#«'*»W>««1"*.ISM-«W«-«^^ «.M-^M.. At Home with the Movies Liifdtri oflka pool that CLEANS ITSELF AUTOMATICALLY INTEflLUDE (1968) tive" story, this pilot snow stars Angie Dickinson. A rip-snorting POOLMAID NO-VAC (No Vacuuming System) Thursday, Aug. 3 (CBS) Hugh O'Brien and is not rated by action-adventure flick focusing the Catholic film office. on a WW II hero's efforts to whip 377-1410 • KwMwitlol-Coiwmfdal Adult treatment of an affair ID No AM. 377-534* • PrvfMsJonol Monnfafl a ragged Israeli army into shape. * Quality Construct!**! between a j famous orchestra SOMETHING EVIL Wayne's the hero, and Douglas leader (Oscaif Werner) and a Lon­ Friday, Aug. 4 (CBS) * Swvic* A SwppU** is the baddie. * EqvfpMnt don cub reporter (Barbara Ferris) (ftfTlfWIi harks back ito the 1939 classic Another unrated made-for-TV The Catholic film office gave Intermezzo, but is stylishly un­ movie, this one stars Sandy it an A III, for adults. derplayed t<^ today's realistic Dennis who suddenly relaizes D. MATZ Inc. tastes rather) than with the dis­ that a demonic spirit is trying to FIREBALL 500 (1967) 19 Briggi Ave., Fairport, N. Y. ,B"<fl&T&2ni«?,u,It,f plays of emojtion that character­ possess her. Saturday, Aug. 5 (ABC) ized the original. CAST A GIANT SHADOW Another Frankie Avalon, An­ ~~ The Catholic film office rated (1966) nette Funieello, Fabian Forte, this as A III, lor adults. Saturday, Aug. 5 (NBC) Chill Wills epic. This one about rSCHOEMAN'S racing cars. The gang's all there: Kirk OPEN NITES ifltOBE Douglas, John Wayne, Yul The bikini beach set all over Friday, Aug. 4 (NBC) Brynner, Frank Sinatra, and for again. Billed as a "sDace-age detec­ decoration, Senta Berger and «* y (Sat. 'til 6) The film office rated it A III, for adults. r~ GENTLE GIANT (1967) Sunday, Aug. 6 (CBS)' Kiddie-flick that launched the PAT COSTA ^ "Gentle Ben" series on tele­ vision. As I d It's the story of a young boy in the Everglades who raises a bear. See It The Catholic film office gave it A I, for everyone. THE DELPHI BUREAU Sunday, Aug. 6 (ABC) An average espionage thriller Scanning the Schedule: Tele­ those mortuary ads. What with the music and the too suave starring Lawrence Luekinbill vision, in its search for material who is tracking down a fleet of for situation comedies, has voice, those commercials sound missing, obsolete fighter planes. demonstrated that almost any like slick travel agents inviting subject can be laughable. Exam­ you to take a week or so at a It's a made-for-TV movie and ples are "Hogan's Heroes" which helath spa." therefore unrated. found German prisoner-of-war camps absolutely hilarious and THE CATCHER "Mash" which will seek to show Vote for the Most Pliable Monday Aug. 7 (NBC) us the side-splitting experiences Face on Television: It goes to of battlefield surgery. Marilyn Michaels who with Rich Yet another unrated made- Little, Frank Gorshin, George for TV movie, this time about a Kirby and a host of other imita­ sleuth who tracks down missing Next on the planning board? tors make ABC's "The Kopy persons. Possibly an absolute riot of a Kats" an exercise in celebrity sit com on New York as the na­ identification. tion's abortion capital. Each Business week the scriptwriters can detail Some of those shows we watch the adventures of another girl on Channel 10's "What's My In the Diocese making her way from a small Line?" series are obviously town to the big city in search of three years old. Watched Barry freedom, independence and D Nelson being congratulated for J. Edward Backus has retired and C. his work in "Airport" the other from Sibley's after 47 years of pmrilMtll night. It was a biggie in 1969. service. FROM A READER: Add to Can the Republicans outdo Backus started working at Sib­ those lists of obnoxious commer­ the Democrats in convention ley's in 1925 delivering packages Juniors cials the messages for laxatives, boredom? Seems as if it would by horse and wagon. Since 1947 feminine hygiene products and be difficult to do but you get his route has been East Ironde- Misses household preparations. Is noth­ your own chance to judge the quoit and the North part of Web­ Chubbies ing private any more?" end of this month. I'm betting on ster. Extra Sizes FROM ANOTHER READER: a tie at least. Backus resides with his wife "Count me as being against Clara on Dewberry Drive, and plans on spending this winter in Florida. The Backuses are mem­ SCHOEMAN-S Once Over Briefly bers of St. Salome's Parish. Comer \ CLOCKWORK ORANGE - Condemned PLAY IT AGAIN. SAM _ Adults - The lat­ 458 MONROE AVENUE Meigs An dlmoM mcliiphysical study of lust est, and best, film from the nationally re­ .ind druth Stanley Kubrick's reading o( nowned philosopher, who once said KIRBY I he Anthony Burgess novel of the same "I don't believe in an afterlife, but I'm 111It- bringing u change of underwear.1' Guess Who. Of Westside •\NI>KOMf:r>A STRAIN - Adults and ado- Sales & Service lesrenls Michucl Cnchton's novel ;i- JUNIOR BONNER - Adults and ndolcs- hout :> deadly virus brought back by a cents — Steve McQueen toughs it out. spsice probe, done up' in Hollywood's be.st science liclion tradition. SHAFT'S BIG SCORE - Objectionable - Believe it or not. the Catholic film of- •\IHPORT - Adults — A highly enjoyable riee said of this movie. "Shaft has been Nlm aboul lives in a very contemporary given the treatment his name suggests. crisis cind so huve we." BFN — Unruled - Riilty diiys are hen- .1- SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON - Everyone jjaiin. Sinclly for those who enjoyed its The version now in circulation is the predecessor "Willard" one by Disney. The Big Elms Restaurant Hofbrau Haus HICK AND THE PREACHER - Adults TEN DAYS WONDER - Adults An- in Seneca St., Homiell. N.Y. Our Closed Sundays during National critics called this Poitier — Belu- other of Claude Chabrol's thrillers Colonial Room—timoun for SO yean. fonte vfhiek- "enormously entertaining" Homt baked pastries our Specialty. June. July, and Auguii TOP OF THE HEAP - Unrated - This Opan dally 7 a.m. • 12 midnight. In­ 40* Lyell Ave. Home of real German CABARET - Adults — Christopher Ish- movie helps open up the blacksploitation troducing the new Victorian Dining t American cooking. Wlda cfcolea of erwood's Berlin Critics have been going market Sad For Iree home demonstration Room (gourmet specials), Cocktails, continental dinners, such a> Sauer- gu.gu over Liza Minelli's portrayal of Banquet Room. Authentic antiques, ' braten with potato pancakai and Sally Bowles THE ERENCH CONNECTION - Adults — TitTany-type leaded shades create the ' Bavarian beet goulash. Open dally An inhuman cat and mouse game The call: 325-6833 Idaal Victorian atmosphara. Lunchaon for lunches and dinners. Bavarian FIDDLER ON THE ROOF - Everyone - film office called it "one of the most weekdays 11:30, Dinner 5:30. Sunday ' music Frl.. Sat. nltts. Phona 254?tU0. Your hosts. Bill and Ittty Oswald. Exuberant musical of life in Tsarist Rus­ harshly realistic detective movies in re­ 395 Chili Avenue 12:30. 1-607-324-7450. sia cent years ' Royal Scot Steak House ' Kar-Mae Manor FKKNZY Adults with reservations — THE GODFATHER - Adults - A splendid 657 Ridge Road East, Corner Hudson. Routit 5 i 20, Ittwun ©MIY* k The motion picture industry slapped an R version of Mario Puzo's novel of the Route 104. Roehastar'u most instinc­ Waterloo. Thruway Exit 42. Dinners on this Hitchcock thriller Hitchcock him­ same title tive dining spot featuring Scottish atmosphere, delicious flood. Luncheons from 52.9S — Featuring Prime Rib — self was pleased with this rating, and. _THE LAST PICTURE SHOW - Condemned reportedly, considers this film his bust. lerved Mon. thru Frli. 11:30-2 p.m. Char Broiled Steaks — Chicktn Or- - Peler Bogdanovlteh s highly praised DInnari sarvid Mon.-Ihurs. S to 10 agano — Livar k Onlom — Saafood <;l MSHOK Adults Altx-rt Finney as. an film of life in a itmail town p.m.. Fri. & to I I p.m-: Sat. 5 to 12 — Demcing Fri. at S*t. Rfs» 5 *nd 20 investigator THE DOBERMAN GANG - Unrated - p.m. Reservations: 342-4220. Entertain­ B«tw«*n ©«n«Y« A W«f«rloo. R«Mrv«- Heist flick The action's mostly for the ment Frl, and Sat. In the Scot'i Pub. tioni -7JM305 or 5JMM4. dogs BccauM polystyrene* fa: M.l'TK Adults with reservations - Cri- National Hotel Glen Iris Inn iiciill) du-lu-iniwl dim .ihmil ;i privutt* eye THE OTHER - Adults - Whoo Buy' If i^^ll'- paintable; lautai ]0A arid 4». Cuylarvlll*. N.V. Uichwerfh Slate Park .ind .1 C-..1I Kirl Ea to you've just been biding your time to see P!^.!^b*vll^.-^ .:?*.,—^»£v-f..*, ' lightweight*y Install, staple— s Host to travelers since 1937. Located ; eat away from your problem! with a I..H<!)t (HKH Adults - Claude C'h.i- Father 0 Malley in the Exorcisl. take in or glue? directly (o in historical 6enese« Valley, two broil's highly prnised film about a butcher this one Be careful, you may lose your sheotrock; mllas SoutKwast of 6«nasao. Staaks. rtstful, relaxing stay at our lovaly Inn. in .1 Miuiil r'rench town and what he does chops, broiled' on the open pit. Prime S*m the b.trory of the HQIOni In taste Tor elderberry wine • Moistureproof— In his Iriends resists change In rlbi, Ujfoodl. larga tmtraa salactlon. Latchwerth State Park.
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