10 The Tacoma Times FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1939 OUT OUR WAY OUR BOARDING HOUSE Came Radio Time Table (Continued Page 8) - - From - 5:30 P. M. ' 1:30 P. M. KMO Jack Armstrong KMO- Sweep:takes - 143, figure and now Ransome discover- FRIDAY 5 45 Serenade KVl—Hialeah he the kimono Dancepstors ed that had great KVl—Tea for Two, 845 KOMO—Opera {arms of a prima donna past her IA N Studio KJR -Matinee { prime. KEMO—Todays Aunanac KOMO- Panfare KIRO-—Dancepators But the moment the canopy of 7:15, Parmers’ Forum KJR-—Old Timers 2P. M the little touched the KVI -Studio; 5:43, "KMO lnternational | boat balcony —Devotionais KIRO Cos- House i the wailing and the breast-beating EOMO-~Teop of the P tigan KVl—What Price Amer- ceased and Mr. Bannerjee as if Morning; 7:15., Memo- ica ! still pursued by the vengeance of randa. 6 P. M. KOMO --Rhythm: 218, Youth Meets Gov Kali, the side, lac- KJR-—Church of the Alr KMO—Debate—P. L C plumped over KlßO—Breakfast Clud KJR—Concerts qured box and alil KVl—Playhouse KlßO—Dept of Interior. | “Easy!" cried Ransome. “You'll 7:30 A, M. KCMO-—-—Waltz Time 2:30 P, M. the boat.” KMO-—News; 7:45 Break- . KJR—Plantation Party KMO-—Dramas of Youth, so fast Express KVl—-Orchestra. { lamkHe was angry suddenly, KVI Breakfast News 6:30 P. M. have KOMO—Youth. ;nngry that if it would not Top of the Morn- * KMO--News: 6:45 John- . KJR—Matinee, Children. that boat he would have ;I:M.ng. Family KlßO—Popular Tunes ;capnzed KOMO Memoranda, : son | given Mr. Bannerjee a good kick. 7:45, Yodeling KVl—Playhouse 3 P. M. | shoulder, so that now and then in KJR Financial: 745 . KOMO—March of Time KMO--Bob Crosby. KVl—Press 208, | he had long felt for him; he dis- News News: KIRO Rise 'n Shine; . KJR—News Melodies Illked Mr. Bannerjee because he 7:45. Tune with the » KlßO—Orson Welles KOMO Kindergarten; { was fool and had no dignity, be- Time 3:25. News a KJR—Children's he was at the same time a TP Matines S A M KMO NewsM Dramsas KlßO—News, 305, Noe 'cnuae and a humbug. And he was -~ ble's Music ‘r'ml'ard KMO-—Sons of Pioneers 7:18 Jerry Geehan s too, at the obvious arrogant { of Rest 3330 | angry. 815 Haven Sport Slants P.M, | conviction of Mr. Bannerjee that KVll—Fact Finder. 8:15 , KMO—-Band Melody Ramblings KVl—Grand Central Sta KOMO—SBwingsters: he himself at that had no -- 3 48, moment KOMO Reveries—&un- * tion. Religion in News, to the world save as shine Clubd KVl—Swing ;impor!anco KOMO Lombardos Or- Club. | ferryman for Mr. Bannerjee and KJR-—Ensemble " KJR—Renfrew KlßO—Hour Glass; 8:15 ‘ chestra KlßO—Swing. {the ashes of Mr. Bannerjee's Melodies, KJR-—Sports Parade | KlßO—Grand Cenural. ‘ 4 P. M. father. 8:30 AL M, KMO Cummins; | “Sit tight” said Ransome. “If 7:30 P. M. 4:15,—Bernie KMO - Haven of Rest Orchestra you capsize the boat I shan't try EMO-—Lone Ranger. KVl—Americans at Work. | 8 45 Woman's Page. KVl—Harry |to save you. There's too much KVI—Duo; 8:45, Top of¢ Hopkins KOMO-—Orchesira: 406, KOMO—Uncle Ezra; 7:45 Santa Anita, | work to be done.” the Morning KOMO-—Capt Dobbsie. Jimmy PFidler KJR-—Message of Israel. Mr. Bannerjee did not answer Paul Page; 8:45 . KJR—Bert Lytell, |KlßO—Americans KJR Pays him. It seemed to Ransome that Originalities, KlßO—Knowledge 4:30 P. M. in his terror he must have lost the KEIRO News; 8:50 | KMO--Orch; 4:45, Amer. ¢ S P. M. Legion Musicale power of speech. With one hand! KMO News: 8:15 News A. A. U. Basketball * KVl—Jimmy Davis, he clung to the edge of the plea- 9 A M . KOMO—-Great Men KVl—Speaker; 8:15 Lum "KJR L sure boat; with the other he KMO-—Tonic Tunes; 9:15 ’ and Abner. Goodwill; ¢:35, con- Talk KOMO—Amos Andy; Ricardo clutched the lacquered box 'n * KlßO—Organ o KVlI—-Women's Page, + B:15, Saxophones taining the ashes. 9:15, Nancy James. KJR-—Washington Radio S P M. As he passed the house of Ras-! | KOMO-—Heart of Julia Porum,; MikeD N 8:15, O'Neills, P 8:15 * KM O Jazz Nocturne} Ali Mrs. Blake: Lights 5:15. Wandering chid Khan, the figure of | - Southernaires; Cows KJR boy. Raschid surrounded by children of 9:15, News. 8:30 D Worth. P. M. KVI Columbia Sports , all ages appeared in a broad upper KIRO-—Connie KMO-—Basketball, ! Broadcast i window. In Urdu she called out to 9:30 A. M. KVli—Burns ana Allen. KOMO-—-Quaker Party, | him hold out for KOMO—Death Valleyy KJR—Concert, that she could KMO—Daily News: 9:45. | Days 'KlßO—Encores. another and in he Sheila Bennett, “ day, Hindustani ' KJR—Waltz Interlude. M, ; called back that he would come to KVli—Helen [rent: 9:45 1 5:30 P. Gal Sunday 9P M. KMO-—-Do You Want o | fetch them either tonight or early KOMO-—Smile Parade Job? » | the next morning. Then as they KJR—National Farm and j KMO News; 9:15, Or- - KVl—Ray Bradford's Ore chestra. | _chestra. his Home. passed the drowned world of KlßO—Serial KVI-—First Nighter. KOMO--Hotel Music. A own compound, he caught sight of KOMO—Circus KJR-—Hedda Hopper KJR News; 9:15, Or- ! John the Baptist perched on the 10 AL M, "KIRO Skyways, 545, J b Trade; chestra. Costigan. cracked roof in the rain. Through KMO 10:15. * KIRO--Drama. John the Baptist Jubilee 6 P. M. the downpour, - ol KVI Goidbergss: 10:15 » 9:30 P, M. KMO P. L. C. Debate shouted to him in his soft French. Life Can Be Beautiful . _Team. E KOMO—Other Wife, “ KMO-—Music; 9:45. Law- “All the plate is safe. It's on the makers’ Reporter. KVl—Pnil Baker 10:15. Plain 811 l KOMO—Dinner Date, first floor with all Sahib's clothes.” KJR—National Farm and y KVI-—Jack Haley. KOMO Good Morning; “Better go inside. I'll come for ¢ Home KJR—ScandinavianKlßO—Honolulu Bound, P KIRO-—Goldbergs; 10:15 ) Tonight. you later.” Serial KJR—Hit Tunes. 6:30 P. M, and the boy A “Tres bien, Sahib.” ! 'KMO News;, 6:48, slithed down the (rainpipe like 10:30 A, M. i 0 P. M. Hawall, KMO--Phil Harrns. KVl—Serenade one of the monkeys and swung in- KMO—Silhouettes; 10:43 s L Voice of Experience EVI Sophie Tucker. KOMO-—Hall of Pun °‘ to an upper window. K V 1 Mystic_Melodles . 10:15, News KJR News; 643, At the Distillery, Mr. Banner- 10:45, Just Calling. KOMO-—News flashes. Orchestra, - _10:15. KlßO—sSaturday jee, still mediating, opened KOMO s Sports Night. 0 his ' | Roads; 10:45 Dr. Kate , KJR—Voice of Hawali. | eyes long enough to step ashore Dnnscroul , KlßO—Singer 7P. M KJR—Cecil Solly; 10:45 KMO Betty Rhodes: K without a word either of thanks or Four of Us. | 7:15, Tacoma Rose So- - M. of pulled KIRO Tonic Tunes; f 10:30 P. clety. recognition. Ransome 10:45, Forum A staring Feminine 0 KMO-—Orchestra. KVi—Your Hit Parade, in the oars and sat after KVII-—-Harry Owen's Orch KOMO-—Orchestra. him as he plodded barefoot, still 11 A. M. KOMO-—Hotel Orch, KJR—NBC Symphony. K KJR—Musical carrying the ashes through the! KMO-—Nations School. Salvation- ‘ KVl—Big Sister; 11:15 : ists. 7:30 P. M. rmud toward Aunt Phoebe and the Real Stories ' KIRO Night Extra. KMO—Orchestra. KOMO—Betty 10:45, Serenade. KVl—Parade; 7:45, Caple distant mission. Bob. .| and tol Opinions. house, 11:15 Grimm’s Daugh- - When he returned to the 11 P. M. KOMO-—-Club Orchestra, A|; the servant whom he had not seen ter KJR-- Symphony KJR—Stringtime KMO--Shep Fields: 11:15 KIRO—HIit Parade; 7:45, since he had appeared with the KIRO Sertal; 11:15, . Playboys. L£ waiting Aunt Jenny KVI- 6rches(rn. Jack : Tunes hurricane lantern was on Baines; 8§ the The man was stand- A, 11:15, Pasadena i P. M. L balcony. 11:30 M. -News; 11:45, Auditorium. KMO 8:15. Bas- ing, looking out over the drowned KMO Pianist; . KOMO-—Orchestra. Vs, Music, Ketball, Lincoln E city, turned away a little so that Muse and K.JR--Songs in the Night Stadium, KVl—American Schools . KIR O—Almanac; 11:15 . KVl—Joe E. Brown. he did not see the boat approach- KOMO—Valiant Lady: Supper Club. Betty :‘ KOMO-—Barn Dance. Y ing. He was a tiny, ugly littie man, 11:45. Crocker. |KJR—Symphony. KJR-—Modern Melody. | 11:30 P. M. KlßO—Comedy very black, and now in the midst KIRO--School. of the devastated landscape he was KMO Enntis, 11:45 | 8:30 P. M, 12 Rhapsody. KMO-—Basketball. o‘, the only living thing, for even the NOON KVI - Orchestra; 11:4§ -~ Marriage . KMO License Chapel. " KVl—Johnny Presents. birds and the sacred monkeys had Romance; 12:15, : Black KOMO-—Barn ol News . KOMO—Popular Tunes. Dances deserted the flooded area as if they 13:1» KJR—Organ. KJR--8:35, Chez Paree. KVli—Headlines. Day KIRO—Call Boy. had divined that it was accursed Music of the KIRO -- Supper Club, P KOMO—Mary Mariin by nature. 11:45, Black Chapel. 9P M. 12:15 Ma Perkins . - . move, KJR—Dept.
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