-_:_________ at 2:30 this afternoon, and a Campus Chest chm.; student senate, 3 tions of the University to keep Pres. wing B; Hokona house and wing years; RallyCom, pres.; Spurs, historian; couneil; WRA executive council; WRA the UNM Institute of Meteoritics Norman Ball, Alpha Epsilon P1; G _1 p• k d court spokesman said the earli· pace with the growing enroll­ will deliver the fifth annual Yumpy Barker, Sigma Sl s d u IC est they would be finished would Los Componas; Freshman advisor, pu.blicity chm.; RallyCom, Re~ C~i; S~eve ocum eecte raa e ment. search Lectute tomorrow night at g Cr~wley, Kappa Alpha;. J1m M1les, 1 be 11 tonight. ~ 7. To do further study on the Alice Blue, Council Jim Snead, Council in the Geology building, room 122. KPht Delt~S Theta; dColh.s B 11 Redman, By M t 0 cast,About 'had 750 been ballots, counted out ofat 1525 the Associated Students constitution 1 onsan N.S.A. c,ommitttee; Homecoming commit· and take immediate steps to insti­ Vigilantes; Chaaka; Student Senate, 2 T~e leDcturLe will be.lopen to the sr:;:: Al~;:a~p:Ucm. time the members of the court p,ubhc. r. aPaz Wl I s~e!lk " The candidates for la Reina are T Att dF t• I quit for the night. tee secretory; U.S.C.F.; leadership con­ gate those improvements or years; chm. steerlna committee; Engl· Some. Aspects of Meteontics. J!lanne ;a~Rnett, Pi Beta Phi,; Lin- 0 en es IVa 'George ?· Vincent, ~ 1951 UNM L---------------1 ference; Mirage organizations editor; changes which should be made neer's joint council; Kappa Mu Epsilon. The three-fo!il purpose of ell Burns, A 1 P 11 a Chi Omega; . graduate, IS one of s1x engineers would . begin counting the ballots Spurs sec. for the betterment of the consti­ annual lecture ts: to encourage ~e- Karen Davis, K a p p a K a p p a W_llbam B. Slocum, UNM JUntor selected by Monsanto Chemical last mght after ~he polls closed, I(,, tution. search o'!- the campus, to recogmze Gamma; Janice Hopper, Delta mus1c stud:nt, has been awarded Company for a year's graduate ~ll:t pl~;nned to qu1t when they got 'I 8. To encourage that a better outstandmg work by some one pro- Delta Delta· Virginia Junker Ho- a scholarship to attend the Berk- k . t . · tired. system of information pertaining feasor, and to acquaint the Uni- kona· Ann 'Kiefer Kappa Alpha shire summer musical festival at wor m sys ems engn~eermg. He said that the court had to scholarships be permanently ver~ity comm~nity with tbc 'b;pc Thei~; Velum :r,radi;wz, Phratcrco; Tanglewood, Mass., this summer. Announcement of Vmcent's se- reach:d t~e ~e;ision ~o handle the developed. of research bemg done. Marcie Montgomery Hokona. He will be studying with students iection was made by C. A. Hoell- coun~mg m tu11:1 :Casln<ln l;u ui>:;ULt':! I. 9. To make definite statements The University-sponsored lee- Kathy Morgans, Town Club; Mary from all over the country under walt, company vice-president. The a fair and accurate accounting of tureship was established fout years Jean Rose, Alpha Delta Pi; and of the Boston Symphony. course, believed to be unique in the all the ba!lots cast. ;r'he ballots of student opinion concerning m~mbers ago• The lecturers have been·· Zibby Schnorr, Chi Omega · Directors of the Tanglewood stu- country IS. b emg. eon duc t ed f or the weref th keptA m ·the t d safe Stud m tthe · officeth state appropriation and aid given Profs. Leslie Spier, antht•opology; Elections for el Rey and !a dent orchestra are Leonard Bern- ' . o e sso.c1a e en s m . e to the institutions of higher learn­ Heney Weihofen, law; Dean Ed- Reina will be held May 12 in the stein and Richard Burgin, concert second rear ~nd 'flll take place at ~UB last mght, and the count:Ing ing in the state ·of New Mexico. ward F. C a;;; tetter, Graduate SUB ballroom. Everyone will master of the Boston Symphony. St. ~ouls Umvers1t~. IS. scheduled to resume sometime 10. To follow through with the School; and France V. Scholes, required to have an activity Slocum will leave June 23 and . Vmee~t, who .recel.ved hts degr~e th1s afternoon. present tentative establishment of history. before voting. The men will vote return in August. m c~eml~al engmeenng at the um- Court Is Responsible . f 1 R · d th f 1 verstty, IS the son of Mr. and Mrs. The student court1 accordmg to an association uniting the student LaPaz came· 'tto UNM· 1945 from t hOh10 d Reyor a ema an e women or e Ile hasd spent . the pastA fourM sum- . A · E • v·mcen t , 391'1 Th axt on A ve. eI ec tion 1aws, 1s• so 1e 1 y responst'bl e governments of all colleges and Sta t e U mvers1 y m o e.a · . mers stu ymg at the spen us1e SE. He makes his home in Trenton, for the countin of ballots cast in universities of the state of New up the department of mathem~t1cs .votmg w~11 b.e from 8 to ~ all;d School, Aspen, _Colo. He plays first Mich., where he is development en· student electimfs and seeing to it Mexico. and astro!l?mY and the Institute fr~m '1 unt1 1 8 .30. The electlOn lS French horn m three symphony gineer with Monsanto. Continued on a e 2 11. To facilitate closer co­ of Meteor1tics. bemg sponsored by Mot1;ar Boar~, o r e he s t r as : UNM, Albuquer- P g operation between the student He did confidential WOl'k on and a parade of the candldates will que Civic Symphony and the El J • • • body and the administration in Japanese balloon offensive during be held on campus that day at Paso Symphony.
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