Adel Neighbourhood Plan Pre Submission Document September 2016 Document produced by Adel Neighbourhood Forum, September 2016 Foreward This is the Pre-Submission version of the Adel towards the end of 2016. Neighbourhood Plan which has been developed through extensive public consultation and reflects Please get involved in the six week consultation the hard work of the Neighbourhood Plan Forum on this Pre-Submission version of the Plan – we over the past 36 months. want to hear from as many local people, busi- nesses and community organisations as possi- Neighbourhood Plans form part of the new plan- ble. Remember that the Neighbourhood Plan will ning system and were introduced by the Govern- help to shape the future of the area over the next ment under the Localism Act 2011 to allow local 12 years and, if supported by the local commu- people to develop a shared vision for how their nity, it will have real legal power local area should evolve and grow. Following this consultation, the Forum will review They offer the opportunity to influence the type, and consider all of the comments received, and scale and location of new development, and to modify the Plan accordingly before submitting it ensure that existing community and landscape to Leeds City Council. The Plan will then be in- assets are protected. Once adopted, Neighbour- dependently examined, so as to ensure it meets hood Plans form part of the Local Development a number of Basic Conditions. Subject to a suc- Plan and are used to consider planning applica- cessful examination, the Plan will then proceed tions. Therefore, Neighbourhood Plans have real to the last and most important stage - a local influence and are an important means of engag- referendum at which you, the people of Adel, will ing local people in decisions on how their area have the ultimate say. For the Plan to be ‘made’ will appear and function over the next generation. and become part of the Local Development Plan, a simple majority of over 50% must vote in its The Adel Neighbourhood Plan provides a real favour. opportunity to reinforce the identity of Adel by influencing the development that will take place The Plan is a clear statement to Leeds City over the next 12 years. Housing will once again Council and prospective developers of the views be a key ingredient for change in Adel, as the of residents and others with an interest in Adel, locality fulfils its obligation to help Leeds deliver setting out clear and concise policies against its housing targets. If handled correctly, such new which all future development within Adel should housing development could be a positive force, be assessed, and communicating the key aspira- helping to bring about some of the desired im- tions and desires of the local community. provements expressed by the community of Adel, whilst providing a mix of housing that meets the We look forward to your comments on this Pre- needs of the local community. Submission version of the Adel Neighbourhood Plan, and hope to receive your support in the Importantly, the Neighbourhood Plan seeks to future Referendum. ensure that all new development within Adel is accommodated in the most sustainable and sen- Co Chairs: Ian Bond & Nick Brown sitive manner. It seeks to attract only the highest quality of development so as to ensure that the distinct and special character of Adel is retained and protected. This is an important stage for the Adel Neigh- bourhood Plan, offering local people, businesses and other organisations the opportunity to in- fluence the form and content of the document before it is submitted to Leeds City Council 1.0 Introduction About Neighbourhood Plans established a Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group to progress the establishment of the Adel 1.1 In 2011 the Localism Act came into force, Neighbourhood Forum and the production of a enabling communities in England to take the lead Neighbourhood Plan for the Adel area. in planning how their own neighbourhoods will develop. It provides communities with the power 1.4 Adel Neighbourhood Forum formally ap- to influence the planning of the area in which plied to Leeds City Council to be the designated they live and/or work, by offering the opportunity body to produce the neighbourhood development to prepare a set of planning policies to inform the plan on 9 December 2013. location, type and appearance of new develop- ment in their local area. Leeds City Council confirmed the designation of Adel Neighbourhood Forum on 3rd April 2014, These policies, which collectively form the core making it the first non-Parish Council in the content of the neighbourhood plan, will then be Leeds City Council area to receive such a desig- used by the local planning authority (which in the nation. case of Adel, is Leeds City Council) when de- termining planning applications for development 1.5 Prior to the formal designation of the within the neighbourhood area. Neighbourhood Forum, an application was made to designate the Neighbourhood Area for Adel, 1.2 Many communities around the coun- and this boundary was agreed by Leeds City try have seized the opportunity to develop a Council on 6th November 2013 following con- neighbourhood plan, realising the possibilities it siderable discussion with the Adel Neighbour- presents to help shape the future of their local hood Steering Group, Adel and Wharfedale ward area through a shared vision, and to ensure that members, Weetwood ward members, the wider their development needs are meet in the most community and neighbouring parish councils. sustainable and appropriate manner. The designated area, which is shown in Figure 1, Adel Neighbourhood Forum believe that neigh- has tried to follow the historic Adel parish bound- bourhood planning can be a similarly effective ary except where this has crossed into a neigh- tool in ensuring that the future development of bouring parish or ward boundaries. Adel meets the needs and aspirations of the local community, whilst respecting and responding to the existing qualities and assets of the designat- Neighbourhood Plan preparation ed Neighbourhood Area. process Neighbourhood Forum and Area 1.6 Since designation of the Neighbourhood Area and Forum, Adel Neighbourhood Forum designation have been working hard to develop a neighbour- hood plan that will have real influence and which 1.3 Neighbourhood forums are community can successfully respond to the unique circum- groups that are designated to take forward neigh- stances and challenges faced by Adel over the bourhood planning in areas without parishes. It coming years. is the role of the local planning authority to agree the neighbourhood forum for the neighbourhood 1.7 From the very outset of this plan prepara- area. tion process, Adel Neighbourhood Forum recog- nised that consultation with local residents and In 2012 members of the Adel Association, a local businesses was key to developing a successful community group which seeks to represent all and effective neighbourhood plan. residents and businesses from the Adel, Adel Neighbourhood Area Adel Proposed Neighbourhood Boundary (revised) September 2013 © Crown copyright and database rights 2012 Ordnance Survey 100019567 Scale 1:10000 @ A3 Figure 1 - Adel Neighbourhood Plan Area 1.0 Introduction Therefore, though the preparation of the Neigh- week period, from 24 September 2016, during bourhood Plan has been led by Adel Neigh- which period Adel Neighbourhood Forum invite bourhood Forum, its content has been primarily comments and feedback on the content of this informed by the opinions and feedback received pre-submission version of the Adel Neighbour- from a series of public consultation events (see hood Plan. Section 3 ‘’How the Plan was prepared”). 1.8 In addition to reflecting local opinions What happens next? and aspirations, neighbourhood plans are also 1.11 Once the Regulation 14 consultation required to be supported by relevant evidence – has concluded, Adel Neighbourhood Forum will facts, figures, data, statistics, and research. collate, review and consider all of the represen- tations (comments) received. Any alterations Therefore, as part of the plan preparation proc- required to the draft Neighbourhood Plan in re- ess, the Neighbourhood Forum have also un- sponse will then be undertaken before the docu- dertaken an extensive review of existing avail- ment is submitted to Leeds City Council. Follow- able evidence, including an analysis of the local ing submission, Leeds City Council will: population profile and socio-economic statistics, a review of planning policy and evidence base • Check that the submission documents documents, including relevant Leeds City Council comply with all relevant legislation; reports and documentation. • Publicise the Neighbourhood Plan for a Where gaps in evidence have been identified, the minimum of six weeks, invite comments on the Forum have sought to fill these through under- document, and notify relevant consultation bod- taking their own research or by commissioning ies; and bespoke studies by external specialists. • Appoint an independent examiner (with Regulation 14 consultation agreement of Adel Neighbourhood Forum). 1.9 The culmination of the above community 1.12 The independent examiner will then re- consultation and research is this document, the view the plan and to make sure that it meets the (Regulation 14) Pre-Submission Consultation following basic conditions: version of the Neighbourhood (Development) Plan for Adel. 1) has regard to national policies and advice contained in guidance issued
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